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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by ShaneColton Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:14 pm

Tannor slid a shirt on and decided to head to The Vibe. It had been a while since he had been there and it was about time that he went back. He needed a drink. This time though, he hoped that maybe he would find a guy his age. It had been a long time since he had had a boyfriend, and he was getting lonely. Oh well, if not, he would just drink.

Ladyn finished making sure his hair was perfect, and headed to The Vibe. He smirked and walked through the door, heading straight to the bar and ordering his usual. Hopefully, he could snag someone and talk them into hooking up for the night.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Avery Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:34 pm

Kozue wasn't sure where she was going. being dragged along to some club by a group of her friends wasn't actually her idea of fun. She was wearing a short cream colored dress and her hair was pulled up so her golden tresses weren't visible. Once she stepped inside the club, called The Vibe, she noticed her instant mood change. She almost instantly felt more comfortable. She didn't grab a drink, but instead went to dance with a group of people.

Tatsuo had 'coincidentally' showed up in The Vibe on the same night his sister had showed up and he hadn't taken his eyes off of her. Some people thought he was checking her out, but he wasn't. He just wanted to protect her. And he was a regular here, so it wasn't like she'd notice him out of the blue. Not even his eyeliner. Oh so glittery. And blue.

Micah was new at this whole 'being gay' thing. He had come out to his parents a few months before and they weren't exactly accepting, but he learned to deal with it. After all, it was just their stupid opinion. And they said that thy had known for a while. They said that straight guys didn't dress like him, talk like him, or drink Starbucks like him.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:26 pm

Louis looked up to see a very...effeminate man standing behind the bar. He gave him a nice smile and replied back. "I guess I'll have a Miller." He stared into the boy's (John) bright blue eyes for quite some time. He felt some attraction to the guy, but it was probably just lust. But he couldn't help it, the last time he had ever been with someone was a long time. It could just be he wanted some time to flirt. It had been about two weeks since he came back to The Vibe, this boy could be new. "Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before."

When Yun heard someone speak to him, he was taken aback. He looked up and saw a man (Dathan) standing beside him, wondering if Yun had the seat open or not. Of course Yun was a little excited, nobody had talked to him since he had moved to this town. But he kept his calm and easy expression on his face. He shook his head at the man, not wanting to speak and letting him (Dathan) to hear his still fresh Korean accent. Most people find it weird that he still has his accent, and then ask him about it. Though Yun doesn't like talk about it, because of the memories that entail with it.

Davin nearly fell to the ground when someone he didn't know bumped into him, nearly causing his to make a large circle in the crowd. He looked up, seeing a man (Adam) who seemed to be in a hurry. "What the--?" His vision was a little blurry at first, but once cleared he saw the guy much more clearly. Seeing that it was a fairly attracting man. For once he was looking forward going to the club for another reason that the usual. "Um...mind helping me up, dude?"

((I have to go to bed now, sorry Shane and Avery! I'll post tomorrow after I get back from my debate tournament!))

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:04 pm

((I'm backkk~ Sorry for the wait!))

Michael walked his way to the club that he loved oh-so-well. Mostly because his parents took back his car that they had bought for him when he had lived with them. Those were bad times indeed. But the past was the past, and he had done all in his power to lose all contact with his parents and is trying to live his life. As he got closer to The Vibe, he began to think about other matters, silly where he was going to sleep that night. Currently his apartment he had been evicted out of, and had nowhere else to go when the club closes. Looks like he'll have to "play" to get a place to stay for tonight.

When William first got to The Vibe, he decided to skip the dancing and made a bee-line straight to the bar. He took a seat at a random spot, where he thought there was no one beside him. But he must've been too busy trying to drain out the noise of the music to notice a boy (Ladyn) right next to him. He glanced at the boy a couple times from the corners of his eye. He then made a quick observation that made him wonder...was this a young people's club? Now he wouldn't consider himself a geezer, but he was older than most of the people he was seeing in this club. He then did something that wasn't usually his style. He asked the stranger beside him a question. "Excuse me, old are you?"

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:04 pm

Cassandra entered The Vibe with a large mass of people, her first thought was to go to the bar and get hammered. But for some reason a song came on that made her feet start moving. She then began to dance toward the crowd, accidentally bumped into a girl (Kozue) and stopped dancing. "Sorry!" she said almost instantly, but then she gave the girl a closer look. She was beautiful, and someone you wouldn't usually see here in The Vibe. "Woah," she whispered quietly, biting her bottom lip to the point she could taste her red lipstick.

Zach walked into the club and noticed a lot of people in the club. Most he knew, but there was one person he didn't know that stood out more than anyone else. The person (Tatsuo) had the most amazing eyeliner, it was glittery blue. And it made his blonde hair and his dark eyes shine in the flashing crazy club. He was drawn to him, and like that he began pulling himself towards the guy. When he got closer to him, he gave classic smile and asked: "Hey, do you know how much a polar bear wieghs?" Zach was such a goober.

Jack bumped into a spare few people, but payed no attention to them. He finally made his way to the bar and sat down, where even then the crowd became unbearable. So he decided to rush to the boy's bathroom. He quickly stood in front of the row of sinks and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt disgusted with himself. Seeing his short black hair, his dark eyes, his black muscle shirt, his semi-tight dark jeans, and overall...his physique. Of course he was gorgeous, that's why he was a model. But that what made him cringe every time he looked at himself. He was a model. He was icon to the world. He had to change constantly to keep his job. He had to change himself.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Sun Oct 23, 2011 10:22 pm

John watched the guy (Louis) and nodded when he said he would have a Miller. He moved to get the guy (Louis) a Miller and he raised an eyebrow at the guy's (Louis') question. "Depends on how you look at it." He shrugged and glanced at John. "And I've been working here a week handsome." He got the drink and gave it to the man (Louis). "So, what's you're name handsome?" He watched the guy (Louis) with a smile. He found the guy attractive...

Dathan smiled toward the man (Yun) and sat down in the seat next to him, wondering why he hadn't spoken. He thought to the back of his head and turned toward the man (Yun). Dathan came to The Vibe quite often and had never really noticed the man (Yun) before. He wondered if the man was new to The Vibe or a regular that he had never seen before. "Are you new to The Vibe? I've never seen you around here before..." His eyes stayed glued to the man (Yun) and he had to admit that he found himself having a slight attraction to him. He seemed different...

Adam blinked a few times and looked at the guy (Davin), finding him rather nice to look at. He was kind of happy that the guy would be there. His cheeks grew pink slightly. "S-s-s-sorry," he muttered. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked toward The Vibe, wishing he hadn't slept in by mistake. He looked back toward the guy (Davin). "Uh, y-yeah." He held out a hand to help the guy up.
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:16 pm

Louis took a sip of his beer, realizing that he wasn't a huge fan of beer. But whatever, alcohol is alcohol. He set the beer down and responded to the pretty bartender. "Oh I see, I haven't been here in a while." he then took another sip of the Miller. He looked up at the guy (John) and thought once again he was. "The name's Louis, and yours?"

Yun shook his head, telling the man (Dathan) that he was new around here with no words. But a part of him wanted to speak to him. Like maybe he could talk to the guy. The man wasn't that bad looking anyway. "I..." he said, trying his best to cover his deep Korean accent. It failed of course. "...I am new here."

Davin got up with the help of the man (Adam) and brushed off his clothes. "Hey thanks, and sorry if I came off rude." he replied, Davin then gave the man a quick but discrete look over. Man, was this guy hot! He almost looked like...a dancer? "Excuse me, but do you work here? Maybe as a bartender or a dancer?"


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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:23 am

John waited to hear The guy's (Louis') name. He was curious as to his identity and curious about other things as well. The handsome stranger intrigued John. "Sorry if I'm intruding, but why haven't you been here in a while?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. His mind started to wander as he wondered why the guy hadn't been to The Vibe... "My name's John. I like your name, Louis," John said with a smile.

Dathan understood that the man (Yun) was saying when he shook his head. He was getting ready to speak when the man spoke. He heard the man's accent and smiled widely. He kind of liked his accent. "I thought so, I haven't seen you around here before. Your accent is Korean, right? I sounds pretty epic."

Adam rubbed the back of his neck after he helped the man (Davin) up. "You're welcome. You don't have anything to apologize for... I'm sorry for running into you." He rubbed the back of his neck watching the good looking man. "Yeah, I do work here. I'm a dancer," he said softly with a shy smile.
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by ShaneColton Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:01 pm

SelfProclaimedHeroine wrote:((I'm backkk~ Sorry for the wait!))

Michael walked his way to the club that he loved oh-so-well. Mostly because his parents took back his car that they had bought for him when he had lived with them. Those were bad times indeed. But the past was the past, and he had done all in his power to lose all contact with his parents and is trying to live his life. As he got closer to The Vibe, he began to think about other matters, silly where he was going to sleep that night. Currently his apartment he had been evicted out of, and had nowhere else to go when the club closes. Looks like he'll have to "play" to get a place to stay for tonight.

When William first got to The Vibe, he decided to skip the dancing and made a bee-line straight to the bar. He took a seat at a random spot, where he thought there was no one beside him. But he must've been too busy trying to drain out the noise of the music to notice a boy (Ladyn) right next to him. He glanced at the boy a couple times from the corners of his eye. He then made a quick observation that made him wonder...was this a young people's club? Now he wouldn't consider himself a geezer, but he was older than most of the people he was seeing in this club. He then did something that wasn't usually his style. He asked the stranger beside him a question. "Excuse me, old are you?"

Tannor sat at the bar, drinking his usual and doing not much to speak of. He was bored and no one had caught his interest as of yet. He felt slightly old here, because a lot of people here seemed to be still in their teens. Oh well, he thought, tugging on his necklace. He always wore it because it was kinda special to him. He mother had given him the dog-tags when his father had been killed in Iraq several years ago. Finishing his drink, he ordered another one.

Ladyn looked up at the guy who had just asked him a random question. "Um, eighteen." It was a question he had not expected and he thought about lying. But no, eighteen was pretty much the perfect age, in his eyes. The guy talking to him looked to be at least twenty-five, not that Ladyn minded. Older guys were usually better than the younger guys anyway.


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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Avery Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:01 pm

SelfProclaimedHeroine wrote:Cassandra entered The Vibe with a large mass of people, her first thought was to go to the bar and get hammered. But for some reason a song came on that made her feet start moving. She then began to dance toward the crowd, accidentally bumped into a girl (Kozue) and stopped dancing. "Sorry!" she said almost instantly, but then she gave the girl a closer look. She was beautiful, and someone you wouldn't usually see here in The Vibe. "Woah," she whispered quietly, biting her bottom lip to the point she could taste her red lipstick.

Kozue jolted a bit as a girl bolted into her. She mumbled her apology and heard what sounded like a "Woah" but she couldn't be sure. She blushed very lightly. "Sorry," she said again. "I'm Kozue." The girl was rougher around the edges and Kozue could almost immediately tell that she was a lesbian. Her smile widened just a tiny bit and she met the girls eyes. So this was a gay bar. Really, she should have been able to tell due to the boys dancing.

SelfProclaimedHeroine wrote:Zach walked into the club and noticed a lot of people in the club. Most he knew, but there was one person he didn't know that stood out more than anyone else. The person (Tatsuo) had the most amazing eyeliner, it was glittery blue. And it made his blonde hair and his dark eyes shine in the flashing crazy club. He was drawn to him, and like that he began pulling himself towards the guy. When he got closer to him, he gave classic smile and asked: "Hey, do you know how much a polar bear wieghs?" Zach was such a goober.

Tatsuo paused, a small smile automatically playing up his lips. "No, how much does a polar bear weight?" He asked, playing along with the silly joke. He had heard it a million times, but he still got the butterflies whenever someone wanted to talk to him. He was never really popular with the boys or girls.... Back when he dated girls. He first realized when he was gay when he kissed a boy during a game of spin the bottle and actually liked it. After that, girls just... didn't appeal to him.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:36 pm

((Ugh...sorry guys! I'm so lazy!))

Louis smirked at John, he normally would be ticked at people who intrude on his business. But he was feeling unusually chatty tonight, and John wasn't bad for the eyes. "Nice to meet you John," he replied, setting down his drink. "I guess you could say work. My job's at the Retirement home here." He looked around the bar, but nothing was as fascinating as John to him. So he quickly asked John a question. "So you got any family near here? Or are you another guy looking for an outlet?"

Yun's expression lightened up a little when the man (Dathan) got his origin right. "Y-yes." he replied, feeling as light as air for some reason. He blamed it on the man (Dathan) "My name's Yun, yours?"

Davin gave his usual beautiful smile and offered a handshake to the guy. (Adam) "The name's Davin! It's nice to meet you." Davin was one of those guys who were pretty straight forward.

Michael entered the bar, walking towards his usual spot at the bar. But...someone else (Tannor) was sitting on it. Michael didn't know what to do or say to this person (Tannor), whether or not to do anything at all. The gears in Michael's head started ticking, and he might of found a person to at least hang out with for the night. "Hey," he said softly but still audible, "is...this seat taken?" He then pointed to the seat beside the man (Tannor).

William sighed slightly and gave a nervous chuckle. "Sorry for the weird question," he said, "I was just making an observation." He then turned away from the boy but kept talking to him. "My name's Will, by the way."

Cassandra gawked for a few more seconds before snapping out of it and smiled at Kozue. "Cassandra." She was completely surprised at the girl's beauty. She had to be foreign! "You're...not from here, huh? I mean, know." Cassandra didn't know exactly what she was doing, she was just trying to keep up a conversation with Kozue.

Zach looked down and continued the joke. "Then I guess I'll have to break the ice." he gave a slight chuckle, outstretching his hand to the guy (Tatsuo). "Hi I'm Zach. And I do say I'm loving your eyeliner."

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:22 pm

"Pleasure to meet you, too, Louis." John watched Louis, noting different details about him in his memory like the way his hair fell across his forehead and his jawline. "I see, so then you're a doctor?" John's eyes traveled up and down Louis, he didn't look that much like a doctor to John. His gaze only moved away from Louis when someone further down the bar wanted another drink. He moved quickly, refilling the man's drink and as he was about to turn to go back to Louis, another customer wanted his attention.

Dathan was smiling widely and was fighting back a chuckle as he watched Yun. He could tell the an was extremely happy, or something similar, at the moment, but he wasn't quite sure why. "Dathan. Nice to meet ya, Yun."

Adam glanced at Davin's hand for a moment and took it after a moment. The man's grip was strong and he liked it. "I'm Adam and it's nice to meet you, too, Davin."
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Nov 22, 2011 9:37 pm

Louis chuckled and spoke before he noticed that John was gone. "I'm actually a nurse, but--" Once he noticed that John was busy, he felt guilty that he was being a annoyance to John's shift. Knowing it, he knew that the owner of the club would not like Louis doing that. Of course he knew the owner very well, hence why he was a regular here. But he hadn't been to the club for such a long time. Trying to shake his mind off it, he quickly tried to move on to something else. For example, the young flirty boy next to him. Of course, the young boy moved onto someone cuter and left Louis behind.

((What? Louis is a flirt! And'll cause drama!!!))

Yun nodded and smiled back at Dathan. "So you live around here?" he asked, he almost said those words in Korean. That was something he wouldn't normally do around people, at least for a long time now. But something about this guy or maybe it was his giddiness that made him almost slip up his words.

Davin gave a solid nod and then shoved his hand down his pocket. "Well, I guess I better let you get to work...uh," He then felt like that was the perfect time to leave, but instead he let out a suggestion that should have stayed in his mind. "do you wanna get a drink with me after your shift? It'll be my treat."

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:24 pm

John spent a moment with the customer and when he turned around he noticed Louis flirting with the boy next to him. His frowned slightly, feeling a little guilty for leaving him alone and a little sad. After a moment however, John composed himself and took care of a few more customers, but his mind -and gaze- kept shifting back to Louis. Why Louis seemed to be stuck on his brain, he didn't know, although he wished he had a way to get him off of it.

((x3 Drama is a very good thing though.))

Dathan nodded. "Yeah, I do. In fact I live only a couple of blocks away. What about you, do you live near here?" he asked curiously. His eyes stayed glued on Yun and his smile widened a little more.

Adam watched him and nodded. "Yeah, I should get in before I'm extra late," he said. he turned and started to walk, but stopped when he heard Davin's question. "Yeah, that would be nice. I'll see you after my shift then." He went in, changed into his uniform and started to work.
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:45 pm

Louis couldn't quite see John, it seemed like John was either moving like lighting or Louis was in a bad seat. He kept calm, waiting for John to come back, but he seemed really busy. Louis thought for a moment, should he leave? Should he go talk to John? He seemed to be hitting it off well with him, but then again...he doesn't go with guys like John. At least guys who worked in the club. But something about John made him feel so tempted to overstep that boundary. Louis stared down at his drink, trying to focus on the liquid instead of the thought that was currently on his mind. Shortly after Louis made the decision to go to the bathroom, a group of boys came up to him and started flirting with him. Of course right now Louis didn't needed this, so he just stormed into the men's bathroom. Gaining his composure before walked back to the bar and sat back in his seat.


Yun smile grew a bit wider, but then it faded a bit. Normally nobody would ask him where he lived, at least nobody cared where he lived. It almosst made Yun a little sad. He basically lived on the streets, sometimes spending a night at the hotel when he had some money. "I...I live downtown." he lied, being terrible at it of course, Yun's emotions always were easy to read. He liked that about himself. Sometimes.

Davin waved when Adam walked away, feeling like an idiot for asking a random guy out for drinks. What was he thinking?! After getting almost frozen outside in the line, he quickly went inside and danced a little bit with the people inside. His mind still not off of Adam.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:35 pm

John quickly became busy with work, although his mind continued to be on Louis and any chance he wasn't busy, he glanced over at him. John's eyes traveled over to Louis' seat only to find it empty, causing him to frown. He soon pushed back any sad feelings, knowing that it was stupid to feel upset if Louis left. He was called over by a younger customer who started to flirt with him, which took his mind off of Louis... Slightly. He smiled and played along with the younger man.

((x3 8D))

Dathan watched him and his smile slowly faded into a frown. He could tell Yun was lying, but why he would lye was unknown to Dathan. "Not to be rude, but you're lying and I can tell. I was just wondering, Yun, if you didn't want to answer, you didn't have to." Dathan's mind started to try to come up with reasons why Yun would lye about where he lived...

Adam danced on stage and his eyes searched the crowed of people, looking for Davin. Once they landed there he smiled. He wasn't sure why he had agreed to drinks with a total stranger, but he was looking forward to it and as soon as his shift ended he went to go see Davin.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:19 am

When Louis came back to his seat he saw John...and another man...having a lively conversation. Something inside Louis surged, and he began walking towards them and totally intrude. "Excuse me," he began, his voice on the verge of intimidating, "it's not wise fraternize the employees here. So I say you're best bet is to either order something or leave."


Yun blushed out of embarrassment, he knew that his lying technique wasn't the best. But what was he suppose to do? Just come out and talk about his depressing life. He could feel his lips tremble, like they were begging to speak. " on the streets." he blurted out, not wanting Dathan to be mad at him. "I...lived in Korea, and was sold as a sex slave. Then I escaped here, and I keep low so they won't find me again."

Davin looked up from where he was dancing and was able to see Adam dance. Boy, was he smokin'! He was the only thing that Davin could keep his eyes on. He was getting butterflies in his stomach, just looking at him. And this was the guy that he was going to have drinks with soon! It was still mind boggling to him.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:51 am

((If I have any typos, I blame my cat who keeps climbing on my keyboard... >.<))

Both John and the younger man raised their eyes, looking at Louis. He was surprised that Luis was still and kind of happy about it. John's lips curved up slightly at the corners and he had to wonder what had gotten into Louis. He quickly glanced at the other man who frowned and stood, walking away. "So what was that all about, Louis?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Dathan's lips parted in surprise and he was sent into silence for a moment. After a second he slowly, and slightly hesitantly for fear of scaring Yun off, placed his hand on top of Yun's. "I didn't know, Yun, I'm sorry," he said softly. He felt awful for making him talk about it and he did something unlike himself... "If you need someplace to stay, you could always stay with me..."

Adam's shift ended and he went to go find Davin as quickly as he could. For some reason, he was excited to get to know him. It still surprised him that he had agreed to have drinks with a stranger. Once he spotted Davin, he quickened his pace slightly. "Hey, Davin," he said softly.
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:24 am

((KITTY~ XD That's fine.))

Louis sat down where the man once was and let out a sigh. "I just..." he shook his head, why did he do that? "...people shouldn't be doing that to workers, it just seems tacky." He then bit back his bottom lip, wishing he could take back what he said. "I mean..." he let out another sigh. "I don't know the right word for it, but I just think that workers should get more respect than a cheesy pick-up line." At least that was how he felt. He knew what it was like. Watching from the sidelines, serving drunk and weird people alike, he was a bartender once. In his college years.

Yun shook his head, it was pure instinct. He normally did that when he believed that he made someone mad. And he thought he made Dathan mad. He flinched a little when Dathan placed his hand on-top of Yun's. But he didn't move his hand away. He began to shake a little, the human contact was nice. But he was expecting what he was normally use to. Violence. Roughness. He was expecting Dathan to hit him, hurt him, harm him, even if that sounded unrealistic. "N-no, I can't." He swallowed a large lump in his throat, sending another shiver down his body. "I don't want to be a burden or anything."

Davin's world brighten up a bit when he saw Adam come towards him. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach again. "Hey," he replied, taking away more distance from him and Adam. "so you ready? Where would ya like to go? We can stay here, or I know a couple bars where we could blend in--"

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:15 am


John's eyes stayed locked on Louis and after a moment he sat down next to him. He nodded as he listened to him talk, his eyes traveling to Louis' lips. They looked soft and kissable... Realizing that he was staring at Louis' lips like a creeper he turned his gaze back to Louis' face. He had a feeling that that wasn't why Louis had said everything he had. "I see and agree, but I kind of have a feeling that that's not all. Now why exactly did you tell off that customer, Louis?" he asked.

Dathan's frown deepened as he watched Yun. He rubbed Yun's hand lightly and gently, hoping that it would soothe him slightly. "No, you wouldn't be a burden and I insist, Yun. I don't like to see you out on the streets." Normally he wouldn't have even offered a place to stay to a complete stranger, let alone argue the fact, but he actually didn't like thinking about Yun being on the streets...

Adam's smile widened as Davin talked and his eyes happened to travel, against his will. "We can stay here, I guess. But we could go someplace else if you wanted. It's really up to you, Davin," he stated.
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:14 pm

Louis looked up at John, feeling like he was being shoved back in a corner. But he wasn't one of those people who would just freeze and shut down, he was a fighter. Or at least he knew when to give up. "I just think..." he let out a breath before continuing, but not moving his eyes off of John. "...I don't think you deserve that." He then immediately regretted saying those words, it seemed like he was totally caring for a stranger. "I'm sorry, I don't want you to think I'm strange. I just met you and I'm acting weird." He shook his head, finally taking his gaze off of John. "I'm sorry."

Yun bit back his tongue, afraid to speak. He didn't know what to do. Dathan seemed nice, and he was inviting Yun to his home. But how could he trust him? He just met Dathan! What if he was trying to pull something? Yun looked up at Dathan, staring intently into his eyes. It didn't seem like Dathan was going to do any of those things, at least his eyes didn't show it. "I-I just don't know..." he said, he hunched his back and leaned forward in his seat as he looked away from Dathan, "...I feel so embarrassed."

Davin chuckled nervously, like he normally does when he's going somewhere with a person. "Let's stay here then, the drinks here are cheaper here than most." He then felt embarrassed about what he said. "But I'm not a frugal person! I just thought it'd be a plus..." he let out another nervous chuckle.

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:30 pm

John watched Louis intently, listening to him speak. His lips pulled up some, a small smile on his lips. "Well, I'm rather happy that you don't think I deserve that, but at times it's part of the job. And I don't think you're that strange, Louis. Maybe a little odd, but not completely strange. Also, everyone acts weird in their own way, Louis. I forgive you, but are you sure that's it?" he said. Everything that Louis had said made sense to John, but he had a feeling that there was more...

Dathan watched Yun, his expression concerned the slightest bit. "I understand, Yun. And don't be embarrassed." Now would have been a good time to tear his gaze away from Yun, a good time to walk away, to wash his hands clean of any issues that could come with Yun, but he didn't want to. In fact, he wanted to be there to comfort Yun...

Adam felt slightly nervous and when he heard Davin's nervous chuckle he felt slightly at ease because he wasn't the only one who was nervous. "That sounds good to me." His lips twitched up slightly more at the corners. "I believe you aren't a frugal person, you just prefer The Vibe possibly. Lead the way to a table or the bar or something, Davin."
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:41 pm

Louis dragged another breath, this guy was going to be the death of him! He was so drawn to him, more than any of the other employees or anyone else at this bar. But yet he still had a strict rule for himself to not mess around with employees at this place. Why? he asked himself, it's just shameless flirting! But he knew better, he knew what would happen. He would get in too deep, too far into it, and then people in the town would know who Louis truly was. A fag. A gay. A homo. And then it would only be a matter of time until his family would find out about him. "No." he lied, trying to maintain his composure. "That's it." He could do one of the two options, go further with John or cut it off. He didn't know what to do. "John..."

Yun looked back at Dathan, holding back the tears by biting his tongue. "I have to know that you won't hurt me." The way Yun said the word "hurt" was exactly what he meant. He didn't want to be another slave to someone. He wanted to choose someone. Should he choose Dathan? He wiped that thought from his head and closed his eyes tightly. "I have to know that you won't hurt me."

Davin smiled and eased up a bit when he saw Adam perk up a bit, he then led them to the bar and ordered himself a drink. "What do you want? It's my treat, of course."

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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by Team Sherlock Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:09 pm

John couldn't tear his gaze away from Louis and when the man answered, he was wondering if he was lying and if so, why he would lie. In a way, it was weird how he kept thinking about Louis because it wasn't like him. Louis was a customer and if anything happened between him and Louis, he had a feeling that it wouldn't be something that would last long. Maybe his reasoning for that was because he was slightly scared of falling or something.... "Yes, Louis?" he asked softly.

Dathan took in a breath and closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them. Normally, he didn't have a lot of patience, but with Yun, it was slightly different. He gently moved his hand from Yun's, to cup Yun's chin, hoping that it didn't scare him. "I have absolutely no intention of hurting you, Yun. Not in a million years," he spoke softly, as if he was talking to a frightened animal. "You can trust me."

Adam smiled more widely and followed Davin like a happy puppy dog who had just found a new owner. "Scotch." He ordered and then his full attention went on Davin. "So, Davin, do you come here often?"
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Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain - Page 2 Empty Re: Throw Some Glitter, Make It Rain

Post by SelfProclaimedHeroine Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:46 pm

Louis calmed down a bit. He knew he was going overboard, but he did have a point...somewhat. He needed to have some sort of outlet, at least someone to talk to, and John seemed like that kind of guy. Whatever else comes with it, he can deal with it. "When do you get off work?" he blushed a little when he heard himself say that, so he quickly made himself reasonable. "I mean, I just thought you and I could do something sometime. Call it a date or whatever, or not. I don't mind..." This was one of the boldest things Louis has ever done. With an employee at least.

Yun opened his eyes and looked into Dathan's. He could sense that he was telling the truth. He was glad about that, he was also amazed at how much kindess Dathan had. He didn't seem like the kindest person in the world, but he seemed to be okay with Yun. He wondered if it was because Dathan pitied him or maybe there was some attraction involved... "T-thank you," he replied, blushing a little when he noticed Dathan's hand cupping his face. But still he continued. "I'll trust you."

Davin nodded as the bartender quickly got their drinks. "My Nana and Grandad are pretty wealthy, not to mention old-fashioned," he said the last part with great distaste, "so I mostly spend my nights here. Just hanging out."


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