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Boarding School Resurrection - Boys' School

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Boarding School Resurrection - Boys' School  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boarding School Resurrection - Boys' School

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:12 am


I didn't actually know what pyjamas were...or why sleeping required a change of clothes... uhm, I just wore my uniforms for three days a piece or so and then switched to a clean one...

He came back out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and plaid pants...which, was kind of weird, because, like, Peter didn't really wear t-shirts. And like... you could see... I dropped my eyes a bit because I didn't want to accidentally look like I was staring or something...

"Uhm, Why... why does sleeping... uhm,why did you need new... clothes? For... for that?" I asked, still being very careful about my eyes and where they were.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:15 am


"More comfortable, for one thing," I said. "For another, it keeps any crud you may have picked up on your clothes during the day from getting into the bed."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:23 am


"...Oh. That..." I knew about getting stuff from day things accidentally'd all over my sheets... though sometimes they'd end up with crap all over them anyway... just because you can't stop bleeding... even if you do put your shirt in the sink to clean itself overnight...

Though the comfort thing wasn't really something I ever got to think about... Clothes were just for wearing so you didn't end up walking around not wearing anything... and I got clothes for free every once and a couple years since the government would give them to me...

"...We don't really... have those... in... in Auda." I stated, but I kinda figured that he probably knew, but I ended up saying it anyway.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:27 am


"Yeah, I...sorta figured..." I frowned. "I could give you some to use."
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:34 am


"...uhm...It's... It's ok, I mean, you don't have to... I... I'm not going to... to sleep tonight... anyway so..." It was really nice of him to offer, but like, if the point was to have something different to sleep in, I wasn't going to sleep, so... so... therefore, I didn't need them, right?

And if they all had shorter sleeves... ...Peter might have been able to deal with shorter sleeves, but I couldn't.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:37 am


"Well, still, even if you aren't..." I said. "And it's no trouble, really."

It wasn't even like they were mine. They were given by the IISO, which was certainly never lacking in funds.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:41 am


"... ...uhm. Ok. ...I... I guess." I mean, It would be kind of weird to stay in these fancy pants all night, I guess... but, at the same time... sleeves. I... I was just... it... Sleeves were always an issue. If I just didn't have such issues with the sleeves thing, it wouldn't have been bad at all. And I mean, I didn't want to just be taking things...

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:44 am


"Do you want something with sleeves or no?"

I did actually have something long-sleeved. As for why I wasn't wearing it myself, I just preferred short sleeves while sleeping. Comfort thing only, since temperature didn't matter to me in the slightest.
Winter Dragon

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Boarding School Resurrection - Boys' School  - Page 2 Empty Re: Boarding School Resurrection - Boys' School

Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:51 am


Pyjamas could come with sleeves? ...That... that was a gigantic relief. I didn't even realise that my stomach had been a bit knotted up about the sleeves thing until the tension kind of released itself. "... ...If... if... it's not a problem... for... for you, uhm." I answered after a moment. I really really didn't want to impose. But at the same time... I really didn't want to not have sleeves.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:56 am


"Not at all." I kind of sort of gave a hint of a smile--which was about the most I could manage--and handed him the set.

...Yeah, I know I'm not good at smiling. It's nothing new.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:07 am


I suddenly had clothes that were kind of warm and like... slightly fuzzy feeling and like... I don't know, they just weren't like my Auda clothes... There weren't any weird stains...or like, stuff fixed with tape or... or liquid stitch...

"...Thanks..." I mumbled before disappearing into the bathroom to change. It was kind of odd, borrowing Peter's clothes, because even though he was the same tallness as I was, like... everything kind of hung on me. Like... I had to make the drawstring on my pants really tight so they would actually stay up...and the shoulder lines on the shirt... like hung... not at the shoulders, which was ok, because then it was kind of long enough that I could wrap my hands in the bottom of my sleeves without stretching the shirt... but it was still... really... weird. ...Just... looking at myself. ...I... I felt tiny.

I didn't know what to do about my feet, because I didn't really want to be walking around barefoot... I kind of still had things healing there. ...I just left my shoes on, and then I came back out with my different clothes all bunched up in my arms, and sat down on the bed, curling up there into a little ball.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:25 am


"Er, do you need socks, too?" I asked. "My uniform sets came with them, and I don't think Mr. Face would be one to allow mistakes, but..."

As I spoke, I sent a text to the team telling them to check for gas dispensers. I wasn't sure if the Dark Lady would run things that way, but I figured it was definitely worth it to find out. Better safe than sorry.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:33 am


...Oh, socks. I'd almost forgotten I had those. ...I was wearing them. Between my shoes and my feet. ... ...I could just wear those instead of my shoes. Sleeping in shoes was weird. ...Not that I would be sleeping.

"...Oh, oh... no, I just like... uhm...forgot that I had them... uhm." And with that I worked on the laces to the weird shoes, glad to find that I had socks underneath them. There were a few little stains on the bottoms, but nothing horrible... it was kind of nice to have socks that only had the one set of stains on them.

I curled back up on my bed after I had set my shoes on the floor.

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Post by Echo Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:37 am


"Oh, uh, okay..."

I climbed into bed all the way and got under the covers. Once again, just a comfort thing; it felt weird not to have something over me while sleeping. And, also once again, it wasn't like temperature mattered.

"Well, g'night." I knew how pointless the statement was, but I felt like I should say it anyway.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:21 pm


"...Night..." I answered, wondering what all I could do in the room without waking him. Not like there was much accessible anyway... no shrinebox, no coffee maker... It was pretty... empty really. So, I looked at my sheets, and how some of the lines on the bed formed; there were wrinkles from me sitting on it...

It was kind of odd being awake when someone in the same room as you was trying to sleep. ...But I wasn't going to sleep, even if it was awkward... it was... it would be worse to actually be sleeping.

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Post by Echo Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:54 pm


My phone vibrated. Curious, I reached over and grabbed it from the nightstand.

From Sarah:
Hey. Sarahs sleepin.

I started typing immediately.

Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:00 pm


From Sarah:
Yeah I tok her phone

---Heh... Does she know?

I figured she didn't since Danae had mentioned the sleeping, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:08 pm


From Sarah:
No lol

---Ah. Well, you'll probably want to delete these messages before you put her phone back, then.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Sun Apr 14, 2013 10:36 pm


From Sarah:
Yeah, she probably wouldn't lik me takin her phone lol

---She actually probably wouldn't mind if you asked. It's just a matter of asking. Well, anyway, how're you?
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:03 pm


From Sarah:
Good, tryin to figure out how this all will work I havent been to school before

---Right. Well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And if I'm not around, you can ask anyone on the team.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:24 pm


From Sarah:
thanks Ive got Sarah so I think things will work out. hows things there

---Alright. I found some kind of suspicious tube in the vent, so I covered it with duct-tape. It's probably supposed to release knockout gas or something.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:04 pm


I noticed that Peter shifted around and got his phone off the nightstand during the night, as I wasn't sleeping. I didn't say anything about it, because I didn't know if he knew that I knew that he was still awake, but like, I was sitting there curled up on my bed. I just stayed completely silent.

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