the Character Chat Revolution
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The Gender Bender

Jacky K.
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The Gender Bender Empty The Gender Bender

Post by Jacky K. Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:24 pm

*pats a complicated-looking machine* She's called...the Gender Bender! A wonderfully funny author tool! It's terribly complicated to master the art of gender bending. Rocket science. I went to school for eight years studying the technique. *sarcasm alert* No, honestly, all you have to do is push a big red button. *poof* And your character will suddenly be the opposite gender! They won't know what hit them. The machine just looks all steampunky and complicated because...well, it looks awesome that way.

Have fun, ya'll. No character sheets needed. Just introduce your character with a starting post.

By the by, this will all take place in the Character Break Room.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Invisimort Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:40 pm


I don't know why I brought Riddle with me today to the Break room...

I mean... This place was for breaks... and Riddle was... Herself...

Well...she had kind of... asked. In her own way:

"T.MOR YOU DISSAPPEAR SOMETIMES THROUGH A MAGICAL DOOR THAT ISN'T AROUND AS MUCH WHEN I TRY TO POKE IT WITH THE SKY AND DOESN'T TURN INTO A JAR. TAKE ME WITH YOU." She'd asked earlier today... Well... I said yes... I mean we're friends... and... she's MOSTLY not dangerous... a lot... today.

So Riddle cartwheeling ahead of me, I walked to the break room.

And then I sat on a sofa...and...Riddle rolled on the floor...I just don't bother asking these days... She's just... herself.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Jacky K. Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:56 pm


So there we were, boredly walking down the M.E, whistling and singing and snapping some improvised tune. I hadn't seen the Break Room in . . . well, I couldn't remember. Develyn kept her distance behind us.

The door swung open, and I half-danced in like I owned the place. Well, I figured I partially did. It was the Character Break room, and well, I was a character. Crick followed, sound flooding in after us, followed by Develyn, who disrupted it with an annoyed squawk. " 'ello T.Mor! And Riddle, aye?"

Cricket fwumped down on his usual couch, but I didn't remember claiming a couch or anything . . . so I just found a space next to Crick.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Echo Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:57 pm

So this was the Break Room... I'd never actually been in here before, but I'd heard of it. I walked in, giving it a quick scan. I'd entered shortly after Finn and Cricket; there were some other characters I recognized as well. ...Actually, I recognized all of them--I just didn't know them. Well, I sort of knew Peter, but that just came with having the same author. And even then, it wasn't like we really talked.

He greeted T.Mor and Riddle now as I crossed the room to stand in a corner. For lack of anything better to do, I took out a throwing knife and started idly playing with it.
Winter Dragon

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:19 pm

Alright wasn't lost. Just disoriented. Always happened in this damn mansion.... Fuckin...maze...
At least it wasn't burning this time. But then the amount of frustration I got from these halls, I nearly wanted to. Just...fucking disoriented.
Heyhey... Was that White Angel?! I follow around a corner, but then she disappeared with the sound of a door closing. Cautiously I followed. Might have been accidentally going into her world just as likely as going into some other hallway or room...

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Echo Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:33 pm

I looked up as another person walked into the room. Ah, now this was a character I actually knew rather well. Especially in comparison to the others. So I at least wouldn't feel too awkward.

"Hey, Damian," I said. "Your first time in here, too?"
Winter Dragon

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:45 pm

ERM....where's here....?
Wasn't about to ask it though. "Yeah, WA..." Another room. Great.
I look about the room, couches around with other characters that I didn't really knew but vaguely remember seeing in the chatbox... This was *swell*... Fucking...great...

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Ale J. Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:48 pm

Bored, bored, bored, what to do.... I walked into the break room, wondering if anyone might be in there to keep me un-bored. There were...quite a few. "HELLO WORLD." I yelled out to...everyone, and flopped down on a couch. I looked around at all the faces in the room, recognizing some of them. Oh, and there was Finn! The one I flew with! That was an awesome day. Good times, good times....
Ale J.
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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Bells Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:58 pm

I traveled the halls slowly, trying to figure out where the heck I was for a few moments before spotting someone head inside a room. Figuring that being where the were other people, even if they weren't people I knew was better than out here I quickly headed over and opened the door.

Walking in I was relieved to find a few people I knew, one being Peter. A smile immediately finding my lips I started towards him, forgetting the fact I had no clue where we were.


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Guest Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:47 pm

I finally opened my eyes, my nose tickling from the dust of my choice of nap place. But really, between Endellion running around in her mind, /literally/ screaming her head off every time she gets frustrated with school, majorly sleep deprived Speedy rolling around on the floor and laughing like a maniac to himself, and the Joker trying out a new kind of laughing gas...which... retrospectively, might have SOMETHING to do with what Speedy is doing... under a couch in the break room was actually pretty sweet.

Then I heard voices above and around me, and I chuckled, peering out from under the piece of furniture and grabbing the nearest Cricket ankle I could find.

The moment I could pry myself off the ground and breathe, I bolted as fast as my legs could carry me, barely pausing to grab my bow and arrows before I was out the door, just trying to get some distance between myself and that insane clown. Soon, through some strange author intervention-like twist of fate, I found myself at the break room.

Oh. Huh. Okay cool. They have coffee here, right?

Just as I made it through the door, I saw one of the twins from Ende's mind walk in, then lean against a wall, his cold gaze sweeping over the room. I was just hoping he wasn't going to shoot everybody or something crazy like that...
I studied him for a minute, wondering if I should get him out of the room since I was pretty sure he was a bad guy... But I opted to get coffee instead.


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Echo Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:07 am


"Hey Danae," I said, motioning for her to sit next to me. Then a random arm randomly tried to grab Cricket's leg. Funny how I thought nothing of that at all... It was probably Marley anyway.

Then Dorian walked in. I didn't even bother looking at him. I almost asked myself what he was doing here before I remembered; he was breaking, just like everyone else. White Angel greeted him. She was an odd one...
Winter Dragon

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:20 am

Jacky, WD, Bells, and I all tried this out in the chatbox. It was super awesome. But somehow, it turned out that Marley was the only one that was aware of the change, and everybody else thought that was how it had always been xD it was frikkin' hilarious.


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Banshee Wed Dec 07, 2011 3:47 pm

(Okay guys so some of you may know, some of you may not...but....I brought Ezra back....but he's not the same....see...a few people wanted me to bring him back. He's not a Cox anymore nor does he look the same. He's blonde and wears a prision type shirt with black pants and most of the time he's bare foot. He's also *does not know why she felt the need to explain this*)


I hesitated, my hand resting on the knob to the break room. I hadn't been here in so long, let alone the fact that I had been locked in a room for a month.

Come on Ezra, just do it...your old friends will be in here...

Well, I didn't know that for a fact, for all I knew, there could be a room of people wanting to kill me. I took a deep breath and slowly pulled open the door, poking my head in and hoping not to see a bunch of people with knives waiting to kill me. But...I did see Dorian...and Damian. I ducked my head, hoping no one would reconize me so I could just go sit in a quiet corner and think.


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Invisimort Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:32 pm


"AYE PIRATE MAN!" Riddle told Cricket happily not getting off the floor she was rolling around on. I just kind of looked at her.

And then a whole bunch of people came in Along with Peter and...erm...well, Marley had been hiding under a couch... and... Some other people I recognised from things and stuff... and yeah.

"Hi..." I kind of said to both Peter and Cricket and Marley's hand at the same time.

There were... lots of people here.

It was... kind of... unnatural. Normally it was quieter.

I sat where I was and watched everyone.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:02 pm

The Pacifist.... Wasn't he like... nonexistent....? Apparently not. That's what I get for getting my hopes up. God damn it.
There's a twig on the couch who says hi, but I blatantly ignore him. Dorian's here too, so at least us assassins will have some sort of group separate from these freaks. The rest I don't really know. What a party. Feels like all that business party crap Father brings me to. At least those had a tendency of always going down hill and getting exciting...
My face fixes in a scowl at the newest member of the room as I stick close...ish... to White Angel, drawing my hood up to kill anyone else's hopes of talking to me.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Banshee Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:06 pm


I went to the far corner of the room and tilted my chair back to hide in the shadows. I then took out a pen and a small cardboard note book and began to write. Maybe this is what author's meant by loving writing and creating things. In could be anybody. You didn't /have/ to deal with all the crap you normally had to. It was like reading, an escape. Hopefully Gh wouldn't make me forget about that to....lately I was forgetting about everything. My old past, my old friends, my old enemies, even simple every day what month it was or the date. It was all just a blurr. I looked up, seeing Damian's scowl and blinked before going back to my writing. That's what you call an epic fail...

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Jacky K. Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:37 pm


There were a million things happening at once. For one, Riddle was rolling around on the floor greeting me with some remark about a pirate, two which I replied . . . well, "Aye!" Second of all, a hand was now latched onto my ankle. First instinct was to kick whoever it was in the face, but I withheld that urge just long enough to recognise the hand as Marley's. "Ah, Finn. Y'know 'ow kids run around scared o' th' monster under th' bed, that it'll grab them and bring them t' their doom? Don't look now, but I think there actually is a monster under th' couch for once. Oi my my. Th' one time I didn't check!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Banshee Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:09 pm


I wandered down the halls, looking curiously at the signs that labeled the doors. I was lost but meh...this was interesting, and I was bored. One sign stopped me though Character Break Room it read. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. THere were some faces I reconized...and the guy I replaced. I spotted Jamie and plopped down next to her, "Hey."

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Bells Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:02 pm

Smiling I sat down next to him, taking a quick look around the room out of curiosity. I tugged my sleeves down a bit, feeling only a bit uncomfortable around all the people as I turned my attention back to Peter.

"So..." I began, trying to think of what to say first. "Um..How are you? Oh..and I kinda have no clue where this place is.."

I mean, its not like I minded too much, cause well..Peter was it wasn't like I had showed up in some random place..alone and everything. But /still/...

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Echo Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:11 pm


"I'm alright," I said. "And this is the Character Break Room, or CBR. Not sure if you know, but the two people who run the mansion are called Mr. Nobody and Ms. Somebody. Ms. Somebody is the one who made this room. She's made other facilities for characters, too.'ve you been?"
Winter Dragon

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Guest Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:12 pm

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose, my head pounding. Another attempt on my life by Adrian... nothing particularly new or unsettling, but he got close enough to convince me to lay low for the next week or so. And I wasn't exactly fond of his emotional manipulation, I wouldn't have felt... afraid, otherwise.
I decided to at least to take leave of Endellion's brain for the next several hours. The Break Room wasn't the most desirable choice, though it was preferable to the chatbox, where I always seemed to be invoking some violence of some sort, which I was not in the mood for.

I giggled, giving his ankle a tug. "That's right, Crick, I'm coming to eat you. Nomnomnomnom" Then I pulled myself out from under the couch and sat on him with a sly grin "Howzit going?"


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Bells Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:19 pm


I nodded, looking around once again as he spoke.

"I'm good, things have been kinda quiet recentally at yeah..its been nice." I replied, clasping my hands together in my lap and studying everyone.

They all seemed more relaxed than in the chatbox, so the name of the room kinda seemed to fit. I couldn't help the relieved smile that broke out on my lips at the thought. The Character Break room, that mean a break from weird stuff right? Deciding that was most likely the case I forced myself to relax in my seat, the smile getting a bit bigger.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Ale J. Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:46 am

I wasn't paying much attention to the people around me, so many people were walking in here! Good thing I grabbed a seat when I did! I felt someone plop down next to me and looked up to see Will.

"Hey there!" I said, glad to see a face I knew.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:51 pm

Yesofcourse. Because this is supposed to be the /Break/ Room, the biggest bother to my life right now just so happens to wander in as well. Who says I want to talk to my 'student' more?!
"So what's the point in being here?" I ask White Angel. Because it's proving to be a real hypocritical name...

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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:16 pm

So... are we gonna introduce the GB'd characters separately like in the box, instead? Sticking with original plan of the button? What's going on?


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The Gender Bender Empty Re: The Gender Bender

Post by Sponsored content

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