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Cursed - a restart

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Cursed - a restart Empty Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:59 pm

original plot: Each charrie is cursed. Why and how they are cursed is up to you. The cure is for them to find out and retrive before the deadline. Their 21st birthday.
This story is going to start in Canada, in the Polar regions

Jason and Jean restart and continuation.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:21 am


It was a type of wind that took your breath away. A type of cold to just...cut through you and set you to shaking no matter how much you willed yourself not to. These are things new to me. Never have I felt the bite of the temperature, or felt like I could barely hold my poise against the wind.
I couldn't stop. The wizard would catch me again. I wouldn't be able to get away then. There would be no hope then. I would never be able to get away after that. This was my chance, despite how I despised the circumstances.
The wind suddenly shifts directions, blowing me forward suddenly. With an unfamiliar noise of surprise, I hit the white blanket beneath me and though it gives and I am unharmed, it gives another weakness to this form.
I glare at I get up again. I've never had hands. The wind used to be my companion on the wing, flying anywhere. Seeing anything. Time did not effect me as it did other creatures. I was stuck in this form... Surely, without my fire, I would have perished by now.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:32 am

Jason was tramping through the snow trying to reach town. Someone had picked him up and then dropped him off in the middle of no where while trying to get a ride. The marks always scared people, but he didn't know why. They weren't that bad... ok so maybe they were. He saw a figure pushing herself up from the snow. What was she wearing? He walked made his way towards her. "HEY!" he called above the wind.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:44 am


A voice made me freeze...perhaps it really happened. These coverings for this form were not adequate in the least and my fire was low. It's been having odd fluxes since the wizard turned me human, and at times I couldn't control its outbursts.
It couldn't be the wizard. He could not have found me missing yet. It was much too early for him to have woken up, right? I couldn't tell when the sun wasn't following its normal pattern this far north.
"D - Don't..." I couldn't...speak. My yellow eyes widen slightly, trying to make out the figure but also in fear. I back up a step, stumbling the next. These limbs! They wouldn't cooperate! There were tears of frustration. Never. Never have I felt so frail.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:42 am

Jason watched as he came closer. "It's alright I'm not going to hurt you," he called out. "I just want to help. It's cold out here, don't you have a jacket of some kind?" He asked as she started to come into view while the wind died down for a moment.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:04 pm


I shy away, completely tripping in the snow. Again, I land in the cold snow, so cold it burns. And yet I cant feel hands... A jacket...I had the vague idea of what it was, by what the wizard had put into my head. I had never actually seen one before, felt it, experienced its supposed protective qualities from the weather. "N-no.," I stutter out, these shivers against normal speech. Not that this communication was normal for me either.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:43 am

Jason frowned as he got closer. She looked frozen. He debated just helping her up and taking her inside, keeping the jacket for himself. But...that was probably not a good idea. Instead he slipped his jacket off and handed it to her. "Here put this on, then we'll get you back to my place where it's warm."


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:56 am


I stare at it, and then stare at him. He couldn't..know what I was, but it felt odd for a human to help me when one had just been torturing me. My eyes meet his, sort of irridecent blue in the shadows of his hood, before I grow timid again and look at the jacket again. With shaky hands, I reach out and take it from him, slinging it around my shoulders quickly. Where were these warming qualities? I felt just as cold as before.
And then he was going to take me somewhere. Beneath the fabric, I was totally tense. I wouldn't be captured again, never. But he showed kindness... that couldn't be his intention, right?

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:49 pm

Jason watched her, holding his hand out. "Come on, I won't hurt you. I promise." His hand hand silver veins and scars that settled deep into his skin, making it look unnatural. He hated the sight of it, but still kept his hand out to her. He wasn't a complete douche.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:51 pm


I look at his hand next, looking back at his blue eyes...and then back at his hand. I bite my lip, shivering still. He wanted me to take it. I knew that... I didn't...know what to do though... Trust him...? Just his word... somewhere warm where he won't hurt me... It's better than what I've usually been hearing lately.

I extend a hand of my own out, hesitating only slightly because of the sudden wind chill outside of the jacket, before taking his hand in mine.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:07 am

Jason's somewhat warm fingers curled and hers and he helped her up out of the snow. "Come on, it's suicide to stay out here," he muttered as he gently wrapped an arm around her so as to support her. He then helped her back to town, which luckily wasn't to far, only a mile or so. Once inside town, he got them a taxi, the insides of which were so warm it almost hurt, his ice cold skin pricking as if with a thousand needles. He gave the cabby his address and sighed, his eyes flickering over to Jean and giving a half smile. "Why were you out there anyway?"


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:04 pm


I wasn't paying attention. His hand was a lifeline, and my eyes were squeezed shut. Too small, like a cage. I was shaking still, but for a different reason. It was warm though. Gave me prickles and sniffles. It took me a few moments to process his question. "Something was after me," I murmur under my breath quietly.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:36 pm

Jason frowned, his brow furrowing. He held her hand gently, and seeing her shake he rubbed small circles on the back of her hand with his thumb to comfort her. "What kind of something, if you don't mind me asking?" They were reaching the street his apartment was on and the taxi slowed before coming to a stop on the curb. "Come on," he said softly after paying the cabby and getting out, still holding her hand.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:46 pm


Back in the cold again, but my eyes were still tightly shut. "Some...Someone..." I mumble, letting him lead. Didn't want another cage like that. He was trying to sooth... I tensely hunker down by him against the cutting wind, the feeling of pins and needles going through my limbs with goosebumps and shivers. "Can't find me... He can't ever find me..."

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:08 pm

Jason's eyes tightened and he gave a small nod. "He won't, it's going to be alright. You're safe now." He lead her into the apartment complex and up the stairs to his flat, which was really quiet large. Leading her to the couch he helped her sit down and take off the coat before replacing it with a warm thick blanket. "Better?"


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:43 pm


I pull my knees up to my chest, holding the blanket close and tight. "It's... Yes, better..." My eyes wander away, around the room. Bigger, but it still made me uncomfortable. How much to share and would it be safe? How much would he even believe?

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:53 pm

Jason smiled and stood, going into the small kitchen. "Did you want something to drink? I have water, coffee, hot chocolate.." He didn't know exactly whether or not he should try to get more from her or if he should just leave it at what she'd told him and call it good.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:20 pm


I didn't know what the last two were. "...Water...please..." Last word just sort of eeked it's way in. Manners... Wizard made them necessary... He had shown me kindness, and I didn't know who he was. He didn't know who or what I was. He deserved the story, hm? ...If he asked...

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:36 pm

Jason gave a slight nod and grabbed a glass of water and brought it to her, sitting down next to her again, keeping himself hidden in his hood. "Here," he said as he handed it to her. "How are you feeling?"


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:27 pm


"I'm...okay. ...Thank you..." I sip my water, looking over at him cautiously and studying him. He wasn't like any other human I had seen in my time, but they're all so different I didn't see why it should matter. But he was far from Wizard's view of perfection. I found I didn't care. Opposite of Wizard's thinking was my kind of thinking. But he was self conscious. He didn't want to show it...

After a minute, I realize I'm staring. Human eyes didn't catch the details a bird's were capable of seeing...So I stared a lot... After a while, I got over my hesitance slightly, loosened up beneath the blanket and tried to relax. There wasn't any fear though. He had helped, at least he had done so so far...So there wasn't a reason to show it.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02, 2012 11:48 pm

Jason gave a small nod and looked at his hands which were marred just like the rest of him. He kept hidden in his hood though, figuring just a small bit showing wasn't as bad as everything showing. He didn't squirm under her stare, all to use to it, though he did find himself shifting his weight so that he was hidden from her gaze even more than usual. "Anything else I can get you?"


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:35 am


"...Don't hide..." I request quietly. "...please..." I lean forward slightly to see him still, look into his face and see those blue eyes. They captured me; I wanted to see every detail of them. "...Why d'you hide...?"

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:12 am

Jason forced himself to keep from turning away, and instead stared at his hands. "So I don't scare you," he murmured quietly. "Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat if you want." He didn't pull down his hood so she could see him. She could attempt to see him through the darkness it created.


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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:48 am


I shake my head, though I'm not sure what I disagree with. "...I'm not scared," I tell him. My eyes drift down to his hands as well, and I study the marks there. They remind me of the scars on my arms... "Do they hurt...?" What did this to him... My eyes look back up to his.

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Cursed - a restart Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:51 am

Jason paused, his eyes flickering over his hands. "...sometimes," he murmured quietly. "And you would be afraid, most people are." He stood and brushed himself off. "Are you hungry?" He repeated, his blue eyes on her.


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