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Blood Mansion

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:15 pm

Thea leaned against the door jam and looked back up at him. "Anything you need done tonight?" She attempted to ask sweetly, but it came off as bitter and slightly venomous. For some reason, she was irritable today.

(Bells, do you remember that one conversation we had when i asked if Mikhail could have been the vampire that dragged Thea to the mansion? Because I think you agreed, but cant totally remember....)

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:11 pm

Mikhail --

I rose a brow, looking her over slowly as I stepped away from the door.
"Well, perhaps you could ask again, and use your proper manners this time." I said, a firm tone entering my voice. "Perhaps I'll be nice in return. Otherwise..."
I let my voice tail off, flashing my fangs with a pleased smile. It wouldn't take much imagination to fill in the proper words.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:17 pm

Thea glared at him. Using the threat biting as leverage. "I'm so sorry for my lack of manners, Sir," she growled at him. "Is there anything I can waste my limited living time on to make your immortal life easier?" So maybe it wasnt the best thing to fuel the fire of a vampires temper, especially when they are unpredictable. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and crossed one leg in front of the other as she leaned back against the wall.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:29 pm

((merp, switching to 3rd)


Without a word he moved, making the motion swift and short. His hand reached up to take a strand of her hair, eyes almost amused.
"Now, now, is that what you call manners...?"

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:03 pm

Thea bit at his had when he took the piece of hair. "Yes. I could go into bitchy mode if you wanted. Now I would appreciate of you would tell me what the hell you want me to do today. Time is precious. Not like you would know of course." the night had barely started and she wanted it over.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:18 pm

Name: Ivan Wells
Age: 22, 250
Gende: Male
Appearance: Ivan is about 5ft 7in and is extremly handsome , with golden blonde hair, deep green eyes, and flawless pale skin.
Personality: From the outside, Ivan is a very charming and friendly guy. He appears to be one of the nicest vampires in the mansion, and that is exactly what he wants the slaves to thing. Behind closed doors however, Ivan is cruel and twisted. He will punish slaves for no reason, other than to cure his own boredom and he will do stuff such as strave them, hit them, and lock them away.

Name: Violet Kline
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has olive skin, grey eyes, and straight medium dark brown hair. She is thin and short for her age, only being 5ft tall.
Personality: Violet doesn't speak much, expecialty to vampires. She listens and obeys vampire's orders for fear of being punished. However if she sees another person being hurt by one of the masters, she will step in and try to help them. She is also an animal lover and loves to read when given the chance.
History before the Mansion: She was born into a poor family and her parents struggled to make ends meet and be able to feed Violet and her two brothers. When Violet turned 14 she dropped out of school and got a job to support the family. Three years ago a mysterious man came to her house and offered her parents a large sum of money in exchange for her. Violet's parents took the money without a second thought and she has been living at the mansion ever since.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Avery Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:49 pm

BlahforgetwhatIsaidaboutquitting. I'll post when I come back (which should be Saturday) , so you can do whatever with my characters until then.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:21 am

The sun had finally set and the golden blonde haired vampire's room was pitch black, besides a few candles. The candles' light was dim but it lite up enough of the room that would allow any human to see at least enough to avoid tripping over anything. That was a good thing because, even after almost three hundered years, Ivan still had problems cleaning up his room. Weekly, a slave would come in to tidy up the room, but in between cleanups, his room piled high with various things scattered across the floor.
The painful moans of Ivan's lastest toy was what woke him up. "I told you to be quiet when I sleep!" He growled, slowly rising out of bed. He was irritated. He hated being awoken before he was ready to wake up.
Ivan made his way over into the small room, behind a dark curtain. This was where he kept the humans he chose to use for his assument. His toys,is what he called them. The humans who came into the room knew better than to come in here. It was the only rule Ivan made sure they knew about him. Not that they knew the real reason why he didn't want anyone in here. Unless they became one of his toys, every human in the mansion believed Ivan was a great guy, as far as vampires went. He was handsome and charming and was all in all probally one of the vampires the slaves felt safest around, and unless they pissed him off, they had nothing to fear.
This slave he had caught trying to snope into the backroom. Fatal mistake on his part. Now the slave was tied up againist the wall. He had been here for a few weeks now. Ivan could see the ribs through the humanms skin from starvation. This one probally wouldn't last much longer.
Violet swept the mansion floors, waiting until after the vampires were all up to valcume. She had made the mistake before of accidently waking up one of the vampires by valcuming and had suffered greatly. She had been caged up for a couple of weeks with only a small plate of bread and water to eat and drink. She had recieved daily beatings from the vampire she woke up and they had feed on her everyday. She had barely survived and she wasn't ready to risk her life again because next time she may not be so lucky.
Violet had been living and working at the mansion for three years now. She was brought here after being sold by her parents to a mysterious man whom she learned was one of the vampires here at the mansion. She hated her parents for selling her without any concern for what would happene to their own daughter afterwards or where she would go. But at the same time, she knew that money could be used to feed and support her two little brothers.
While cleaning, she often though of her brother. She wondered how they were doing and hoped they were okay. She missed them terribly but she knew she would probally never see them again. That was unless they came here, which she hoped never happened.
Violet hummed softly to herself while she cleaned. It was the only way she could distract herself from the horrors inside this place and it also helped prevent her from vampires learning how unhappy she was here. Better to prentend you were happy to serve, than rebell and risk your life.
She wore her dark brown hair up in a ponytail to keep her hair out of her face while she worked. When she had her hair up, you could see the bite mark scars on her neck. It had been a few months since she had last been fed on. She credited this mostly due to the other slaves giving the masters a glass of blood first thing when they woke up and to her being quiet and not making herself very well known to both vampires and humans.
((if anyone wants their male vampire to be the "mysterious man" who bought Violet from her parents, feel free to. ))

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:33 am

Mai closed her journal when she finished her entry and tucked it away into her hiding spot. After she was sure it was hidden fairly well, she stood and brushed her skirt off before cleaning the rest of the room. Once she finished, she glanced outside to sky and saw that any trace of the sun was completely gone, meaning most, if not all, vampires would be up. Now was a better time than ever to ask her questions about tomorrows job she had in mind.

She wandered down the halls, grabbed a glass of blood from the kitchen, and went to ivan's room to see if anyone had brought him his breakfast. She knocked on the door, almost hesitantly, but loud enough to get his attention if he were awake.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:36 am

Ivan heard a knock at his bedroom door. "Don't you dare make a sound or else." He threatened his toy and glared at him with his breathtaking green eyes. His human toy looked down at the ground and didn't say a word.
Once he was sure that his prisoner wouldn't do anything, he left the backroom and shut the black curtain behind him.
"Yes?" Ivan asks opening the door. He sees one of the human slaves at his door. "Oh... Mia right? Oh wait, no it's Mai correct?" He flashed her a smile, his fangs shined againist the lighting of the hallway.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:29 am

Mai nodded to him. "Mai, yes, sir." She took a half step back when she saw his smile. How could something so beautiful be so scary at the same time? "I... Uh.... Brought you breakfast." She rambled soflty, holding the glass out to him. Her clumsiness got the best of her and she dropped the glass to the ground, spilling the liquid inside. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" She quickly apologized to him, bending down and taking a rag out of her waist band to start mopping up the liquid.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Fri Oct 05, 2012 2:59 pm

Ivan laughed a bit. It wasn't a cruel laugh, but more of an ammused laugh. "It's quiet alright." He told her. His room's carpet was blood red so he didn't have to worry about any stains.
The smell of the spilled blood was starting to make him thirsty. His eyes shifted over to the girl's neck. He could see the blood flowing through her veins, which made him crave blood more. He ran his toughe over his teeth and his mouth started to water. Ivan shook his head to regain control. "When you are done cleaning up the spill, would you please be so kind as to get me another glass? And make sure to hold it with both hands, don't want to have you clean up another mess now huh?" He winked to her jokingly at the last part.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:38 pm

"Of course. As you wish." Mai nodded up at him and continued to clean the spill. Her hands shook a touch, a sign of her nervousness when it came to being around the masters. Just knowing that they could end your life at any second frightened the young girl. But she would never tell them that nor make it seem like they scared her. She would do her jobs, try not to drop to many more glasses, and continue to pray that she may live another day. Pray to who? She didn't quite know.
"Is there a certain type you desire? A, B, O? Positive, negative? A mixture?"

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:55 pm

Ivan watched Mai finish cleaning up the spilled blood. He could see the girl shaking a bit, but he didn't say a word. He didn't want to make her anymore nervous and risk having his blood spilled again. Instead he sat down at the edge of his bed while he waited. Ivan thought a moment. "Hm, any type is fine." He replied, "As long as it is fresh."

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Sat Oct 06, 2012 11:23 pm

Mai nodded up to him and cleaned up the last of the blood as best as she could. She stood, the blood soaked rag in her hands and looked down. "Alright, sir. I'll be right back." The small teen offered a tiny bow and scurried down the halls as fast as she could to the kitchen. She fille the sink with cold water and a few chunks of ice before dumping the soaked rag in. She would try to get the blood out later.

While the rag soaked, she went to the fridge and grabbed the newest bag she could find and tosses it into a mug. She slipped the mug into the microwave and punched in a minute so it could heat up. Once it was warm, she took it again and wandered back up the halls to Ivan.

"Here you are. I hope I wasn't keeping you too long."

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:32 am

Ivan laid down on his bed with his hands behind his head while he waited. He yawned slightly, still being a bit asleep.
He sat back up hearing the door to his room open up again. He looked over at the door and saw that Mai had returned with a new glass of blood.
"Thank you." He said, taking the glass. He took a long, slow sip of the warm red liquid, savoring the taste, before saying anything else. "No, you didn't take very long." Ivan says, taking a smaller sip of the blood. His thirst is going a bit away with each sip and he is able to think clearer.
"So how are you this fine evening?" He asks Mai casually, while sipping more of his drink.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:48 am

"I am well," Mai told him softly. "A bit tired, I didnt sleep much. But I'll survive." She stood by the door, hands folded behind her back. Mai waited for him to give her directions of some sort. The girl didn't wish to upset him by doing something he didn't want her to do. "The fellow humans and I are going to do a blood drive later tonight, probably before sunrise. We ask that you guys dont...uh..... bite us so we will have enough for the drive."

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:34 am

"That's a shame." Ivan replied, "A pretty girl like you should make sure she gets her beauty sleep. Donmt want to ge bags under your eyes and ruin your complexion now do we?" He gives Mai a charming smile.
"Alright, I will be sure to past that along to the others." Ivan laughed. He could tell Mai was nervous. He found it pretty ammusing.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Avery Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:44 am

Momo13 wrote:Nero mumbled something under his breath and grabbed his flask from under his pillow. "Fill this with the blood, please." he told her, tossing the container that was big enough to hold about half a bag of blood. "Then give me the rest."

Katia wanted to ask him why he felt so entitled. Why he felt like just because he was a monster, he was better. instead, she bit her tongue and did as he asked, hands shaking slightly. Just the slight movement caused her to spill a bit of the blood on her shirt before handing him the rest of the back and the full flask. "Is there anything else?" She asked, eyes down. She needed to tend to the stain on her shirt now, before it set.

Black&White wrote:Tallie

I watch him in silent contemplation, pulling my knees up to me. "Safe here..." I murmur into my knees, staring at my hands now hidden in the large sleeves of...his sweatshirt... But guy's jackets were much more comfy.

Tatsuo paused briefly and then looked down at her, eyes guarding his growing hunger. "I'll be back," he said. "I'm feeling a bit... Peckish." He stood, starting out of the room to find a bag of blood. He didn't want to bite Tallie, or ruin the false sense of trust he felt.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 09, 2012 7:44 am

Mai blushed yet again. Did all the masters of this house act like this? If they did, she couldn't understand why everyone was so upset about being here. So what if they lost a bit of blood every now and then. They were safe for the most part.
"Thank you. They may listen to you more than me."


Nero's nostrals flaired at the smell of the dropped blood. A small growl left his lips and he clenched his teeth to keep from biting at her. "Go. Clean yourself up." He mumbled, taking a large gulp from what was left in the bag. "I'll call if I need you."

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:16 am

Mikhail snarled, eyes narrowing as he quickly moved to pull her hands behind her back. His eyes were lit up with anger, hands filled with easy strength.
"That is no way to talk to a better," he growled in her ear. "Now, I'm feeling nice. Let's hear an apology, and perhaps my good mood will continue. Otherwise...I may be forced to show you just how mean I can be..."

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:46 am

Thea yelped in surprise and mild pain at his sudden action. 'Yes, because you are so much better than I am.' She thought bitterly as he restrained her. "I'm sorry," she managed to snarl out at him. 'I'm sorry that you lost your humanity, that you are a bastard to us, that you took me. But I'm not sorry for my actions,' The angry girl added in her mind. She could never say those things, at least not in this position. In her eyes, all he wanted was to know he had dominance over her. And maybe she'd let him think that for right now.
"Please forgive me for my outburst against you." She slumped a bit in his arms and hung her head, hopefully giving the appearance of some submissive additude towards him, even though she didn't feel an ounce of respect for him.

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Oct 09, 2012 3:49 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Viviana Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:58 pm

Ivan got up off his bed and walked over to Mai. "Yeah sadly that is probally true." He says softly, as he reaches a hand up to her cheek. He rubbed her cheek softly with his thumb. "I believe you should probally leave now. The night is young and I am sure you have chores left to do."
((Sorry I am having writer's block at the moment.))

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:53 pm

Mikhail watched her for a moment, his eyes dark as he considered his reply. A smirk found its way to his lips as he raised one hand up from hers, brushing the hair away from her cheek, tucking it behind her ear.
"Very good..." he murmured, keeping his lips closer to her ear. "Now... let's see that respect paid more often..."
Mikhail allowed his lips to move lower and brush the curve of her neck.

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Blood Mansion - Page 3 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:05 pm

Mai nodded and left his room with a small bow. "If you bed anything, do call." the same thing she told all the masters. She figured that if they knew that she knew her place, they would inflict less pain on her. Hopefully. Besides, most were nice to her and she felt no reason to disrespect them if they were kind. The 'respect your elders' rule applied as well.


Thea closed her eyes and clenched her jaw. "I understand. I get it. I upset you, you get all teeth-y." she stood perfectly still in his arms. "But, maybe you guys should start thinking of positive reinforcement. Give us slaves something to look forward to besides living another day. Quite honestly: living till tomorrow isn't rarely the greatest motivation."

Last edited by Momo13 on Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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