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Broken Wings

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Broken Wings Empty Broken Wings

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:55 pm

For Grey and Rosemarie

Rosemarie stood in the center of the park, totally lost. What did her master want from her? Why was she here? His actions had confused her. This place was a mistery to her. People rushing around their business, not really paying attention to her. A few guys looked her way and whistled and jeered as they passed the seemingly helpless girl. Oh how she wanted to run an hide. To get away from this mistery and go back someplace she knew. Even if it was her cafe. She just needed to feel safe. 

Rose looked around for a friendly face. Any face she might have seen or known before. Someone she could semitrust to lead her home. That's why she was here. It was a test. A test given, where she didn't know what the end results would mean. Her master was probably watching from a distance. Making sure she stayed out of trouble, but at the same time felt helpless. He wanted to see how she would react to being in such a strange place. 

She starting taking hesitant steps in the direction she thought was home. She hoped she was going the right direction. The last thing she needed was to get lost.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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