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Second Chance?

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:24 am

Jaxton practically laughed at the situation, and when she brought her fist forward, he lightly caught it in his hand. "See what I mean?" He questioned, letting her hand go. He turned, putting his back to her as he started walking off. "I'm done with this nonsense."

Shannon smiled, following him into the living room. "You really weren't kidding, huh?" She asked as she studied his movie collection.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:27 pm

Rags roled her eyes. "Good for you." She called after him ad she packed up everything and shoved the cash she got from the case into her pocket. She stormed off and went to a new place where they had more.. more of everything. Instead of staying, she took it and started to walk home.

Ray chuckled. "About what?" he asked looking at her rubbing the back of his neck. "If it is too much don't worry about it I can.. up tone it down.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:36 pm

Jaxton rolled his eyes as well, letting an exasperated sigh as he left.

"No, no..." Shannon assured with a small smile. "It's pretty cool actually." She admitted, glancing at him.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Sat Jan 04, 2014 12:43 pm

Rags hummed as she walked home her drugs hidden away. she glanced left and right before going to cross the street. Her hair was down and in her face so no one, or at least she thought, would recognize her.

Ray smiled a bit. "Well pick a movie and I will pop some popcorn sound good?"

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:26 pm

Shannon nodded, "Mmhm. Sounds good to me." She answered with a small smile.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Sun Jan 05, 2014 12:13 pm

(sorry I didn't reply xD was super busy yesterday)

Ray gave a small nod and went to pop some. He put it all in a huge bowl and grabbed 2 sodas he just bought. He walked over to the couch and smiled a bit at her before getting comfortable.

Rags loved the party and the high she got. She wandered off to home feeling a little light headed but other then that it was great. She walked past the place she usually bought her stuff.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:10 pm

Shannon got comfortable herself sitting next to him. She had already popped the movie into the player so everything was set.

Jaxton found himself walking down the streets at night. He couldn't sleep. Dreams of the past were haunted him tonight. He thought he recognized a girl and for some reason, his hands started to heat up and a flash back flitted across his vision. He must have known one of her ancestors.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Mon Jan 06, 2014 1:02 am


Ray pressed play on the remote and the movie played. He munched on some popcorn happy. He actually felt relaxed, the first time in a long time.

Rags hummed a soft simple melody. Her entire body started to move to the music. Her hums seemed to move with her and spread through out the street.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:08 pm

Shannon tried to concentrate on the movie but found her thoughts were drifting off onto other topics. Such as her encounter with Ray's sister earlier. She wanted to know what happened but was almost afraid to ask.

Jaxton shook his head, trying to dispel the memories. He didn't know where he was walking. A new scenery had enveloped before him, created by his mind. In reality, he had made it down an alleyway. In his vision though, he was caught up in a fight. His hands heated up even more, igniting into flame and he had no control over it.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:12 am

Ray glanced at her. He could tell something was on her mind. He paused the movie and turned to her. "What is on your mind..?"

Rags saw him and moved towards him. Her song seemed to be that of just haunts and nightmares. Her body moved as she slipped to him shoving him against a wall her eyes never leaving his face. Her eyes.. were clouded over.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 07, 2014 12:19 am

Shannon blinked, looking over at him. She answered, making sure she didn't too quickly, "Nothing. I'm fine."

The flames extinguished as Jaxton was caught by surprise. He was brought back to the present.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:48 pm

Ray raised an eyebrow and gave a small nod. "Alrigh then." He said not fully believing her but he shrugged it off. He turned up the volume just a tad.

Rags was smacked in the face with reality. She blinked before looking around and seeing where she was and who she was with. Her eyes widend and she backed away. "What.. is this?"

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:53 pm

Shannon internally sighed. I should tell him 'something'... She thought, debating the idea. ...After the movie. She decided.

Oh, shit... Jaxton thought, his eyes going wide. He made a gesture for her to calm down when he was saying, "Listen, that wasn't...that wasn't because of you. I won't hurt you."

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:13 am

(plied to all~ to include fallen)

Ray watched movie till it ended and he sighed. "Want o watch another one?" He asked slowly moving himself up. "Yes? no?" He asked looking at her/

Rags eyes widened and she stared. "Oh yeah? You sure as hell wont hurt me I won't even let you make a first move." She said her voice calm but with a heat. She gripped her fists and she glared her eyes at a perfect slant.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:58 am

Shannon almost said yes by habit, but shook her head slightly. "I gotta...tell you about something." She stated.

Jaxton almost laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Why would I want to hurt you?" He questioned. "I can say I've never wanted to hurt a woman."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:41 pm

Ray raised an eyebrow. "Alright.. about what?" He asked turning towards her.

Rags rolled her eyes but slowly lowered her fist. "Oh yeah pretty boy?" She said her voie still having heat to it. "Is that so?"

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:14 pm

"Um," Shannon started quietly, unsure how to put it. "First I have to tell you about myself so you understand." She paused a moment before saying only part of her powers, "I have the ability to see ghosts, and I saw one here tonight."

"Yes." Jaxton said, completely serious. He knew if he joked or seemed amused, she probably would get pissed again. "Hell, it definitely wasn't my intention to do that, freaking announce to the world what I can do."

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:42 pm

Ray watched her for a tiny moment before letting out a breath. "What do you mean.. see ghosts...?" He asked in a calm tone. He.. was curious and a little bit freaked but who wouldn't? "Who.. was here?" Shannon stared as she frowned a bit. She took her brother's hand and he gulped.

Rags stared at him. "What you can do...?" She whispered staring at him. "What does that even mean?" She said taking a step away from him. He was driving her insane!

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:59 pm

"Ghosts. You know, souls who are stuck between one place and another. Purgatory, pretty much. Stuck to wander the earth until someone like..." She motioned towards herself, "Me helps them." Shannon noticed Ray's sister next to him, and knew she probably wasn't happy about this. "A little girl." Shannon started simply.

Jaxton sighed, rolling his eyes. He took a step away from her so she wouldn't be hurt by what he was about to do. His red eyes brightened, almost looking like lava as he formed fire in his hands. "This." He started to assure quickly, "I've had many years to practice controlling it. I can even..." The flame changed to blue before he completely extinguish it. "Adjust it."

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:29 pm

Ray raised an eyebrow. "A... little girl?" His eyebrows raised up a bit higher. "Who..?" He asked watching her. "Is.. she next to me?" He asked looking beside him. He wasn't use to this.. not this. Nothing even close to this.

Rags eyes widened just a bit. She stared. "I... I swear I have.. s-seen that before." She breathed. She glanced around before turning to the darkness. She muttered some old Gaelic words that sounded like a song and soon a drk hooded figure showed and dispersed with a flick of her wrist. Her eyes were closed as she was centering herself.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:25 pm

Shannon cleared her throat nervously. "She said her name was the same as mine." She answered, "And yes, she is."

Jaxton was almost shocked by this but he had seen much in his time, after all.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:52 pm

Ray stared his eyes widened. "S-shannon..." He said his eyes... fighting back tears. He looked beside him and saw his little sister. He fell to his knees and stared at the little girl who was also holding back tears. She held her palm up and ray put his palm to her and broke down sobbing.

Rags smirked just a tad before turning to him and letting her fingers tingle with beautiful blue sparkling light. "Magic..."

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:04 pm

Shannon wanted to maybe help somehow but knew she couldn't.

Jaxton managed a small smile. No wonder she was so pissed about my mentioning of magic tricks... "Now I can say I've never seen anything like that how long I've been around." The sentence slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by Alice Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:27 pm

Ray sobbed and Shannon moved to hug him. Her arms wrapped around him and clung to him her own ghostly tears fell down her face. She was sad.. because she had caused him pain. His big arms wrapped around her.

Rags riased aneyebrw. "Just how old are you?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest still having distance away from him. She didn't want anything else weird to happen.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:33 pm

Shannon felt choked up herself. She couldn't say anything though. She wouldn't.

Jaxton cleared his throat. "Somewhere around 250." He said underneath his breath.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Second Chance? - Page 4 Empty Re: Second Chance?

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