the Character Chat Revolution
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Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:00 pm

This one was a total flop, but I'll post it here anyway.

Though it pains me to do so. . . I am starting a character chat for all you annoying inkpoppers out there! XD
So basically what this is about is everyone has powers and are from an endangered species of any kind. Though their powers are Unborn. You may not choose your Power from the start, rather it'll develop as the C.C carries on!
So far, everyone comes to a huge cave to live, their species dying out fast where they live, so you move to the rumoured cave where your told you'll find peace there.

Oh! IMPORTANT! Please fill in every single box. Including the last one. I want to write a story about this you see.

Can I use your character in my story:

Here's mine:
Name: Chionodoxia (Chion for short.) Sh-ee-on-oh-docks-ee-ah
Age: 1550 (looks like a 15/16 year old)
Species: Flower Fairy
Gender: Female
Appearance: Medium length black hair, dress made out of flowers (enchanted so that they won't fall apart), bare feet. Hazel eyes, pretty. Silver wings.
Personality: She can be very moody but all in all she's a fun-loving and happy person.
History/Bio: Her species is dying out. A handful left. So she travels away from her home, in search of finding hope and perhaps keep her race alive. However, on her travels; a witch caught her and cast a spell to make her human size.
Can I use your character in my story: Of course you can most amazing Carian!


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:24 pm

Can I join?

Name: Rachelle
Age: 226
Species: Witch
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long, straight, flowing black hair (at her belly button); Mocha skin; Tall; on the chubby side (but more curv than anything); big lips
Personality: lots of attitude
History/Bio: Born into a wichen cult. she was cursed with agelessness when she was 18, by her younger sister. Rachelle is Queen of her people.
Can I use your character in my story: sure

Last edited by ilovemyworm on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:29 pm

Sure Very Happy

She looked down at her vile figure, brushing her body down as if to get rid of it. didn't work.
"Hello?" she called into the cave, wondering if it was the right one.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:30 pm

Rachelle: I stare into the damp mouth of the cave. If my people had word I was comming anywhere near here, they would have stopped me.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:31 pm

Rachelle: The sound of a voice startles me. "Hello back."


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:34 pm

The young fairy jumped back, startled at the voice.
"Oh...uh...him" she said nervously before recovering herself and boldly asking. "Why are you here? Who are you? Are you like me? Do you know if anyone else lives here? Do you know your powers yet? Will there be some kind of villain here? What's your favourite colour? What species are you?" she trailed off, laughing mentally.

((Don't answer them all haha))


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:40 pm

Rachelle: Man, she was... jumpy. "I'm Rachelle, Queen of the wichen. I just got here. I like blue...?" I tried sounding dignafied and royal. It didn't work. I knew I still sounded like a young babe.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:51 pm

She laughed, "I was kidding. I'm Chionodoxia, but you can call me Chion. This cave is a haven for scared or endangered species; people like me. It's also a place where we can discover our hidden powers..."


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:38 am

"I know."


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:05 pm

"Um...okay then," she said before hearing a noise from the shrubs behind her.

Name: Milla Long (Silent l's)
Age: 9
Species: Um... Just a regular human bent on killing everyone.
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair caught in a ponytail, black eyes, cute baby face as nine year olds have, short even for her age, face set in a permanent frown.
Personality: A spoilt brat, and an angry one. That's all you need XD
History/Bio: Her family kicked her out at five, she survived (surprisingly) on the streets and is now bent on destroying everything that she didn't create.
Can I use your character in my story: Of course you can O Awesome One.

The young girl jumped out of the bushes, laughing for effect.
"Look at you," she said in a pathetic squeak of a voice, "You're all weak...powerless!" she said.

((Come on guys, join! Very Happy))


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:25 pm

May I join?

Name: Rose
Age: 700 (Supposed age by public: 16)
Species: Spirit Sorceress
Gender: Chick, duh!
Appearance: Waist-length wavy brown hair, violet eyes like all of her people, British accent
Personality: smart, quiet, independent, smidge of an attitude problem, hates being babied
History/Bio: queen of the spirits, never loved a man, cuz everybody's scared of her
Can Carian use this charrie?: Go ahead. Just change the name please.

Last edited by Rose Swan on Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:32 pm; edited 3 times in total


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:28 pm

((Of course Very Happy Though you didn't say if I could use your character in my story Smile Oh and just jump in whenever Smile))


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:32 pm

Rose: I opened a portal into the Overworld, sensing a gathering of magical creatures. I found a group of them in the wood, and trying not to tear the dress I have worn for 700 years, I hurried toward them. "Please tell me you are not trying to start a war against the Spirits. They have done no wrong, and there is no justifiable cause in declaring war." I said, slightly out of breath.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:44 pm

"Please simpleton, I have no clue what you're talking about," she said, briefly glancing at the newcomer with trepidation before rolling her eyes back to the other two.

The fairy stared at the little nine year old, fighting her laughter. "Little girl, go back to whence you came," she laughed before smiling at a girl who scurried to the clearing.
"I'm sorry...what are you talking about?" she said, a confused expression on her face.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:46 pm

Rose: "Simpleton?" I spit at the little girl. "I am Queen of the Spirits. And if you're going to go to war against my people, I demand notification." I snapped. Who did this little peasant think she was?


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:01 pm

"Look," I explain, in my best grown up voice. "I have no clue who you are, but yes. I probably am going into war with you. I'm going to conquer the world when I grow up," I say knowingly, wanting to let everyone know.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:05 pm

Rose: I crouched down, and picked a rose from a nearby bush. "Children shouldn't say such things," I said, handing her the flower. "Children should sit and be quiet when grown-ups are around, or should be off playing. Why are you here, young one?" I said as calmly as I could. I felt like smacking the child. She definitely was a brat.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:08 pm

The young girl looked up at the older one, letting her drop the rose into her open palm. It immediately shrivelled up and died in her palm, the dust dropping through her fingers and piling up on the ground.
She didn't say anything. Didn't answer the girl's question. Simply stared, up at her face.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:10 pm

Rose: I looked at the pile of dust on the ground. That was my namesake. And she killed it. Tears sprang to my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. A queen should have more dignity. "How did you do that, young one?" I asked, trying to keep my voice from breaking.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:12 pm

She stared up again. Contemplating if she should answer or not...when she did, she drawled lazily; "It is my Unborn Power, evidently," she said, not bothering if she should tell the girl that it was the first time it had ever happened.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:15 pm

Rose: I picked up the dust gently in my hands, and held it. A purple fog, the color of the spirits, surrounded it, and the dust began to form back into a rose. I watched it, until eventually, it was a rose, as beautiful as when I handed it to the girl. My eyes widened. Now, how did I do that?


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:21 pm

((So Rose, you still haven't told me if I can use your character in my story or not Smile ))

"Lucky..." she muttered, jealous that some people got to find their powers so early on.
"Don't mind her," she said to the girl who brought the rose to life, "She's a very disturbed little girl. Now honey, please go home. You don't want to stay with the grown-ups all on your own, do you?" the fairy smiled at the younger girl then, trying to get her to leave.

I laughed, "Oh but you see...I'm not alone," I said before going back to the shrubs and separating them so they could see the army I had hidden there.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:57 pm

coulda sworn i did.....

Rose: I nodded at the one girl, the taller and older one, and then saw that indeed, the young one had a small army in the bush. My eyes widened. "What are they?" I asked, curious


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Guest Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:18 pm

((Okay thanks Very Happy))

The little girl rolled her eyes and sighed. "What do they look like?" she drawled before sighing again.
"They are whatever I could gather. Skeletons, wolves...I think there's a rabbit over there too." she said, peering over the bushes and standing on her tip-toes.


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Unborn Powers (Another Revival) Empty Re: Unborn Powers (Another Revival)

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 12, 2010 4:33 pm

can i join?

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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