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Blood on your hands

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:25 pm

Rain: I was quite relieved as his reaction proved to be generally calm..... i'd expected him to be mad, possibly even violent, but then i remembered that not everyone was as quick to anger as i typically expected. "Oh.... uhm... n-nothing, really. Just heading home from work. The late shift....... its not ideal, but.... well, you get what you can get....." i said. I'd only been here a few days..... i'd been lucky to get any work at all.

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:55 pm

Victoria sighed and parted a few bushes. When she found Sterling he was going to get a piece of her mind.

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:35 pm

Ryder smiled, "Maybe or maybe it was because you don't smile enough." He teased her. He drunk the rest of his coffee. He looked at the clock to see it was no 9. " I should probally get going. I don't want to ware out my welcome."
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:55 pm

Ignatius nodded, a small smile appearing on his face. This little female fit with what he grew up with, in many ways, and didn't seem to think he was strange. "Well now, a lady like you shouldn't be walking these streets alone. How 'bout I escort you?" He felt his temperature flare, but he let it flow through him, reaching mainly into his hands, arms, and heart.

Blake was surprised to see a female part the bushes. "Um...hi." I guess. He wasn't expecting anyone to be out here really... He felt an itch and realized a part of his hand was still dragon. He slid it into his dark jacket and turned toward the person.

Aqua smiled, just to mess with him. She wrapped her one hand around the mug. "Well alright. Sorry about last night." She really hated making a fool of herself and maybe, just maybe, she would see him again.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:31 pm

( SOrry I have been gone!!! Went on a surpirze trip to Vegas :3 :3 )

Amirah looked at Theo. "How am I changing you?" She asked raising a eyebrow. She moved slightly closer as the cold wind came apon her already icy skin.

Emi looked at him with a slight distrust. She took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you.. my name is Emi. I dont know if I already said that... well you might as well sit down and get comfortable. Once the sun comes up then you kind find your girl." She said with a small smirk.

Endilion looked at Viper's face and felt alittle let down. "ARe you okay? You seem to be bothered by something.." SHe whispered looking at him.

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Apr 07, 2012 10:16 pm

Theo: I thought about this for a moment, trying to find words, and noticed she moved closer. I didnt make a move to get closer to her too, but i didnt move away as i would almost certainly have done with anyone else. "I don't know...... its....... hard to explain.... but, uhm....... im not quite as nervous around you. Its..... a little easier to talk. I don't just expect you to...... well, either just.... laugh at me and call me pathetic or get mad and leave..... i can be a little more open. You sort of..... bring me out of my shell a little...... i dont really know if that's good or bad, but...... its good, i think...." i said, hoping that had made sense.

Rain: I couldnt shake the distrust and anxiety that tainted all of my social interactions since meeting /him/. Even now, they were nagging at me, screaming at me to decline, to leave as quickly as possible and run home and lock every door and window and check the locks in triplicate and hide until work forced me to leave the house again. What if he was some kind of stalker who wanted to find out where i lived so he could lurk for whatever scary reason? What if he wanted to rob the place, or burn it down? What if, what if, what if....... a million 'what if's ran through my head every second, and very few of them, if i were to study them rationally, would actually be significantly plausible. If i was thinking rationally, i would know that there was very little chance that he was anything other than a genuinely nice guy who wanted to make sure the real bad people out there didnt nab me on my way home. But the anxiety, the irrational paralyzing fear did not think that way, immediately demonizing him, making him something to be feared. It was hard not to listen. But the need to not be alone on these dark, frightening, and most certainly dangerous streets overcame the anxiety, and for the first time in a long time, i managed to block it out. "O-oh..... uhm, well if you don't mind, the company would be appreciated......"

Last edited by Ravyn on Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:50 pm

Ryder smiled, "Trust me it fine." He started heading for the door. "Maybe I will see you later?" He hoped that it didn't sound like he was desperate. He just liked her and wanted to see her again.
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:17 pm

Viper shook his head. "It's just that the sight of this house makes me sick. The way my parents invested in such a fancy place..." He didn't know if she would understand, but he wasn't used to anything fancy. Viper lived off the land when he ran away and never had such luxury. He looked at her, his eyes telling that he was alright.

Ignatius nodded. "It's my duty to protect yo--the people of this place." He managed to not reveal himself, that he wasn't a human. He could smell the purity of a human come off her in waves. "It would be nice if I knew the name of the pretty lady in front of me." He held out a hand, politely and as if he was going to escort her to a dance or a luxurious event.

Aqua nodded, blinking her kind eyes. "Maybe." She wanted him to understand how she felt. "Wait..." She put her mug down and hurried to where Ryder was standing, in front of the door. Aqua kissed cheek softly, remembering how he said he wouldn't take advantage of her. She stood close, wanting to see his reaction and if he felt the same way.

Last edited by Eagle on Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:41 am; edited 1 time in total
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:25 pm

Rain: His duty....? "Uhm..... are you some sort of undercover police officer or something...?" i asked. I knew sometimes police officers dressed as civilians while on patrol so that people wouldnt be wary of them. "And, ah.... my name is Rain. What's yours?" i questioned further. When he offered his hand, i hesitated, but brought myself to take it anyways. He really did seem nice..... i didnt see a lot of people with manners like this. "Thank you."

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Apr 09, 2012 4:34 am

Slip of the tongue. "The duty of a citizen, to make sure the others aren't taken. Surely you know of people disappearing?" It made Ignatius mad that other species thought of humans as tools. They were just another species. "My name is Ignatius." Her hand felt soft and very much human in his. "No problem m'lady."
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:03 pm

Rain: "That's what i've been told, yes..... although i don't know a lot of people who would bother watching out for someone else to make sure nothing bad would happen..." i said, admittedly somewhat impressed. When he gave me his name, i immediately found it very unusual, but i liked it.... it just... seemed to fit, i supposed. "Nice to met you... uhm... my house is this way...." i said, moving in the correct direction.

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:40 am

Ignatius gave a smile. "Well I like to know that this area is safe...." Her name was original and reminded him of his enemies, but he made no comment on it. "Right. Should've asked where it was...What do you usually do around here?" He wanted to blend in with the locals, but that was hard considering that when people touched him, it felt as if he were running a fever.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:03 am

Rain: "Oh... well, i've only actually been here about a week, so i havent developed much routine yet..... i've mostly just been unpacking and looking for work." i admitted. I sort of wondered if he had a cold or something... he didnt SOUND sick or anything, but he felt sort of warmer than most people should. I told myself i was being paranoid. I was probably just cold and he felt warmer in comparison or something. Nothing to worry over....

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Tue Apr 10, 2012 10:41 pm

Ryder was almost out of the door when she yelled out wait. He turned to see her coming towards him. Before he could say a word she kissed him on the cheek. He felt heat rise in his face and he wanted more than anything to kiss her on the lips but he would feel like he was taking advantage of her. Maybe she was just giving him an innocent kiss goodbye?
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:08 am

Ignatius chuckled. "Well work and unpacking is important. I've seen the woods, club, and the houses around here. The club was...interesting." He remembered how all the females looked at him in awe, even if they were with someone else. He had gotten quite an interaction with one lady, who he guessed was drunk at the time.

Aqua looked at his flushed face and took that positively. "I know you feel the same..." She whispered, before reaching up and kissing his lips with a quick passion. She pulled away, her face still close to his. Aqua looked into his eyes, willing him to say something or respond.
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:08 am

Rain: I nodded. "I think so..... cant keep the apartment if i can't pay the rent, and tripping over boxes constantly sort of sucks...." i said, shrugging slightly. "I pretty much only ever go between work and home, unless i have to pick up groceries or something....... uhm...... this place is a little creepy, actually..... so im not really inclined to explore the rest of it...."

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:15 am

Ignatius nodded. "I understand. You're one of the ones who's always thinking about the future. A lot of people just have parties and use up their money to pay it."
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:09 am

Rain: I nodded, understanding what he was saying. "Yeah.... i know a lot of people like that....." i said. But i didnt want to wind up in the streets, and i wasnt big on parties, really. Too noisy and crowded. I'd rather be home reading.

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:37 am

Ignatius understood her mind. He didn't like the big parties either, but he was always invited to them. Females had always let on that they wanted to have fun with him. "They're very sad people."
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:29 pm

Sterling: "Well the problem is we were supposed to meet eachother *now*. I'd hate to think of what trouble she's getting in now," he muttered, sitting down.

Victoria: She looked surprised. "Oh, not Sterling. You're as cute as he is, though. Maybe if you dyed your hair or something..."

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:34 pm

Blake blinked in surprise and blushed. "My hair...?" He ran a hand through his blonde hair, something he did when he was nervous. Blake wasn't used to females really and this one had said he was cute. ""
Wolf of Storms
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:38 pm

Rain: "I agree...... i can understand wanting to have fun or whatever, but..... the way they go about it just seems... very superficial and narrow minded, to me....." i said. I was sort of surprised - i didnt meet a lot of people who thought like that. This guy was far more unusual than i'd initially thought, but...... it want entirely a BAD unusual....

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Sweet Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:54 pm

Victoria: "It suits you though. I don't think Sterling would look good in blonde." She gasped, as if remembering something. "You haven't seen my friend, have you? I'd hate for him to get mad at me."

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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Karma =) Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:55 pm

Ryder kissed her back. When she pulled away he was panting. "I.... uhhh..." He felt so lost for words. The only way he could think of to answer was to kiss her back. He took her face in his hands and kissed her for a couple mintues before pulling away. "Does that answer your question?"
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Blood on your hands - Page 12 Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:45 am

Blake blushed more and it was obvious on his face. "Uh...well no. I haven't seen anyone. I can help you look though..." It wasn't like he was doing anything. His trainer was gone and plus, everything was done.

Ignatius nodded, not surprised by her answer. She seemed like the type to not go to these things. "It is true. I go to the club sometimes and all they want are one night stands." He shook his head, not approving it.

Aqua kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She enjoyed it and he was so good at it... When he pulled away she was breathing hard. " does..." She realized her arms were still around him and put them at her sides.
Wolf of Storms
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