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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Fri Dec 07, 2012 6:52 pm

This is basically a renewal, if you wanna join you can. If you wanna keep your charries or leave them. IDC.

The city of Nirvana, creatures of all species with special abilities are free to roam around and be normal in the world. Because the world has shunned them, this is their only safe haven. But some also hate this city, feeling like they deserve more rights, more freedom...these people are in a group called The Resistance. And they fight a corrupt world that will do anything to stop them.

Sexual Orientation:

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Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 30
Location : Snowdin

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:35 am

Are you still doing this? If so, I'd like to join
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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Join date : 2011-07-17

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Wed Jan 02, 2013 3:54 pm

Yes I am still doing this and I'd be happy to have you join! ^^

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Age : 30
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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Wolf of Storms Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:20 pm

Name: Alex Taylor
Age: 17*
Sex: Male
Species: Vampire
Abilities: Normal vampire powers and can increase emotions
He has red eyes and sometimes uses contacts
Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Tumblr_mabhdtJG0Q1rgbhdoo1_400
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Bio: TBD

Name: Isabella Pierce
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Species: Shapeshifter
Abilities: Shapeshifts into a cougar
Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Teen_Girl1_sleeveless
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Bio: Isabella was living a normal life until one night she shifted at the age of fifteen. Her parents were horrified and tried to live with it, but then tragedy struck. Isabella's younger brother and father were killed in a car accident. Her mother believes that Isabella has some sort of mental disorder, because she's happy most of the time, despite the deaths.

Last edited by Eagle on Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:42 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Details)
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

Posts : 2109
Join date : 2011-07-17

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Bells Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:11 pm


So, I'm sorry I forgot about our other ccs. Please txt me with the ones you want to continue xDDD

Also, mind if I join this? Feel free to spam me if I forget again xD

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:15 pm

It's okay! You can join~

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 30
Location : Snowdin

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Bells Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:23 pm

Name: Lucy
Age: 19
Sex: female
Species: Shifter thing
Abilities: She can shift, although she doesn't really normally take the time to. She'd shift into a normal house-cat. With
Appearance: She has plain, brown hair that falls to about mid neck. Her eyes are a light blue shade and she normally wears sweaters. She also tends to wear jeans or sweat pants, dark colored. Her hair is pretty good at covering her fluffy kitty ears, but they're there. A dark black color, to match her patchy tail. Her cat is a calico after all, and the tail is copper fur at the base to a white color at the tip.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: Not sure yet

Name: Caleb
Age: 21
Sex: male
Species: sorcerer
Abilities: He can mix potions, mostly. If he tries any actual magic he tends to screw it up. He wasn't trained so... its common.
Appearance: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ 67286-200x298-Teen_boy_in_shirt
Sexual Orientation: bi-sexual
Bio: TBD

Name: Marie
Age: 17
Sex: female
Species: fox shifter
Abilities: she can shift into a gray fox
Appearance: She's blonde, her hair running down to about mid-back. Her eyes are a dark, chocolate brown. She normally wears simple dresses and a pair of silver framed glasses.
Sexual Orientation: Asexual so far
Bio: TBD

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:06 pm

Name: Alana Obert
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Species: Serpent Shifter
Abilities: Can transform into a snake, and...that kind of stuff.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: Has lived in Nirvana for all of her life, she has seen it become what it has become and she wants to stop it. But she'd rather become the Queen of Nirvana than be a rebel of the Resistance. And with her connections...why couldn't she be ruler?

Name: Roslyn Loisel
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Species: Hybrid-Human
Abilities: Can manipulate time.
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Bio: Because of her sexuality, her parents sent her away to a facility hoping that it would teach her a lesson. Little did they and she know that they were trying to make a perfect soldier. Of course her powers that she gained weren't good enough so they shipped her off to the nearest city. Nirvana. She's been stuck there since.

Name: Ted Hazlip
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Species: Apprentice Sorcerer
Abilities: Works for the leader of the Resistance (Erik) and tries to learn to become a powerful sorcerer.
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Bio: He used to be a street rat living around Nirvana. Having no memory of the past life before that, he decided to join the Resistance when he was a young child and worked his way to become Erik's right hand man and apprentice.

Name: Erik Meisner
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Species: Werewolf
Abilities: ...he's a werewolf...
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Bio: Not ever talking about his past, he is the leader of the notorious Resistance in Nirvana. He fights for the rights of his "little monsters" and dreams of a day where they and humans can live in peace.

Name: Clayton Tremper
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Species: Incubus
Abilities: He is basically a sexual demon who tries to seduce any women in his past so he can produce more incubuses.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Bio: He has come to this world to only become trapped in this city where the humans think to contain these "creatures." Tch, nobody can contain him! Not with who's backing him up...

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 30
Location : Snowdin

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Bells Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:24 am

You wanna start?

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:01 am

((Yup!! Btw these are the charries I basically made for you, but if you want to interact with any others let me know!!!))


"It's like forgetting the words to your favorite song,
You can't believe it, you were always singing along,
It was so easy, and the words so sweet,
You can't remember, you try to feel the beat."

The odd thing about Alana is when she's on stage, singing at the most popular lounge in the city as her job...she always keeps her eyes either half open or closed.

Reason being that is because she's relieving her past life. A life she never had, but a past life nonetheless. Her dream life.

The crowd claps with enthusiasm as she slowly walks off stage in her elegant and slinky black dress with red accents. She goes backstage to clean up and goes to her VIP place in back and hangs with the people she knows and anyone else who's worthy enough to see her in such a...personal state.

It's good being queen.


"Why is Alana not answering?!" Erik exclaimed to one of the lackeys he has around him most of the time.

"She's at her work place, and she's not taking any calls today."

Erik rubbed his temples, his frustration showing up well on his face. He then went to grab his coat and his car keys.

"Like hell she is! I'll be out for a while."


The incubus laid on the counter of the bar, acting like a cat in the sun. Humming lowly and cheerfully as he played with the straw on his drink.

"Pretty girls everywhere, until you meet the Devil then you're dead." he sang softly against the loud noises around him. Musingly he looked around and tried to find any of these said: "Pretty girls."

Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-10-30
Age : 30
Location : Snowdin

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Bells Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:20 am


"I. Don't. Want. To." Lucy snapped, her feet dragging along the ground.
Caleb sighed, his eyes flickering over the doorway into the lounge then back to her again.
"Come on, its just one night out. What's it going to hurt?"
"Everything!" she snapped, once again attempting to jerk her hand out of his hold. "I don't want to be seen. I don't. like. people."
"I assure you," he said, chuckling. "Most of them aren't people as you would put it."
Paying for them to get in Caleb didn't let go of her till he had her seated near the stage. He waved a waitress over, ordering their drinks without even looking at Lucy.
"I don't drink," she grumbled. "I'm only nineteen."
Caleb smirked, putting a hand to his lips. No need for the staff to know that.


Marie quickly made her way around the tables, fingers clinched tightly on her purse. Sitting at the end of the bar she ignored the look the bartender gave her as her eyes flew to the girl singing on stage. A small smile on her lips she relaxed in the seat, knowing the bartender would shoo her soon enough. It was pretty obvious she had to have bribed her way in here, being too young for a place such as this.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by theKP Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:59 pm


He arrived at the crowded lounge and stormed inside with little trouble. This was his territory as much as Alana's. He quickly scanned the area for Alana, she was obviously only in her VIP place.

"She's going to drive me to drink." he muttered to himself as he took a seat by the stage and watched for the next encore that Alana was obviously going to have.

"Anything to drink, sir?" a waiter asked him, he was barely paying attention until the waiter asked him again.

"Just a glass of whiskey, on the rocks." he replied as he looked over at a very interesting couple over yonder of him... (Caleb and Lucy)


"Time for your encore, Miss Orbert." the stage manager called out to her. Alana sighed and got ready for her next performance, wondering what to sing this time for these snobs.

As she entered the stage, she could see more people had arrived. Especially more people had came to the front stage...a idea came to her mind.

"Let's do something a little risque, huh?" Alana spoke into the mic in a angelic voice. Waiting for the band to begin to play as she sang:

"I'm tired of my life
I feel so inbetween
I'm sick of all my friends; girls can be so mean.
I feel like throwing out,
Everything I wear.
Starting over new, cause I'm not even there."


He stopped singing soon enough as he found a "pretty girl" in his sights. (Marie) He looked closer to see that she was a little younger than he expected. But it was interesting that such a young-ling was at a bar right now. So it piqued his interest, and not the sexual kind.

Clayton thought about going towards her, seeing what she was doing and maybe have a nice chat with her. But then he decided to wait, maybe it wouldn't be best to interrupt her right now...

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Under the Darkness ~The Revival~ Empty Re: Under the Darkness ~The Revival~

Post by Bells Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:45 pm


She sighed happily when the girl returned to the stage, mouthing the words to the song, almost as an echo. She loved music and made it her job to learn the words when she could. It didn't hurt that she loved almost every genre.
The bartender was giving her that look again but she couldn't bring herself to care. Instead she waved him away impatiently, ignoring demands that she remove herself from the bar. The seat had a really great view.


"If you think I'm drinking this," Lucy growled, staring at the drink that had been sat in front of her.
"Get a life, girlie," Caleb said, chuckling. "Ain't like I'm feeding you poison. Just a bit of alchohol."
"I'm nineteen."
Caleb rolled his eyes, unable to keep a straight face.
"I can't imagine any other girl your age who would have an objection when a nice guy offered her a drink."
Lucy snorted, "Well, I'll stop objecting when that happens. Until then I'm stuck with you."
As she spoke she reluctantly raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. She immediately put it back down and began coughing while Caleb laughed.
"Tastes like shit!"
"Nah, give it some credit."

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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