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Blood on your hands

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Sun May 06, 2012 6:54 pm

Ryder felt relieved that she was okay. He hugged her then quickly pulled away blushing. "Let me see the damage." He grabbed her head gently and looked to see the wound already closed up. Dry blood clun got her scalp. "We better get you to a hospital. Can you walk?" Maybe that wasn't a good idea since she could have a concusion. He picked her up.
Karma =)
Karma =)

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Sun May 06, 2012 9:28 pm

"Oh, so you like this place better?" Victoria put her arms around herself. "It would be fun at first," she mused.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon May 07, 2012 2:07 am

Aqua knew she could walk, but he had already picked her up. "I don't need a hospital. I heal faster than other species, since I am apart of nature." He'd probably make her go to it anyway and she'd have all kinds of needles in her.

Blake nodded. "I like it because it's my own sanctuary. No one bothers me, except for the random people that come and go. It's not fun when you have to fight over your territory though." He wondered where her friend was now, since they had been walking in the same direction for a while now. "Where's your friend..? He must have tried to find you."
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Mon May 07, 2012 2:14 pm

Emi giggled and smirked at him. "Wow.. Mr. vampire is actually listening to me. Good boy." She cooded him.

Amriah took off running down the pathways. She made no sound as her entire body shifted into hunting mood. She needed to find her brother and fast. If the Doctor's got him before she could... he would be dead by morning.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Mon May 07, 2012 4:24 pm

Theo: I could tell things were urgent, because Amirah was moving FAST. I had to move quickly to keep up. Not much of a strain, but certainly more than my typical leisurely pace. I kept my ears open for any noise, head low to the ground to follow the scent trail.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Mon May 07, 2012 4:43 pm

Amirah stopped suddenly and looked around. She could feel someone following them. She turned and got into a hunting position. "Come on out Kyle." She hissed.

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Post by Ravyn Mon May 07, 2012 6:04 pm

Theo: I turned as she did, backing up next to her. Who was Kyle....? Judging by her stance, he wasnt a friend. I bristled slightly, hair standing on end. I didnt want to fight anyone, but if it came to it....

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Mon May 07, 2012 7:25 pm

"I listen to everything. I just don't show it," he protested.

Victoria yawned, stretching her arms as they walked. "I dunno. I kinda like you better though. He'd be forcing me to eat so I grow up big and strong or something like that. Not that I can grow anyway."

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Mon May 07, 2012 11:09 pm

Ryder could understand that since he was part vampire he healed fast too but he just had to bring her to a hospital. It was probally his human side talkiing. He carried her to his house instead deciding that would be better. When he got to the house he set her on the couch. "If you start feeling worse I'm taking you straight to the hospital." He hoped he wasn't killing her by making this decision.
Karma =)
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue May 08, 2012 3:04 pm

Blake shrugged. "I could catch something really quick." He himself was a bit hungry and he removed a dagger from his belt. Blake saw a rabbit and decided this would be a good piece of prey. The rabbit hadn't spotted him yet and he threw the dagger to where he thought the rabbit would move. Sure enough, the rabbit had moved right into the path of dagger in its panic. Blake jogged over to the rabbit, removing his dagger and rubbed the blood off on a near by plant. He walked back over to Victoria, putting the dagger back on his belt and the rabbit in his hands.

Aqua was surprised when he carried her to his house. "I'm fine and I'm not going to any hospital," She protested, not keen on the thought of humans sticking things into her and being in a white room, with a taste of sickness. "I'm fine. We need to figure out who that was...not that I saw him anyway."
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Tue May 08, 2012 8:16 pm

Emi shrugged and let the subject drop. She watched as they approached the cave. She stepped out of his arms and landed and her one good foot. She sighed. Her other foot was killing her but she didnt show the pain.

Amirah growled and Kyle stepped out. "Hello beautiful. Jesus girl you become more and more beautiful each day." He said with a seductive smile. "What do you want..?" Amirah said not lightening up her hunting position. Kyle held up his hands. "I am only a messanger from them." Amirah rolled her eyes. "Spill your message or I kill you." She growled. Kyle leaned against a tree and shrugged. "They only wanted to tell you that your to late... they have your borther."

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Tue May 08, 2012 9:27 pm

Victoris jaw dropped. "Oh my god, the poor bunny! Why'd you do that? Do you kill innocent little bunnies everyday?" she shrieked.

Sterling yawned again. "So what're we doing here?"

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Tue May 08, 2012 10:46 pm

Ryder nodded sitting next to her on the couch. "He had ebony hair and red eyes." Though he assumed that was from being mad or whatever reason they eyes turned red. Even his took on flecks of red in them. That is what scared him. He didn;t want to be anything like them. "He had a bunch of scars on his neck and face. Oh and he had some tattoo that said Axel and something about fire." That was all he could remember of the guy. The whole thing felt unreal.
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Wed May 09, 2012 7:28 pm

Emi shot a glare at him. "If you shut up and just put up then we will be out of here by nightfall. Night is easier to travel... at least for now." She sighed and sat on a rock. "And I need to heal my ankle..."

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Wed May 09, 2012 8:44 pm

Theo: I liked this guy less and less by the second..... and by the end, i mgiht actually have been ready to engage in a fight. So they had him?! But where were they keeping him? We had to get him back....... i knew that. Amirah wouldnt rest until we did.....

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Wed May 09, 2012 9:09 pm

Amraih's entire body tensed up. "They.. have him..." She gorlwed under her breath. HEr entire body shook with fury. "Kyle..." She growled and charged at him. Kyle took her by her throat and chuckled. "I knew you were going to do that." He pulled her to him and Amirah pushed and shoved against his chest. "LET ME GO! Let ME-.." Kyle's lips crashed onto hers.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Wed May 09, 2012 9:12 pm

Theo: Yeah, okay. That was it. As much as i hated confrontation, sometimes it was necessary....... a low, furious growl ripped its way from my throat and i lunges forward, massive bone-crushing jaws aiming to snap down on his leg.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Wed May 09, 2012 10:42 pm

Sterling groaned, stepping forward and pinning her to the rock. Then he bit onto his palm, letting some blood escape. "I swear to god your ankle is bothering me more than you," he muttered.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Thu May 10, 2012 9:37 am

Emi leaned against the rock and rolled her eyes. "Its not my fault some creppy looking vampire wanted to taste my blood for a main dish. Its not my fault we have to stop because my ankle needs some medicine!! I have some in my bag. Once I sleep it should be healed." She said. Her eyes never left his.

Kyle thrashed away from Amirah and howled. "Freaking oup." Kyle growled looing down at his torn up leg. "Just remember miss Amirah... I still own you even if you did leave." he said before decking out into the woods.
Amirah stood there trembling with Anger. How darhe bring up her past. He didnt own her anymore then the freaking earthowned her!!!! She sat down on a rock and closed her eyes. Kyles mouth tasted itter sweet to her and she spat on the ground and wiped her mouth. Amirah looked up at Theo and gave him a forced smile. "Thank you..." She whispered.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu May 10, 2012 4:22 pm

Blake was shocked by her reaction. "What do you think I eat? Do you think I eat all those stupid plants? I eat animals and they are rabbits, not bunnies in that movie Bambie!" He stuffed the rabbit in his bag.
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu May 10, 2012 4:24 pm

Karma =) wrote:Ryder nodded sitting next to her on the couch. "He had ebony hair and red eyes." Though he assumed that was from being mad or whatever reason they eyes turned red. Even his took on flecks of red in them. That is what scared him. He didn;t want to be anything like them. "He had a bunch of scars on his neck and face. Oh and he had some tattoo that said Axel and something about fire." That was all he could remember of the guy. The whole thing felt unreal.

Aqua felt angry. This stupid guy had tried to kidnap her for blood or something and he looked creepy, from Ryder's descriptions. "Huh...well why would he kidnap me...? I'm just an elf..."
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Thu May 10, 2012 5:51 pm

"Well I know they're not all that cute, but I mean... Its a bunny," she

"Medicine is going to heal a broken ankle?" he asked doubtfully, then shoved his wrist against her mouth, forcing her to drink.

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Thu May 10, 2012 9:35 pm

Theo: I just kinda stood there in shock for a moment, fine tremors running through my entire body as i shook slightly. I couldnt seem to get the taste of blood out of my mouth, and i fought the urge to vomit. I hadnt attacked anyone since i was very, very little. I hadnt forgiven myself then and i was upset again now. I didnt want a fight..... i didnt. But that guy had hurt Amirah, at least emotionally, and that had just.... made me angrier than i ever remembered being. But i had to come to terms with this..... it was necessary and there would be more necessary fights later on. "You're welcome...... so... uhm..... wh-what do we do now......?

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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Thu May 10, 2012 11:26 pm

Ryder still felt stunned at the whole incident. "He said something about his master needed you for something. Plus you smell good." He didn't mean for the last part to come out. A blush creeps onto his face. "Not that I would bite you..." He wasn't helping his situation at all.
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Blood on your hands - Page 22 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri May 11, 2012 1:01 am

Aqua blushed a bit. "He probably wanted me for blood or sex or something..." She stood up slowly and walked to Ryder, taking his hands in hers. "If you want my blood, I'm a doner. I'm a nature creature, so by my code I'm supposed to help others." She didn't really mind, considering that a lot of vampires had drained her of blood.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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