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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:31 am

January: I banged on the bars "ANSWER ME! I have a famiily damnit!"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:41 pm

I give him a glare, an invisible force pushing him away from our bars without a movement from me. "I would not advise to hold onto the bars very often. They sometimes are electric. Stop that infuriating noise or I will not hesitate to break your aorta from your heart and make you internally bleed to death! This is a warning, sir, I do not give two." I am the weapon, after all. I am made to kill.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:30 pm

January: I scowled and flipped her off before going to sit on the bed, hugging my knees to my chest and closing my eyes. I swallowed back tears

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:42 am

Well, that conversation seemed over. He a fool with that gesture however. Stupid boy was going to.die with that attitude. The torturers liked those.types of yellers.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:21 pm


Curiousity got the better of me and I quietly listened, I didn't say anything but I listened. I tugged at my gloves nervously and hesitated, "Are you okay...?"


"Likewise," I said grinning at her. It was nice to have someone to talk to, I tucked my tail close to me and scratched my ear. "It's nice to have someone to talk to..."

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:26 pm

Alua: "I-I-I-I-I-I w-w-will b-b-be" I stammered, my eyes dirfting shut as i slumped veen more.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Sun Jan 08, 2012 7:58 pm

The Puppetmaster: I gave a tiny nod, although he probably couldnt see. "Yes..... but, uhm.... i should really apologize..... im not exactly good at, well..... talking...." i admitted. Words were an issue for me. It wasnt that i didnt LIKE people, or that i didnt want to talk (at least, not most of the time...), but talking had always been hard for me. I was not a social entity....

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:21 pm


"THat's neither. Do you like music?" I asked, my tail twitching and I rested my head on my arms.


"...y-you don't sound okay...." I said, hesitating and turning to look at her. She looked terrible and I tugged on my gloves nervously.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Thu Jan 12, 2012 7:25 pm

Alua: I gave him a blue-lipped smile, shaking violently "J-just the w-w-w-w-water....f-f-froze my f-f-f-fire"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:33 pm

The Puppetmaster:

I smiled eeeeever so slightly under the veil of my hood, a tiny smile noone would ever see. The expression felt foreign on my face, as there was never a real reason to smile here, but..... the question had kind of made me want to. "I supppose..." i said quietly. "Some music, anyways. Not all of it, but.... a lot of it, yes. Music..... is a very beautiful thing."

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:25 am


I honestly had no clue what to do, I reached under my pillow and threw her my extra pair of gloves. Maybe that would help warm her...I had no idea.


I smiled, grinning a bit. "I love music, yeah certain types are better than others. I used to play the drums. Do you play and instruments?"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:29 am

Alua: I jumped and looked down and then back up at him. I laughed slightly "Thanks" I said, smiling "But it's not that kind of cold"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:19 am

The Puppetmaster: "Oh? Uhm.... no..... I sang, sometimes, but i never learned an instrument....... i'd like to, someday, if i ever get out of here......." i admitted. I didnt sing very much, and never in front of people (i definately didnt have enough confidence for that....), but sometimes when i was alone i would sing or hum to myself just to help me feel a little less lonely and give me something to do.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:45 pm


“Oh…sorry…” I said, reaching over to reclaim the gloves. I only had two pairs, I kind of needed them…. “So…um…I’m Gavin….”

“That’s cool. I like to sing to but just not in front of people.” I said, “what about you?”

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:47 pm

Alua: I smiled weakly, shivering "Gavin. I like that name. I'm Alua"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:56 pm

The Puppetmaster: My hidden eyes got wide under my hood. "N-no...... NEVER in front of anyone.... i, uhm..... i could never do that......" i admitted nervously. Even the IDEA of singing in front of anyone set me on edge.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 21, 2012 1:14 pm


"Your names nice too..." I said, tugging at my gloves again. It was almost a nervous habit...but couldn't be since I needed them. Alua...I'd never heard that one before...


"I'm not gonna make you sing or anything, don't worry. I could never sing in front of people either, more of a only in the shower or in the car kinda guy...not really crowds though...just jamming out to the radio." I said. How I missed the radio....

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:07 pm

Alua: I blushed slightly "Thankyou"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:56 pm

The Puppetmaster: I nodded a little bit. "I see..... that makes sense." i replied. I knew there was no radio in here, and figured he must miss it if he liked singing along to it so much. "I hope you can hear the radio again sometime...." i said. "Everyone needs a reason to sing sometimes, i think..."

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:12 pm


"'d they find you? If you don't mind me asking..." I said, slightly curious.


"I agree," I said, the lights started to turn out one by one down the hallway, signaling it was night time.


YES. FINALLY. Looking around cautiously and checking to make sure no one was there, I pushed the brick to Aaron's side. " there?"


"You gonna get Owen or what?"

"Wait a bit. I think I hear the guard."

I waited, listening to the silence on the other end. I could faintly hear footsteps and I held my breath out of habit.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Ravyn Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:19 pm

The Puppetmaster: I blinked slightly as the lights shut off, eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. I both loved and feared this time, when all the lights were out. On the one hand, i liked the dark, the concealment and security it brought. But on the other hand, i could no longer see the guards or any other dangers that might be around me. "Hmmmm..... nighttime...... did you hear the guards move...? D'you think they're gone....?" i asked tentatively, voice still low in case the guards WERE still around.

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Tue Jan 24, 2012 3:57 pm

Alua: I shrugged "Dunno, I was just....kidnapped" I scowled angrily "I mean come ON, lie why didn't anyone NOTICE?"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:41 pm


I shrugged, "That's how they got me. The government has ways...."


My ears twitched, looking for sound. "...I don't hear anything..." I said quietly, "l think the coast is clear."

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Cairo Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:43 pm

Alua: I scowled, getting even anrgrier "I mean, they're locking kids in f------g PRISON CELLS and NOBODY gives a damn!?!??!"

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 __Area_51__ - Page 3 Empty Re: __Area_51__

Post by Banshee Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:45 pm


"...pretty much...been here for three years....they cover things up pretty well...I doubt hardly anyone knows...." I said, ignoring the outburst.

Last edited by gh3325 on Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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