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Cursed - a restart

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:57 am


I shake my head again in response to his question, sitting quietly for a few moments. I open my mouth, but I don't know what to say. He should know,right? Taking me in is a danger. I cant just put his life in harms way and have him not know about it... "...I'm...not a person..." I mumble, tensing slightly again.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:00 am

Jason had turned to go get pillows when he stopped. His brow furrowed, but he did not face her. "You aren't a witch....are you?" He asked softly, almost cautiously. He couldn't afford another witch in his life.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:18 am


"No! Ive had enough of magic to last me a while," I reply spitefully, my hands tightening around the glass. His eyes were gone, so I glared into the water before setting it down on the coffee table in front of me.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:22 am

Jason relaxed, his shoulders slumping in relief. "...good..." he muttered then went and got her the pillows. "What are you then?" He asked, a slight curious tone in his voice as he came back and set them on the couch.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:34 am


"I'm..." My voice catches in my throat. I glance up at him a moment then look down at my fidgeting hands. "I'm a bird... A rare bird..." I mumble quickly before changing my mind.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:36 am

Jason's brow furrowed once again, his eyes now on her. "A bird?... . . did you become human then?" He asked, obviously not as shocked as most people would be by this.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:45 am


"The man after me. The Wizard... He took my ashes and made me be reborn human. For an investment..." I didn't look to him for anything. He'd have that look in his eyes, like the Wizard. My scars were bothering me... My hands hide in my sleeves, fingers again confirming this a reality. The scars were there, and I was most likely stuck like this.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:49 am

Jason sat by her cautiously. "That...that sucks," he muttered, his arms resting on his knees. "Can you rebirth as a bird again?" He asked, watching his hands.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:05 pm


I shake my head. "He had made a point of allowing me to burn. I am always reborn like this..." I'm talking of burning to death and I haven't even said what type of bird I am. ...He hasn't exactly asked about it, however... We are legends though, it wouldn't be that difficult to solve...? Though we aren't exactly first pick when it comes to the image of a bird.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:08 pm

Jason thought for a moment, and gave a small nod. "I never thought I'd ever see a phoenix," he said quietly. Taking a deep breath he sat up slightly. "Is there any way to...fix you?"


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:44 pm


I shrug slightly, at a loss. "I just...want to get back home. See if any of my elders in my flock know of any other situations..." Id need to talk to the priestesses there, convince them to allow me into the sanctuary. Perhaps they knew something... They had their practices in magic as well, which have kept us safe from outsiders. They are very secretive, however. Even if I were to show I was a phoenix, they may not be willing to trust me.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:47 pm

Jason gave a small nod, staring thoughtfully at the room. "And where is home?" he asked, his eyes turning to see her face.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:56 pm


"Uhm." I didn't know of any human names for things... Which only left descriptions. "...South. There's a large cove, islands dotting the entrance. The land tapers off slowly, you humans separated the two land masses three burns ago, to allow your wave riders to cross... South of there, within the large forest. Mountains along the western coast, and a sprawling river veins the land..." I glance up at him hesitantly, seeing his eyes on me. "...Hot, rains a lot..."

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:59 pm

Jason thought for a moment, then gave a small nod and stood, grabbing a world map that he had stashed with his school books. He brought it back and laid it out on the coffee table, being careful to not knock over her water. "Here?" He pointed to South America.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:06 pm


I study the layout, surprised. I knew humans to be in most regions, but I know they have not been into my home's area. The priestesses wouldn't let anyone in. How did they manage to so exactly draw everything...

I nod. "There."

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:12 pm

Jason stared at the map for a moment then looked back at her. "Can you tell me a more specific location?" He asked, eyes searching her face. "Maybe we could get you home."


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:24 pm


I tense insecure. Maybe this whole thing was a ploy... I couldn't put my flock in danger. "Why help me?" I ask quickly, leaning back against the couch and away from the world layout. "I'm putting you in danger. From the Wizard and me. What's the point of helping me?"

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:30 pm

Jason gave a slight shrug as he watched her, his eyes on her face. "Because I know what it's like to be stuck as something you're not.." he said quietly. "And even though my curse can't really be broken...I can at least help you with yours.."


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:46 pm


"Curse?" I question him, not understanding. "Cant be broken..?" Is that why he hid? The marks on his skin... weren't supposed to be there?

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:50 pm

Jason gave a small nod, his eyes falling to his hands. "Yes...," he muttered. "Would you like the help? Or no?" He didn't like the conversation being on himself and was trying to keep it off him as best he could.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:00 pm


I pause before nodding slightly. "Places have colors... this place shows red, yellow, and green on fabric." I point, the middle of the larger section of the land mass. "You have the main rivers shown, but we are very isolated. Many branches... We are very far from any small village.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:25 pm

Jason gave a small nod, looking thoughtful. "We'll have to wait until the snow storm passes, but I can get you there. Or at least try too." He glanced at the pillows and then back to her. "You can sleep out here if you'd like, or you can have my room, I don't mind sleeping on the couch. Which ever makes you feel more comfortable."


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:54 pm


"I'll stay here. Its fine." I curl into the blanket more, perfectly content. "You don't have to change anything for me, I'll be a humble guest..." I murmur submissively.

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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:14 pm

Jason gave a small nod and stood, running a hand over his head under his hood. "Right...well...I'll be in my room if you need anything," he muttered and started off down the hall, taking off his hood once he'd gotten where he thought he was safe from her gaze.


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Cursed - a restart - Page 2 Empty Re: Cursed - a restart

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:28 pm


I watch him leave, again alone in a room. I didn't like it. We were social birds, and sure at times we would wander away, but we always returned home. This has been the longest time ive been away from home, my only companion in the last few months being the Wizard. He had become a sort of...god. I had become addicted to his visits, even he were to hurt me. And again, I find myself alone. I curl into the blankets more, close my eyes, and attempt to pretend the softness around me was from feathers, and the heat from other beingings...

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