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The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell

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The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell Empty The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:53 am

For centuries there has been a war between the Sins and the Archs, more commonly referred to as Demons and Angels. The Sins job is to damn the souls of humans, and the Archs job is to save the souls of humans. In a small town called Eden the Sins and the Archs fight over the souls of humans so obviously that the humans in the town have realized the truth. Are you a Sin or Arch or an innocent human caught in the middle?

Format for Sins (Demons)
Name -
Appearance -
History -
Sin - (Choose one of the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, wrath, greed, or sloth)
Other -

Format for Archs (Angels)
Name -
Appearance -
History -
Virtue - (Choose one of the seven heavenly virtues: faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, or prudence)
Other -

Format for Humans
Name -
Age -
Appearance -
History -
Other -


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The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell Empty Re: The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell

Post by Guest Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:13 am

My Characters -


Name - Vana
Appearance - The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRz6bVE_C80f0-__HK4lNW9T2Djdm-7iHNpCnnWEDc9OcV0fEUi
History - Vana used to be a human before she died at the age of sixteen from a car accident staged by Lucifer himself. Lucifer gave Vana the option of eternal damnation or of becoming a Sin. She choose to be a Sin, although she regrets her decision sometimes. She grew up in Eden so most of the townspeople know her.
Sin - Lust
Other - About a year after becoming a Sin, Vana damned her own brother, causing her to regret the decision she made. She is frequently fighting with her emotions, but she also has to do her job because she literally cannot disobey an order given by Lucifer.

Name - Lucifer
Appearance -The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell Male%2BModel%2B
History - It's the classic story. Lucifer was once an angel, the most beautiful angel, but he wanted power and tried to take down God. His punishment was to be cast down from heaven.
Sin - He is the King of Sin.
Other - The secret behind the town of Eden is that it was once the garden of Eden before the war between the Archs and the Sins. Lucifer is one of the few people who know this for sure.


Name - Aribella
Appearance - The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUnW0eeyDF0mkW98YTW06PhqKV8DLdBMtsAuxXX1F6kMrWAKXe
History - Aribella was a devoted christian in her lifetime. After a bombing at church she woke up as an angel. Since then she has been staying in Eden with Michael trying to save all the humans. She used to live in Eden as well.
Virtue - Faith
Other - Aribella and Vana used to be best friends until, before high school, they "went down different paths". Aribella wants to save Vana from her fate.

Name - Michael
Appearance - The Wicked Work Harder To Get To Hell EdSpeleers3
History - Michael was Lucifer's only competition as the favored angel when Lucifer was still an angel. They have a very long hatred for each other.
Virtue - He is a pure Arch (never was a human) and therefore has all virtues
Other - Michael also knows that Eden was once the garden of Eden.


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