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Vladimir Academy

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Vladimir Academy Empty Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:48 pm

Vladimir Academy is a boarding school where all the students are creatures that supposedly don’t exist. The classes here are based on species and abilities, teaching everything one would need to know about those things. In this school, drama is frequent and fights happen only too often. Most of the fights are because of the Nightlings and Daylings arguing about which are stronger and better. The only time they are forced to get along is during the All Hallows Eve festivities at night and even then tension is stirring.
Welcome to Vladimir Academy.

Nightlings are creatures like vampires and werewolves that go out at night and are strongest then and Daylings are creatures like elementals and witches that are strongest during the day.

Character Form:
Age (15-19):
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)):
Dayling or Nightling:
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat):

1. You must have two characters, one boy and one girl to keep the ratio even.
2. If the CC's already begun, please ask to join.
3. Have fun Smile

Name: Carmen
Age (15-19): 16
Gender: Female
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): Fae
Abilities: Necromancer, Flame Conjuring
Dayling or Nightling: Nightling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Vladimir Academy Zzz10
Personality: Moody, dark
History: Her Parents forced her to come to this school and she hates it. They never write or call and she's always had a rocky relationship with them ever since she was Chosen for The Dark.

Name: Josh
Age (15-19): 19
Gender: Male
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): Caster
Abilities: Healer, Sorcery
Dayling or Nightling: Dayling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Vladimir Academy Z10
Personality: Outgoing, fun, risk-taker
History: he doesn't talk about it

Posts : 206
Join date : 2013-06-26
Location : On my magical Narwal with my Writer's Notebook

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:07 pm

Name: Logan
Age (15-19): 17
Gender: Male
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): Werewolf
Abilities: incredible speed, agility, strength, can hear and see really well
Dayling or Nightling: Nightling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Vladimir Academy Jared110
Personality: bad boy type, cocky
History: He wasn't bitten by another werewolf, he was born this way--it's been in his family from the beginning. His grandfather is the Alpha of their family/pack and Logan shows a lot of promise to be a strong Alpha when his time comes.

Name: Lydia
Age (15-19): 18
Gender: Female
Species (no humans allowed (sorry)): elemental
Abilities: can conjure water from thin air, can manipulate water around her
Dayling or Nightling: Dayling
Description (or picture, whatever floats your boat): Vladimir Academy Calist10
Personality: outgoing, bubbly, sweet
History: not sure yet

Posts : 1139
Join date : 2012-06-11
Location : Under my blanket with a good book

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:33 pm

Want to start or wait for someone else to join?

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Location : On my magical Narwal with my Writer's Notebook

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:56 pm

We can start if you want Smile

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:20 pm


Carmen: I try not to groan as I walk through the Academy doors for yet another year. I see daylings everywhere. "This should be fun."

Josh: I'm hanging with my friends when everything goes quiet. I look over towards the doors and see why. The nightlings have started to arrive. "Here's to another year..."

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:52 pm

Logan kicked the stand down and slid off of his motorcycle and looked at the Academy, shaking his head. His family was a legacy at this school, which practically meant he had to go, he had no choice in the matter--not if he one day wanted to be the Alpha.
Logan put his helmet into the compartment and started to make his way toward the doors of the school, knowing his things would already be in his assigned room (having been sent there last week). He let out a throaty growl as he walked into the school, seeing all the daylings.

Lydia was perched on a halfwall by the stairs when the nightlings began to enter and rolled her eyes. She leapt off the wall and walked over to stand beside Josh--one of her long time friends. "Great, another year with them." she mumbled as all the daylings watched the nightlings file in.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:00 pm

Carmen: I notice Logan walk in and everyone kind of moves out of his way. Everyone but me.

Josh: "Every year I tell myself that it'll be different- a little less dramatic- but I know I'm just fooling myself," I say to Lydia. I give her a one armed hug, "Nice to see you here again though."

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Location : On my magical Narwal with my Writer's Notebook

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:14 pm

Logan didn't notice much, but stopped short when Carmen standing a few feet in front of him and not moving out of the way.

Lydia smiled at him and gave him a hug before agreeing. "I know, it's always drama filled with them."

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:18 pm

Carmen: I smirk. "Problem Logan? I mean shouldn't you be used to the fact that I refuse to give in to you after- what- three years now?"

Josh: "Yeah. Look it's already starting." I motion to Carmen and Logan, "It's the same thing every year."

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:21 pm

Logan smirked and shook his head, amused. "No problem, Carmen. I wouldn't expect any less from you."

Lydia followed his hand and saw the two. She chuckled and spoke so only Josh could hear her. "Why don't they just admit they like each other already?"

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:26 pm

Carmen: I turn around to look at him and smirk as my wings unfurl.

Josh: I chuckle and whisper back, "Because that would be too easy. The two highest, most stubborn nightlings admitting something? It would be a miracle."

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:32 pm

Logan smirked at her and looked at her wings. "Have your wings gotten darker over break, Carmen?" he asked, as a sort of compliment.

Lydia shook her head and couldn't stop the laugh from escaping her lips.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:44 pm

Carmen: "They have. I'm surprised you noticed" I look him up and down approvingly. "And youve gained some more muscle."

Josh: I try to shush Lydia but I'm laughing too.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:49 pm

Logan smiled and took a step towards her. "Part of my training to become Alpha. Glad you noticed." He answered and looked her up and down, she had gotten darker and he smiled. They'd almost had a short fling over the summer, but his training got in the way.

Lydia turned away from Carmen and Logan and pulled Josh over to the halfwall and hopped up again. She was still laughing a little but managed to ask, "So what did you do over break, Josh?"

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:23 pm

Carmen: "How could I not?" I take a step forward and my wings catch on fire- it won't hurt them though. Even after all the practice over break I've yet to complete control my flame conjure. But no one needs to know I didn't mean do it.

Josh: "I learned a few more spells and got a little better at healing. I also went to see my sister and her new baby." Little Stella was beautiful. "What about you?"

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:50 pm

Logan smiled and watched as her wings caught fire and his smile widened.

Lydia sat crossed legged and looked down at Josh as she answered. "I'm almost complete in controlling my water power. I worked on that, but the other elements aren't really coming to me that easy. You know how I'm strong in one, but the others are weaker, I just can't get control to conjure any of them yet, but I'm working on it," she answered and added, "Aww, I miss your sister. How is she?"

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:05 pm

Carmen: Some of the other nightlings backed away when my wings caught which makes me laugh a little. "So where you headed?" I ask with a little seductiveness.

Josh: "She's great. She's on her own while Greg is training with Dad. But Stella is absolutely gorgeous."

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:14 pm

Logan took another step closer and closed the distance between them, they were mere inches apart now. He spoke low as he said, "My to join me?" There was a hint of a seductive growl from his werewolf that came deep from his throat as he answered her.

Lydia smiled. "I bet she is." she commented.
She thought about the break and how they had meant to spend time to hangout, but neither of their schedules matched up to grant the time. "So, did you and Hanna get together over break? I know you two were pretty close before school ended last year." She asked, though really she didn't want to know. For a few years she'd had a crush of Josh, but never let on that she felt anything toward him.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:20 pm

Carmen: The flames on my wings grow twice the height. I lean in next to his ear so only he can hear. "I'll race you there," I purr seductively.

Josh: "No. I kinda broke all contact with her. She kept getting pissy when I couldn't hang out because of training" I roll my eyes at the tought of Hanna.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:22 pm

Logan winked at her before stepping back and jolting off down the hall, in the direction of the dorm wing.

Lydia nodded, understanding because she already knew how Hanna could be.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:28 pm

Carmen: I laugh before my feet lift off the ground and I take off, leaving a trail of fire behind me that with burn out soon.

Josh: "What about you and Hunter? Did you get to see him?" He's one of those tall, dark and handsome types who- I hate to admit it- I'm kind of jealous of.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:34 pm

Logan was leaning against his door, his arms crossed over his chest when Carmen came. He shook his head with a smile.

Lydia couldn't help but smile. Even though, she had a crush on Josh, she still was with Hunter. "Yeah, we got to hang out a lot and he helped me with my training too." she answered, sounding daydreamy.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:40 pm

Carmen: "Okay. You win," I say as I float back onto my feet. "What do want as your prize?" I say more seductively as I step forward, tucking my wings away.

Josh: "Oh. Well that's good," I try my best not to show my jealousy and it works pretty well.

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by alysonpaige Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:49 pm

Logan gives her a cocky grin and pulls her close by wrapping his arms around her waist. He whispers in her ear, "Oh, I can think of a few things..."

Lydia nods and hops off the halfwall. "Want to wander around the grounds with me?"

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

Post by LeilaniAlexandra Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:54 pm

Carmen: "Mmmm, so Dark," I lean close enough that our lips almost brush, "I like it."

Josh: "Sure. Which wa-" All the air is knocked from my lungs when Hanna jumps on me and gives me a huge bear hug. "Oh my Goodness!!!! I've missed you soooooooo much Joshy-Pooh. I'm sorry we couldn't hang out over break because of your schedule but I'm soooo glad we can finally reconnect!!" she says

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Vladimir Academy Empty Re: Vladimir Academy

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