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 __Area_51__ Empty __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:34 am

Well freaks, this may just be your perment residance. Here creaturies and beings of all sorts are held here as prisioners because of what they can do. Your cell is now your home, food is served at breakfast and dinner, and torture sessioms are part of the deal here.
See you're wanted for your uncanny abilities. Maybe you'll find some way out.

You can either add a freak or even add a torturer! Torturers get paid quite well here and also we need interrigatiors for the Area.

Guards, Agents, and Detectives:
Basically the torturers of the Area, an interrigation will involve torture if needed. They want all sorts of information and to figure out how much of a use you can be.

The Lab:
Experments and power testing are done here. Experiments are often a form of torture, they may take a lot of blood or submit you to horrible things. Sadly...this is how some of the cures for sicknesses come're their lab rat...

The Recreation Room:
A simple white room were doctors and guards can observe the prisioners. Guards normally are in the room while the doctors are behind one way plexi glass. They can see you but you can't see them.

Charrie Form:
Prisioner or tortuerer:

Last edited by gh3325 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:57 pm; edited 3 times in total

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:12 pm

Because she needs a chat.... :3

Name: The Puppetmaster
Age: Noooooobody knows....... probably about 17
Apperance: Mostly? A mystery. She wears a long black hooded robe-y cloak-y thing that shields her face from sight. The's ever so slightly on the short side and has pale skin. The ends of her hair are curly and are long enough to spill from her hood, and are pale purple.
Abilities: Is able to turn people into human puppets.... like, with strings and everything. The strings may also be used for other things, but i havent figured all that technical stuff out yet.... she's still developing.
Prisioner or tortuerer: Prisoner


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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:36 pm

Another thing. There are MANY different ways you could have gotton here. The goverment may even fake your death and kiddnap you, they may just kiddnap, or they may be alerted and fake a situation where you are blamed and taken away.

The cells are pretty simple. A chamber pot, a sink, a bed....sometimes. Your bed can either be the normal prision type bed or a pile of rags on the floor. Normally you have your own cell but if it gets cramped you may have to share. Interactions with other prisioners is rare, the recreation room is next to the only place and even there you are being observed. Sometimes there are holes in the cell walls, a loose brick and such or you may see someone through the bars. Guardsmen make their rounds during the day and at night. Night is the best interaction time. Your powers may also be limited by chains and shock collars for example, my charrie Nash is a shifter but he couldn't transform due to the shock collar they had on him. Security devices often come up in the experiments they may put you through.

 __Area_51__ Area_510

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:09 pm

So.....gonna try to recruit people for this........

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:11 pm

YES! I can throw in more characters, if necessary.... Freya as a torturer, Iridia or Noctis or Mel as extra occupants....

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:18 pm

Hehe i have Nameless, Nash, Snow, Unknown, and possibly a few others

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:51 pm

Name: Alua
Age: 17
Appearance:  __Area_51__ Screen10
Abilities: She's an elemental embodiment of fire, more specifically wildfire.
Prisoner or torturer: Prisoner

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:23 pm

Name: Gavin "Ben" Delso
Age: 16
has markings that cover his hands, wears gloves
Abilities: he can take the abilities from others and drain them of it
Prisioner or torturer: prisioner

Name: Aaron "Fred" Murphey
Age: 18
Abilities: If he knows your full name, he can control you
Prisioner or torturer: prisioner

Name:Helena "Autumn" Ralph
Age: 16
Abilities: Can control wind, rain, snow
Prisioner or torturer: Prisioner

Name: Owen "Nashville" Grey
Age: 17
Apperance: (Yes ears and all, not the wings)
Abilities: half-shifter, can shift into a jaguar and a cat
Prisioner or torturer: Prisioner

Name: Eric "Johnny" Brown
Age: 19
Abilities: Can bend light and shadow to his will
Prisioner or torturer: Prisioner

Last edited by gh3325 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:44 pm

Name: Ayakashi
Age: 1, appears 16
Apperance: long auburn hair to lower back. very light blue/purple eyes, very fair skin. always has a look of wonder to her.
Abilities: telekinesis
Prisioner or tortuerer: experiment prisoner. a literal test tube baby, she doesn't get a lot of modern/outside references. created at area 51, she's a biological weapon who doesnt think once about killing.


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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:50 pm

Name: January
Age: 19
Abilities: he cn see and communicate with dead people lol
Prisioner or tortuerer: Prisoner

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Join date : 2011-12-12

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:51 pm

Name: she calls herself Inque
Age: ?
Apperance: Inque? Ink? (A fannon here people - if you've ever seen Batman Beyond) i drew this interpretation -->
Abilities: basically having no solid form, contorting her 'body' to different shapes or weapons.... or just possessing people.
Prisioner or tortuerer: prisoner turned torturerer when she agreed to work with 51. this is a giant creeper alert....


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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:35 am


Who dun like those creeper charries? They're always so evil. XD

Rav, you should add Freya. >.> Freya and Inque could be creepers together. x3


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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:49 am


I shifted, trying to get more comfortable on the floor..heh impossible. The chain that was clasped around my leg that was welded to the wall only gave me so much room to walk. I had gotton used to the dark, dampness, and the cold of the cell, I had been here three years now but I missed my guitar. Humming quietly to myself, I saw a three guards lead a new prisioner in and I leaned closer trying to get a better look. It was a girl...I could tell that much and the guards shoved her in a cell and shackled her. Welcome to hell.


I loved to annoy the guards, if I could get nothing out of being here I might as well find something, right? I sang loudly, "This little light of mine~ I'm gonna let it shine~"

"Knock it off!" A tall guard said, knocking on the bars of my cell and glaring at me. He was a middle aged man with curly brown that was thinning. I kept singing, making my voice a little louder this time.


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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:59 am

Alua: I scowled and made the chain heat up as they tried to put it around my neck and winced as one f them shocked me

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:04 am

Chains weren't a problem. I simply worked at the inner mechanisms for a while until.they came off. But the guards knew; I wouldn't go anywhere. I couldn't go anywhere. I did not have a place to go. This was my home, where I was created. I did not know another place outside of these walls.
And they would hunt me. I was their multibillion dollar weapon. I'm a secret though. Their secret destroyer, their protector... They called me lots of names...
someone else... I float over to the bars cautiously, knowing them to channel electricity sometimes. She was close; the cell diagonally across from mine at the end of the hall. I sit cross legged mid air and just watch her. The new ones always acted the oddest...

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:20 am

The Puppetmaster: Another day spent curled in on myself in the back corner of my cell. I nervously tugged my hood further around my face, retreating even further into my cloak as if it would protect me somehow, shield me from the horrors of this place. But the illusion of security was simply that - an illusion. I had gotten used to the environment of this place quickly, but i never got used to the screams and cries that echoed through the halls. I'd never get used to the torture. I wanted out so badly that it was like a physical ache in my chest, weighing me down. I wanted to just disapppear. But the prospects of escape were slim, at best. It seemed i would just have to make the best of my time here in Hell.

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:11 pm

January: I tosseed and turned, light whimpers escapignmy throat as I clawed at my temples. I wanted to wake up but the spirits clung to ym soul, not wanting me to leave. They wanted the company, wanted someone to notice them.

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:43 am


There was a girl on the other side of my cell, I could see her through the crack in the wall. Not that I was a creeper like that, I had heard her. Nudging the brick, it clammered to the floor on her side. She was curled up in a ball. They called her the "puppet master".

"Hey." I whispered, "you okay?"

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:39 am

Alua: I struggled angrily as they shoved me into the cell, even biting at them if the opportunity arose. I was only smaked around for my efforts and soon both my lips and nose were bleeding. I was too pissed to care.
I felt the chain collar lock around my neck and I gave a cry of outrage, making the collar heat up until it burned the guards hands. They howledin pain and I saw stars as one of them tazed me

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:30 pm

Did she not get it? Stop struggling and they would leave her alone, like she wanted. It was not that hard to understand...
And the tazer. Compressed air shoots the barbs at her at nearly 100 miles per hour, delivering a paralyzing shock of one joule. See? They wanted to leave her alone. Why did everyone struggle...

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:38 pm

Alua was actually for fred......but yu can do that I gues....

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:40 pm

Shes just observing. She does that a lot.

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:42 pm

okay....i coulf use January if youd like?

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:46 pm

If you'd like to as well, sure

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:49 pm

The Puppetmaster: I had not seen it coming. Whent he brick hit the ground, i could not help but jump slightly at the harsh noise. Another noise followed it. The voice. I ever so cautiously peered through the hole the brick had left from underneath the hood that hid my face. There was a boy in there. I was sure i'd seen him before, but i knew noting about him. "Oh...... uhm, hello. Im..... all right, i suppose.... considering where i am...... how are you doing...?" i asked a little awkwardly, words far softer and quieter than normal to ensure that the guards (hopefully) would not hear and suspect something.

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 __Area_51__ Empty Re: __Area_51__

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