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Blood on your hands

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Blood on your hands Empty Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:40 pm

In the dark of night when all humans are asleep. The children of the night come out to play. All creatures from hell come out and begin to have their type of fun. They feed, dance, and kill one another if it comes down to it.
For the humans that curiosity takes over, they are the first to wittness and not many live.

Ok so this is to help me write my book. You can have battles, drama, love, anything you want but keep it pg 13. Smile


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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:59 pm

Name: Amirah
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Bio: She was changed when she was accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch Trails.
Weapon: Uses bow and arrows. She made it in 2 years and the arrows she made as well.
Looks: Blood on your hands Tgirl

Name: Alexander
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: half -Demon
Bio: Not much to tell. He likes to keep it secret. His father was a demon his mother was a human. Mother died from giving birth to him
Weapon: Long red blade
Blood on your hands B4a246c7955a4ed54122528ec712b65bebb4daa7

Last edited by Alice on Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:34 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:45 pm

Sounds interesting Smile

Name: Viper
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter
Bio: His parents were both dragons, which happens to be one of his favorite forms. He was an outcast at birth and hated himself and others.
Weapon: His forms, sometimes poison
(black hair though)

Blood on your hands Anime_Emo_Boy_2

Name: Aqua
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Mostly elf, little human
Bio: Nothing really. She was hidden from the world for her whole life and hasn't seen her parents since she was five.
Weapon: Bow and arrow, potions, sometimes dagger
(normal height)
Blood on your hands Anime_elf_hunter
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:43 pm

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Bio: Merf...... not entirely sure. I get the feeling he isnt liked much by his family and has been on his own most of his life. Has no pack.
Weapon: His teeth and claws, usually, although he knows how to use small knives and basic handguns.
Looks:Blood on your hands Emo-5

Name: Rain
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Bio: Lives by herself, recently moved cities to get away from an abusive ex.
Weapon: N/A
Blood on your hands 1184162286_InvisableAnimeGirl

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:32 pm

( yay haha anyone want to start or do you want me to start?)

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:45 pm

You can start ^^

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:04 am

Amirah hisseed at the sun that was comming through her blacked out windows. She shyed away from it and she curled up into a corner. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe correctly. She didnt understand most things but she knew that she hated the sun. It would burn her to thin ashes and it wouldnt be good for her.

Alexander stood in the sun and enjoyed the heat on his pale skin. He wore colored contacts to hide his remarkable dark red eyes. They were a ugly brown color now and he leaned back. He had been trying to run at least 45 miles but that didnt work out. He got to 30 and felt like stopping. He sighed and closed his eyes in frustration. He couldnt wait till the night

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:37 am

Viper hid among the alleys, hoping for some little human to come along. He had to eat didn't he? Most of the humans begged for him to let them go...but Viper had to eat. Small game such as humans weren't usually his type. Viper prefered to hunt like an animal, letting all the animal's instincts take over. Tonight was going to be a good night, he could feel it in his blood. His hybrid blood.

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:25 am

Rain: I strode down the street, head down, pace brisk, not wanting to linger anywhere. Best to just get where i was going as fast as possible. I had only been in this city about a week, and although i had a decent apartment and had managed to get a job, something about this place seemed horribly foreboding. I tried to tell myself it was just paranoia, fear that HE would somehow find me here, but there was a nagging little part of me that said that this entire place was genuinely dangerous. The only reason i was out now was because i had to get to work and had no car.

Theo: Why was i awake and out during the middle of the day when i would normally be asleep? Insomnia. It felt wierd to be walking around outside in the daytime, but frankly, i couldnt sleep and had far too much energy to stay cooped up inside. Leaving and wandering had been the only option. The sunlight felt strange and seemed far too bright and i wished for the night to come quickly so i could be out without problems.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:52 am

((would it be okay if my character Viper met Rain?))

Aqua sighed as she walked down the street to a bar she worked at. She currently worked as a dancer and hated it. Aqua had to pay the bills and it was a perfect cover for her elfness. The people were too drunk to notice her ears, but they noticed her long hair and beautiful looks. Aqua was going in early to work the night shift, as usual.

Viper sighed as he shifted only so his teeth became like a dragon's. His eyes changed to a dark red, making him look scary. He wasn't really evil, just misunderstood. He went out onto the streets, avoiding eye contact and heading out of the city.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:13 pm

(Yes, that's fine ^^)

Rain: I arrived at the small bookstore where i'd been hired and pulled out the key, trying the lock. The bookstore was old, and situated near the edge of the city, but it was fairly close to home. I'd been surprised when they'd given me a key, but the owner had explained that people had a tendency to go missing and it wasnt usually too practical to rely on any one person to consistently open the store or lock up at night. Another reason this place creeped me out.... but work was work. I'd also been warned that the lock was quite sticky and temperamental. As i tried to open the store, i realized that the owner had been right. This thing REALLY didnt want to budge. Anxiety crept up on me as i realized i was stuck outside in the open until i could get this stupid lock to work, and my efforts to open it doubled. I'd dealt with bad locks before..... i could get this open.....

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:16 pm

"Need help with that?" Viper's voice came from no where, like a ghost. His icy blue eyes looked at her, knowing very well that she was human. He might have scared her, but he was used to it. "I can try the lock if you can't get it." Viper had quite an experience with lock picking and thievery, not that he planned on stealing from a book store...
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:46 pm

Rain: I practically jumped out of my skin, sudden panic flaring through me momentarily as the voice seemed to come from nowhere, and tried not to wince as i hit the door and angered a fading but still sore bruise. "N-no..... its all right, uhm.... not the first time i've dealt with a bad lock... i'll get it...." i said, voice quiet and probably betraying my uneasiness. I didnt trust this guy, and it didnt help that he gave off a strange, bad vibe. I just wanted him gone.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:01 pm

Viper shook his head. "This happens every day doesn't it? Disappearing people..." Though he was dark himself, Viper didn't like the way humans were dying. The creatures of the night and the humans should co-exist.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:12 pm

Rain: "W-What happens every day....?" i asked hesitantly. The lock being stupid...? "U-uhm..... do that many people really disappear...?" i squeaked out even more hesitantly. I mean, i'd been told that sometimes people went missing, but i didnt think it was so bad...... and...... was he implying that I was going to disappear?! Finally the lock gave up and turned, the door opening. "O-oh.... good.... uhm..... the door's open.... i need to get inside, so, er....... goodbye...." i said, opening the door and starting in.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:15 pm

Viper bit part of his lip. "People disappear more often than you think. You should really fix that lock." When he saw the door open, Viper knew that he shouldn't scare the poor human anymore than he already had. "Well...I'll be going now. Sorry for the scare." Viper turned on his heels and went in the same direction he was before, to the woods on the outskirts of the city.

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:18 pm

Rain: I nodded. The owner of the store had told me that the locksmith was scheduled to come later in the week, so hopefully it'd be safer soon. I got in and closed the door behind me, opening up the store and taking my place behind the counter, relieved that the guy had just left and hadnt hung around or tried to kidnap me or something.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:11 pm

( Rav- Could Amriah meet Theo? Maybe during the night?)

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:28 pm

(Yeah, sure.)

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:58 pm

Soon Amriah could see the moonlight shine through. She gave a small smile and stood up. She dusted off her black pants and her black shirt. She walked to the door and turned back around. She alwas said good bye to the room just in case she didnt come back.
Amriah took in a deep breath and walked out and soon she was out in the open. She quickly walked into the woods where she knew someone would be waiting to attack her. She gave a low laugh at the thought of someone thinking they could get her. Soon she was in the middle of the woods which was divided by a small little river. She sat down and waited and listened for someone to make the slightest move.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:52 pm

Rain: There were very, very few customers that afternoon, and by the time my shift ended, it was already dark outside. I bit my lip nervously as i closed up the store and prepared to go home, remembering what the guy from earlier had said about people disappearing more often than i thought. The dark night outside seemed seriously uninviting..... but i had to go home. Very reluctantly, i headed out of the store, turning off the lights as i went and locked the door before making my way home, senses straining to hear anyone approaching who may pose a threat, heart rate up even though nothing had happened yet.

Theo: Finally the sun went down and the moon went up. I headed past the edge of teh city and hit the woods, shifting from my human form into a rather massive black wolf, darting among the trees. I wasnt looking for a fight - frankly, i HATED fighting. I just wanted to go for a run and this was the easiest place to do so.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:50 pm

Amirah looked into the water and saw herself more clearly. She sighed and looked away. She had always thought of herself as a monster but she knew that she couldnt change herself. She was a smack talking girl who had confidence and the ability to fight. No one would dare touch her.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:54 pm

Theo: As i ran, i began to not really pay attention. And when i broke into the clearing, i completely missed the girl in front of me, resulting in a collision. I yelped and jumped back, apologetic and startled, and it took me a minute to realize i'd just run into a vampire. This..... wasnt good....

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Alice Sun Feb 12, 2012 6:56 pm

Amriah looked at the wolf and snarled. She growled and stood up. "Stupid mutt." She snarled. Her eyes looked as if they were consumed in a icy fire. "Did you just make a deat hwish come true?" She asked stepping up closer to the wolf.

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Blood on your hands Empty Re: Blood on your hands

Post by Ravyn Sun Feb 12, 2012 7:01 pm

Theo: Oh no...... i'd made her angry..... a small whimper emitted from my throat as i backed up a few steps, tail between my legs fearfully. I REALLY didnt want a confrontation.... i shifted back, glancing at her apologetically. "S-sorry..... uhm.... i really, really don't want a fight.... im just kinda klutzy. I didnt mean to run into you, honest...." i stammered, seriously hoping i wasnt about to get killed.

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