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The Boarding School Chat

Ale J.
Jacky K.
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The Boarding School Chat Empty The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:52 am

Congratulations, characters! Pack your jammies and toothbrush! You're going to boarding school!

There are two boarding schools in the town of AverageTown, Nonspecific:

All-boys school


All-girls school

All students are required to wear a school uniform at all times on campus. For girls: Knee-length, pleated, blue plaid skirts; white blouses; knee-high, blue stockings; black Mary-Janes; and blue sweaters. For boys: white shirts; black slacks; black shoes; black ties; and blue sweaters. No exceptions! Show school spirit!

Character sheets will not be included. Introduce your characters through writing! You may use pre-existing characters from your own books or other chats, or you may create some normal schoolgoers.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Invisimort Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:09 am

Before today... I had never worn a tie before...or...well... shoes like this, for that matter...

I didn't quite understand...why did you have to have special clothes to go to school? It was mean... last time I went to school... it was...whatever you could find... And so you didn't end up with your feet all scraped up from splinters from plywood... But...apparently you did...and It was weird. My pants were kind of looser than I was ever used to...and it was just...weird.

I'd packed all the clothes I owned...not a lot... but...really, why pack when we had to wear predecided clothes anyway?

And...I didn't know what I was really...suppoused to be doing... I mean... I couldn't really... read any of the information they had given I kind of just... stood there... Looking at the teeny trees and the...grass...and... yeah. It was big. And... made or something...

I walked forward to the steps... feeling kind of... like... I didn't really belong here... Or like... I wasn't really right for this kind of... fancy school place thing. I was kind of scared to even open the clue why. I do scarier things on a daily basis, but... er... it issue.

I finally was like...'it's just a door' and...went inside.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:46 am

I was pretty sure I'd never worn a tie before.

Actually, I'd really never worn anything like this in general. I wasn't wearing combat boots... That was just...wrong... Not to mention the fact that I didn't have any kind of weapon on my person, a concept that felt about as foreign and uncomfortable as the outfit itself.

I stood near the edge of the street, gazing across the concrete expanse that separated me from polished, white steps, perfectly cut hedges, and stately brick that seemed to stretch out to the left and right forever. And it was tall. I couldn't have been looking at the imposing structure for very long at all, but it felt like ages.

Why was I here again?

Oh right...integration mission...which I'd have been doing with Senet if he hadn't gotten sick. Le veinard... Oh well. That's the way it goes. I'd just have to deal.

I took a deep breath, tugged at my collar, fixed my grip on my suitcase, and headed in.

((Translation notes: "Le veinard" ("luh veh-nahr") means "the lucky devil" or "the lucky bastard."

I'll have my girl posts in a bit.))
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:54 am

Everything was so clean. Like... clean to the point of it just being /wrong/.
Somebody had obviously taken this place out of a snowglobe or something and put in right here in the middle of the city. Only explanation. Even the /grass/ was like... just... tidy to the point of it being unnatural.

I adjusted the straps of my backpack, not that it was very heavy. It just had the essentials- few changes of clothing, shoes, some thieving supplies...
Not too shabby, really.

But when I got to the steps I hesitated, smoothing out my skirt. This... was a little intimidating. Or a little more than a little intimidating. Really, I couldn't believe I was doing this, period. I tugged on my long blonde ponytail as my gaze went up and down the huge building.

Right. Well, here goes everything... I pushed the door open, and stepped inside.


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:37 am

Well, this was fun and all... /NOT/.

Ooph, that was a move from fifth grade... Hopefully I never do that out loud... Wait, what the hell did I care if my reputation was ruined at this school? I didn't even want to go!

Boarding school, Mom? Seriously... just because I go into a store after hours for a Snickers... Not like I stole the thing; I left money... Daaaddd, where was your say in this decision...?

'listen to your mother, O...'

'We know what's best for you!' now.... I groan as soon as I enter the grounds, parents just dumping me at the curb with a happy wave as they probably go off to Panama for the time I'm gone. I'd have to punk this outfit out somehow... Lengthen this darn skirt at least to stop my paranoia of guys trying to sneak a peak. I know self defense idiots, and I'm not afraid to use it...

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Jacky K. Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:26 am

As a matter of fact, I had actually worn a tie before. But that had been several years ago, and the old thing had been wrapped around my bleeding arm, not for decoration. Good times. Now that I'd gotten the black strip of fabric draped around my neck, I had absolutely no clue how to tie it.

Not that I would have tied it anyhow. The prim clothes made me feel like a Mainlander, and that made me feel like a poser. It wasn't all bad, actually; for once, nothing I wore was too big or too small or ripped up so much that it was practically falling off. The shoes felt heavy, but . . . at least I had shoes, even if I myself wouldn't have picked them out. I supposed I couldn't just go barefoot all the time, aye? This wasn't Luna. Apparently in some places, it's frowned apon to not have shoes.

I still drew the line at tying something around my neck.

"This place is as big as th' Bell Tower," Finn said, gawking up at the towering stone building. His tie was laced into a knot that didn't look quite correct, but it was an attempt. Develyn stirred impatiently in his hands.

"Well. This'll be an adventure, won't it?" Nervousy gripped the back of my mind. Oi my my . . . there were other people in there who I didn't know what to expect from. Things were so different, here. A tense silence rested between us as we just stared . . . and finally I cleared my throat and step up the stairs, whistling. Finn followed after me.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Ravyn Sun Nov 06, 2011 1:10 pm

Oh no....... oh no oh no oh no oh no oh HELL no.....

I was in a skirt.

This was like, my worst nightmare come alive. Not only was it horrifically uncomfortable, but it made my lack of the majority of a left leg far more apparent than it would've otherwise been, the end of the stump just visible in its grisly glory aroound the end of the skirt. Perhaps id be able to talk administration into making an exception in the dress code and letting me wear pants...... i desperately hoped i would have to wear a skirt the entire time. I pushed my glasses back up my nose (they had been threatening to fall off again) and brushed a bit of my short black hair out of my face. My level green gaze surveyed my surroundings as i tried to figure out where to go. I wheeled my wheelchair up to the front of the school, but.... there were stairs. Which i could not wheel myself up. There had to be a back door or a ramp or something around here, right?!

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Momo13 Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:18 pm

Oh boy. Back in a tie. This was interesting. Had been a while sense I had worn one. Mika and my prom if I remember correctly….and I ended up using the tie to keep someone from dying. Fun times. And now….I was in one again. Not that I minded being in the tie. Or in the slacks. Or even the sweater. But the shoes. I could do nothing in these dress shoes. What if E!Drew showed up? Then I would be screwed.
A small sigh escaped my lips as I finished rolling up the sleeves of my shirt and buttoning it. Normal kid. Was that what I finally was? A normal kid? I was able to come here by choice. This was a new thing for me. And I was finally able to get a hair cut. For once I had time to get a hair cut, not just take scissors to the mop top I had. I looked…proper for once. It was nice.
My mind traveled to Mika. How was she doing? I knew that being here would mean that I wouldn’t see her often, or at all for a while, but she would need time to adapt to what happened. To being who she was. And I couldn’t help with that. I couldn’t help her any more.

WHA?????? OH HELL NAW! I did not belong in a skirt. Or in a blouse. Or Mary Jane shoes. This was not happening. No. Nonononononono. Not happening. Not today, not right now. I refused. Completely and utterly refus—
“Zorah, get changed!” Abby’s chipper voice called, skipping over to me. She was already (happily) in her school uniform. On her, the knee-hi socks, pleated skirt and blouse looked cute. On me, it looked awful. I was a combat boot, cargo pants and metal band t-shirt type of a girl. I glared at my twin, before turning back to my clothing that sat in front of me. I did not want to change out of my comfy clothing into that crap. “C’monnnnn.”
I rolled my eyes and shoved her out of the room as I changed. This was awful. How could schools make us wear these things? This was so not fair. Where was individuality? Nonexistent here apparently. The skirt and blouse just didn’t look right on me.
Last time I had warn a skirt was….no. not going to think about that right now.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:23 am

I looked at myself in the mirror and scoffed at the sight. The whole uniform was too cliche for my taste. I sighed wistfully as my eyes roamed to my limited edition Dolce & Gabanna dress that I had been dying to wear. I guess I would just have to deal with it. I couldn't go back to my old school, no, that was where Hunter was and I wanted, no, needed to stay as far away from him as possible. It was funny, that was the first time I ever said I wanted to be away from Hunter. I guess death changes everything... No! I told myself I wouldn't think of the past here. I wasn't going to remember. I wouldn't let myself remember...
"Annabel Lee, please come to the office," the principal's voice echoed over the loud speaker.
I walked into the office to see Hunter, Lee's parents, and my own parents all around the principal's desk. "What's going on here?" I asked, my eyes locked with Hunter's. Had he been crying?
"Anna, dear," my mother said oddly caring, usually she was distant. "There is something we have to tell you."
"What?" I asked nervously.
"It's Lee," my father took over, "he-he's been killed."
"No!" I screamed loudly. Lee, my other half, my better half. "How?" I growled.
"He was murdered," Hunter, Lee's best friend, my best friend, choked out.
"No!" I screamed again, "You're lying!"
"We're not lying, Bell," Hunter whispered.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I hissed. Bell was what Lee called me.
-------------------------------Present Day--------------------------------
I shook myself from the flashback and brought myself back to reality. It was a cold reality, one where Lee had been killed by someone who left a note on his chest... the note said "She's mine." Lee was killed... for me...
I took a deep breath and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Today will be a normal day," I told myself and walked out of my private dorm and into the hallways.


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:29 pm

((Hello, person I haven't yet met! I'm Winter Dragon (as you can see Razz), but you can call me WD or Winter. Welcome to CCR! ^.^

Oh, I'm also the moderator of this section. Just so ya know c:))

I'd been hoping that it wouldn't be as formidable on the outside as it was on the inside. I gave up on that hope as soon as I stepped in.

This....was going to be a rough mission. I could already tell.

I am going to get so lost, so quickly, I thought.

Don't be so pessimistic, Sesria thought back. She stood steadfast at my side, but her furry ears were pressed flat against her head. You may be in a completely new place, but at least you don't have to sneak around in it like you usually do.

I wouldn't say that.

Fine, you don't have to sneak around
yet. But that's another positive point: You'll have time to figure out the area first.

True, I guess.

Well there you go.
She paused. And you should probably start by finding your dorm.

Oh, great, I'd forgotten about the dorm. Stuck in a room with completely new people... I could feel the awkward already.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be a rough mission.

-------PoV Change!-------

The school looked even bigger in person than it had in the pictures.

...This was exciting!

I'd never been to a boarding school before. Or worn a uniform. Skirts weren't really my thing, but I'd found that I didn't particularly mind this. Good thing, too, since I'd be wearing one all year. The blouse I could do without, but meh. Whatever. No use dwelling on things you can't change.

I headed up to the door. Some girl in a wheelchair was sitting before the front steps.

"Need a hand, or is someone coming?" I asked.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Ravyn Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:58 pm

I blinked as i heard someone speak, seemingly addressing me. I twisted in my wheelchair, perring at them through my glasses. "Oh, hello. Uhm.... i dont know, actually. Im not sure anyone really knows im here, so i doubt there's anyone coming..... i was just debating trying to do any find an alternate ground-level entrance. These stairs are not exactly wheelchair friendly...." i said thoughtfully. If i clutched the banister, i could make it up on my one good leg, hopefully without tripping and falling down the stairs, but once i got to the top, id be stuck. There was no way for me to move from my end point at the top of the stairs. And i didnt have my crutches with me. I made a mental note to use my crutches if i though i would absolutely HAVE to go up stairs. The crutches were tiring and less secure but they were somewhat more maneuverable and not quite as bulky and awkward as the wheelchair.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:20 pm

"Here, let me help you," I said with a smile.

I walked behind the wheelchair. Okay...I probably wouldn't be able to lift it up the stairs with her in it, but I didn't have to. I checked my wrist braces to be sure that they were covering me adequately, then pointed a finger below her chair. A faint, dark glow could be seen a little out from under my braces, but it vanished quickly. I grabbed the handles of her wheelchair and pushed her forward; the stone steps now reached soundlessly up to help raise her to the top, going back to their former positions as soon as they were done.

"There you go," I told her, holding a hand out low behind my back to recall the magic. Both using it and dispelling it left me dizzy, but I didn't let it show.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:22 pm

I moved my way through the corridors until I made my way outside. I saw a group of people talking. One was in a wheelchair. I walked up to the group and gave a smile. Just act normal and they'll love you just like everyone at your old school did I thought to myself. My old school... why did I keep bringing that up? Maybe if I locked my old school out of my mind I could forget. I knew that I was lying to myself, but what could a girl do? Lee had been my everything, I centered my whole life around him, his football, his friends, his life, and, now, his death. Oh! Stop! I needed to stop. I was torturing myself. "Hi," I smiled once more at the girls, maybe social interaction was what I needed to keep myself from going completely insane, if I wasn't there already.

Last edited by prettygirlrock on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:20 pm

((Prettygirlrock: Ravyn's character and mine are actually both just outside the school. Since your character is inside, she can talk to either endellion's, Black&White's, or momo13's character. All three have just entered at slightly different points c:))
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:21 pm

((Sorry! I must have skipped over that part! Sorry for the mess up))


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:36 pm

((It's alright. That's what the Edit button is for :3))
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:46 pm

((Thanks for pointing it out. I fixed it.)


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Ravyn Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:58 pm

Suddenly, i was at the top of the stairs. "Whoah! I have no idea how you did that, but thank you so much! That's a big help." i said. Now i wouldnt have to look for an alternate route into the school. I blinked as someone else came over and quickly shoved my glasses back up my nose before they slid off. "Um, hello....." i said. She looked a little..... spacced, maybe? I couldnt be sure.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:05 pm

"I'm Annabel," I said trying to force myself not to loose it as I purposely forgot to mention the second half of my name. Lee. How sadistically funny that his name would follow mine for the rest of my life. I took another deep breath and kept myself focused.


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:10 pm

"Hi, Annabel," I greeted with a friendly smile. I always tried to be friendly...unless the person was ticking me off. But that usually wasn't the case, and it certainly wasn't the case here. "I'm Amy. Nice to meet you."

Annabel seemed to be just a little off, like there was something on her mind. I was curious, but it wasn't my business. And hey, it could've been my imagination.

((Prettygirlrock: Something else you should know is that we have a chatbox, located at the bottom of the homepage. It's really convenient for letting people know when you've responded to something, but it's also the place where we just talk and chill. You should check it out ^.^))
Winter Dragon

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 9:14 pm

"Nice to meet you to," I told Amy with a grin. Maybe I could make friends here if I really tried. I was popular before... the incident... and I could start off where I left it all... or at least I could try. I bit my lip trying to not remember...
"There's a pretty, new girl," whispers about me echoed through the halls of the school. I was used to it.
"What's her name?" a deep voice asked, one that made me stop messing with my locker and listen.
"Annabel Lee," said another deep voice.
"Sounds cute," said the first voice, "she has some of my name." He laughed.
"I think she can hear us," said the second voice.
"Really?" Lee caught my eye and winked.
--- Reality ---
I looked down at the floor hiding my tears. I wiped underneath my eyes swiftly and returned them to the girls.


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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Ale J. Tue Nov 08, 2011 2:25 am

" way in hell i'm wearing this thing." I said, looking at the skirt and holding it up in disgust.

"Come on, act normal for once. Besides, th' Council won't be able to recognize you in this." Zane said, he was wearing his clothes for the school he was going to, and hee looked ridiculous.

"Fine. I'll wear the stupid thing..." I mumbled, closing the door in his face and dressing in the stupid clothes. Once I was finished I walked out into the hallway, seeing Lukas, who was holding his keys and Zane sitting in the wooden stool next to the counter. They both turned and looked at me as I walked into the room.

"She looks like a girl!" Lukas said in disbelief, I walked over and punched him in the shoulder.

"Calm down Jamie! Ya look nice." He said, but I ignored him. I was looking at Zane now, narrowing my eyes. He was holding back a laugh, a goofy grin on his face.

"What are you laughing at? You look more ridiculous than me." I said, and he let out a loud laugh.

Lukas rolled his eyes, "Come on, you'ree gonna be late." He said, kicking Zane lightly on the leg as he passed and walked down the stairs of the apartment.

I grabbed my backpack, containing hidden daggers, knives, and a dart gun filled with poison...just in case I needed it, but most of the space was occupied by a bunch of stupid books and pencils. I also picked up my bag, which held some clothes and other things I would need, and walked back to the kitchen. Zane was already heading down the stairs, so I followed behind him, refusing to look in the mirror. I already felt hideous in these clothes, I didn't want to see myself. Once I got to the car, I got into the front seat and prepared myself for boarding school.

Well...this was going to suck.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Banshee Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:14 pm

I tug at my tie, looking at around anxiously. I hate ties, and suits, and anything that makes me look stupid. They was humilating, I looked like some preppy boy. Demetrius walks up behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder and sighing.

"You look fine."

"No I don't, I look stupid...and so do you." I say, glaring at him.

Demetrius rolls his eyes, "Will, it's the coffee speaking. Stop being so anxious."

I edge out of the way to get rid of his hand on my shoulder, "The coffee has /nothing/ to do with it." If anything, it was the thing keeping me awake...

Last edited by gh3325 on Thu Nov 10, 2011 2:39 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Momo13 Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:40 pm

"C'mon Zor....." Abby called to her sister as she walked out of the room, drowning her sisters voice out with her larg skullcandy headphones. She just needed to get away. Today was not a good day to start at a new school. Or be in a skirt.

She wandered outside, wearing a black trench coat to hide the uniform she had to wear. If she had it her way, she wouldnt even be here. But she needed to "get out again" and "meet new people" and "forget about him". That was harder said then done. Zorah was natrually anti-social, so forcing her to go to a new school wasnt the best thing to do.


((you know...I knew that but totally blanked....hrmmmm whattodo with drew....)

Last edited by momo13 on Tue Nov 08, 2011 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Boarding School Chat Empty Re: The Boarding School Chat

Post by Echo Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:52 pm

((Momo: Just so you know, the two schools are separate.))


"Is...something wrong?" I asked, concerned. "Um, you don't have to tell me or anything, seeing as we just met, but...I dunno, if you want to talk about it..."

I was feeling kinda awkward, but I didn't let it show. At the same time, I had a small thought that I really ought to try to find my dorm.
Winter Dragon

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