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A Twisted Tale

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:48 pm


I lean in close. "Be forceful. Aggressive..." I say, licking his lips. But just as quick, I giggle, wings spreading in a snap to move off and hover just out of his reach. Teasing and playing...I liked it. He couldn't always be a bump on a log...

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Age : 30
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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:47 pm

Gray: I chuckled, a crooked grin spreading across my face as i realized what she was doing. "Playing your games again, hmm...?" i asked. Her games were interesting, but they seemed to often wind up with me doing things i didnt often do and the rules (if there ever were any) never seemed clear. Still, i usually tried to play along, when i could... i stood, closing the distance between us, one hand moving and tangling in the tar-like hair at the nape of her neck, tugging ever so slightly. "A game, huh....? What do i get if i win....?" i asked, speaking quietly into her ear.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:07 pm

(It is possilbe that I could join?)

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:10 pm


I giggle, my wings stilling to settle in his lap. "Hmmmm..." I nibble at his ear again. "I'll stay forever." I kiss down his neck. "Forever and ever. No matter what the doctors do." My arms go around him and I rest my head comfortably on his shoulder.

(Sure, Alice~)

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:27 pm

(Merci :3)
Name - Cleo
Age - 16
Gender - f
Person or Hallucination - Person
Other - Is one of those girls who is afraid to speak out in public. Because of her disorder she doesnt like to speak aloud. She keeps to herself mostly and has hallucinations of dead people that she reads about. She has talked with Abraham Lincon and even had tea with Napolean.

Name - Marie
Age - 250 but looks 25
Gender - f
Person or Hallucination - Hullcination
Hallucination of whom - Cleo
Other - Is a girl who was in Marie Anttointe's castel when the Queen ruled France during the French Revolution. She helps Cleo with anything but also can lead Cleo down dangerous paths.

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:33 pm

(Crap forgot to make a guy -__-)

Name - Justin
Age - 21
Gender - M
Person or Hallucination - Person
Other - Has had this disorder since he was almost shot to death by a street gang. He was walking with friends and the gang came out and targets his friend who was selling weed. Justin didnt nor hasnt smoked weed and was oblivious to the fact that his friend was selling and was almost killed but was saved.

Name - Ryke (RIKE)
Age - well he has been on the earth since it began so... too old...
Gender - M
Person or Hallucination - Hallucination
Hallucination of whom - Justin
Other - Is a deat hfigure. He has seen death in many places and is sometimes called the 'god of death'. He can change forms to anything he feels like. Usally takes the form of a younge man with electric blue eyes and black hair around the age of 19. Sometimes he has fire around him.


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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 pm

Gray: A small content sigh escaped my lips, arms settling around her as hers wrapped around me. "That would certainly make the game worth winning.... but how is that possible....? The doctors..... they're tricky...." i said, frowning. They had ways of getting what they wanted, ways that were tough to avoid at times.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Alice Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:50 pm

Cleo- I loved the feeling of being in the hospital. Though nobody knew that. Everyone was so nice to me. My hand brushed over the walls and Marie was behind me. She looked alittle off. "WHats wrong Marie?" I asked wiht a slight smile. "Just.. hospitals... they suck.." She said with what looked like a frown. I giggled slightly. "Dont worry... these people wont hurt us.. not like mommy and daddy did." I shrugged and kept walking as my hand kept trailing the wall.

Justin- I sat down in the shade of the new clinic I had been assigned to. Ryke stood by the building his arms folded around his ody. He looked un impressed. I rolled my eyes and laid down in the grass. My mind was filled of people and things. I saw everyone I loved. I even sawa bunny with a top hat. The bunny bounced over to me and started to say "A newcommer" Before Ryke came over and bit its head off. My face filled with discussed. "Really? You could have waited till I left." I said closing my eyes. I heard Ryke chuckle and I sighed.

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Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:13 pm

Ai snuggled close, moving into his lap comfortably. "We'll make you seem normal," she states, childishly believing such an easy thing to accomplish, "and then they'll let you leave, and we can do whatever we want outside of here." Like before they made them go in here. Before they took her away for a time...

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:47 pm

May I join? Smile


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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:17 pm


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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Tue May 01, 2012 8:06 am

I still have a hallucination open, if you need someone to interact with. *nodnod*

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 3:34 pm

Name - Jenessa, though she likes to be called Nessa.
Age - 17
Gender - F
Person or Hallucination - Person
Hallucination of whom - She doesn't actually have hallucinations, but delusions. She's extremely paranoid and sees hidden meanings in everything; meanings that were never meant to be there. She has a tendency to think people are following her, and the themes of her delusions are that there's a group of people after her to hurt her, and another to rescue her. She just has to stay alive long enough to be rescued. But she doesn't /see/ things, if that makes sense. At least... she thinks she doesn't.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 4:20 pm

I pulled my sleeves down over my hands and scooted further back into the corner. I hated it here. I didn't need to be here, I wasn't crazy like the others. Of course, the doctors didn't believe me when I said I was fine. They tried to put me on medications to 'cure me', but I knew better. There was poison in them. Or trackers. Or something meant to harm me. The hospital has been infiltrated, but I can't tell anyone that. They'll just keep me here longer. I just had to play it cool and palm my medication.
I squirmed a little, staring out the window longingly. "What's the time?" I asked, cutting off the therapist.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Tue May 01, 2012 4:29 pm


I glance over at Nessa in the corner, as usual, as the psychologist gets up at the end of the session. She looks over at Nessa, smiling kindly. "Jenessa, you know the time. Three o'clock, when sessions usually end," she says, sort of as if talking to a child. They all talked like that here...
"Rude still, I see," 400 comments, its thorned tail whipping slightly in annoyance. Its voice, like the rest of it, indistinguishable between whatever gender 400 may have been. I never had thought to ask it; it would just patronize me for being rude as well, most likely. So I stay silent, looking back at Nessa.
"It isn't polite to stare," it says next, but I disregard it. I was just looking, that wasn't staring at all.

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Location : Arkham Asylum

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 4:40 pm

"It's Nessa," I mumbled, pulling my eyes from the bared window. "And I can't see the clock from here." I barely spared the therapist a glance, my eyes finding their way back to the window. She wasn't a threat, she was just an oblivious girl caught up in one silent war all focused around me. That's why I had to get out, they could be waiting outside for me right now! Whoever they where, I wasn't sure. But I couldn't expect them to just break in, that would be too dangerous. So I stared out the window, waiting for some sign or reassurance that everything would be okay. I kept staring till my skin pricked.
...Someone was looking at me.
I slipped further down into my seat and sharply eyed the- Oh, it was just that boy.
That boy; I didn't even know his name. There was no need to, he was meaningless to me until now. But now... he was looking at me.
I held his gaze, composing myself a little and tilting my head.


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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Tue May 01, 2012 9:52 pm

May I join?
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Tue May 01, 2012 10:24 pm


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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Tue May 01, 2012 10:41 pm

Name - Redidod
Age - 7
Gender - Female
Person or Hallucination - Hallucination
Hallucination of whom - Everyone can see Redidod.
Other - She's extremely childish- even for a seven year old. She wears ratty overalls and perches on top of people's chairs. She has crooked pigtails.

Last edited by Punky Brewster on Wed May 02, 2012 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed May 02, 2012 12:21 pm

((Sorry for not being on...I got into trouble. Where is everyone exactly?))
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 2:18 pm

Gray, Justin, and Cloe are elsewhere. Everyone else is where ya left them.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Wed May 02, 2012 5:36 pm

Gray: I sighed, wishing things were that easy. I knew they wouldnt be...... "Im not sure they'd let us go just like that...... but i'll play along anyways, all right....?" i said. Winning some kind of prize didnt matter much anyways. If she wanted to play a game, i'd at least make an effort to play along, even if it was awkward for me and out of my comfort zone.....

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Punky Brewster Wed May 02, 2012 8:17 pm

Redidod: I popped up into the center of the room- happily leaping up- swinging from the light, and landing on a chair. I stood, balancing on my toes and shouted "Hihi Everybody! Did Ya' Miss me?!" Laughing, I blew bubbles and played with their hair. "Hope you didn't have too much fun." I winked and laughed cheerily.
Punky Brewster
Punky Brewster

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Black&White Wed May 02, 2012 8:55 pm


....Now it was staring. But she was staring back at me, so it was mutually rude. Didn't that cancel out the rudeness....
...Speaking of misconduct, Redidod was attacking my hair viciously.
"Honestly, girl," 400 snaps, standing up with its back arched and black fur standing on end. Its thorned tail whips angrily before it goes and walks away to Nessa, green eyes narrowed annoyed. It growls displeased before sitting down beside the girl, though not touching her.
"Redidod, I think Justin is looking for you..." I mumble, looking in her general direction for just a second before standing.


"They'll let us go," I say defiantly, hugging around his neck. "We'll play along and they'll let us go. We're happier on the outside; doctors can't deny that..." If not, we'll force our way out... We could do that. Easy. This wasn't something I played around with.

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Location : Arkham Asylum

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

Post by Ravyn Wed May 02, 2012 9:00 pm

Gray: "No.... no, they cant....." i admitted. "Maybe they will.... maybe... if we play our cards right...... it'll mean that im going to gave to ignore you a lot, though.... and i dont want to do that....." i said, frowning. I didnt want to ignore her..... but the doctors wouldnt let me go unless they were convinced she was gone, which meant i had to stop acknowledging her. But i wasnt UNCOOPERATIVE, even though i didnt interact much, and most of the doctors and nurses liked me well enough...... maybe they'd let me go....... or at least let me go back to my family, or a group home, which had more freedom and fewer doctors.

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A Twisted Tale - Page 2 Empty Re: A Twisted Tale

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