the Character Chat Revolution
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Cursed      Empty Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:19 am

This is going to be a little different from the one I'm doing with Ella....but here you go. I am now past my indignant stage.

Each charrie is cursed. Why and how they are cursed is up to you. The cure is for them to find out and retrive before the deadline. Their 21st birthday. This is still a very rough draft, I'm trying to work out the kinks so bear with me. That's all I have for an intro this morning.

Cursed Bio:

This story is going to take place in Canada, in the Polar regions because Michael will be in this story as well. Post your charries, and then I will start it with a better intro. Ok? Ok. Ready. Set. GO!

DISCLAIMER: For anyone who doesn't know, the rules are the same as all my newest chats. I do reserve the right to remove those who don't follow the rules. Also, I don't know exactly how often I will be on, so be patient. There are days when I'll be on a lot, and other days when I won't be on long, if I'm on at all. Ok?

Rules: Teens must be around 17 to 21
No hunkey dorey buisness
Try and keep the genders equal
be realistic when it comes to things like time spans and what not (which I know is sort of an un-duh, but I still felt like I needed to put that in there)
and have fun.

Last edited by Taylow on Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:21 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:53 am

Name: Aurora
Age: 18/19 still debating

Curse: She's invisible.
Cursed Bio:She doesn't talk about it. Ever. Doesn't even like to think about it. She won't even tell me what happened. So good luck getting it out of her.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:08 pm

Name: Michael Carter
Age: 19
Cursed      Black,and,white,cute,guy,guy-1d5c8a106090dec9bb947663206a1bd2_m
Cursed      Pb
Curse: He is a polar bear all except for 1 week out of the month.
Cursed Bio: still not fully developed. But he made someone mad.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:10 pm

Name: Torah Marchelli
Age: 20, will be 21 in several /days/
Looks: Long, medium-brown, hair with a loose curl to it. Usually wears a headband to keep the thin strands out of her face. Bright, brown eyes with thick lashes, and delicate features otherwise. Thin and a little bit frail-looking.
Curse: Obedience
Curse Bio: When Torah was a little girl, she wouldn't quit crying in her cradle. So her mother called up a woman that claimed to have special powers, that could bless children. What she didn't know was that the woman didn't like children. So instead of blessing Torah, she cursed her. When she arrived at the house she forced the baby to be silenced, then cursed her with having to do whatever anyone said in the future, as well.

Name: Dane Meyers
Age: 20
Looks: Wavy blonde hair, and an athletic jaw. Blue eyes and a fit body.
Curse: N/A
Cursed Bio: Always must tell the truth, due to being a descendant of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. He isn't capable of lying, which means he sometimes hurts peoples' feelings. Or seems odd.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:51 pm

so, i cant think of a charri for this, but i might stalk it because it seems liek a cool idea.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Alice Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:58 pm

Name: Alison
Age: 19
Curse: Silence
Cursed Bio: She cant speak! AT ALL!! she tries to make contact ut... nothing works. She cant even use sign languige (sp?)
Cursed      32842-girl-mouth-close-to-tape

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:28 pm

...same as momo

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:39 pm

Michael sighed as he walked through the snow towards town. He was out of groceries. He paused and hung his head. Crud. He glanced down at his white fur and the large padded paws that were attached to his hands and feet. How long had he been walking like this? Oh, right. Weeks. He shook off the snow that was accumulating on his back and growled, cursing everything he could think of to curse. He then sat down on the edge of town, staring at the lights, his stomach growling. It wasn’t nice. There was nothing but cod this morning and he hated cod. He glanced up at the star lit sky and sighed. Might as well get used to it he told himself. You’re going to be stuck like this for forever.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:41 pm


I padded my way through the snow, wrapping my coat further around me. It was cold. I wasn't a fan of the cold. So needless to say, I was living in the wrong place.
I spared a glance down to the indents my feet were making in the snow. They were deep, about knee high, only... there was no foot attached to those prints. None that I could see, anyway. I glared at it. The prints glared back, metaphorically speaking. They were mocking me. Reminding me I couldn't be seen, that I was invisible. It sucked. I hated it.
I glanced up, hearing footsteps that weren't my own. What I saw made me freeze. It was... a panda bear. Crap. I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't catch my scent or see the random foot prints that stop right in front of him.
Alright, maybe it was a good thing I was invisible. Right now, at least.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:08 pm

Name: Jean
Age: 19
Looks: - only blonde
Curse: phoenix cursed to live as a human and cannot control her pyro abilities in that form. she does be reborn from ash, but she isnt reborn like a phoenix, only appearing as the same age she was.
Cursed Bio: a wizard captured her and turned her human so she wouldn't fly away, but she escaped and is now stuck as a human.

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:19 pm

It's cold. This body... I can't help stare at my...hands. Never had them before...
All that is around is white. White, white, white. It's...cold... The fire in me is struggling. The balance is off in this form. Its either so small I can barely feel it anymore, or so large I cant control it.
A small outcrop of white rocks. I curl against them, in a small divot to try and avoid the wind. What little clothes I stole from the Wizard arent very warm...
So cold...

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:45 pm

Name: Jason Rikely
Age: 19 almost 20
Looks:Cursed      Tumblr_lbz8ek7amd1qe4nyno1_500
Cursed Bio: Jason was hot and he knew it and wouldn't let anyone go without them knowing it to. During one of his "I'm to sexy" speeches, he insulted the wrong person and has since been cursed with black marks that cover his body, maring his looks. Unless he learns kindness and humility and love, he will be marked forever.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:47 pm

Jason was tramping through the snow trying to reach town. Someone had picked him up and then dropped him off in the middle of no where while trying to get a ride. The marks always scared people, but he didn't know why. They weren't that bad... ok so maybe they were. He saw a figure crouched by some rocks. What was she wearing? He walked made his way towards her. "HEY!" he called above the wind.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:58 pm

I glance over, a figure becoming apparent as the wind wisps loose snow from the ground. My crimson eyes widen as I try to hide more against the white. The Wizard again? Did he find me? But he couldnt have, he couldnt have! Tears...fear...Ive never been so frail. So hopeless and useless. They freeze to my face and I shiver. My fire is so weak?

Posts : 13622
Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:04 pm

Michael's ears perked as he heard the footsteps behind him and heard them come to a stop. He sniffed smelling a strange strawberry sweet smell. He stood and turned, following the smell until he was


As Jason got nearer he saw that she was litterally freezing in the snow. He rushed forward, pulling of his jacket and throwing it around her. "Are you alright?" He asked incredulously. "Why are you out here? You barely even have clothes on! Don't you know you'll freeze to death?"


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:18 pm

I can't freeze... It would mean my fire went out. I would die...forever...
I study his face, blue eyes so bright with those black markings. I shy away. Not the Wizard, but humans...I didn't know them. We stayed away from them. I avoid his eyes, shiver, press closer to the rocks.

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Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:22 pm

o.o I flinched away, prepared for his massive mouth to open and swallow me whole. I wasn't going to stick around and let that happen though. I turned around, hair whipping his face as I darted away. Or, at least tried to dart away. It's hard to run in knee high snow. Very hard. Great, I'm so screwed. I stumbled, losing a boot as I went. I spared a look back. The black, furry shoe sat on top of the snow heap, very much visible. My heart fled through my throat and sped up, ignoring the screaming protests of my frozen foot. So what if I lost it to frost bite. One legged or not, no one would see me anyway. I squeaked, falling face first into a heap. I wonder, would be body become visible if I died?...

Michael followed the sent curiously, just watching the invisible spot with intrest. He blinked seeing a black boot in the snow. He sniffed it, made a face, then picked it up and followed the sent, trying to find the owner of the boot. The only problem was that the boot was masking the smell of strawberries and was making it difficult.


Jason looked down at her and muttered something about her being idiotic. He leaned down and picked her up, keeping the jacket wrapped around her as he trudged towards town. "Do you have a name?" He asked as the cold pierced his body. Boy what a night this was.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:37 pm

I stay deathly still. Useless, i couldnt do anything in this form anyway. "N-Name...?" I whisper. My arms guard my fire from him, the least I could do, crossed over my chest. "He...He called me Jean..." He's...not taking me back to the Wizard... He's the other way. And he couldn't know what I really was. Not possible...

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:48 pm

Jason looked at her curiously. "He?" He asked, not quiet understanding. He saw the lights from town and let out a sigh of relief. "Do you have a place to stay?" He asked looking down at her again. He couldn't help admiting that she was...breath taking. Although, somehow he still managed to pick out the small flaws on her face.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:55 pm

"N - No," I murmur. My eyes keep flitting back to him. Humans didn't normally look like that... or at least Wizard didn't. But he sought perfection in everything. Why he captured me. But nothing is perfect is it...? As a phoenix i didn't understand people's obsession with it...

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:01 pm

Jason sighed and gave a small nod. "You can stay in my apartment tonight," he crossed over the boarders of the town, carrying her down the snow covered streets. It was quiet and no one was out. Jason was happy with this because that way no one could see him and his...deformity. He walked towards a run down pup called The Irish, Italian, and English Man. He went into a small doorway that was off to the side and slid through the door, carrying her up the stairs to his one bedroom flat. "Where are you from anyway? How'd you get stuck out there?"


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:13 pm

I don't like the little space. Too restricting. Not when the sky was my home... My heart speeds slightly, i fidget in his arms uncomfortably. "I - I..." What to say... I shiver again. Don't press the issue... I didn't like it there... Don't take me back...

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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:23 pm

Jason sighed and set her on the couch then grabbed a warm blanket and wrapped her in it before going to the little kitchen area to make her something warm to drink. "Do you like coffee? Or hot chocolate?" He asked, it was obvious she didn't want to talk about where she came from. Maybe she was running away. He could respect that.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:30 pm

The bear was approaching me with my boot.... Crap. That's... that's not something you see every day. I scurry up, snow flying about as I start to clumsily make my way through the banks. A slight whimper escapes me at each step I made with the shoeless foot. God, I hate the cold. I need a gun.


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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Black&White Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:37 pm

I curl up small on the...couch... it was a couch. Shivering now from slight panicking. What was coffee...? Or hot chocolate...? "No...?" I say, but it turns into a question at the end. Underneath the cover and his jacket, beneath the sleeve of the meager shirt i got from Wizard. A scar up my arm, from when Wizard would bleed me.

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Age : 30
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Cursed      Empty Re: Cursed

Post by Sponsored content

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