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The Ball of a Lifetime

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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:26 pm

There's a ball at the Livingston mansion tonight, and your characters are invited! It's the biggest event of the year, ran by the wealthiest and most powerful family, the Livingstons. You can be a guest, a waiter/waitress/server, a butler, a cook, an entertainer, or someone else altogether. The ball is supposed to be an enchanting night, but is there a darker secret lurking below the surface?

The format:


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:51 pm

Name: Gregory Livingston
Age: 54
Status: Host
Appearance: Around 6'7", tall and trim. Dark hair with silver at the temples. Chiseled features. Muscular for his age.
Bio: A charming and clever man. He has lived in this mansion with his sister his entire life. Has to keep up appearances. One of the two only remaining Livingstons.
Other: Has a secret.

Name: Elenore Livingston (Goes by Elena)
Age: 57
Status: Hostess
Appearance: Slim and well proportioned. Has dark hair, worn in a fancy updo, with silver strands here and there. Dazzling green eyes.
Bio: Loves a good party, and takes great pride in planning the yearly ball. Longs for the past, when everything was fun and games. Gets drunk on occasion, typically during larger parties like this one.
Other: Shares a secret with her brother.

Name: Jacob Grever
Age: 17
Status: Bus boy
Appearance: brown hair and eyes, crooked smile. A little gangly and thin, 6'2" in height.
Bio: Can be quite clumsy, but Jacob is lovable. His family has been employed by the Livingstons since the family first moved here. He has a sister named Jenny.
Other: his mother died when he was 12, and his father was never around.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:24 pm

What's with all of the old people?
I'm only using two characters for a very long time because I'm lazy like that.

Name: Echo
Age: 16
Status: Guest
Appearance: dark brown hair, black swirls on cheek and neck (can't see rest because of dress), silver eyes, pale skin, 5'4",
Bio: Can be rude to people and graceful as walking, lives with three younger siblings and mother
Other: Comes from a different time and place

Name: Talon
Age: 18
Status: Guest
Appearance: Golden eyes, shaggy black hair, lean, 6'4", scar that goes from left cheek to just above left eyebrow
Bio: Can be charming, lives with large family, graceful
Other: N/A


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:27 pm

It's alright, we can have as many or as few characters as we want. There's a reason for the old people; they play pivotal roles in the book they're from.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:28 pm

!nspired wrote:It's alright, we can have as many or as few characters as we want. There's a reason for the old people; they play pivotal roles in the book they're from.

Oh . . . kinda creepy. Shocked


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:30 pm

I was hoping they'd have that affect :O Shall we get started, then?

Gregory: I walked about the front lobby greeting the guests. They admired the new crystal chandelier, or the marble of the staircase, luxuries many of them could never afford. They were the wealthier of our city, but we were the wealthiest. In a few minutes we'd open the ballroom doors, where the real festivities would begin. Where was Elena?

Jacob: I hurried around, carrying a silver platter of appetizers. I was usually a bus boy, but the entire staff needed to be on the floor tonight, serving the almost two hundred guests present. As I made my way over to a particularly hungry looking group, I bumped into someone, sending the delicacies on my platter flying. I apologized to the person whose shoes the food had gotten all over "I'm so sorry, let me get that for you." I dabbed at the shoes, attempting to undo some of the damage, I'd be in huge trouble for this one.

Elena: I made a leisurely decent down the staircase, waving gracefully at the guests. I always made a grand entrance in this manner, officially showing off my attire. For this year's ball I wore a tight red dress that fanned out at the ankles. It was sure to be the object of envy to all the woman present, topped with a crystal necklace of my mother's. I caught sight of Gregory, who raised an eyebrow, most probably wondering what had took me so long. Men had no idea how much work women put into appearances.

Last edited by !nspired on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:34 pm

!nspired wrote:I was hoping they'd have that affect :O Shall we get started, then?



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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:41 pm

I edited my last post with the first posts for my characters.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:14 pm

!nspired wrote:I was hoping they'd have that affect :O Shall we get started, then?

Gregory: I walked about the front lobby greeting the guests. They admired the new crystal chandelier, or the marble of the staircase, luxuries many of them could never afford. They were the wealthier of our city, but we were the wealthiest. In a few minutes we'd open the ballroom doors, where the real festivities would begin. Where was Elena?

Jacob: I hurried around, carrying a silver platter of appetizers. I was usually a bus boy, but the entire staff needed to be on the floor tonight, serving the almost two hundred guests present. As I made my way over to a particularly hungry looking group, I bumped into someone, sending the delicacies on my platter flying. I apologized to the person whose shoes the food had gotten all over "I'm so sorry, let me get that for you." I dabbed at the shoes, attempting to undo some of the damage, I'd be in huge trouble for this one.

Elena: I made a leisurely decent down the staircase, waving gracefully at the guests. I always made a grand entrance in this manner, officially showing off my attire. For this year's ball I wore a tight red dress that fanned out at the ankles. It was sure to be the object of envy to all the woman present, topped with a crystal necklace of my mother's. I caught sight of Gregory, who raised an eyebrow, most probably wondering what had took me so long. Men had no idea how much work women put into appearances.

Adding another character:
Name: Lark
Age: 16
appearance: silvery hair, blue eyes, pale skin, slender
Bio:Very kind and caring

Echo: I stand beside Talon, clutching his arm as people chat amongst each other. "Why did we come here?" I ask, my grip on his black clad arm tightening. I hate events like these, but because Lark wanted to attend, I came with, and because I didn't want to be stuck here with only Lark, I asked Talon to come.

Lark: "Why would you not want to come?" I ask as I run in front of the two.

Talon: Echo's grip on my arm was tight. It wasn't like her to hold onto my arm, much less actually hold onto me. "Are you alright?" I whisper into her ear. She looks up at me in surprise and shakes her head.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:25 pm

Gregory: I see a trio near the entrance, looking a little confused. I don't recognize them, friends of Elena's then? That's what I assume, as I walk over to them, a smile on my face.
"Welcome, guests. I am Gregory Livingston, and you are?" I extend my hand to shake with the boy. He has a strange scar on the left side of face, a mark of a soldier, perhaps? Though why Elena would socialize with a soldier, I don't know. The dark-haired girl has some strange markings, too, though these seem more decorative.

Elena: I watch Gregory greeting some guests at the door. Friends of his, I presume, considering I have never seen them in my life. I'd like to greet them as well, but there are others to attend to. Still, I keep an eye on them as I gracefully maneuver the crowd.

Jacob: Cleaning up the last of the spilled food, I begin to weave my way through the people, making my way to the kitchen. I see Mr. Livingston talking with some people by the door. They seem to be around my age, although one has strangely silver hair. A strange fashion choice, though I'm used to the absurd things nobles wear. I'll have to find an excuse to talk to them later.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:08 pm

!nspired wrote:Gregory: I see a trio near the entrance, looking a little confused. I don't recognize them, friends of Elena's then? That's what I assume, as I walk over to them, a smile on my face.
"Welcome, guests. I am Gregory Livingston, and you are?" I extend my hand to shake with the boy. He has a strange scar on the left side of face, a mark of a soldier, perhaps? Though why Elena would socialize with a soldier, I don't know. The dark-haired girl has some strange markings, too, though these seem more decorative.

Elena: I watch Gregory greeting some guests at the door. Friends of his, I presume, considering I have never seen them in my life. I'd like to greet them as well, but there are others to attend to. Still, I keep an eye on them as I gracefully maneuver the crowd.

Jacob: Cleaning up the last of the spilled food, I begin to weave my way through the people, making my way to the kitchen. I see Mr. Livingston talking with some people by the door. They seem to be around my age, although one has strangely silver hair. A strange fashion choice, though I'm used to the absurd things nobles wear. I'll have to find an excuse to talk to them later.

Talon: I take the man's offered hand a shake it. "My name is Talon," I say, and then add, "and these's are my friends Echo" -I move my arm that she is cluthing- "and Lark." Lark pops up beside me with a wide smile on her face.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:14 pm

Gregory: "Pleasure to meet you." I take the smiling girl's hand and kiss it, as a true gentleman does. "We'll be opening the ballroom to guests in just a few moments. For now, feel free to indulge yourself in our fine appetizers." I saw Jacob with a platter and gestured for him to come over.

Jacob: I rushed over to the little group as fast as I could without dropping the platter again. Mr.Livingston was an impatient man. "Yes, sir?"

Gregory: "Please take our guests coats, and answer any questions they have, Jacob." I left the group with one last smile and then disappeared into the crowd to find Elena.

Jacob:"Yes, sir." Here was the chance I had been waiting for to talk to people my age, something I rarely go to do, seeing that my sister and I were the youngest servants at the mansion.
"There's a wide selection of appetizers to choose from, which would you like?" I asked the little cluster.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:21 pm

Echo: Talon and I stare at the food on this boy's plate as Lark carefully wipes her hand on her dark blue dress. I feel sorry for her, though the man was much more polite than many of the men from our Region.

Talon: "There's so much to choose from," I murmur.

Lark: Once the old man's spit was off my hand, I perk up and smile at this boy. "I'm not very hungry. So your name is Jacob?" I ask.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:26 pm

((By the way, the two old people don't look their age, they look like their in their forties))

Jacob:"Yeah, there are almost too many choices." I laughed, even though I secretly envied them all. They got to eat this fine food while us servers lived off of stale bread. I turned to Lark "Jacob, yeah. What's yours?"


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:32 pm

!nspired wrote:((By the way, the two old people don't look their age, they look like their in their forties))

Jacob:"Yeah, there are almost too many choices." I laughed, even though I secretly envied them all. They got to eat this fine food while us servers lived off of stale bread. I turned to Lark "Jacob, yeah. What's yours?"

(I figured that out from the descriptions)

Talon: "We never have the type of food at home," I say and glance up at Jacob.

Lark: "I'm Lark, like the bird," I murmur as I widen my smile.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:35 pm

Jacob:"You don't, aren't you a noble?" My brow furrowed, this was an exclusive party, by invitation only. Gregory hadn't known them, though, I wonder if Elena did? Then I heard the girl, and smiled. "That's a beautiful name."


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:42 pm

!nspired wrote:Jacob:"You don't, aren't you a noble?" My brow furrowed, this was an exclusive party, by invitation only. Gregory hadn't known them, though, I wonder if Elena did? Then I heard the girl, and smiled. "That's a beautiful name."

Lark: "Why thank you. Our name is so interesting, so different than the name's I've heard," I say.

Talon: I blink. "Well, Lark actually is the one with nobility. We are just her friends that tagged along," I say as I glance over at Echo. She has been quiet for a long time now.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:48 pm

Jacobs:"You think Jacob is an interesting name? That's about the most common name around here these days." Then I heard what Talon said about Lark, and I realized that I should be treating the nobles with more respect. My face burned, and I changed my tone. "What I meant to say, Madame, was that of course your opinion is correct. May I take your coat?"


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:50 pm

!nspired wrote:Jacobs:"You think Jacob is an interesting name? That's about the most common name around here these days." Then I heard what Talon said about Lark, and I realized that I should be treating the nobles with more respect. My face burned, and I changed my tone. "What I meant to say, Madame, was that of course your opinion is correct. May I take your coat?"

Lark: My eyes widen at being called 'Madame'. "You don't have to call me that. My name is Lark, not Madame," I say as I shrugg off my thin coat. For a moment, I held it, but then slowly held it out towards him.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:55 pm

Jacob:"If I don't treat you the right way, then I'll be punished." I say under my breath, so only she can hear, then change back to my polite voice. "Thank you, Madame, I'll put this in the luxury closet. Just a moment." I took the coat and hurriedly put it away in the closet, then returned.
"Anything else?" I said, still in that over-polite voice. I wished things were different. That I could talk to Lark on the same level. That I wasn't a servant. That I was in the same league as these three. But I couldn't, I was, and I wasn't. That was my life and would be until the day I died.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:02 pm

!nspired wrote:Jacob:"If I don't treat you the right way, then I'll be punished." I say under my breath, so only she can hear, then change back to my polite voice. "Thank you, Madame, I'll put this in the luxury closet. Just a moment." I took the coat and hurriedly put it away in the closet, then returned.
"Anything else?" I said, still in that over-polite voice. I wished things were different. That I could talk to Lark on the same level. That I wasn't a servant. That I was in the same league as these three. But I couldn't, I was, and I wasn't. That was my life and would be until the day I died.

Lark: "But what if I want you to not call me Madame. Isn't it considered rude of you to not follow my orders?" I ask. I really don't want him to speak this way to me, even if it is orders.

Talon: I raise an eyebrow at Jacob and Lark. Suddenly, Echo's grip on my arm tightens, and I am forced to glance down at her silver eyes. She appears bored and upset at the same time.

Echo: My eyes quickly shift away from Talon's and towards Lark, who looks upset with this Jacob boy.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:12 pm

Jacob:"Um, okay...I guess that works, Lark." I smile my crooked smile that I've always hated. I hear the bells ringing for the doors to open to the ballroom. "Looks like they're opening up the ballroom, you three better get going."

Gregory: I stride into the ballroom, Elena on my arm, leading the nobles in. As soon as they step foot all of them begin to "ooh" and "ahh" at Elena's masterful design. It's true: she's done a wonderful job.

Elena: I hold my head high as my brother and I walk in, hearing the praise from the nobles. This moment is perfect, then suddenly I hear a song begin playing from the piano. I stiffen and look towards the back of the room, where the grand piano is set up on stage.

Gregory: I feel Elena stiffen, and part her arm for comfort. She's not fond of Hazel, the piano player, because she doesn't agree with what we've done to her.

I'm introducing a new character:
Name: Hazel
Status: Entertainer - paino
Appearance: Straight blonde hair to her waist, light brown eyes. ABout 5'6". Wears a golden masquerade mask that covers her eyes, aside from little eye holes, at all times.
Bio: She is not here by choice, and that is part of the secret surrounding the mansion. Hazel is forbidden to speak, but instead is allowed to play her emotions out in song. Her mask hides her identifying feature, so that the secret is undiscovered. More on this will be revealed as time goes on.
Other: Has a secret.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:16 pm

Lark: "Will you dance with me?" I ask Jacob as I remove the platter from his hands. I take hold of his hands and drag him to the dance floor. As we made it to the center, I notice that Echo and Talon are still standing near the door, watching us.

Echo: I finally release Talon's arm and watch Lark. She appears happy, which is a good thing. When I glance up at Talon, I see his head is tilted to the side, and I begin to blush. My eyes snap back to the dance floor.

Talon: After a few seconds of listening to the music, I finally ask Echo, "You don't want to dance, do you?"


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:33 pm

Jacob:"I don't know if I'm allowed-" But it's too late, Lark has already pulled me into the ball room with her. I sigh, I'll enjoy it while it lasts, Gregory and Elena will punish me for not speaking correctly, anyway. "So, you're a noble right? Are you a duchess or something?"

Elena: I watch in horror as Jacob, our servant, is pulled onto the dance floor with one of Gregory's friends. How dare he mingle with the nobles! But the girl is Gregory's friend, so I keep my mouth shut.

Gregory: I cannot believe Elena would let her friend dance with a bus boy. Jacob will be getting severely punished if I have anything to do with it.

Hazel: I play a slow song, feel grief. This is my life, probably forever. Entertaining the nobles. I discreetly study a few of them, with their fancy clothes, updoes, aprons, and jewels. Wait a second, aprons?! I keep my hands steady as I search for the person wearing the apron again.
And there he is! Jacob dancing with a noble. Him and I have been best friends ever since he secretly brought me food on my first night here. He was like a brother to me, but lately things had been getting weird. I'd started having other feelings for him. But obviously he didn't have those same feelings - he was dancing with some gorgeous blonde noble. I changed to playing a love ballad - one of a broken heart.


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The Ball of a Lifetime Empty Re: The Ball of a Lifetime

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:38 pm

!nspired wrote:Jacob:"I don't know if I'm allowed-" But it's too late, Lark has already pulled me into the ball room with her. I sigh, I'll enjoy it while it lasts, Gregory and Elena will punish me for not speaking correctly, anyway. "So, you're a noble right? Are you a duchess or something?"

Elena: I watch in horror as Jacob, our servant, is pulled onto the dance floor with one of Gregory's friends. How dare he mingle with the nobles! But the girl is Gregory's friend, so I keep my mouth shut.

Gregory: I cannot believe Elena would let her friend dance with a bus boy. Jacob will be getting severely punished if I have anything to do with it.

Hazel: I play a slow song, feel grief. This is my life, probably forever. Entertaining the nobles. I discreetly study a few of them, with their fancy clothes, updoes, aprons, and jewels. Wait a second, aprons?! I keep my hands steady as I search for the person wearing the apron again.
And there he is! Jacob dancing with a noble. Him and I have been best friends ever since he secretly brought me food on my first night here. He was like a brother to me, but lately things had been getting weird. I'd started having other feelings for him. But obviously he didn't have those same feelings - he was dancing with some gorgeous blonde noble. I changed to playing a love ballad - one of a broken heart.

Lark: "Yes, I am. My father has a lot of power," I say as I glance over at my friends. They both just stood there, appearing bored. They really need to hook up, I think.

Echo: "I think Lark wants us to dance," I tell Talon. He frowns down at me.

Talon:"So, do you want to, or do you want to stay here?" I ask as my eyes land on the girl playing the piano. She is staring at Lark and Jacob.


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