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The Land of Aglacia

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:37 pm

Blake thought about the idea some more, but he couldn't think of anything if the person had to be family related. "I'm sorry I can't help," That was all he could say.

Isabella sat at the edge of the Inn, so her parents thought that she was with the dragons. Her parents also wanted her to see what Blake was up to, but Isabella was too scared of the dragons to go inside his workplace.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:30 pm

There is the sound of a bell from the hatchery, a small building behind the Inn. A boy, Dytrie, jumps down from one of the higher levels of the barn, using a rope to slow his decent. "C'mon Blake," he says with a smirk before taking off for the back door. The reason why doesn't need to be said. The bell signifies an egg is about to hatch. All training riders should report to see who the hatchling chooses as its rider.
I give a sort of sad smile, look over to Blake. "Go ahead. I'll finish up here, not to worry." At least this gives me an actual reason to be in the barns instead.

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:35 pm

Blake gave a low growl at the boy, who always thought he was going to beat Blake at everything. A rush of excitement went through him and he looked at Jeana. "Well...I'd better get over there. Sorry." He took off pretty fast and hoped that he would get his dragon finally.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:57 pm

Inside is hot, like a sauna, notches in the walls hold the developing eggs. Nursing dragons, about the size of small dogs and wingless, scurry about checking temperatures and listening ever so carefully for a cracking sound. Two, a sky blue and a pale green, move the shifting egg to the center hatching area as hopeful trainees gather about.
The egg, perfectly round and smooth like a jewel, was a dark gray, nearly black, color that acted like opal, casting off a variety of colors as the light reflected off its surface, though majority deep purples and blues. Covering the surface were pin pricks of beige and pale yellow.
And, steadily, from the inside, was the softest of tapping that had a thin spiderweb of cracks forming at one point.
Dytrie came up to Blake, arms crossed and eyes on the egg with a small smile on. "Best of luck," he whispers over, sparing a glance away from the prize.

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:03 pm

Blake made sure he was near the beautiful egg and looked around at everyone else, hoping he was the rider of the dragon. When he heard Dytrie's voice he sneered. "Save the luck for yourself." His eyes missed nothing as cracks started to form, feeling a sort of pull toward the egg.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:32 pm

Suddenly a nose breaks through the surface of the melon sized egg, the jaws opening to reveal a neat row of pearl white fangs. The hatchling bites at the hole, cracking it larger until it can work its foreclaws out. With the break wide enough, the hatchling manages to wriggle out into the center of the ring of riders.
Built long and sleek, the hatchling was a dark purple, that in the shade could be seen as black. No horns or spines yet, the only one being the egg cracker atop its snout. Traveling towards its underside, the scales turned pitch black. Around its eyes, nose, tip of tail, and small, underdeveloped, wings were the hints of pale yellows, its claws and lone horn the solid color giving the purple a strong contrast.
Its thin, forked black tongue darts out, tasting the air and cleaning off the slime of the egg. The hatchling's nostrils flair as well as it looks about the gathered crowd with similar pale yellow eyes. Its gender still undetermined until it spoke, which it would only do to its chosen rider.
Shakily, on long limbs that would become graceful with coordination, it stands and walks around its hollowed egg. Slowly, as it goes around a third time, it comes to a stop in front of a boy, Blake, letting out a low hiss, studying him in detail.
"Rider. I am the offspring of Coelus and Aeternitas. I expect a name just as great," she says, her tone musical and light, but also serious. It is not said in a snobbish way, but simply stated.

Last edited by Black&White on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:36 pm

Blake was surprised as the egg hatched and the newborn went to find its rider. When it stopped in front of him, a rush went through him. "I'm Blake..." A female dragon, cool. He smiled at the thought of him finally having a dragon of his own. He wondered what his job would be...a messenger, a warrior...?

((hmm...crap i forgot to think of a name))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:45 pm

( :p I looked for little known gods and goddesses for my book, or native american names. Aeternitas is the female personification of eternity, Coelus the god of the sky. I took her appearance from a dragon i created a while back, who I named Noquisi. In cherokee it means 'star'. )

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:52 am

((Maybe Aura (breeze and air of the morning), Eos (dawn), Hera (heaven, air, and constellations), Iris (rainbow and messenger), or Pandia (full moon and dew)? They're all Greek sky deities))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:36 am

(i like aura)

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:12 pm

((You can name the dragon what ever you want, I just looked up Greek deities))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:15 pm

(blake has to actually answer her tho... :p)

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:20 am

(or...ill just post like he did...)

"Then we are partners," she said, her fragile looking wings vibrating pleased. Aura was a proud name, worthy of a dragon.
A few of he crowd leave disappointed, the others sticking around to congradulate as the two nursing dragons fret over the hatchling, slightly smaller than they.

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:31 pm

((sorry, I hadn't been able to come up with anything))

Blake smiled at the word. Partner. Aura was a beautiful name to go with her looks and it was cool. His mind suddenly went back to Jeana. Was she still in the barn or had her parents snatched her? He looked at his partner and saw the nursing dragons over with her. "I'll be back in a second," Blake said as he walked briskly back to the 'barn'.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:50 pm

Hey can I join? I wanna be a dragon....


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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:39 pm

(yeah, sure, pure. mm...i dont think we have any open characters for a dragon, but you can voice a dragon-rider pair if you'd like.)

Dragons were lovely listeners. They didn't much care for little human problems, so they just nodded at the right times and gave little suggestions when one was needed. Not tuning out what you said, they weren't rude creatures. Ask them a question about what you're saying and they'll answer it logistically.
Blake, Dytrie, and the other training riders left, leaving only those official riders about who always intimidated me... Dragons never, though. Used to make mom laugh when I'd easily climb one of the big weight class dragons but run to hide behind her dress at even the sound of the heavy riding boots.

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:12 pm

apperence-long brown hair, usually up in a bun. wiry and athletic body, somewhat attractive.
other-had been a rider for a short while, recently moved here. content to just be with her dragon.
name Wenny
apperence- ruby red with flecks of yellow in her snout and claws


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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:16 pm

Blake came back to where all the dragons were. "Jeana?" He looked around and saw her talking to the dragons. He didn't expect anything less and knew that dragons listened very well to good people. His blue eyes were shining with the excitement of having a partner and he had a very small grin on his face. Blake didn't usually show emotions, but this was the exception.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:35 pm

I look up as I finish feeding the hatchlings and young dragons. "Blake," I greet. He's smiling. quite the oddity, isn't it? Someone close to him get the hatchling? Or...

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:54 pm

"I got the hatchling. Aura's her name." Blake pronounced. "I can't wait to start with her." He walked over to the dragons and look at their beauty. "Soon Aura will be like that...big, strong, but beautiful." He whispered.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 2:26 pm

Lanie smiled at the two kids."remember when you were tiny?", she asked Wenny."I wasn't tiny. i was smaller then I am now." Lanie started to argue but stopped. It was pointless." I wonder if he'll be a good rider..." Wenny arched her back."Worry later. Feed me now." Her tone was demanding but Lanie chuckled anyway."When was the last time you hunted anyway?"
"The last time you took me," Wenny replied in a snide voice. Lanie slapped her side gently.
"Stop being such a grump!"
"I'm not!"
"If you say so..." Lanie stood on her tip toes and kissed her dragons cheek.
"Hmph. Good night"


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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:19 pm

What do you say exactly... "Congratulations," I say happily, giving a smile. But still... There's a piece of me that's frustrated, even sort of jealous. I wanted that, I wanted that so badly. "Aura? She sounds very pretty."

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:34 pm

Blake suddenly realized what he should have done. "Sorry...I just was excited..." She couldn't have what he had because of her father.... His face dropped at the thought of her not living her dream again.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Guest Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:38 pm

I stomped downstairs still mad at Wenny. What was her problem?!


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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

Post by Black&White Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:28 pm

"No, its good news. You should be excited." I nod with my smile, patting the dragon who was listening on the head. "I guess I should go back to the kitchens though," I murmur, gesturing back to the door slightly.

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The Land of Aglacia - Page 2 Empty Re: The Land of Aglacia

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