the Character Chat Revolution
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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:58 pm

Okay, so this was the first ever C.C I joined/made! EVER! (I only made two but ah well XD) It proved to be popular till it died... 16 pages of length, with my abandonment of it XD Rubbish as C.C's go but still Smile
Okay so this CC is one where everyone had been fighting in this massive war, but then the enemy decided to kidnap you and hole you up underground where you plot your escape. Anyone can join at anytime, so no need to ask.

Character Thing:

Race (human or other):
Side (bad, neutral, good):
Group you most belong to (emo punk)
Pros (whichever amount of pros you have you must have the same amount of cons):

Name: Saffron Sea
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Race (human or other): Water Mage
Side (bad, neutral, good): Good
Looks: Long brown hair, blue eyes, full red lips, average height and weight.
Weapon: Sword
Group you most belong to (emo, punk): Classy, preppy
Pros (whichever amount of pros you have you must have the same amount of cons): Funny, Kind, always knows what to do in an emergency.
Cons: Overly shy, short attention span, too aggressive. How can you be aggressive and shy at the same time? You just can.

((You have a better plotline idea, introduce it as we go along Smile ))

Saffron Sea looked around...or rather she moved her head about. She couldn't see a thing, it was pitch black. The last thing she could remember was being captured by a vile rat-man thing.
"Hello?" she called, panicking and hoping for an answer.

(Yes I know C.C's are meant to be in first person. But today I find this easier. Feel free to do what you want though Smile ))


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:47 pm

Name: Michiah Forrest
Age: no one knows really.... she looks around 15ish though
Sex: female
Race (human or other): changeling (elven)
Side (bad, neutral, good): neutral
Looks: dark brown almost black hair with peircing green eyes. She is rather short for a changeling, but average height for a teenager of 15.
Weapon: knife
Group you most belong to (emo punk): the emo depressed type (although, she's not a cutter)
Pros (whichever amount of pros you have you must have the same amount of cons): She has really good insticts, reflexes, and battle technique.
Cons: slow to the catch. She always wants to do things her way, ADHD

Michiah looked around, rather dazed. She had just been knocked out and dragged somewhere... She looked around for a few seconds letting her eyes adjust. However, they did not. She grabbed her knife and set the sharp end of it to her leg. She allowed a little pressure and a single bead of blood fell to the ground. Feeling the pain, Michiah realized she wasn't dreaming. But, the world was black, she couldn't even see her hands inches from her face. A little panicked, Michiah almost betrayed her position by calling for help.

"Hello?" Michiah jumped as she heard the timid voice quite close to her. She found her way to the voice and stood stock still. "Shh..." She said as quietly as possible. She could sense the unease around her and she came closer wispering in more of a friendly voice. "I'm not going to hurt you, but we need to be quiet. I don't know what brought me here, but we need to get out!" Michiah tensed, waiting to hear a sword be unsheathed or the wistle of an arrow. She did not know if she made the right choice in talking to this girl, but she hoped she did.

((I just went with the flow and did third person XD but I can change it if you want me to...))


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:59 pm

((Oh, screw it! I'm posting longer too XD Thanks for joining Smile ))

Saffron gasped as a voice sounded close to her. Just how dark was it that she couldn't even sense there was another girl right next to her?
Saffron whispered a small chant, so quiet even the other girl wouldn't be able to hear her. Immediately, a glowing ball of water was floating just above her splayed hand. At last, she could see.
"I know what brought us here," she whispered back, deciding to be friendly. "The Bad Side of the War..." she said, a dim yellow haze lighting her face as if she was standing by a fire, telling a Camp-Side story tale.

((Nah it's alright. We can be rebels together XD))


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 8:56 pm

Name: Erich (Erik) Hardeen
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race (human or other): Sorcerer- specializing in Escapology and Illusions
Side (bad, neutral, good): Neutral
Looks: Thick black hair, glinting blue eyes. Sharp, almost devilish face
Weapon: His wits
Group you most belong to (emo punk): He's been labeled an outsider
Pros (whichever amount of pros you have you must have the same amount of cons): Anilytical, Clever, Witty
Cons: Shwerd, Has a quick temper, Can be sarcastic at times


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:15 am


Michiah's heart jumped right out of her chest as some watery ball lit up the world. "What are you doing?! Put that out! Now everyone can see us!" Michiah said maintaining her wisper. "now from miles away, one might be able to depict two figures under this sphere of light, but we have restricted sight to what the orb allowes us!" Michiah pulled out her knife ready for an attack.

Michiah perched up when the girl mentioned knowing the answer to one of her questions. "go on..." Michiah said, walking in a circle like a trapped deer knowing it's about to be devoured.


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:14 pm

((@BariJoy, you can jump in whenever Very Happy))

Saffron snorted loudly, giggling at Michiah's panic attack.
"In case you haven't noticed, we're in a small metal room under the ground. It won't matter if anyone saw us or not; we're in prison. They know we're hear. Duh." she said, looking at the girl as if she was more than slightly mad.
"The War? It's been raging for over sixty years now? Come on, you must know of it! Well most the people here are prisoners. Funny thing is, both sides are here. My side's prisoners, and the other side's prisoners. Don't ask why though..."


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:50 pm

Michiah sneered as the girl laughed at her. She wanted to get away from here and curl up in a ball hidden by the darkness and wallow in her grief.
"Well, sorry." Michiah said curtly, then at the girl's other remark, she whipped around and said, "of course I know of the war! I'm bloody IN it! ...Sort of. She didn't actually knew if she was in the war anymore as she didn't know which side was correct. She just fought back at whoever tried to kill her.
Timidly she said, "and exactly what side are you on?"


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:51 am

Name: Imojin Dimanasco
Age: 256 (26 in human years)
Sex: Female
Race (human or other): Myrnsee (my own race. She has red markings all over her body and is very tall.)
Side (bad, neutral, good): good
Looks: Very tall. Caramel hair, tied up in a high ponytail with beads slotted on some strands. Bronzed skin with light freckles. Red lines along her cheek bones.
Weapon: Guns
Group you most belong to (emo punk) loner
Pros: Agile, flexible, intuitive.
Cons: Stubborn, cold, bad-tempered.

I'm new to Character Chats so bear with me. xD


Imojin perched in a corner, observing the girls with a look of cold disbelief.
"It doesn't matter what side anyone was on the outside," she cut in, her voice echoing off the walls, "What matters is that we're on each other's side now so we can get out of here. Leave the fighting until we're out."


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:30 pm

((That's alright Very Happy Technically, you're meant to talk in first person but I can never be bothered XD))

"I'm on the "good" side," she said, making the quotation marks with her fingers. She hated the leader, but agreed with what they were fighting against. Just not the way they were fighting against it.
"I agree," she smiled at the current speaker. "Oh hey! I know you!" she said before thinking of her name, "Um...Jan? No... Um... Well I've seen your face," she mumbled having embarrassed herself.


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:49 pm


"I highly doubt it," Imojin raised an eyebrow, "I won't specify which side I was on. I won't have any of you judge me. Instead I'll tell you that I'm no threat and," she turned to Saffron, "my name is Imojin."


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Holed Up (Revival of old C.C) Empty Re: Holed Up (Revival of old C.C)

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:30 pm


Michiah scrutinized the girl, good, well better good then trying to kill her. Michiah backed up a little as a new person spoke allowing her sight to be transferred to the both of them. Michiah looked at the new girl who was a good maybe foot taller than her. "Well then 'hello' Imojin." There was absolutely no emotion in her voice, she didn't neccessarily care for the people, but she needed their help in order to get out.


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