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Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 11, 2012 10:39 pm


There was still the loud shrieking downstairs, although it took on a different tone from before. And the quiet, incessant attempts to calm the woman by the husband with 'it's not possibly incessant'. I would guess that was his version of 'recessive'...not that either of them knew what that meant, most likely.

Lying next to Face, running my tongue over my teeth and half pondering what exactly caused his to go all shark like, I glance up at him from staring at the closet door with nothing else to look at in the mostly empty room.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:25 am


Well, that had been a bit anti-climactic in some respects. It seemed that the other occupants of the house had been too wrapped up in their idiotic discussion of my genetic coding to notice whatever sounds may have been coming from up stairs. That or they didn't actually care. The latter I somehow doubted.

It seemed very odd to me that they were in favour of getting the girl out of the house until they had an issue with the reason. She was still leaving the house... so what was the problem? I mean, I was quite aware that I was the problem, but the whole thing seemed ridiculously hypocritical- They wanted her out as soon as possible, and as soon as that opportunity comes along, they're re-evaluating their morals and concluding that they don't want her leaving with someone like me?

"That was largely ineffective with regards to our goal." I stated, after a moment. On the one hand, it had been nice not being interrupted, but the hypothesised interruption would have been amusing enough to make up for the projected violation of privacy.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:57 pm


I smirk. "Our goal was altering our appearance to imply such actions. And now it's just not implied." I sit up, looking around for where ever undergarments went to. "Finish packing, then we can go along our merry way. They might give us something to laugh at when we go." I pick up his tie from the corner of the bed, lazily tossing it back at him.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:14 pm


"Well, alright. Yes. It did achieve our primary goal. Though there was that possibility of an auxiliary goal that would have been hilarious to have had realised. Ah well." I replied, remembering the original intentions for this whole bizarre case of borderline public indecency.

I missed the grab for my tie by about four inches, I think, and went on in search of my shirt, which would be a bit necessary to put on prior to the tie.


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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:04 pm


I burst out laughing, getting up to collect my clothes. He couldn't catch! ...Why did I expect otherwise? Oh, that was funny...really great. Could I just do that again whenever things get dull? Clothes all collected, I sit on the bed again, on the other side and therefore behind him, though I have my knees under me as I face him. My fingers wander up the curve of his spine, the bumps of his rips, the swoops of his shoulder blades...Feeling him breathe in time of the slight wheeze through his teeth. I ponder a moment, though it's simply nothingness. No important thought. White. And I was black. Quite the pair... "I do believe I enjoy your company as well," I sum up, pulling away from him suddenly and turning around to dress, though, again, pausing before I actually proceed. I fall into habits, flexing a hand in practice...Touch was an odd thing...

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:58 pm


She laughed, for my failure regarding perception of distance and instantaneous velocity. I couldn't catch... things moving that quickly were difficult to hear in real time. Especially with regards to fabric. Fabric had little business being a projectile, being all awkward and muffled.

I felt her sit down behind me, and moments later was running a hand lightly up my spine, and then proceeded with the same movement across the protrusions of my shoulder blades. Tactile sensations such as these were always very odd to me. Not unpleasant at all, simply that touch was something odd to experience- like a vibrant form of sensory overload or something... like the way that the world lights up when particular notes are hit, or things crash, or doors squeak. That momentary extra illumination, not of things that I couldn't see before, but just a sort of... emphasis on what was already there. I knew logically that I had to have shoulder blades, for example, but this drew sharp attention to that fact, in a sort of strange tingly way.

"That's good to hear, I suppouse." I stated finally, after bringing myself away from immersing myself in the feeling of contact. I went ahead and started sorting out how to put on my shirt, which took a bit more thought than usual, considering that it wasn't neatly folded, but tangled up in itself from an earlier hasty evacuation of the thing. I didn't concern myself as much as usual with properly assembling all of it... that wasn't the point at the moment.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:35 pm

I brush a stray hair out of my face after pulling on my shirt down, fixing my pants before standing. Packing was done, the husband's simple agreements to the wife's hysteria seemed to be quieting the scene downstairs. Just agree and nod, good sir, agree and nod... "I'm ready," I say, turning back to him. "Time to meet the 'rents."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:52 pm


I hastily pulled myself together, eschewing socks and simply stuffing those in my pockets. "I do hope that we successfully manage to perturb them. That would make my day." I stated, with a bit of a grin. I fiddled with my tie, and then remembered that I didn't really have to concern myself about this at the moment. Looking disheveled was the point. I then stood. "I'm ready as well, I suppouse."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:51 pm

I open the door and pick up the Rubbermaid container, walking out and down the stairs to the quite suddenly quiet room. "Motherrr~ Might we stay for lunch? This is the last time you'll be seeing me and all," I say very sing-songy, stopping at the foot of the stairs for the two of them to stare at me.
"I...we...Well...teeth..." What is this fascination with teeth around here? Honestly...
"Excellent~" I continue on brightly, dropping the bin to make the two of them jump. Hey, they named the girl Luminescence and all....

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 11:01 pm


The lack of outright denial was probably due to shock, I figured. Shock as a result of one or many things, and I wasn't sure quite which. It didn't much matter, as we seemed to be staying for lunch. That had the potential to be hilariously amusing, I thought, especially with the apparent conclusion that I had teeth having been reached. "I thiiink that I will be able to behave myself in an acceptable manner at a kitchen table, if you aren't too terribly put off by the fact that I do possess some elementary features of human anatomy; for example, as you so aptly stated: teeth. And I would like to mention that I am quite thankful towards your potential hospitality." I stated, making sure to maintain at least a modicum of a grin as I spoke, just to lend the full effect to the statements.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:23 am

The wife goes off, muttering hysterically under her breath while disappearing into the kitchen. I couldn't make sense of it; most likely Face could with his super hearing. Husband simply sits there, shifting his knees back and forth with his hands clasped over his legs to lean forward, head sunken into his shoulders as he looks up at us. "She's...she's fine..." He says, a very fake, goofy look of attempted 'hospitality' on his face. Yet you could tell on the inside he simply wanted to beat us out of the house that instant.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:13 pm


The woman was clearly distressed at our presence and insistence on staying for lunch, which was completely fantastic to listen to. Admittedly, there were a few things coming out of her mouth about me that I wouldn't have endorsed about myself, but much of it was just outrageously funny.

"I would be happy to assist with lunch if you think that that would alleviate any pressure from her. It's very unfortunate that she's apparently so stressed." I asked, pretending that I hadn't heard some of that stuff just now. Besides, it fed into my own jarring and perplexing image. Faceless man, lovely grades, great help around house, indecent semi-public displays of affection, well spoken... It all worked very well around itself.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:56 pm


"'s....she's fine," he says again in a stutter, just sort of tensely staring at Face with a look of 'going to eat off my head any minute now...'. "Luminescence, about you help your mother in the kitchen...?"

Couldn't we just laugh at these people and call it a day? Oh, everyone was apparently deaf around here... It was a clear move of get. Away. From. It. as his eyes flicked back and forth between me and the direction of said kitchen. "Okay, Dad. Have fun bonding..." I get up and go over, just wanting to know what this woman was muttering.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Mon Oct 08, 2012 6:40 pm


It seemed that I was now getting myself into a situation that would involve some kind of conversation with the male parental unit, which would hopefully prove to be hilarious.

"It would seem to me as though you and I are now alone in the room. Was there something you wanted to address privately?" I asked, feigning innocence. I pulled a brow muscle up in curiousity, as that was --from what I understand-- an indication of inquiry.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:08 pm

The man's face read nothing of the sort, only blinking at the realization that he was now alone with the thing. The thing his daughter was dating. Some sharp toothed Slenderman. But then she was finally getting out of the house, and taxes... Explicative, she's just been a bother, right? Doesn't mean he needs to talk to it if he wasn't going to see it again.

And then I was supposed to help in the kitchen. I didn't know how to work a kitchen, are you kidding me? The wife was busy uncanning various cans, issuing various curses and proclamations of doom, and various insult hurling around at about every person on the block currently.
"Hey...Mother...Woman....Lady -"
I raise my eyebrows at her, not hiding a smirk. "Alright, lady..."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:07 pm


I sat in momentary silence. It appeared that he either wanted nothing to do with me or was completely dumbfounded by the very idea that I could address him in a formal manner.

I heard the woman exclaim loudly about my teeth from the next room. Lovely. I'm sure that I would be stared at all through lunch then. Fantastic. "It sounds like I'm being discussed in the kitchen. Perhaps I ought to go and dispel some assumptions regarding what exactly it is I do with these teeth." I stated with a grin, before making my way into the next room.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:48 am


"Ma, you're being rather idiotic," I inform her, but she's not looking at me anymore. She's looking behind me, and up about two more feet. I sigh, rocking back on my heels to lean on his chest, smirking at her tiny gasp before she frivolously goes about worrying over the cans on the counter. Like my touching him confirmed his physicality existing in the house.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:12 pm


Inque leaned back on me as I walked into the room, which was an interesting tactic, seeing as the female parental unit seemed very off-put by that and felt the need to distract herself.

"Apologies for interrupting, I just felt that I ought to clear up a matter about my teeth... Since those seemed to be a pertinent talking point. ...Most people in society have teeth. I, like most other people, do not use my teeth to practice vivisections. ...That should clear things up a bit." I stated, putting a hand on Inque's shoulder.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:45 pm


Lunch went a lot like the next two years. Awkward and foreign for everyone else, though they steadily learned to shut up and act normally, and amusing actions of affection on our part.

A bit of killing here and there, but nothing noticeable...most of the time. Part of the excitement though, even if it annoyed Face. Just a little fun. Could have called it enjoyment. Perhaps a bit of happiness. ...No, I didn't trifle in those human things. I proved very well that I wasn't the least bit attached to the scenario when I left that dreary place, my science done to my liking. Shipped myself back to Gotham where things were a bit more corrupt and challenging.

Yet I find myself with a bit of time off from all the hired jobs now, and thoughts going back to those times... I am curious to what the middle of his story is, that was part of the reason of going back instead of meeting the version of him I already knew. Or so I'd like to think, it was all very random at the time...

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:25 pm


In front of me I currently had a large pile of computer parts and the most frightening interpretation of a keyboard I'd ever seen. It didn't seem to abide by either QWERTY or the lesser known Dvorak. In fact, all it had was one row of keys... some of them elevated and skinnier than the others. I was hideously perplexed. I decided that I ought to perhaps deal with the rest of the OS before I bothered meddling with that thing, since at least I knew what I was doing with my additional sixteen GB of RAM.

In addition to the work I'd been doing to upgrade the OS, I'd started slowly working on my political theory, and had several large books strewn about the apartment as a result. I'd figured out that in order to attain the immortality I wanted I needed an excess of liquid assets... and decided that perhaps taking over the government would be a smart way to do that. Not to mention the fact that then I'd be able to actually modify the laws so that they made sense and hopefully eradicate stupidity.

However I knew that I had to do this one step at a time, and trying to sort out a political stance that would be favourable to the populace as well as finding a way to market myself that wouldn't cause people to react negatively were high on my list at the moment with regards to my governmental ventures.

I brought my thoughts back to the present as I was working on something that required attention to minute details- installing all these memory cards in the box that I currently had was tedious work even to those with the privilege of eyes.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:12 pm


...The horrid problem of rain. I could never forget... Ugh, turn off the faucet already. The door between cities was thankfully sheltered, people wandering about in the usual meaningless walk of life in this place. At least they were stupid enough to fall for a trap.

I could make my appearance nearly normal now, but for a lack of clothing and extreme details such as the texture of hair. They were much too tedious to waste time forming. Yet, I did take much pride in my face. I had an identity of my own, for once, and with the ability to do so, I made it into what, and who, I wanted. All of my pigments had a slight blue tinge to them, but I didn't mind. So long as I was human enough to lure one into becoming my temporary puppet, I didn't mind.

And it's only just occurred to me he might have moved, which just wouldn't be any fair at all. I don't do detective work...but perhaps I could ask whomever might have moved in afterwords if that was the case. So I knock, quite loudly for what this woman's frame can accomplish, in slight hopes to surprise him. I miss those silly rants of his...

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:37 pm


It was while I was working on soldering some small wires into place that there was a knock at the door. ...If it was a telemarketer, I would have no choice but to solder some of this wire into his forehead for interrupting me so rudely.

I got up and walked down stairs, adjusting my tie as I went. "I'm on the no soliciting list." I stated as I opened the door. ...Opening doors these days was quite awkward, as my head well exceeded the actual arch of the door, often giving the impression that a headless man opened the door. ...Not that I particularly minded.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:46 pm


I couldn't help the grin to spring to my face, nor the little giggle. You and your ridiculous height... "Not on a friend's list either, Face?" I ask. He wouldn't have an idea who I was in this body, hm...? That was amusing.

...Friend? Sure, why not. It was the easiest thing to call the relationship. "This height difference is getting to be horribly unfair, you know."

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Invisimort Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:10 pm


...That, well, I couldn't really say 'that voice'...but the sentiment is similar. I recognised her. "Inque? Oh my... It's been... Several years hasn't it? What brings you by?" I asked, curious as to whether this was a meeting of business or pleasure.

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Science Experiments:  A Tale of Two Antagonists - Page 25 Empty Re: Science Experiments: A Tale of Two Antagonists

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:33 pm


"Can't trick you still..." I wander into the old apartment, looking around at differences. "A combination of free time and boredom. Jobs for my particular skillset in Gotham have grown slow, and I just so happened to remember you." I've gotten so used to having my own form that now being confined someplace was near torturous. "Have someplace to place this woman for a time?"

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