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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:00 pm

So our beautiful thread was murdered on the original site so we're bringing it here for now Smile

Main peoples:
Natacha Jensen

And all their amazing characters.

Hell is Alive.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:01 pm

Oh, Hell yeah.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:09 pm

Torin turned to Anna and smiled, "We both are, so let's get you to your wedding, shall we?"

Luis grinned cruelly, "Hungry Father James?" he said and held up his hands mimicking a priest at the alter, "And this is my blood, the blood of everlasting life," he said impiuosly, his tone callous and mocking, "Would you like a sip?"


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:12 pm

Copying Natacha here:::: Oh, Hell yeah!

I think it's your turn to reply Liz, lol


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:15 pm

Tiffy's heart broke seeing him like this, poor Sophia, she made her way to them and passed the twins to Gabe, she took Jason's face in her hands, "Do you trust me?" she whispered.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:16 pm

So what was the gist of the last post for the wolves? x


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:20 pm

peachie-keen wrote:So what was the gist of the last post for the wolves? x

Peachie! You made it *hug-tackle*

It was:
Aurora got to her feet, still pretty naked, "You still owe me a run, unless I tired you out and you can't handle it?" she teased.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:20 pm

The tears were coming fast as I looked at Tiffy. After everything, after all that had happened, I had lost my little sister. "Of course," I whispered, my voice breaking. "But what...?" My voice trailed off as I looked back down at my sister. "Oh, God," I whispered.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:22 pm

Anna nodded fast and took Torin's hand as she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up, readying herself to go.

James shook his head as he pressed the palms of his hands onto his ears; "No, no," he mumbled and tore his eyes from Luis. The hunger churned in his stomach and he could smell the blood that Natacha was holding, "Why are you doing this?" he choked out, pathetic and weak of mind.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:25 pm

Kara_17 wrote:Jason
The tears were coming fast as I looked at Tiffy. After everything, after all that had happened, I had lost my little sister. "Of course," I whispered, my voice breaking. "But what...?" My voice trailed off as I looked back down at my sister. "Oh, God," I whispered.

Tiffy made him look at her again, "Then let me help her," she whispered, "Jason, I can do this, please.."


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:26 pm

Peachie: I believe the correct term is "glomp?" tsk tsk.

"No I'm not-" Kayden finished the sentence with a yawn. "Well, I guess I am... But I can't turn down a challenge." he grinned, forcing his eyes away from her breasts. "Did you know that statistics show that people look sexier when they're nakid?" he joked, chuckling, then licking his top lip.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:31 pm

I was torn. I knew that Tiffy could probably save Sophia, but it was too much of a risk to her and our unborn baby girl. Looking into her eyes, I slowly started to shake my head. "You can't do that, Tiffania. You're not stong enough as it is...Too much of a risk..." Tears were still running down my face as I looked back down at Sophia. She was only young...


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:34 pm

Natacha Jensen wrote:Anna nodded fast and took Torin's hand as she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up, readying herself to go.

James shook his head as he pressed the palms of his hands onto his ears; "No, no," he mumbled and tore his eyes from Luis. The hunger churned in his stomach and he could smell the blood that Natacha was holding, "Why are you doing this?" he choked out, pathetic and weak of mind.

Torin moved to open the door when Micah opened it, he wore a white wife beater now and leather jacket, he studied them hungrily, "Beautiful," he said and held out his arms to escort them.

The vampire grinned, showing his sharp teeth, "Because it's fun." he replied and knelt down before him, "Can you feel it Father, the burning in your belly, the Devil calling your name, drink."


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:38 pm

peachie-keen wrote:Peachie: I believe the correct term is "glomp?" tsk tsk.

"No I'm not-" Kayden finished the sentence with a yawn. "Well, I guess I am... But I can't turn down a challenge." he grinned, forcing his eyes away from her breasts. "Did you know that statistics show that people look sexier when they're nakid?" he joked, chuckling, then licking his top lip.

Aurora grinned and and turned on her heel, "If you want to see anymore of it, I guess you'll just have to catch me." she teased and shifted into a wolf as she took off running.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:41 pm

Tiffy took a deep breath, she didn't want to do this to Jason but she had to, "Jason," she started with all the gumption and power of the Alpha, "Move. I'm going to help her." she knew it was hard for a wolf to refuse their Alpha and even though they were partners in everything, in this moment she had to be above him.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:46 pm

Ze best thing about making our own site? No restrictions, no one too ban us, or to judge us Smile


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:52 pm

Kayden groaned, transforming and running after her fairly slowly. Of course, compared to any other animal, it was unbearably fast, but for his species, it was painfully slow.

"Hey Crack..." Lix began, twiddling her thumbs, when their heads both swooped up, sensing another being. Sure enough, an aurora coloured blur went past.
slow down! Lixouri transmitted her voice into the she-wolf's mind.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:52 pm

Anna smiled softly at him and glanced to Torin before she took Micah's arm.

James shook his head again before he let go off his ears; "If I don't, I will die. Right?" he mumbled, still not looking at Luis.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:53 pm

We might even get to finish our sentences, Liz :o.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:55 pm

I heard the power in her voice, and even though I tired to refuse it, it hit me deep. I set Sophia down and backed up slowly, staring at Tiffy. Why would she do that? Use the voice of the Alpha on me? It brought back memories of Julian, of what he had done with his power...


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:55 pm

Aurora gave a wolfy howl in reply and kept moving, she only slowed a little to look back and make sure Kayden was following. But not too closely.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:57 pm

Liz Allier wrote:Ze best thing about making our own site? No restrictions, no one too ban us, or to judge us Smile

I can't wait Very Happy


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:00 pm

liz: "Color cooating...anyways what you mean Natacha?"

Torin took his other arm and led them downstairs and into the cool night of Vegas, a red flashy Ferrari awaited them, Torin grinned, "You're the best Micah..."
Micah snickered, "I know," he said opening the backseat for them, "I'm driving."

Luis laughed, "You think you have a choice?"


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:02 pm

Tiffy felt bad for doing it but she had too, she touched Sophia's face and shut her eyes, her power flowed from her skin, backed by the will of an Alpha wolf, she began to fix her.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:03 pm

Kayden sighed, instantly speeding up, like he'd eaten a mario mushroom or something. He howled in response, putting his head down to use the natural streamlining of his body to the best effect.
"And there goes the other..." Crack commentated, his hair being blown into his mouth for the second time. Lixouri supresed a giggle, forgeting completely what she was going to say.


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A Walk through Hell (Regeneration) Empty Re: A Walk through Hell (Regeneration)

Post by Sponsored content

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