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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:37 am

You've been invited to a party. It's hosted by a rich family and all the richer males and females will be there. The attire idea is for you to dress up, including a mask of some sort. You'll have no idea who you're talking, flirting, or dancing with. Who will you find in the crowd? A new friend? A hook up? The love of your life?

Think of a mansion. There's a lot of space and it's very elegant. When you first go in, there's two staircases leading upstairs and it's all tile. To the left, there's an open bar. The bartender doesn't care about your age, that is, if you slip him/her a little cash. There's several private areas around the mansion, so feel free to wander off and discover what's here.

~At least one male and one female
~Your characters can be of any orientation
*May be added on to

~Just in case of any events, I've put this in the mature section.

Reason you're here:

Last edited by Eagle on Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:01 am

Name: Hawk
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Species: Angel
Bio(optional): TBD
Reason you're here: His family owns the mansion where the party is.
He has light blue eyes and from afar he looks dangerous. When you're close to him, he's just mysterious and someone to talk to.
The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) -tvd-the-vampire-diaries-23840597-301-400
Costume: All black suit except for white on his shoulders. He has black shoes and white gloves to go along with it. His mask is just a normal black mask, much like a superhero's.

Name: Clara
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi sexual
Species: Mermaid
Bio(optional): At birth she didn't really fit in with the other children. She went off alone in the sea, away from humans and with her own species. She met other mermaids and lived with them.
Reason you're here: She heard from a group of teenage males that there was going to be a party for pretty much any species, so she went there, despite her friends' warnings.
Image: She's of normal height with long, wavy brown hair that reaches halfway down her back. She normally French braids it. Clara has blue eyes, the color of the sea, and a small mouth. Clara is a small person really.
(mermaid form): dark blue body and dark green fins
Costume: Aqua dress with white sparkly shoes. White mask with some sparkled around her eyes.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:54 am

Name: Sage
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Shapeshifter
Bio(optional): She grew up in the mountains in a town where not many people live. She decied to leave even though she is next in line for the leader of the pack. She is now living with a friend.
Reason you're here: The friend she is staying with told her about this party so she came to get drunk and maybe flirt with people.
Costume: She is wearing a shimering gold dress with a glold mask with a silver ruby necklace.
Image: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) 419

Name: Ian
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Half-fay
Bio(optional): He grew up with his rich mother always traveling around the world. He never really knew his dad nor cared about him.
Reason you're here: He heard some people talking about it and he wanted to join in the fun.
Costume: He is wearing a black suit with a red tie and black shoes. His mask is a mix of black gold and red.
Image: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) 317
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:16 am

I'm not sure how many people are going to join, so I'm starting it.

Last edited by Eagle on Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:15 am; edited 1 time in total
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:15 am

Hawk stayed in his room as the guests started to show up. He didn't like parties and he never fit in. Though this time, this party was for everyone. Maybe he would find a guy who was gay or bi sexual and get along with him. Hawk sighed, resenting his parents about ignoring him. He went out of his room, fully dressed in his costume and sat in the back of the front room.

Clara finished getting ready, her meramid friends telling her not to go. She ignored them and emerged out of the water, hair and clothing perfect. The party wasn't far from the ocean, so that was good. When she arrived, there was a very handsome boy sitting alone, but he didn't look like he cared she was there. Clara sat at the bar and gave the bartender some money. She didn't start to drink yet, but she wanted to make sure it was paid.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:30 pm

Sage drove in the car with her friend. "Don't worry you look great." Her friend told her when she saw her keep looking at herself in the mirror. Sage stopped figdeting, "Alright, its just I never go to parties let alone fancy ones." Her friend nodded and pulled into a drive way leading to the mansion where the party was being held. Her friend smiled ,"Just have fun." They walked out the car and walked up to the party making sure their masks were on. "Let the party begin."

Ian fixied his black suit and mask. Hopfully this party would get his mind off everything. It was just what he needed, a distraction. He walked up to the mansion already seeing the party in full swing. He moved away from the entrance intead to a place in the corner. "Wow." This place is huge. If he wasn't careful he could get lost.
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Age : 29

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:52 pm

Hawk spotted three new people come in and the one was really...handsome. Seriously. Hawk approached the guy, hoping he was like him, gay or at least didn't care. He was shy really and hoped the guy would start a conversation with him.

Clara had heard there was a pool in the back. She would probably go there after she had had a few drinks. She swung around and ordered a shot. She drank it, feeling a little buzz go through her. Perfect. Clara made a goal tonight, since she didn't care, that she would be wasted tonight. Her dress hugged her and was a little bit above her knees and she hoped someone would "take care of" her.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sun Apr 15, 2012 4:10 pm

Ian felt eyes boring into him. He turned to see a guy looking at him. Since a mask covered his face he could barly tell what the guy looked like but from what he could tell he was cute. Oh someone to play with. He gave the guy a smirk before walking over to him. "See something you like?"

Sage looked at the massive room with wide eyes. Wow, she could tell whoever owned this house they had money. Her friend walked away from her seeing a cute guy. Sighing Sage walks to the bar. She sits a feww down from another girl. "What will you have?" the bartender asks. "Rum and coke." She replied.
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Age : 29

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:08 am

Hawk blinked, suddenly nervous. "Maybe." He said, looking over the guy quickly. " for a drink...?" He had no experience with guys, that was for sure.

Clara looked over at the girl who had ordered rum and coke. She was a few seats away from her. She ordered another shot and drank it quickly. She didn't feel any real effects yet, which was good. She didn't want to be drunk on a few shots.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:02 pm

Ian gave him a wiciked smile. Perhaps this night would be very fun after all. "Sure." He walked towards the bar. When he got there he ordered a shot of vodka. "what will you be having?" He asked the guy he just met.

Sage glanced at the girl taking another shot. She still looked very sober. Sage moved closer taking a of her drink. "Let me guess. This isn't your first time drinking?" She said teasing. It looked to her like the girl is a professional while she could only drink a coiple mixed drinks before she got drunk.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:27 am

Hawk returned a smile, feeling his heart beat a little faster. "Same." He didn't know a lot about drinks at the bar, but vodka seemed like a good choice. Hawk hoped the guy had taken an interest in him, since he was the only guy he met so far.

Clara nodded. "I've drank a lot in my time. I like to drink." She looked at the girl, noticing she had one drink with her. Clara ordered another shot and drank it. She felt a buzz through her system. Clara would have to go to the pool later and swim it off.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:25 pm

Ian sat down patting the bar stool next to him. "I won't bite... much" The bartender came back with the two shots of vodka setting them into front of them. He grabbed a shot and downed it in one easy motion. The vodka slid down his throat like sweet fire.

Sage took more sips of her drink. "How long would that be?" She was curious as to how long shad had been drinking. She looked like she was twenty or ninteen, but then again people started drinking younger and younger. Sage had only first tasted alcohol a couple months ago.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:23 am

Hawk blinked and sat next to him. He drank most of it and it burned. He coughed and drank the small bit of it, suddenly liking the taste. Wouldn't bite...much? In the back of his mind, Hawk liked the sound of that. Maybe he had found someone.

Clara shrugged. "Maybe a year?" She had started when people had started to look at her and she liked the taste very much. "It seems like a long time, but it really hasn't." Clara ordered another shot and the bartender gave it to her reluctantly. She drank it quickly and the fire slid down her throat.
Wolf of Storms
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:27 pm

Ian laughed, "Not much of a drinker, are you?" He told the bartender to give him another shot. He looked at the guy he came with, he was shy and for some reaon that made him cuter. The bartender came back with another shot.

Sage saw her down another drink. "What do those taste like?" She wasn't much of a shot person. Normally she had mixed drinks but the girl made it look like she was drinking water. She was curious at the taste of it.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:15 am

((Sorry, my computer has been having problems))

Hawk shook his head. "N-no I'm not. I haven't tried it before though..." He looked at the guy, impressed by how bold he was. The opposite of him. "You're" He didn't think that was the right word, but was embarrassed when he realized he had said it out loud.

Clary lay her hands on the bar. "Sweet fire." She answered, thinking of the taste again. One more than she would have to go swim. "Another one." The bartender gave it to her and Clary drank it, her eyes rolling back in her head because of the wonderful taste.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:39 am

(Thats okay. I understand, my computer loves to freeze on me.)
Ian took the shot the bartender gave to him. "Stay with me and I can show a few things." He winked at the guy. He gave him a daring smile when he said he was hot. "Your not so bad yourself handsome." He was really having fun with this guy.

Sage is intriguied by the taste. She asked the bartender to bring her a shot. The bartender came back after a second with the shot. She took and then did what the girl did beside her and swallowed it whole in one gulp. That turned out to be a mistake. After she drank it she started coughing.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:07 am

Hawk saw in the corner of his eye his parents. They were talking with other people they had invited, but he could see the shock on their faces. Hawk looked back fully at the guy he liked. "I think I'll stay around." He had flushed when the guy called him handsome, though it was hard to tell through the mask.

Clara almost laughed. "I would recommend for a new person to not take it in one swig. I hope you don't mind me asking this, but are you starting to feel the effects of these drinks?" She felt a bit light headed and giddy to have fun, no matter who it was.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:11 pm

Ian grinned, "Oh we are going to have some fun." He asked the bartender to bring a bottle of vodka. When the bartender came back he turned to the guy he was starting to like. "Want to paly a game?" He would of raised his eyebrow if the guy could see it.

Sage's face was red from the fit of coughing she had. She could see that the girl was trying hard not to laugh. "I will keep that in mind for next time." She wondered why she was asking if she was tispy but decided it was just conversation. "Yeah I am" She could feel herself being light head especially after the shot she took.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:14 am

Hawk grinned, totally falling for this guy's game. "Sure. What is it?" He was eager to do anything this guy did, so he would feel good about himself and find a guy.

Clara giggled, batting her eyelashes. "Take another shot and then find the pool. I'll be there and if you want to...well use your imagination." She had touched the girl quickly than went to the back of the mansion, where she knew the pool was. Clara wandered until she found the pool and felt her mermaid self want to emerge. She didn't want to be a mermaid if the girl was coming.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:51 pm

Ian motioned for him to follow. "This game is better served in a place with no witnesses." He took the bottle and the two shot glasses. He walked away from the guy not checking to see if he was following. He weaved through the crowd till he found a hallway with closed doors. "Lets see what's behind door number one." He oped the door and stepped in. The room was bigger than he expected and way fancy.

Sage gulped, this girl was good. She got another shot and swallowed it slowly unlike last time. She could feel the effects of the alcohol. She moved away from the bar to find the pool. Where was it? After wondering around for a while she found it. She snuck behind the girl, "Up for a mid-night swim?"
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:53 am

Hawk followed, watching the way he walked, though not so obvious. This was his house after all, but he wasn't thinking about that. Hawk was only thinking about that he had finally found a guy. "This room is good..."

Clara smiled, hearing the voice of the girl. "Yup." She turned around, batting her eyelashes a couple of times. "Now where do you want to or out in the ocean?"
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:45 pm

Ian nodded, "Whoever owns this house is loaded." He closed the door and locked it. "Now it just us." He flashed a smile before going to sit down on the love seat in the room. "Alright here is how the game goes. We tell each other two things and the other has to guess wich one is true. If there wrong then that person has to take a shot."

Sage looked between the pool and the ocean. "The ocean." For some reason it called to her. She just loved being out there where millions of creatures lived. the ocean to her was like a mystery.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed May 02, 2012 2:17 pm

((Sorry, I had gotten into trouble.))

Hawk returned the smile, taking by the charm of this guy. He was so naive and it was obvious to practically anyone. He sat on the other side of the love seat, accidently bumping the guy's knee. "Sounds cool."

Clara smiled. "Alright. Well the ocean isn't far from here...We can walk there." She knew which direction it was, even if her senses were dulled by the shots. Hopefully they'd get there in a decent time.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Karma =) Wed May 02, 2012 6:30 pm

(That sucks. I'm glad your back though)
Ian smiled when the guy bumped his leg into his. "Alright you go first." He wanted to make it more interesting but the guy was way too innocent and he didn't want to take advantage of him...yet. Poor guy he doesn't know what he got himself into.

Sage's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Lets go." She grabbed the girls hand and dragged her to where the beach is. She knew that it was this way since she passed by it when she was driving up.
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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

Post by Wolf of Storms Thu May 03, 2012 1:55 am


Clara smiled as the girl grabbed her hand and soon they arrived at the beach. The ocean called to her now, and she could hear her friends calling for her in her head. Clara did not shift to her true form, but looked at the girl, her own eyes shining.

Hawk thought about it for a few seconds. "I'm in line for this house....and I am very shy..." He hoped he wouldn't have to take a shot, but it wasn't a big deal. Hawk could try to swallow it...
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix) Empty Re: The Face Behind the Mask (Paranormal/mature mix)

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