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Blood Mansion

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Avery Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:57 pm

Tatsuo chuckled softly, going back to his reading like she hadn't been there. After a while, he stood, setting the book to the side. "I'm curious," he started, looking at her, "what scares you the most about vampires?" He tilted his head slightly, dark hair falling into his eyes. He figured it was the stability issue they all seemed to have.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:03 pm

I stay silent for a long while, steadily relaxing into the chair again. Stop my fidgeting and just sit, calm. "...Hard question..." I mumble, glancing up at him hesitantly. I wasn't scared of him. Why not. What made him different... "...Time..." slowly, I nod.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Avery Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:14 pm

Tatsuo raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees. "What do you mean by 'time'?" His eyes bore into her curiously. She could probably hold a complete conversation if she relaxed just a little. Maybe it was him. Maybe he was as intimidating as the rest of his kind... Not as spastic, of course, but intimidating.

Katia looked down at the bag and then handed it to him. "O negative," she said softly and then backed away before he snapped at her again. She reached back and handed him the glasses as well, bowing her head slightly. "Do you need anything else?" She asked.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:23 pm

My eyebrows furrow. Lost, I was lost. Talking about time...? "Memories go away. Feelings fade. Humanity forgotten. Importance is lost. Nothing's special anymore. Nothing's to be prized or held dear. Life is lost. Just a walking dead." I swallow, my mouth feeling like sandpaper. "You think of yourself as better. More than human. When you've lost it all, and get a replacement sense of superiority..." it didn't bother me if any of this offended him or not. I spoke my mind...what little I could piece together still. Thoughts got lost sometimes...

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:02 pm

Nicholas nodded and started out of the room. He went down to the kitchen and grabbed a pint from the fridge. He looked over the supply and sighed. They'd have to do donations again to keep the supply up. He wondered how many pints each would have to give this time. Hopefully no more than a pint each, some of those small girls couldn't handle giving more.

Nero mumbled something under his breath and grabbed his flask from under his pillow. "Fill this with the blood, please." he told her, tossing the container that was big enough to hold about half a bag of blood. "Then give me the rest."

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:47 am


I simply nodded, giving him another curtsy and backing my way from the room.
"Yes sir, thank-you sir. Call me if you need anything, I will come right away."
Still shaking I quickly removed myself from the room, relieved at the chance to escape. Making my way back down to the kitchens I asked around until finding out what I was supposed to be doing and continuing on with the morning routine.


Chuckling softly I nodded, waving a hand at her as I turned my attention elsewhere, mind wondering back to the earlier decision that I was simply have to find a pool nearby to go swimming in. Distract my mind seeing as there was no one to distract it for me.

"Yes, I will be sure to do so dear. Now hurry along, wouldn't want you getting in trouble."

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:21 pm

Mai bowed and left his room, heading back out to the library. She walked in slowly and took refuge in a dark corner that few went in. From the bottom shelf she pulled out a small purple journal. The pages were filled, but she kept adding loose sheets. Always having a way to continue her diary. This was her way of keeping track of everything that happened and what day it was. In a place like this, it wast easy to keep track of time.

Thea rolled out of her bed when there was no light left in her room. She turned on the small desk lamp and changed into some normal clothing. Once she was changed, she left her room and walked down the halls. Her heals clicked against the ground. She went to the den where most of the vampires hung out together and started cleaning. Sebastian had already threatened to cut her hair if she had another infraction by not doing the chores assigned.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:08 pm

I close my eyes and simply stop breathing as I wait. It was a habit, one I didn't need anymore, but one I felt inclined to continue. Human's scent was swallowing me up steadily. Ten years is barely enough time to manage some level of control if deciding to bite someone...if there isn't already blood about... He left the window open though. The night air would quickly get the smell out.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Alice Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:04 am

( Imma post... if this is wrong someone help me! XD)


I glanced round my room. The walls seemed so... bare. I furrowed my brows together and made a grunt. I needed something to cover the whiteness of the walls. Just one little thing would do. I laid on my bed and sighed. I needed to find a slave my life sucked and hell it would be fun to have one. I smirked a bit. Maybe I could find one from the new people who come....


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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Alice Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:09 am

I had been walking for days now. My feet were killing me and yes my gitaur was getting heavy. After the guys left me on the side of the road I didnt know what to do. I took in a deep breath. I needed some type of place to stay. I didnt care where or how much it would cost... I needed a place... badly.


I stood in the lobby with a dull expression. There was nothing to do. I watched with keen eyes to everything that was going on. I couldnt help but smirk. This day was getting even more boring then all my other ones. I looked down at my finger nails. If only I could do something that was worth my attention.


I walked into the mansion. My hair looked like a mess and my clothing was torn up. What else was there to do? This was the only place I could find and yes I needed a place to sleep. I looked around for someone to help me.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:21 am

Adelaide --

I hated it when they decided to just... walk out of their rooms. I hadn't been here long but that'd happened a few times. It made it rather hard to find the vampires and give them their blood before someone got bit. Well, I suppose it depended on the vampire really, I'd rather it not be someone dangerous. I don't believe I'd met this particular one before, so why I was searching through the halls for her now with a goblet of blood was beyond me.

Oh yeah, I was a slave, not much choice otherwise, was there?

"Hello? Mistress Alice? I have your blood..." I called out down yet another hall."

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:43 pm

Alice stopped and turned to face the girl calling her name. "Ah. Thank you." She smiled to the girl and walked over. "It is very sweet of you to come and find me to give this to me." she grabbed the glass from her and offered a nice smile. "Adelaide, right? Or would you rather go by something else? It's up to you."

Nicholas came back up and put the glass down on a table in the room. "Is there anything else you want, miss?" His voice held that same bored tone. He leaned against a wall and watched her.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Ravyn Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:50 pm

Brooke: Okay, it was dark enough. Time to GO. I stood and slipped out the door, closing it quietly behind me. I COULD jump out the window, but that would be highly conspicuous to anyone who may or may not be outside. Slipping through the halls was more immediately troublesome, but was usually less problematic in the long run. As long as i was careful to avoid as many people as possible..... i headed for the nearest door out, the hood on my black sweatshirt pulled up over my usually-very-obvious blue hair.

Kaleb: What time was it now.....? It had been a while, right? It was probably safe..... i could stop kind-of-sort-of hiding now, i figured. Besides, if i didnt get on my chores soon, things would be bad...... instead of wandering seldom-frequented hallways, i now moved with a purpose and headed off to work. Chores werent fun, per se, but it was something to do, and much better than the numerous nasty alternatives......

Last edited by Ravyn on Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:12 am

Adelaide --

I couldn't help my small smile at her, the easygoing nature of her speech catching me slightly off guard after my last encounter.
"Dell, Mistress. Rarely, before coming here, had anyone ever called me by my full name."
Chewing on my lip I decided to stay there for a moment, it was best to wait until I'd been dismissed to leave. Besides, I'd rather stay with the better natured vampires than those like the last I had served as long as I could.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:31 pm

I never ordered. I hated ordering those I still considered myself equal with. Yet the slaves of my day were gone, replaced, moved onto other houses, or killed...and I hated thinking about the ones I had a hand in dealing out death. Couldn't smell him, and I couldn't see him, but I heard him and his heart was driving me mad. I crack my darkened eyes open, watching him. "...Thank you...Leave now."

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Avery Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:04 pm

Tatsuo nodded, looking off toward his window. Those reasons fueled his own fear, too. He was scared that he would become a monster... Not just physically, like now, but in every aspect of the word. He didn't want to become someone's nightmare. Just the thought of actually killing someone made him upset. His face was smooth, though, a mask protecting anyone from his true feelings. It wasn't that he wanted to be a human again... It was just... He didn't belong with vampires.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:12 pm


I watch him in silent contumplation, pulling my knees up to me. "Safe here..." I murmur into my knees, staring at my hands now hidden in the large sleeves of...his sweatshirt... But guy's jackets were much more comfy.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:38 am

Alice nodded and sipped at the dark red drink. "Thank you, Dell. You have. Very pretty name." she bowed her head and smiled to the girl. "I have nothing else I need to do, so unless you would rather stay and talk, you can go if you please."

Nicholas scoffed and left the room without another word. "Don't need to tell me twice," he muttered under his breath as he closed the door to her room. He couldn't grasp why her being around Humans was hard. She has ha almost a decade to get used to this. From his knowledge it only took about five years or so around humans contrastly to have control unless they are outwardly bleeding.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:52 pm

I don't breathe again until the door closes, and its then the scent of blood hits me. Yet I force myself to stay under control and as calm as I can manage as I get up and take the glass. Trying to keep my fangs in, because its unnecessarily harder drinking from a glass with them out, I drink down the sweet stuff. I then sit on the edge of my bed, looking into the empty cup. Just breathe easy. Thirst is gone now. I still wanted more. With a sigh, I wipe the sleep from my eyes to stand again, going to my door to leave. Wasn't about to be a recluse in my room again.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:43 pm

Adelaide --

I hesitated for a moment, offering a short cursty and taking a step away.
"I would love to stick around Misstress, but I don't know if that would be wise. I don't want to get in any trouble..."

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:16 pm

Alice nodded and took a few steps away. "Of course. Thanks, again. Have a nice night." she offered a friendly smile befor walking off. That was yet another downside of living here. She had no friends. No one to just hang out and talk with.


Thea rolled out of her bed and pulled on some tight pants and a tank top wore leaving the room. She wandered down the halls befor arriving at Mikhails door. She knocked a few times a leaned against the door waiting for him to open it.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Alice Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:56 pm

( Hey guys sorry I have been grounded >.> anyway I can jump in again?")

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Black&White Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:33 pm

all mah charries but Tallie are free, Alice. Write 'em in somewhere.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Bells Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:53 am

Mikhail --

I'd been about to leave in search of better entertainment when someone knocked on my door. Pulling it open I noted, although not in surprise of course, that it was one of the humans. Thea if I remembered correctly, which I rarely did not.

"Yes?" I questioned, looking her over.


Dell --

Watching her go I sighed a little, turning back around and going off to find more work. There went my chance for a halfway normal start to my day, although I'm not quite sure if you could call any day here normal.

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Blood Mansion - Page 2 Empty Re: Blood Mansion

Post by Ravyn Sat Aug 25, 2012 8:40 pm

(Both of my characters are also open)

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