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Give 'Em Hell, Kid

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:51 pm

This is a chat for your deliquent characters. Where they're allowed to do crazy, reckless things with little to no consequences.

Setting: A party, complete with loud music, heavy drinks, random hookups, drug use, etc. That kind of stuff.


Any past offenses?:
If so, what?:

That's pretty much it. So, I hope ya join! Smile

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 5:39 pm

Can I join?

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Join date : 2012-06-09

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:03 pm

Yep. Go ahead. I won't be putting my charries up 'til later, just so ya know.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:11 pm

Okay. Smile

Name: Kimi Porter
Age: 17
Give 'Em Hell, Kid Beaultiful-beautiful-blue-blue-hair-cute-418136
Any past offenses?: Yes
If so, what?: Shoplifting

Name: Kay Porter
Age: 17
Give 'Em Hell, Kid Adorable-beautiful-black-black-hair-boy-301539
Any past offenses?: No

Posts : 128
Join date : 2012-06-09

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:40 pm

Name: Trent Steele
Age: 18
Appearance: Give 'Em Hell, Kid Sirius10
Any past offenses?: Yes
If so, what?: Underage drinking.

Name: Jessie Riggs
Age: 17
Appearance: Give 'Em Hell, Kid 12922243-beautiful-young-woman-blue-eyes-brown-hair-a-gray-jacket-white-t-shirt
Any past offenses?: Yes. She smokes. Hasn't been arrested yet.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:48 pm

Nice charries by the way. Smile.
So, should we start or wait to see if anyone else joins?

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:07 pm

Smile Thank you.
It's really up you. ^.^

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:26 pm

(Yeah, I wanna start so...)

Trent found himself immersed in the loud,window-shaking music and, of course, the alcoholic drinks. Once he got one, he took a sip as he scanned the room, and the huge crowd of people dancing. He wondered if he would be able to find a girl he could have fun with tonight. Those were his thoughts, as frank as they were, and with a little luck, he could make them reality.

Jessie went out to her car to grab a pack of cigarettes after she had been dancing, and having her first drink ever. As she crossed the street to her Buick Skylark, a car she had bought and fixed up herself, she noticed a long scratch on it that ran from the door handle down to the back fender. She was thoroughly aggravated, and quickly grabbed the pack out of the car before slamming the door shut loudly and pulling out a cigarette. She lit it, and took a drag. She had to calm down. She wouldn't let this ruin her good mood. She could find whoever did this later. She began to walk back to the large house.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:51 pm


“We’re here for a reason, Kay. Have some fun, loosen up and get drunk or something,” I said with a roll of my eyes. It was the second time Kay had found me, just so he could complain that he didn’t want to be here and that I had dragged him for no good reason. I had dragged him for a reason; so he could loosen up and have some fun. Kay was too much of a goody and he needed to let loose.

“I’m going to go get a drink and maybe find a guy who might be some fun tonight, okay? Now please leave me alone.”

I turned and walked away from my twin and headed over to get a beer. Once I had it, I sipped on it and looked around the room, trying to find a good looking guy. My eyes did land on someone, a guy who was also looking around. I had to admit, he wasn’t bad looking and he might be fun. I took another sip of my drink and walked over to him.

“Hey there handsome.”

“We’re here for a reason, Kay. Have some fun, loosen up and get drunk or something.” Maybe Kimi was right and I just needed to loosen up. I guess I should suck up the fact that I didn’t want to be here and try to have some fun. Who knows, maybe I would end up getting lucky tonight.

“I’m going to go get a drink and maybe find a guy who might be some fun tonight, okay? Now please leave me alone.” At those words I muttered whatever under my breath and just looked around. Out of all the people here, I’m sure I was probably the most awkward. I took in a few deep breaths and attempted to look more relaxed and less awkward.

After a few minutes of still feeling awkward I decided to go get a drink, hoping to loosen up more after that.

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Join date : 2012-06-09

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:03 pm

Trent looked over at the girl who was apparently talking to him and a grin almost immediately came to his face. She was cute...more than that, maybe, as he continued to look at her. "Hey, gorgeous." He replied smoothly before asking, "What brings you here?" He could probably guess what, but he wanted to see how she would answer.

Jessie went back to the makeshift bar, and grabbed her second drink of the night. She had managed to finish her cigarette on the way over, and she still needed something to take the edge off. She glanced at a guy sitting next to her, first noticing the large gauges in his ears, then his dark eyes, and finally his expression. He seemed to be uncomfortable. "Not used to these kind of parties?" She questioned jokingly, attempting to make small talk.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:26 pm


The smile that had grown across my face widened some, turning a little flirtier. Looks like I might end up at least getting one dance out of this guy, maybe more if things continued to go smoothly.

“Why you’re what brought me over here, handsome” I said, poking his chest lightly.


Once I had a drink in my hand, I took a sip, wondering how much alcohol would take away awkwardness and being uncomfortable. A voice shook me from my thoughts and I looked toward the owner of it, looking into the eyes of a beautiful girl.

“Not exactly,” I said with a shrug. “What about you, are you used to parties like this?”

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Join date : 2012-06-09

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:37 pm

Trent chuckled slightly, "Oh, really?" He questioned rhetorically before saying, "That, I definitely don't mind." He finished his drink, enjoying how his mind clouded briefly. "Want to dance?" He asked, taking the hand that had poked his chest in his larger one.

Jessie shook her head, taking another sip of her drink, "No, not really. Not to this..." She motioned towards the hoard of party-goers, "...scale." Her gaze returned to looking into his dark eyes and she actually felt something within her. He wasn't bad-looking, after all, but she definitely wouldn't be getting anywhere if she could barely talk to him.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:53 pm


This was definitely going well. Hook, check. Line, check. All that was left was to reel him in. And I had a feeling that reeling this guy in wasn't going to be too terribly hard. But then again, if it was harder it would just be a challenge.

My smile grew slightly with his response and I was thrilled by his question.

“I’d love to dance, handsome,” I said, content that his hand was around mine. Looks like I was already starting to reel him in some.


I took another sip of my drink and nodded, happy that this girl wasn’t quite used to parties like this. “Mmm, same here. The parties I’m used to are generally smaller and not quite this loud.”

I took another sip and then looked at the girl again, a smile growing across my lips. Maybe I had found someone I could talk to and possibly dance with and stuff during this party. I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away from her, my gaze falling on the ground.

“So, would you maybe want to dance?”

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:04 pm

Trent may have found something here. He couldn't help but smile as he led her to the dance floor, swerving through the crowd to find a spot and then he began to dance with her extremely close to him. Thankfully, he wasn't one of those guys who was hopeless at dancing. He knew what he was doing.

Jessie smiled after she realized what he asked. "More than 'maybe'. I'd definitely like that." She answered, becoming more comfortable and flirtatious. Although he still seemed a bit nervous...or uncertain. Hopefully, she could change that.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:17 pm


My smile widened as we started dancing. Normally when I danced with a guy my dancing skills were much better than theirs and said dance partner would continuously step on my feet. But this guy seemed to dance pretty well which was nice. I was pretty happy that I saw him in the crowd and that things were going well so far. He seemed fun to say the least.

“You’re a pretty a good dancer, handsome,” I said. “And I must ask, do I get a name out of you or am I going to have to continue to call you handsome?”


My smile widened and I took another sip of my drink before standing. I could feel myself relaxing and becoming more comfortable by the minute which was good. And this girl was definitely helping me be more comfortable. I took her hand and led her to a decent spot and started to dance. I wasn’t the best dancer, but I certainly wasn’t the worst. There definitely were perks to having a sister who insisted on teaching me to dance.

“So what’s your name?”

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:24 pm

Trent grinned, "Now, I really wouldn't mind if you kept calling me handsome, but mine's Trent. What's yours, gorgeous?" She appeared to be pretty exciting...and he couldn't wait to see what might happen later. He didn't care that he barely knew her. That never bothered him. All he really needed to know about a girl was her name.

"Jessie." She responded with a smile as she danced with him. He wasn't too bad at it...and she really couldn't judge because she wasn't the best either but she managed. "Yours?" She questioned, looking up at him. He was certainly...interesting to her.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:41 pm


I watched him as he told me his name and I couldn’t help when my smile grew the slightest bit. I had pretty much reeled Trent in and I had to admit I was thrilled. I couldn’t help but wonder what might happen later in the night. After all, I was pretty sure he and I were pretty much after the same things and had the same view on a few of those things.

“Mmm, Trent. I like that name. Mine’s Kimi.”


I danced the slightest bit closer, happy to finally feel completely at ease. I wasn’t being as much of goof up as I figured I would and I was dancing with a beautiful girl. My smile widened some more once I knew her name and I had to admit that Jessie intrigued me.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Name’s Kay.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:50 pm

Trent's smile widened slightly, partly because she commented about his name and he couldn't help but notice her smile increase a little, "Cute name...and I can't say 'Cute name for a cute girl' because you really are gorgeous." He remarked.

Jessie smirked and almost blushed when she heard him calling her beautiful. Not like she wasn't used to it...but whenever she heard it, it was always in a different context. "Nice's not common to hear around this town." She commented, although that wasn't really what she wanted to say. She didn't know how else to respond.

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:10 pm


I’ve been called beautiful and gorgeous before, but every once in a while I still blushed when called that. And this was one of those times where I know my cheeks were at least a little pink.

“Thank you," I said.


I noticed her blush, which just made his smile grow a little more and make it grow slightly crooked. I had to admit I was starting to have fun. Maybe my sister was right about me needing to loosen up more often and needing to relax. Perhaps I would start taking her advice more often.

“Nice to know someone thinks my name is nice,” I said.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:21 pm

Trent saw her cheeks redden, and would have grinned more if he hadn't been surprised by her thanking him. He didn't really expect that kind of reaction. "You're welcome." He replied, his smile actually becoming more genuine.

Jessie looked up at him, and immediately thought his somewhat crooked smile was sexy, and this made her blush even more but she got it under control.
"Do you not hear compliments like that too often?" She heard herself question, and wanted to shut her mouth. "Whether they're about your name or not because I find you rather handsome." She just couldn't hold that last bit out and she couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed for having a run-on mouth.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:32 pm


I noticed the change in Trent’s smile and had to admit that in a way, I liked it. He had a great smile, one that could light up his face –and the room- a bit. My own smile widened a little more and turned more genuine. Out of all the guys at this party that I could have flirted with, danced with and talked with, I’m happy I chose Trent. He was interesting, handsome and I was having fun.

“You have a great smile, Trent,” I stated.


“Not really. Then again, Kay is a pretty boring, unoriginal name to have,” I said with a shrug. My smiled turned into a grin when she called me handsome. “Thank you, Jessie.”

I started to notice that she seemed the slightest bit uncomfortable and my grin faded some. I didn’t know if I had done something or what, but I if I did, I wanted to take it back. I was enjoying myself and didn’t want to screw anything up.

“It started off with me being uncomfortable and now you’re the one who seems slightly uncomfortable,” I said, letting my statement hang in the air. She could choose to tell me if it was something I did or not.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:42 pm

"Thanks, Kimi." Trent wasn't too used to saying thank you to anyone. He never really had to before. But that couldn't throw him off track. He was relaxed and comfortable with her.

Jessie bit her lower lip slightly before explaining, "You didn't do anything's just that I'm usually not very blunt." Her lips curved into a smile after a moment and assured him more, "I really am enjoying my time with you, Kay."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:55 pm


I really wasn’t used to someone saying thank you for any reason and was pleasantly surprised when he said it. I liked being around him and I was comfortable around him, more so than with most guys.

“You’re welcome, Trent.”


I nodded, relieved and happy that I hadn’t done anything wrong. My smile returned to normal after her saying that she just normally wasn’t blunt. Personally, I liked how she was being perfectly honest and blunt, I really, really did.

“I like how you’re being blunt and honest, it’s a good thing. Not too many people are completely blunt and honest.” After she said she’s having a good time with me, my smile widens into a grin, one that’s completely genuine. “Thanks and I’m really enjoying my time with you, too, Jessie.”

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:03 pm

Trent nodded with a slight smile and then asked on instinct, "You want to get another drink?" He had a real hankering for one, but he wasn't about to get drunk like he did any other time. He didn't know how she would handle that.

Jessie's smile brightened, lighting up her features. "You're welcome and that's nice to hear." She commented simply before glancing around and questioning, "Do you think we could head outside for a bit?" She just wanted to escape the ear splitting music and the cramped spaces for a moment.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

Post by enchanted_sharpie Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:14 pm


I nodded kind of wanting another drink myself. I had only had one so far, which was somewhat surprising considering half the time I got drunk at parties. But I was somewhat iffy on getting drunk around Trent, probably because I was having such a good time sober.

“Sure. Lead the way to the drinks.”


I noticed the way Jessie’s smile lit her features up, causing my own smile to widen. She really was beautiful, not to mention I was enjoying being around her and I was extremely thankful that I met her and that I hadn’t made a fool out of myself.

“Yeah, we can go. Just lead the way, Jessie.”

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Give 'Em Hell, Kid Empty Re: Give 'Em Hell, Kid

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