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A Twisted Tale

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Wed May 02, 2012 9:03 pm

Redidod: I frowned, and clung to his back "I wanna stay with yooooooouuuuuuu though!" I play with his hair- "I care not. that I am wanted. I do as I please. " I hiss at 400. "Go take some zantax, pschycotic cat." I smile. Perfectly hectic.
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 9:14 pm


I did not really want to address those who annoyed. "Please...stop touching me...?" I say, in more of a request than a statement. But she did what she wanted... Did what she wanted and messed with my hair when I did not want contact. 400 respected that. But it was polite like that...
There's simply a low growl from 400's throat, but other than that it does not acknowledge Redidod.


"I can wait in our room," I say, wings fluttering slightly. I didn't really like staying anywhere without Grey; it wasn't any fun. It meant I had to be contained inside. "They only check our rooms hourly. And then you won't be ignoring me, because I won't be there. I'll be waiting in the room." Waiting in our room for Grey... I look up at him, my black opal-y eyes shining in the sunlight.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Wed May 02, 2012 9:20 pm

Gray: I could feel my chest constrict a little as she suggested that. I would have to go around without her.....? That was almost even worse...... it would be like they'd taken her away from me all over again...... and the anxiety..... i didnt like the idea, but i saw the reason behind it. If she was with me, i'd be tempted to react to her, things she did. And while i was okay at inconspicuously acknowledging her presence, i knew it was not enough to get us out, not unless i really pulled it together. "Maybe...... maybe we can try that...... i dont like being separated, though.... if it gets too bad, we can stop, though, i suppose." i said. I would try. I wouldnt like doing it, but i would try, and it might just pay off in the end.

Last edited by Ravyn on Wed May 02, 2012 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Wed May 02, 2012 9:23 pm

Redidod: I leapt form Theo, and bounded outside. "Hey hey Gray" I cheered, hanging onto the limb of a tree and swinging in circles. "Whats up?" I giggled, and blew bubbles.. "Oh wait, it's meeee!" I spun around and landed on my feet. Happily, I spun around on one toe.
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 9:40 pm


I stayed silent and watched the boy, frowning a little as his eyes slid off me and he started mumbling to something else. Only... No one else was there.
"No one's there," I muttered, my hopes of talking to another sane person going out the window. The staring had meant nothing. He must of seen a dancing llama over my shoulder or something. Poor bloke.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 9:46 pm


I look back at Nessa when she says something. "Yes, I know..." At least I knew a few of these things were just me. This was a psych ward, not a day care.... Which was promptly solved when Redidod suddenly ran out in a fit of...I don't know... ADHD....
... ... ... I'm staring at her again. Which makes 400 stare at me. And she doesn't look up. "Nessa? I'm Theo. I don't believe we've ever officially introduced." That was polite enough, wasn't it? Seemed to satisfy 400, as it crouched down and looked away.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 9:52 pm

"If you know then why do you talk to it?" I replied, kind of... Annoyed by his and all their stupidity.
Don't talk to air and they won't pump you full of chemicals. It's simple. So why they hell don't they follow it?
"...No," I sighed, running my hands through my hair, "we haven't. And... Sorry. Just... Don't you want to get out Of here?"


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 9:58 pm


My mind goes blank. "They...bother sometimes... You have to ask them to stop or they keep doing it..." Somewhere...out of here... What a weird proposition. "I don't really remember anything outside of this," I say after a moment. "I'm just used to this... I dunno about getting out..." She asked the nurses or therapists.... It was weird to hear from a patient.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Wed May 02, 2012 10:02 pm

Redidod: Bored, I spin back inside, and sit by the serious girl. Making faces, I pointed with my thumb and said behind a hand, "What's her problem?" I laughed and sat in her lap, imitating with grumpy faces. "Someones a wittle party pooper."
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 10:05 pm

I blinked and turn my shoulders toward him, trying to hold back my shock. "How long have they kept you here?"
Maybe... Maybe he wasnt always this way. Sometimes they lock up people like me in here to keep us hidden. Of course, the minions like the doctors and janitors don't know this crazy thing is all a cover... A very good cover, because now whatever I saw truely does sound crazy. But to keep up appearances they have to fed us medication and force us to these groups. They have to act like theyre really trying to fix us. It's lies, all lies. It's already driving me up a wall! I couldnt imagine years... And being pumped with all that medication and crazy talk, this poor boy probably cracked! Now he truely has lost it! This can't be legal!


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 10:12 pm


" and out..." I mumble, attempting to keep my eyes on her face and not Redidod's. The girl got annoying... Go sit in your chair like you usually do... "...Was in an accident with my sister driving. Hit my head." Did I need to say more? I didn't like those memories. I fall silent, looking away quickly to stop the distraction of not trying to look at Redidod and just look at the window. Didn't remember much of anything before that. The things I saw...they were just for me... I was used to them.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Wed May 02, 2012 10:17 pm

Redidod: I laughed. "Tell her something for me, will you? Say these words exactly," I closed my eyes, "Have you ever tasted Jell-o that's blue?" I giggled. "See what she says!" I lept into the middle of the room, and sat in an Indian style criss- cross. "I'll stop booothering you if you doooo!"
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Wed May 02, 2012 10:21 pm


Ah, an 'accident'. What a perfect excuse to hide him away here. I knew there was something about this boy, he must be like me. I bet they are after him too. Well... I wouldn't let them get to him. Our odds of survival would be better if we stuck together.
I followed his gaze out the window, edging a little closer.
"...See anyone?" I whispered, letting the previous topic drop.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Thu May 03, 2012 7:40 pm

(Anyone want to talk to my charries? Cleo is out in the hospital just walking around like a idiot and my guy is out looking at trees hahaha)

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Thu May 03, 2012 9:34 pm


My hands tighten into fists. I'm determined to ignore the stupid little girl. She was being idiotic.
Nessa asked if I saw anyone... "Not out the window," I say vaguely. She didn't believe me, why should I answer her? She's just asking for... amusement or something.... And if I said yes, I'd be acknowledging Redidod. Who I was ignoring, so it wouldn't help.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Thu May 03, 2012 9:41 pm


"Of course. It gets too bad, I'll come back," I say with a nod, pecking his cheek. I linger close to him, staring at him wide eyed with a little smile on my face. "We can go back inside?" If he was comfortable, I was fine with simply staying here. But we were out in the open... They were watching...

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Fri May 04, 2012 12:01 am

I grinned and lept up- sitting on the window sill. "C'mon! You know if the others were here- they'd play with me!" I poked at his hair, and jumped uo again, sitting beside him. "Pleeeeeeeeeasseee?" I spun around in circles, singing cheery tunes. "Fine." I said frumpily, laying under the chairs. I put my hands under my head and closed my eyes. If I was gonna have fun, it'd be in plain sight.
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Fri May 04, 2012 3:19 pm

Gray: When Redidod showed up.... i ignored her. Redidod was loud and energetic and probably best left alone...... no sense getting pulled into that crazy child's games. It wasnt going to get me out of here...... i relaxed significantly when she left, focus returning to the plan. I nodded, relieved when she confirmed that she would indeed return if i couldnt handle being alone. "Okay..... we'll try that, then." i agreed, nodding. "We can go back inside, if you'd like, but its fine if we stay out here, too." i said. It was a nice day, and although they monitored us outside, there were more doctors watching us inside.

Celosia: The hospital.... so busy, so crowded..... as usual...... The doctors here mostly left me alone, but sometimes the patients kept me company and i was happy for that. When everyone ignored me, i couldnt help but feel very alone..... the patients who would acknowledge me were not always nice. Sometimes they would start ignoring me or become like the doctors and suddenly seem to just not see me at all anymore. Usually if that happened, they'd disappear shortly afterwards. That always made me sad, when they left...... especially if a nice one acknowledged me and then got taken away. But there were always new people who came, too, so it wasnt so bad..... so far, i hadnt met any person who i'd really wanted to hang on to. When my friends had to leave, i would be sad, but i didnt follow them. I stayed here, waiting to meet some new friends. Nothing was constant here..... and while it could be hard, the frequent change also kept things interesting, and that was why i had not left this place yet.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 11:11 am

Alice wrote:Cleo- I loved the feeling of being in the hospital. Though nobody knew that. Everyone was so nice to me. My hand brushed over the walls and Marie was behind me. She looked alittle off. "WHats wrong Marie?" I asked wiht a slight smile. "Just.. hospitals... they suck.." She said with what looked like a frown. I giggled slightly. "Dont worry... these people wont hurt us.. not like mommy and daddy did." I shrugged and kept walking as my hand kept trailing the wall.

Justin- I sat down in the shade of the new clinic I had been assigned to. Ryke stood by the building his arms folded around his ody. He looked un impressed. I rolled my eyes and laid down in the grass. My mind was filled of people and things. I saw everyone I loved. I even sawa bunny with a top hat. The bunny bounced over to me and started to say "A newcommer" Before Ryke came over and bit its head off. My face filled with discussed. "Really? You could have waited till I left." I said closing my eyes. I heard Ryke chuckle and I sighed.

(Here are my charrie post thingy stuff! XD

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 11:28 am

I blinked, my eyes snapping to him and widening as I looked around the room. "Where?" I whispered, keeping my voice hush so no bugged mics hidden in each door frame could hear. It didn't even /dawn/ me that he may have seen any of the others- the ones I've been searching for. I mean, after all, the doctors treat us like children. For some reason they think us 'mentally challenged' folk slow witted. Maybe they thought he wouldn remember? I wasn't sure. They were so unpredictable like that.
He could make a valuable asset.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 1:57 pm

Name - they aren't exactly sure, so the social worker handling her case named her Delilah
Age- 16
Gender - female
Person or hallucination- person
Hallucination of whom - one of Alice's characters
Other- 'Delilah' spent the first 13 years of her life in the dark, literally. Her father was an odd, abusive duck. She never left the house, never mind her dark, boarded up room. She often slept in the closet, because it made her feel safe. Child protective services found her during a raid of her fathers home. Horrified, they removed her immediately. She's been through a lot of therapy, turns out she can talk, feed herself, all those necessities for functioning. Her psyche is just... Different, from what most people consider normal. So they keep her hosiptalized for rehabilitation and her 'safty'. She's tiny, because she doesn't often eat, and she prefers the dark. She doesn't often talk, though her minds sharper than you'd think.
She survived those 13 years by clinging heavily to her Hullucinations. And she can ONLY see them IN THE DARK, or SHADOWS.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 2:11 pm

We were... Outside. I hated it when they brought us out here, it's too... Spacy... And bright. There's no where to hide...
I scooted further back into the shadows, eyeing a boy warily as he sat down near by. These were /my/ shadows. Why was he sitting in them?
I didn't remove my eyes from him, just in case, and stayed silent.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 6:59 pm

Justin- Ryke was sitting there eating the poor bunny with the top hat. My mind was absent from me... or well apperently it had been for awhile. I had always thought I was normal. Everyone around me seemed to be... well the lesser kind of people. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Whats wrong Justin?" Ryke asked with a puzzled look. I shrugged. "Just.. thinking about my family." Ryke chuckled and sat down next to me. "You dont have a family anymore remember?"

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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Sat May 05, 2012 7:20 pm

I tilted my head, listening to him speak. Who was he talking to though? I didn't see anyone. My eyes skimmed the shadows, wondering if maybe he saw one of my friends.
No one was there. They abandoned me. They didn't like wall-less places either.

I brought my knees to my chest and blew a strand of hair out of my face, just... Watching the boy.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 3 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 7:33 pm

Justin- I felt like someone was waching me. I suddenly looked aorund me and I saw a girl in the showdows. I felt shy and didnt say much. I turned around and acte like I didnt see her.

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