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Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:27 pm


I listen interested. My past host hadn't had much, if any, knowledge on those things. Who knows, knowledge of such things may or may not help in my future too. Face was set on graduating, so he must see some value in it. "Might I be able to go?" I ask. "Ive never had such experiences...."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:36 pm


She wanted to attend school with me. ...I found the idea strange. The idea that anyone would willingly attend school... was completely foreign to me. "I suppouse if you really wanted to have to deal with the place... there isn't much stopping you. Though I warn that the students and faculty would probably want little to do with you, considering that from what I have heard of your interest in colours, and what I have heard of your... amorphous tendencies. They tend not to particularly like what is... unusual." ...Though then at least I would have someone at lunch who wouldn't be an utter imbecile...Which would be a pleasant change.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:46 pm


I take a pause at that. True, I am strange... stranger than Face, which I'm sure his classmates would love to see... Again, I start my slight habbit of attempting a 'hand'. "I could claim another host..." I muse aloud. "You are planning on...shall we stay, temporary kidnapping of a classmate for your torturing... I may take them afterwords..."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:01 pm


Hold on wait what? She could do... what? "So.. let me make sure that I heard this correctly. You plan on body snatching one of the idiots so that you can attend school in a covert manner?" I asked, although I was quite certain that I heard her properly. I was never really wrong about sounds. "That is actually terribly resourceful of you... though... I am still quite perplexed by the skill set itself... Care to expound?"

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:22 pm

Explain? Explain... My consciousness is blanking. "Difficult..." I murmur, tapping my 'chin'. "I can go throughout the body. Osmosis, I believe its called? And then I absorb the neural impulses to paralyze, and move the body how I wish," I say, though its slightly a guess. "Not exactly sure; I only had my one past host, the girl, and I wasn't truely aware of myself in her. I 'woke up' when she shut me out."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:16 pm


"So... are you saying that you could potentially take on the personality of the person you happen to take over instead of the other way around? ...I do not know that that would be a favourable thing... considering the insurmountable quantity of idiocy I have to plow through on a daily basis... Your IQ could potentially drop just sharing a mindspace with any of those people." I was really quite concerned that I would have to tolerate one of them on a regular basis. That did not sound in any way enjoyable, and probably would have culminated in someone being terminated in some way. ...Not that there would be any evidence in this instance of course... I'd do away with it all.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:29 pm


"No, I stay separate. I suppose a sudden shift in personality might be too suspicious...?" Troublesome... though wit my experiences with humans, shifts such as that weren't really uncommon for them. "But it would be me speaking, no matter the persons' thoughts or voice."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:39 pm


"Well then. That would probably work... Though we would have to deal with the fact that whoever the intended victim is would then be spending great deals of time talking with me... which could potentially upset the precarious and completely pointless balance of social power at the school." Actually, this was starting to sound like an experiment in sociology or something the more I thought about it. Trolling the school populace for the convenience of someone marginally more important and exponentially less idiotic. Sounded like fun.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:46 pm


"You humans are adaptive; they'll get used to it," I scoff, waving the fact off. I pause and then giggle. "And then we'd be hurting the person's reputation as well, yes, not just putting them through some recoverable torture? They will be made an outcast?" Like my past host. I make people freaks... Which was simply such an enjoyable fact for me.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 10, 2012 2:10 pm


"Naturally. Completely isolated from whatever they'd happened to have as a social life. We would be unbalancing the delicate social infrastructure that makes the hive of idiocy ...well, precisely that- a hive of idiocy." This had the potential to be catastrophically hilarious. We could troll the entire school. In the name of social experimentation. We could do an in depth practical analysis of the dissolution and unbalancing of human social constructs. "Hmm... Perhaps as soon as we have finished with this evaluation of Silicon we can start work on that project..." Which of course meant that I had less time to work on my own personal projects... but perhaps this could make school more enjoyable for the bits I was awake for.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:53 pm


I glance at the container again, 'jumping' from his bed and reforming behind him to look inside. "Sounds like a good next still have your work and computer thing though, right? So tomorrow, perhaps..." Really, what was this silicon supposed to do.... "Ready yet?"

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:58 pm


Time had elapsed quite nicely...and hopefully this meant that the silicon had set properly. "With any luck it should be..." And with that I reached for the tuppeware, to evaluate the fleshiness of the sample. I poked it, for lack of a better scientific sounding synonym.

It felt... solid. Not solid like a desk, or solid like a wall... but solid like the resistance that human flesh gives when you poke it. "...It's fleshy." I stated. "Here. Look at it. Touch it... see how it reacts with the rest of you....Allow me to grab my notes first though." I left the tupperware there for her to evaluate it while I pulled out my pen, paper and ruler. "Alright...I'm prepared for you to discuss the effects with me."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:47 pm


I tilt my head at it as he gets his stuff. Looking, ive certainly done enough of. Reaching out with a 'hand', touching it. As I guessed, it immediately joins me again, and though I do lack nerves...
"Feels odd," I comment, as is what I guess he wanted to take notes on. Its concentrated still, hasn't spread out yet. I fall into my habit, forming fingers... "More control of form, though it takes longer than usual and noticeably thicker to me..." 'Fingers' go away in a 'fist'.... "No odd reactions. But that's all. Seems it disapated." Next time I try for 'fingers', its the usual results.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:56 pm


"Thicker in what way?" I wrote down everything she said as quickly as I could, and was pretty sure that I was at least going to have issues translating my own writing later. ...I'd figure it out. "We may up the concentration a bit over the next several days to see whether or not that alters the results..." I thought aloud.

It occurred to me that she lacked any kind of actual anatomical structure... no bones... which would make actual jointed movements difficult..."You have no bones." I stated, as I finished writing... pretending that I was actually looking at her for a moment. I wondered if my aim was off in that respect, but mainly was focused on the matter at hand. Anatomy. And infrastructure.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:12 pm


"Isn't no bones obvious?" I ask, slightly amused by his sudden realization. I sit back down on his bed, looking at my hand still.
"Hm... thicker like...I don't know... rice pudding as opposed to the normal stuff. Similar, but totally different...." I glance over at him curiously. "Also sounds like a good plan," I say with a little nod.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 10, 2012 10:27 pm


"It was... should have been blatantly obvious. ...though I suppouse I never quite put together what all that implied... Which is incredibly stupid of me. There are times n which I wish Auda had some kind of anatomy class or something... perhaps I ought to go ahead and order a book on that as well..." I said as I jotted down notes on her explanation. "I suppouse that is technically it for this evening with regards to science... As I had hoped to imput that storage into my array this evening, or possibly get some torture in or something... Again, the choice is yours on how you'd like to spend your time at the moment... Either would be beneficial to me."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:01 pm


I shrug, glancing at the window. Though it was raining... upsetting that I couldn't go out. "You can do your computer thing," I say after a pause, 'standing' from the bed to start towards his door.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:06 pm


"Alright..." I noticed that she was apparently going to be departing. That would probably assist with my ability to get things done in the computational field, so that I didn't have to worry about losing track of strings of code if she asked a question or something. I almost inquired as to where she was headed, but it would have been intrusive probably, and realistically, it didn't really matter to me at the moment where she was headed, as long as she didn't get herself caught somehow. "This should all take like...8 hours or so... depending on how tolerant of my meddling the software will be this evening..." I stated as I pulled my box of technology towards me.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Mar 10, 2012 11:27 pm


I turn back a moment as he talks, giving a curt nod without much care if he couldn't see it. In a quick movement, I slide right under his door and go through the halls to explore. Something interesting has to be around here...

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:38 pm


And then... inexplicably, she vanished from the room without even opening the door. Probably something to do with her lack of bones and ability to move completely amorphously, I reasoned, unperturbed.

I set about installing the new memory cards into the OS... which was going to be somewhat frustrating, considering that technically, it wasn't equipped to take an additional 16GB of memory... I eventually convinced the OS to comply with my demands through some... creative hardware installations...and then set about doing what I had intended to do with the new memory, which was try to put in a primitive sound programme, so that I could work on building it up from there, instead of having to mangle one of the more complex ones. Ideally I would have just written my own, but... this would be faster, and I could do just as much with it. I had previously installed a different sound programme, just so that I could work on the one I was modifying for my own personal use, and used that now for all of my script writing. The process was overly clumsy, as most speech to text programmes don't have the minimum amount of sentience required so that programming can be done comfortably. I actualy would have to sit here for hours and speak code at it, and not lose my place- because if I lost my place, there was no way to retrieve the last section of it...And then I woudl have to start all over again. Knowing that I needed some level of sentience, I already had parts for AI construction coming in the mail, and indeed, several of them had already arrived. The storage drain would be massive though... I needed more liquid assets... money.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:43 pm


All of this was fun... Sneaking around was what I was good at, though there weren't many traveling through the halls to be too stealthy. I could walk around and still be inconspicuous, hide in the shadows if I heard someone coming. Avoided the leaks, of course, but I got a generally good idea of the place. Eight hours, was it? And then the night, and then whiles he's at school... So I guess id have a lot of time to myself. Sheesh, it better clear up outside. I might go stir crazy staying put.

I find his door again, however, peek in under his door slightly. Babbling to a computer, hm. Eh, nothing more to do wandering. I slip under again, keeping quiet as I go to a corner, winding through the towers of books and curling up to sit and wait.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:18 pm


The hours went by both quickly and extraordinarily slowly. Quickly, in that everything that needed to get done got done for the most part, and everything lacked frustration, with the exception of the coercion of the new memory to behave... but that was anticipated. Several hours in and in the middle of a line of coding, I heard her creep back in...well, I didn't hear her enter, but I heard her sit down... and just continued on as if nothing had happened. Couldn't very well stop after "QXBwbHkgMSB0byBhbGwgdmFsdWVzIDwgNjA=".

I continued on, and eventually came to a point where all my scripts were compiling. It only took another four or so hours. "Five Percent." I was informed coolly by the read aloud software.

"How was your... excursion?" I asked, allowing myself to stretch a little bit now hat I was now no longer obliged to sit and recite code verbatim.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:05 pm


"Quiet. Not much happens 'round these parts, do they?" I ask in a bored tone. "Ive determined I'm going to go stir crazy with all this free time on my hands, unless it clears up and I can go outside for some fun. Steal something, maybe..." oh, day dreaming... Would be easier than Gotham, certainly, with the aparent lack of vigilantees.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:24 pm


"And don't forget that soon enough you will be attending school... for whatever that happens to be worth..." I added to her list. "And I would be wary of the weather... It may not stop this nonsense precipitation for several days, from what I note..." I inform her. It would not be profitable for either of us if she were to get wet... so, no sense in keeping that information from her.

"And, really, if you wanted to see action... you'd want to walk up to the government building one day... that's where all the protests are...Stupid people. The king wouldn't listen to them if they blew down his front hall." Not that she cared about Audian politics anyway, but it really was one of the only things that happened in this place. That and videogames...not that I had any.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 3 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:42 pm


"Once I have a host, weather wont be a problem," I say, pausing slightly. "A female, if you can manage? I'm not exactly gendered in the DNA sense of things, but you can say ive been conditioned so 'growing up' in my previous vessel."

Politics... everyone was a critic of them, no matter where the place, it seemed. No matter what, /someone/ would be disappointed about a choice. My thought on the matter didn't hold much value, did they? So I ignore that option.

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