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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:07 pm

Okay, I’m finally going to make this. All of you may know my Sharps and Coxes, they live (sorta) in a little town called Bridgecroft.

The Cox Family

Ideas and Mindsets:

The Cause: You may often hear this saying. Basically Will's grandfather was trying to take over the world, that idea was passed on to his son, or Will's father.

What Better Way Then To Make An Army Of The Dead?: Ghosts are often tortured using guilt-tripping (digging up their pasts and making them feel horrible about themselves) and mind torture (the ability to go into the victim's mind and dig up horrible memories, often leading to confessions, the victim basically relives each painful memory. If you go far enough, the victim can go insane).

Every Man For Himself: If you get in the way, like support or shelter the enemy, you can be killed. Most save themselves before they would save others. They will leave you behind.

Don't Trust If You Can't Be Trusted: Even though they work together, the whole family has suspicions....but as you know...a house divided cannot stand.

That's Not My Name: Nick names aren't common here. Most are either called by their first name, or sir/ madam, or even Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms. The lower you are in training or in the whole cause, you wouldn't be on a first name basis with the people who are higher up. Unless, they're your "friend" or are your age.

Important Rooms:

The Torture Room: Often where suspected enemies are brought here. The Cox Family has a number one enemy, who throughout the years has thwart plans. Most suspected enemies will be killed after the information has been received. Ghosts may also be brought here, if they do not listen or to dig up pasts. The Torture room consists of cells that victims are placed in. They are often magic proof and for the ghosts, they often are lined with the ghost's grave's soil so they can't escape.

The Training Room: Where all skills for combat are taught. Combat skills consist of spells, fighting, and using your abilities to bring down the enemy.

The Family Vault: The Fake vault, everyone though believes it’s real for a good reason. (For those of you not sure what kind of vault I am referring to, it’s a mausoleum) No one knows it’s a fake; the real one is underneath of it. Very few Coxes know of it, the ones that do all have had some relation with The Seer’s Guide…I’ll talk more about that later.


The entire operation is done underground, but they connect to houses where most of the family lives. Some guards will stay underground at night to make sure no one escapes. Ghosts, of course, never leave unless ordered too. The children are normally home schooled, but due to a recent bit of important information, some older children are attending the local high school for it is rumored the daughter of the whole enemy clan goes there. You don't have to be family to be in for the Cause, some are close friends.

Appearance: Coxes normally have raven black hair and are usually tall, they often have grey-blue eyes.


A little info regarding our deceased friends.... All are basically prisoners, but the longer you have been here, the more you can be trusted and the more things you may oversee. The reason they follow orders is because they have been so guilt-tripped...they believe that the Cox Family can help them. The way it starts out is the family gains your trust, says they'll help you cross over, but in the process make you feel terrible about yourself...but can trust them...they'll never tell what you did. Ghosts on the day of their death, each year, will relive it.

The Sharps

Ideas and Mindsets:

Guide The Lost:
The “lost” are ghosts, basically the Sharps do the opposite of the Coxes. They wish to help the lost cross over and not use them for personal gain. They do not keep them as slaves, there is only one ghosts who ‘works” for the Sharps and its voluntary. He is a former Cox named Abraham.

Low In Monies: The opposite of the Coxes, who stole their money. The Sharps are poor, few have houses and if they do they live together. Many have second jobs and some live in HQ and stay hidden. If they work in town, they often change their last name, not all live in the town.

Appearance: Sharps often have brown hair (can be any shade) and blue-grey eyes, however, they are not as -identical in appearance- like the Coxes have.

Important Rooms:

The Training Room: Where all skills for combat are taught. Combat skills consist of spells, fighting, and using your abilities to bring down the enemy.

The Cells:
The Sharps have a cell block but do not torture regularly like Coxes do. They only do that if it has been agreed on as a last resort.

Living: Some live underground in small living quarters. The entire organization is underground, similar to the Coxes. They may live in a house or work a second job but those who live underground are often the ones who go out and fight.

The Fake Family

Consists of two people as who play the role of “mom” and “dad”. They are in the family but however cannot see ghosts.
Tyler (age 22) and Maria (age 20) both play the role of “siblings”, in truth they are cousins. Their parents took over the movement after Elizabeth’s parents were killed. They give information back and forth between the surrogate parents and their real parents in case they have to move her.
Most people (depending on the age, Elizabeth is 16 and her parents were killed when she was 2) do not know much about Elizabeth or have ever met her. (Now depending on the characters age, ranging from 17 and up might know)
She doesn’t see much of her real family only Tyler and Maria.



Use of spells, ability to bring up memories, seeing the future (not all can do this), can see, touch, and talk to the dead
Seers actually give off energy to the ghosts. Positive and negative. Positive is if they’re good and want to help, allows the ghost to become stronger and less weak. Negative is energy when one wants to harm or the intent is not good, it drains the spirits (ex. The Coxes).


INCENDEFACIO- can ignite different things
HALTE- causes the muscles to freeze up and the victim becomes immobile till released. They can still talk or breathe; it’s just the major muscle groups
LACUS- can help put out a fire, it produces water o3o
CONTEGO- creates a force field. The caster can only hold it for so long though, it weakens and drains them. It can deflect bullets and weapons but not anything that has to do with the mind.

The Definition of Seer-
one that sees , one that predicts events or developments, a person credited with extraordinary moral and spiritual insight

Character Sheet:
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not)
Bio: (optional)
Other: (optional)

(And No....I'm not done posting yet....^^"")

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty Re: The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Bells Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:21 pm

Name: Christina Sharp
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Erm. she's um. Christina.
Appearance: She has the normal brown hair of the Sharps, but its kinda a soft shade of brown. It flows to a bit past her shoulders, almost mid back. Her eyes are blue-gray, and have kinda a wary look to them, as if she's waiting for something to happen. She's a bit on the skinny side, almost to where you'd say its unhealthy, not that she sees it that way.
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) Alive
Other: (optional) She has two brothers, Micheal and Brett.

Name: Alysia Cox (aka Aly)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Personality: Um.. Aly.
Appearance: Alysia has dark, almost black hair cut in a short pixie cut. Her eyes a a nice hazel color, a bit different than normal. She's still kinda child like, but is around average height for her age.
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) Alive

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty Re: The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:25 pm

Name: Demetrius Cox
Age: 19
Gender: male
Personality: quiet, sarcastic, secretive, has good intentions at heart
Appearance: tall (about 6'2), has short raven black hair, and dark more grey then blue eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) Alive
Bio: (optional) William's older brother, his mother died when he was eight. One of the head's sons.
Other: (optional) He enjoys reading and playing the piano

Name: Thomas "Tommy" O'Sullivan
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Personality: sarcastic, hot headed, can be kind, often acts before he thinks
Appearance: has short brown hair, wears 1900s period clothing, has dark grey eyes, always soaking wet
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) Died December 22nd, 1906
Other: (optional) Was Andrew's best friend

Name: William David Cox
Age: 16
Gender: male
Personality: sarcastic, hot headded, stubborn, often secretive
Appearance: has longish raven black hair, tall (about 6'1) has dark grey blue eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) Demetrius' younger brother, the other son to the head
Other: (optional)

Name: Andrew Johnson
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: kind, caring, can be hot headed
Appearance: Blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes, around 5'11, wears 1900s period clothing
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) Died August 3rd, 1912 from a gun shot
Other: (optional)

Name: Dylan Wattington
Age: 15
Gender: male
Personality: sarcastic, stubborn, quick to anger
Appearance: has brown hair and dark brown eyes that have dark circles under them, he's about average height
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) Cause of Death unknown
Other: (optional) Looking for his mother

Name: Adelio Cox
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: meh....hard to describe..
Appearance: has short black hair, about 6'2 in height, grey blue eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) Twin of Benvenuto and older brother to Cassandra
Other: (optional)

Name: Benvenuto Cox
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: meh...hard to describe
Appearance: has short black hair, identical to Adelio
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) Twin of Adelio and older brother to Cassandra
Other: (optional)

Name: Mr. David Cox
Age: in his 40s
Gender: male
Personality: evulz...and insane..
Appearance: has raven black hair that's starting to grey, about 6'3
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) The head of the cause, keeps MANY secrets
Other: (optional)

Name: Cassandra Cox
Age: 15
Gender: female
Personality: hard to describe
Appearance: has long curly black hair, about 5'6
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) younger sister to Benvenuto and Adelio
Other: (optional)

Name: Ethan Sharp
Age: 18
Gender: male
Personality: kind, caring, protective of his little sister
Appearance: has shaggy brown hair, slightly taller than average, has grey blue eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) His parents were killed by Coxes, he lives in HQ with his little sister, Alice
Other: (optional)

Name: Alice Sharp
Age: 7
Gender: female
Personality: quiet
Appearance: has curly light brown hair, light blueish grey eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) younger sister to ethan, rarely talks since her parents were killed
Other: (optional) carries around a teddy bear

Name: Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson
Age: 16
Gender: female
Appearance: has dark brown hair, blue grey eyes, short
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) the former head's daughter, knows nothing about the Coxes or that she's a Sharp

Name: Maria Thompson
Age: 22
Gender: female
Appearance: has curly brown hair to her shoulders, short
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) part of the fake family, the new heads' daughter, sister to Tyler
Other: (optional)

Name: Tyler Thompson
Age: 23
Gender: male
Appearance: has short brown hair, about average height, has dark grey blue eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) part of the fake family, the new heads' son, brother to Maria
Other: (optional)

Name: Jacob Smith
Age: 20
Gender: male
Appearance: has brown hair, dark eyes, wearing a revolutionary soldier's uniform
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) DIed in the revolutionary war
Other: (optional)

Name: Violet Kingston
Age: 15
Gender: female
Personality: sweet and caring
Appearance: has curly black hair and violet eyes
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) Died in a car crash, looking to reach out to her brother who survived the crash
Other: (optional)

Name: Daniel "Danny" Shire
Age: 12
Gender: male
Appearance: wearing a school boys uniform, bruises on his neck and collar bone, has short red hair and freckles
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) Died falling down the stairs of his boarding school in 1939
Other: (optional)

Name: Abraham Cox
Age: 21
Gender: male
Appearance: tall, muscular but still has a leanness to him, wears glasses, has shaggy raven black hair
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) deceased
Bio: (optional) His brother (David Cox) killed him, but this is unknown. He now helps the Sharps, formarlly the keeper of the Seer's guide.
Other: (optional)

Name: Brett Sharp
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Appearance: has short curly brown hair, more blue then grey eyes, short height wise
Alive or Dead: (i.e. ghost or not) alive
Bio: (optional) younger brother to Micheal and Christina

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty Re: The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Banshee Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:01 pm

The Seer’s Guide

The guide is unknown to many but important to all. It keeps records of many things and the book constantly adds as life goes on. It can be altered by the keeper and is powerful, it holds many secrets. Potions, spells, maps, anything you can think of but information can be hidden or resurfaced. It is more difficult to resurface then to hide. It is a guide for Seers and it contains information regarding the lost. It was stolen from the Sharps by the Coxes. Very few know about it, for it is hidden. A keeper can choose the next in line or whoever picks it up if it was not designated. The book has a black leather cover and looks worn and faded, in no way ornate. Currently, the only ones who know about it are Demetrius, Mr. Cox, and Abraham (the former keeper).

The Lafette Family

Bussiness associates of the Coxes, the kids have obtained their powers through a transfer causing them to be slightly insane. Well....slightly is an understatement for Missy Lafette, the middle daughter. She's Demetrius' girlfriend, but it's arranged and he secretly can't stand her. They own a company in the city, her parents originated from France. Feel free to make siblings of her's.

Last edited by gh3325 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty Re: The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:21 pm


It all started with a series of murders. Funny way to start a story, isn't it? The murders started in the towns surrounding the area. I live in a little town called Bridgecroft, where nothing ever happens, nothing. Every day is pretty much the same as a next. Our town has one small movie theater, a mom and pop store, a couple of restaurants, and a few small shops but that's it. Day in and day out, I would regret the day I moved here three years ago that's until the Coxes came. Interesting bunch they are, seem to travel in wolves. The one boy, William, I think his name is, annoys me to no end. It's almost like he tries and makes it his own personal goal or something. Somethings up with them, I don't know what....but I'm going to find out...there's

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The Little Town Of Bridgecroft.... Empty Re: The Little Town Of Bridgecroft....

Post by Banshee Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:55 pm

(OKAY, I just wanted to say that I cannot control that many characters. You are free to make your own versions, just A. Ask first, B. Pick one and I can send you info about their tasks or etc.)

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