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The Land of Aglacia

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The Land of Aglacia Empty The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:40 pm

Welcome to (averyroughdraft) Aglacia!

A breeding ground for dragons, it helps choose and train riders for a multitude of tasks. Aglacia, the land for dragons, is actually...below. The actual training facility floats, and doubles as a rest stop for existing riders. Its a very large place. Room for 200+ guests, a separate 'barn' for resting dragons. The 'barn' is cylindrical, going up multiple levels with hollows for the dragons.

Dragons are the European variety, though they differ in size, shape, and color. The dragon that hatches for whichever rider determines his/her job as a rider - ranging from a messenger to a warrior. Fire breathing is typically a rarity, though there are other abilities among dragons such as acid or creating sonic like booms of air. They are typically peaceful with people and their riders. They are not necessarily pets, but more loyal friends. They have the ability to venture off on their own. Dragons will usually say within the family of the rider they choose, since they have longer lifespans its not unusual for them to accept decendants as their new riders, but they may return to pick a trainee.

Authors, you have a choice of voicing both Rider and Dragon or co-oping with someone to form a pair. Talk it out if you'd like to.

Name -
Gender -
Age -
Species -
Appearance -
Rider or not? - *if not, you're just looking for an egg that will hatch for you.
Other -

It's pretty RP in here. Feel free to make your own problems for your characters and those they interact with. If this goes somewhere I might throw in a problem to affect many characters, but...we'll see.

Standard rules apply. Dragons are pretty human, so they interact with people pretty normally. Keep it PG13, have good posts, dont kill other characters without asking, blahblahblahblah....

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:58 pm

Name - Jeana
Gender - F
Age - 18
Species - Human
Appearance - straight, black hair usually tied back. most comfortable in leggings and a tunic.
Rider or not? - not
Other - daughter of the Inn keeper, she's got a knack with dragons and many say she might go on to be a great rider if her father would allow her.

Name - Dytrie
Gender - M
Age - 19
Species - Human
Appearance - tall, athletically muscled. sandy brown hair and bright hazel eyes.
Rider or not? - not
Other -

Name - Master Harper
Gender - F
Age - 40s/50s
Species - human
Appearance - fiery red hair, bright green eyes. armor and leather, leggings, sword on her back, and riding boots
Rider or not? - yes
Other - the 'teacher' at the Inn, though she's sent out on missions from time to time.

Name - Aeternitas
Gender - M
Species - dragon
Appearance - deep, clay red coloring with black horns and spines. white claws, purple eyes. Long, thin wings for speed, a heavy weight.
Other - dragon of Harper, sire of Aura

Name - Aura
Gender - F
Species - dragon
Appearance - Built long and sleek, a dark purple main color. No horns or spines a pale yellow/beige. Traveling towards its underside, the scales turned pitch black. Around its eyes, nose, tip of tail, and wings have the hints of pale yellows, its claws and lone horn the solid color giving the purple a strong contrast.
Other - dragon of Blake


Last edited by Black&White on Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:10 am

Can I join?
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:15 pm


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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:17 pm

more info on the planet:

smaller than Earth, but equivalent with the atmosphere. long ago, it had regular land masses, though the planet is quite high in iron, nickel, cobalt, other magnetic metals. but with a giant earthquake, the planet shifted so greatly and so suddenly that it threw the magnetic fields out of whack. pieces of land that had the greatest concentration of metals thus started breaking off from the planet and started floating - therefore, the planet shrunk in size to smaller-than-Earth. and like that, the planet remains. Collisions with the floating continents are rare, since most metal ions are positively charged, and positive-positive repel in magnetics. Large masses are rare however, they are mostly big enough for a little town, and a few of the larger ones are reserved for the Inns placed throughout the land for easy transportation and communication.

The surface is mostly ocean, though it has a few strips of land that did not have enough metal content to fly. People mostly populate the floating land masses, though a few still live on the surface. However, these strips of land are also where the dragons nest. Fledglings not knowing how to fly, so living on the floating parts would not be wise, and being close to the major source of food, the ocean. And they tend to get very territorial, and dangerous to anyone within.

Not to mistake this with being 'wild'. /All/ dragons are wild, though they are also sentient. Those eggs that are hatched for Riders are voluntarily given by the dragons. Dragons and humans have a more symbiotic relationship. Dragons eat metals for healthy scale development (IE, where the highest population of humans is) and humans need to get off the floating masses of land for various supplies and food. The two understand they must coexist to get what they each want, Riders are sort of the treaty in this agreement.

And with such major changes to the planet, some evolutions took place. Humans on the floating land masses can survive higher altitudes better, obviously. Humans on the surface have pretty much remained the same. A few species of dragon, with eating the metals and such, have evolved out of using wings to fly and instead using the magnetic fields to sort of continually glide along. And there are the sea dragons, though they have less interactions with humans, since they do not rely so heavily on metals for their scales.

Last edited by Black&White on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:06 pm

Name - Isabella
Gender -Female
Age - 18
Species- Human
Appearance - Tall and thin. Has beautiful ebony hair that curls at the bottom. Has dark green eyes
Rider or not? - Not (may change later)
Other - Her parents want her to be a rider, but she's afraid of dragons

Name - Blake
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Species - Human
Appearance - Average height, but has muscles from working out. Black hair with some red streaks across the top, cut short with it in his eyes. Beautiful blue eyes.
Rider or not? - Yes
Other - Doesn't talk very much, but can fight very well. He loves the dragons
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:38 pm

want to start?

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:52 pm

Your choice =)
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:54 pm

The edge never scared me. I simply sit and look down at the low laying clouds, the wind blowing up to splay my hair out and make my eyes water. But I cant help a little smile. This was the closest I could come to the back of a dragon that would my father would - no, he didn't even like this...
I turn to watch them fly about, entering and exiting the large cylindrical building next the the Inn, as we liked to call it. Until I hear father's voice pierce the sound of the wind behind me, I quickly stand to attention and take some large steps away from the edge before he appears in the doorway, demanding me back to the confines of the mess hall...

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:17 am

Blake watched the dragons fly for a bit before going about his work. He needed to collect supplies and that sort of thing before becoming a true rider. He hoped to become a warrior, but who knew what kind of dragon would hatch before him? His parents didn't care of his choices anyway. Blake could have said that he wanted to fly himself and they would have said 'Ok, have fun," and been about their own lives. Blake's red and black hair flew up from the wind and when it calmed down, he flattened his hair. He sighed to himself and went back inside his home, longing for the day his dragon would hatch.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 29, 2011 12:05 pm

Going through the halls, my eyes on the floor thinking. About to go to the barns to complete my duties, my payment for being able to study and train here. The Innkeeper goes by, muttering to himself. Seems his daughter disappeared again.

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:17 pm

((Oops...I forgot about my other character))

Isabella sighs as her parents yet again lectured her on the importance of becoming a rider. Then of course, they went into their stories of their glory days as riders. Isabella's mom was a messenger, while her father was a warrior. Isabella shook her head yet again, at the thought of going near one of those flying demons. Her parents grew angry because of her phobia and her studies were only on all things dragon.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:52 pm

I see Blake going towards his duties. Which in some way or another involve dragons. So I oh so slowly alter my path to follow him stealthily, making sure my father was back inside so he wouldn't see me sneak off again. You'd think one of these times he'd learn to just let me be a rider... Go into the hatchery and see if an egg cracks for me...


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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:42 am

Blake took out a lengthy box from a coded case in the wall. He then opened the box and a shiny sword was inside, in perfect condition. He turned around and saw someone, a girl. "Jeana?" Blake called, wondering why she would be here. He only knew that her parents didn't want her to become a rider. This was full of dragon stuff...
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:19 am

"Come on Blake..." I close the distance between us when he notices me, casting a conspicuous eye at the chest. "One of these times ya got to let me sneak up on you." Smiling, I play with the fringe of a saddle blanket. Just through that door to the barns, and the room full of dragons. "Can I help with anything?" I ask slyly, my only intention to get into that room.

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:24 pm

Blake looked at Jeana with a suspicious look. "You just want to be in the room with dragons don't you?" He took out the sword and was surprised by the weight. The perfectly crafted sword was the correct weight for someone like him and he wondered by that was. "Well if you really want to 'help', there's bound to be a couple of dragons in need of food and water."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:37 pm

"Well...duh.... My purpose never changes..." but I laugh it off, heading off to open the water valve. "Just know you'll be my scapegoat if dad finds me..." Though there were enough places to hide in the barn when you got in.

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:42 pm

Blake chuckled at the scapegoat part. "Well I won't get in trouble anyway; my parents don't care what I do anymore. They always talk about their family days and how everything is easier. Hmph." He put away the sword back into its case and back into the vault. Blake walked toward the dragons, some giving him the usual dirty looks. The female dragons didn't take too well to him. "Do you think that someday you'll be able to be a rider?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:25 pm

"In my father's world, no. In mine..." I frown slightly. "I want to. And every rider who comes through this place thinks id be good. But I haven't got any training for it..." I follow through the door after Blake, feeling at home among the dragons. I never got this feeling where father wanted me to be - the kitchens or looking for the next man to run the Inn.

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:29 pm

Blake's mouth tugged slightly at the corners. He wasn't that good at showing emotions. "Well you could help out among the dragons and read what I'm studying currently when ever you can. I wouldn't mind." He looked back it her. "It sounds as if riders think you have a gift toward dragons."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:04 pm

"Maybe you wouldn't mind, but my father would," I point out. "He finds even a scrap of knowledge from those books, or worst case scenario the books themselves, he'll probably chain me to the stove and ban whoever gave it over from the island, if he finds out." I study a newly hatched, maybe a month old, running my fingers over their bright teal scales as they nap. "I don't want to take away your chances of finding a dragon..."

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:22 pm

Blake had to admit she was right, though it wasn't right that she couldn't pursue her dreams. "Did your father ever say why he doesn't want you near dragons?" He caught the last part of what she said. "You won't. No matter what happens to me, a dragon will hatch for me." Blake went over to a fire-red egg with dark red patches. "No matter what." He whispered, half to himself.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:40 pm

"The Inn's been in our family for forever and a decade... I'm his only child. I cant leave to be a rider when my supposed responsibilities are here," I mutter quietly, going to get a piece of meat for the hatchling. The older dragons went out to hunt for themselves, we only fed those that could not fly yet.

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:09 am

Blake sighed and looked at Jeana. "What if there was someone else to fill your duties and you could be a rider? There's a girl who would gladly do Inn work." He fed a young dragon, with pretty pale purple scales and some white ones around the eyes.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:14 pm

I shrug, moving to the next. "I don't know.... I guess again, he wants it in the family.... And apparently he doesn't want to adopt or something..." And another kid seemed to be implausible since he hasn't remarried since mom...

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The Land of Aglacia Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

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