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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:22 pm

This is pretty much a free chat where anything goes, and all types of characters can be used.

The setting: A small town by the name of Huntscroft.

The plot: Mysterious and dangerous things have always happened in Huntscroft. Murders, suicides, disappearances, and other occurences decide to rear their ugly heads a few times every decade. The population notices, but they never do anything to stop it. They've seemed to get used to the idea of finding someone at the end of a noose, or a body in the trunk of a car. Also, paranormals aren't far-fetched either, but they mostly live in secret. Anything can happen in this town.

Couple rules...
~No killing somebody else's charrie without asking them first.
~There can be romance, but that doesn't mean everybody should get together with someone.
~No GodModding, of course.

~Everything else goes, pretty much!~

Format (You may add categories if necessary)
Appearance(Pic or Description):

Name: Stephanie Blakeman
Age: 17
Appearance: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town SaraPaxton-01-big
Personality: Quiet and shy, mostly because of her disability.
Other: She's mute. She carries a notepad and pencil around with her so she can communicate with people (when she has to). Her parents were murdered when she was young. She now lives with her aunt and uncle.

Name: Benjamin (Ben) Lowery
Age: 19 (He's younger than usual, just for this)
Appearance: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Cowboy-wow
Personality: Loyal, determined, kind, protective.
Other: He always wears a black Stetson no matter what the weather is like. He hates it when people lie to him, or don't trust him when he hasn't given them a reason not to.

Name: Shannon Ironheart
Age: 18
Appearance: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town 2221085798_a5dd2cccfd
Personality: Um...a bit of everything, I suppose. Not definite.
Other: She's a necromancer, meaning she can see ghosts and revive the dead. She has an supposed 'boyfriend' named Kyle whose constantly abusive towards her, so she tries to hide from him as best she can.

~Okay, I feel like I have enough characters so I'm just going to stop there...hope you join!~

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:24 pm

Wirklich? No one yet?

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by Avery Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:38 pm

Can I join?

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:14 pm

Sure! Smile Go ahead

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:40 pm

Can i join? Smile

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:51 pm

Well.....I don't know...........
Just kidding! Smile Of course you can!

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:53 pm

OK, cool Smile Will have charries in a sec.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:02 pm

Name: Landon Levine
Age: 19
Appearance(Pic or Description): Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town 2011-guy-hair-styles-5
Personality: (will develop)
Other: Has one tattoo on his right bicep that says love in Chinese. He a scar across his torso from when he was mugged a year ago.

Name: AJ Shelton
Age: 19
Appearance: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town 128521-500x500-subtlehighlightb
Personality: Will develop
Other: n/a

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Join date : 2011-08-02

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:57 pm

(I think I've waited enough...)
Stephanie forced herself to exit the 'safety' of her home, and walked down to the nearby lake, deciding that she needed somewhere quiet to think. Her thoughts had been going every which way recently, and she needed to clear her head. She sat down by the shore, and leaned back until she laid on the sand. She closed her eyes, trying to pick out a thought through the swarm of them.

Ben walked down Main Street, his hands tucked in his jeans pockets. He felt slightly out of place from everyone else, but he couldn't understand why. He strolled into a local diner, and then to the counter. He ordered a cup of coffee, and as he sipped it, he wondered what had persuaded him to go to this town. It wasn't exactly the most safe place in the county, let alone the state. Somehow, for some reason, he ended up there anyway.

Shannon found herself walking down some street. She didn't bother looking at the sign. All she cared about was getting away from him. She pulled the hood of her jacket over her head to hide her distinct scarlet hair before she touched her right cheek gingerly, knowing that a bruise would form. Kyle was so enraged by something she had done, she didn't even know what, he slapped her pretty hard. At least twice. She immediately left his place before he had a chance to do it again, and no way was she going back.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:53 pm

Landon left his house, just needing time to think. Seemed like he had been so busy lately that he had forgotten how to have time just for himself. Heading down some random street, he closed his eyes just for a sec. When he bumped into someone (Shannon), he caught them and quickly apologized. "So sorry. Are you okay?"

AJ headed into her local diner, sitting down and and ordering coffee, same as she did everyday. She was sick of this town, but didn't really have money to leave it. Looking around, she caught sight of a really handsome guy wearing a black Stetson. AJ had never seen him, so she guessed her was new.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:09 pm

Shannon looked up at him, hoping the slight shadow casting over her face from her hood would hide her features well enough he wouldn't notice her cheek. She didn't want anyone fretting over her when it wouldn't do any good. "Yeah, I'm fine." Were the words she let pass from her lips, since lying was now one of her instincts.

Ben glanced around the diner momentarily, and noticed a woman probably his age, he assumed. She had the brightest green eyes he'd ever seen. He tipped his hat in greeting as he sent her a charming smile.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:17 pm

Landon let go and studied her. She seemed to be hiding her face, not wanting anyone to see it for some reason. "I'm Landon."

AJ grinned and blushed slightly when he tipped his hat. The smile he gave her was gorgeous, which only served to widen her grin. This was the first time someone had noticed her in this town.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 5:31 pm

Shannon sensed his slight curiosity as he looked at her, but she acted as if she didn't notice. She had practice at it, after all. "Shannon. Nice to meet you." She said sincerely.

Ben decided it wouldn't hurt to talk to her, and said with good humor, a small grin, and his Southern accent seeping through, "Hello there. I'm Ben...and as you can probably tell, I'm not from around here."

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 7:56 pm

Landon smiled at her. "You too." When she moved a little, he saw what looked like a bruise on her face. He didn't stare, nor did he mention it. Frankly, it was none of his business, so he left it alone.

AJ grinned at him. "I'm AJ. And yeah, we don't get the Southern accent around here much. What brings you to this crappy town?" She studied him, taking in his handsome features.

(Should I add another guy? I feel like your other charrie is left out.)

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:11 pm

(Sure. Go ahead.)
Shannon smiled, although he probably couldn't see it, or well. After all, she didn't mind talking to a good-looking guy. "So, where are you headed, if you don't me asking?"

Ben shrugged, trying to not look at her too long. She was very pretty, and not like those women who slapped on tons of makeup, and wore clothes so tight you'd think they couldn't breath or walk right. "I was just askin' myself that and I honestly don't have a clue. Definitely not for the atmosphere, that's for sure. What about you? Why do you stay here?"

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:28 pm

Landon slightly saw her smile, and he liked it. "Um, just for a walk. I haven't taken time to relax in a long time." He shoved his hands into his pockets and watched her. "You?"

AJ looked away for a moment but her eyes were soon drawn back to him. "No money...And not really anywhere else to go."

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:38 pm

"Kind of the same." Shannon responded, choosing her words carefully like she always did. "The last couple of days have been...eventful."

Ben sipped some of his coffee, "I suppose one place is as good as any. It just matters who you decide to spend your time with there."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:44 pm

(I'm getting a Charrie together)

"Would you wanna walk with me?" Landon felt kinda stupid, but he thought it would give them each someone to talk to. "I'm not some kinda creeper, just so you know." He told her laughing.

"I spend time alone. No one really to hang around with." AJ told him, looking away. She took a few small sips of her black coffee and sighed.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:54 pm

Name: Mitchell Hughes
Age: 19
Appearance(Pic or Description):Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Tressie_spa_Caleb
Personality:(will develop)
Other: n/a

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:57 pm

Shannon laughed slightly, "If I thought you were, I wouldn't be standing here. Sure, that sounds nice." She hadn't felt this comfortable in a long time. Earlier she was living in fear, and now she felt like that wouldn't happen again.

"I'm guessing it doesn't get very lively here?" Ben asked half-jokingly with a small smile.

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Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:04 pm

Landon grinned and started walking slowly beside her. She was pretty but reserved in some way. "So a couple of facts about me: I'm nineteen, and work in the local gym as a fitness trainer. What about you, Shannon?"

AJ laughed. "Not really..." She really needed to get out of this town and go to college or something. She met men, but none her age or that she was even interested in. But Ben, now she was interested in him.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:35 pm

Shannon smiled lightly, "Well, I'm eighteen and looking for work, except I'm not sure what I want to do yet." She laughed somewhat, "Surprisingly."

Ben tapped his foot lightly on the tile floor, "Where would you go if you could?"

Stephanie opened her eyes to look over the deserted beach. She remembered when she was younger, her parents took her to this same shore every Saturday afternoon whenever the weather was decent. There were more people enjoying it as well back then, but eventually, they all stopped coming. She let out an inaudible sigh, knowing her parents weren't returning, although she often wished they could. How long had it been since their deaths? Ten years. It had been a while ago, but the memory of it was still fresh in her mind.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:56 am

Landon grinned. "I have thought about the military, but I don't know." He looked down at her, able to see the bruise clearly from this angle. It made him feel protective of her, but still he did not say anything.

AJ watched Ben, unsure of what to say. "I don't know...South probably. Try and get a job on a ranch or farm." She loved horses and knew almost everything about them.

Mitch walked down the beach, studying his surroundings. He missed the people that used to come here, making this place happy and carefree. Now it just sat deserted and it made for a not so pleasant scene.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:08 pm

Shannon almosted raised an eyebrow, but she stopped herself. She didn't really think of him as the military type, yet again, how could she judge him right away? "What branch?"

Ben was interested in her answer, and a small smile formed on his face before he took another drink of his coffee, "Not a cattle ranch, I assume?"

Stephanie eventually stood up, dusting the sand off her pants, and noticing that something in the water seemed to reflect light not like normal, but something metallic. She walked over to it, but to get a better view, she climbed on the nearby rocks. She sat, her legs hanging off the edge as she peered down at the object. Was it really bumper? She blinked a couple times before realizing that, yes, it was. She looked around from her higher vantage point, and noticed a guy on the beach. She couldn't exactly call out to him, but he would probably notice her just from where she was.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town Empty Re: Huntscroft...Your Seemingly Average Town

Post by ShaneColton Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:04 pm

"Army. It would pay my way through college." Landon had seriously considered it, and had even been to a recruiter to talk about my options. It was a possibility that he might be joining next week, when he went back.

AJ grinned. "Why not? I'll go wherever I can get hired." Ben was a curious fellow, but she liked it.

Mitch was looking around when he saw a girl standing on some rocks. It looked like she was trying to get his attention, so he jogged over to her. "Hey, are you okay?"

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