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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Amari O'C Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:45 pm


Jake's reaction to me tugging at his waistband was such a turn on; I bit down hard on my lip and made a soft sound in response to it, allowing myself to relax against his hand on my back and feel the warmth radiating from his body rush through mine. He was such a reactive person, and the more I saw this, the more I wanted to shag him all the way into next week. Christ.

I gave a small smile when he softly kissed my neck, one hand drifting up to tangle in his hair. Neck kisses were the most fantastic feeling, next to thigh kisses and... other kisses. Fuck, Jake.

My heart swelled up in my chest as we sat there for a few moments, silently. I released a shaky laugh and took a deep breath in a vain attempt to stabilize the giddy feeling that was rushing through me, thinking to myself that I didn't need to be intoxicated to sleep with him; just being in his presence and touching him was enough. More than enough. Holy shit.

When Jake suddenly sat up to stare at me, my heart did this... flipping motion, and my breath caught in the back of my throat, causing me to give a small cough. "Yeah—?" I broke off when he tightened his grip on my hip, and I involuntarily grinded against him, biting back a quiet whine that wanted to escape.

I slid my hands down Jake's chest again, locking eyes with him the entire time. "Kiss you? Now why would I ever do that, hmm?" I purred, eyes sparkling mischievously as my fingers trailed past his waistband this time; I sat back some, my hands grazing against his crotch, anticipating his reaction.
Amari O'C
Amari O'C

Posts : 93
Join date : 2014-09-21
Age : 25
Location : Canada

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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:47 pm


Everything felt just this side of overwhelming, but I couldn't tell if that was to be attributed to the thoughts racing through my head or the physical... everything. I should be honest and tell Kinley what I thought — Jesus, that felt good — or maybe I shouldn't, it would only scare her — Jesus, that felt really good. 

I resisted the temptation to let my eyes close and head tip back to focus on the sensations, forcing myself to keep my attention on Kinley's face as I foggily tried to figure out if I was betraying her trust or avoiding unnecessary conflict by keeping quiet. Before I could reach a conclusion, however, I didn't so much lose my train of thought as have it fly off the rails for several hundred meters and collide with a mountainside.

A little gasp escaped me and suddenly all my thoughts were reduced to needing to kiss Kinley for some specific reason. I couldn't remember exactly what it was now, but I wasn't going to object either way; curls of heat coiled low in my stomach, and I needed to get closer to Kinley. My entire body ached with it. 

"Please, Kin," I got out, voice low, and leaned forward to try kiss her. I changed plans midway through, though, wagering my shot at successfully stopping her teasing sooner better with a different tactic. Wrapping my arms around Kinley, I pulled her tightly against myself and pressed a few more kisses to her neck, leaving a light nip between them for good measure. "Please," I repeated.


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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Amari O'C Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:21 pm


I never once removed my eyes from his face; I just sat there, silently taking in his reactions as I did more things to get him hot and bothered. His breath was warm, and his pupils were dilated, and that definitely wasn't a gun poking up between the two of us — my work here was almost completed, and I gave myself a mental pat on the back.

My heart was beating incredibly fast and loud, and I was almost certain he was able to hear it. For comfort, I pressed a hand just over his heart, making sure that I wasn't the only one who was about to go into cardiac arrest. Though, this was fairly new to me — obviously the adrenaline from sexual encounters made my heart pound in my chest, but this time it felt different... without being intoxicated, I felt things much stronger.

My thoughts broke off when he spoke, and I swallowed hard, balling up the fabric of his shirt that was warm underneath my palm. I gave it a hard tug and shifted closer to him as he wrapped his arms around me, finally ripping my eyes from his face as he kissed my neck — Oh, Lord... I bit down hard on my lip, trying not to make a sound, but all attempts failed and I ended up making a high-pitched whining noise in his ear.

"Why should I?" I breathed out, tangling my fingers in his hair. I moved my head slightly, brushing my lips teasingly against his neck.
Amari O'C
Amari O'C

Posts : 93
Join date : 2014-09-21
Age : 25
Location : Canada

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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:54 am


I kept my arms around Kinley, giving a little grin at the sound she made; there was nothing more breathtaking in the world than something making her feel good. Lifting my head again, I touched my forehead to hers for a moment, then brushed her hair back to plant a soft kiss on her jaw just beneath her ear. 

"Because I said so," I whispered, trailing my lips down Kinley's neck to leave a mark there as payback for earlier. "And besides," I added, moving up to kiss just beside her mouth, "you don't seem like you'd mind it all that much yourself."

I stayed still, remaining where I was with my lips pressed against her cheek. Despite what I'd said, and despite how the urge to move over just that little bit to kiss Kinley was verging on desperate, I was still wary of pushing boundaries. I wanted Kinley to set the pace so I could follow along and be sure everything I was doing was all right with her — so, I waited, feeling my heart slam against my ribs so hard it was amazing I hadn't broken any.


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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Amari O'C Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:08 pm


I allowed my eyes to fall shut when he touched his forehead to mine, cheeks flushing a bit with the intimacy of just a small action such as that. I smiled when he kissed just beneath my ear and breathed out his name—

Suddenly, my breath caught in the back of my throat and I spoke quickly, the words coming out with no space between them: "OhmyGodyou'resofuckinghot." I spent a few moments sitting there in silence as I collected myself again, one hand drifting down absently to hook my fingers in the band of his jeans, giving it a tug.

My original plan was to make Jake squirm and get hard and then leave, but he really knew how to make me want him — at the moment, I was completely unsure if I was going to be able to leave. If I did, I would be frustrated for the rest of the day; if I didn't, then there goes all my hard work in making him flustered.

I moved my hands from his waistband, up his chest and to his shoulders. Tugging on his shirt, I tried to pull it up over his head and off of his body, sitting back some and locking eyes with him once more. "Make me."
Amari O'C
Amari O'C

Posts : 93
Join date : 2014-09-21
Age : 25
Location : Canada

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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Guest Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:04 pm


I let out a small laugh at her reaction; I'd been hoping for something like that, but it was still a pleasant surprise that it had worked. "You're not so bad yourself," I said, lifting my arms to make it easier for Kinley to take my shirt off. 

My hair fell forward into my eyes, displaced by the removal of my shirt, but I didn't bother moving it aside from a quick flick of my head because I was already settling my hands back on Kinley's hips. I studied her face for a moment, then, without preamble, skirted my hands up to pull her into a hard kiss. "Fine," I breathed against her mouth.


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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Amari O'C Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:47 pm


Releasing a small gasp when he pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back, heart racing violently with anticipation — I was certain he could feel it, what with our chests pressed up against each other.  If I could feel his, it was undoubted that he could probably feel mine.  This time, grinding against him wasn't involuntary.

A few more amazing minutes of this passed by, the temptation getting almost too much for me to handle, but I managed to keep myself just inches away from breaking down.  God, I thought, you're so fucking amazing.  I ran my hands down his chest, not removing my mouth from his.  My heart swelled up with affection, and I felt so... overwhelmed with everything; I was hyperaware of every touch, every breath, every synced beat of our hearts.  

No, I pulled away from the kiss and pushed myself back from him, catching my breath.  I need to do what I was planning on doing — I need to go through with it.

Slowly, I slid off of his lap and onto my feet, adjusting my clothes and hair that had been moved out of place.  I gave Jake an innocent smile, cocking my head to the side, "Not good enough."  I watched his face, a daring expression on mine — he was going to have to work really hard for this if he wanted it.
Amari O'C
Amari O'C

Posts : 93
Join date : 2014-09-21
Age : 25
Location : Canada

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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Guest Sun Aug 23, 2015 8:41 am

(( HELLO AGAIN I AM SO SORRY I've been on my phone a lot lately and it doesn't let me post here properly because it fucks up the formatting sooo bad. ))


Relief coursed through me at Kinley's return of the kiss; my breaths were coming out shaky, quick gasps whenever I could draw them in because my mind was too absorbed with Kinley to focus on a steady rhythm. It all felt new to me, surreal and fresh and exciting, puzzlingly so — I had had sex multiple times before; kissing shouldn't have had such a strong effect on me. 

But the more I thought about it — "thought," of course, only being used in its loosest definition; there wasn't much room for logical thinking, currently — the more I realised this was new to me. The only times I'd had sex before were either while drunk or high or flat-out doing it for the other person because I didn't want to much myself. This time, however, my judgement wasn't impaired; I could feel everything, was aware of everything, and I wanted this, I wanted Kinley, I— 

—let out a sound of protest when she got off my lap, eyes still shut for a few moments as I tried to process that she'd really done that. I could hear my pulse roaring in my ears and bit my lower lip, then half opened my eyes and regarded her, trying to imagine what she was seeing in me right now. I knew I must be something of a mess — chest rising and falling with panting breaths, hair tousled, bare abdomen covered in the marks from last night and this morning — and it was incomprehensible why Kinley was still around. I was a gangly teenage boy, and, in that moment, she seemed something beyond human. 

"Well, shit, there goes my plan," I got out, trying to sound more calm than I actually was, but my laugh came out breathless. The spot previously occupied by the warmth of Kinley was rapidly growing cold, and instead of dissipating with distance, the energy ricocheting around inside of me only grew more desperate at the lack of release. I wasn't even worth receiving anything like this; the thought of demanding or taking felt foreign and unsure, but I could feel my hands shaking ever so slightly with the want to kiss Kinley again. 

Slowly, not taking my eyes off her face, I got to my feet again. I bit at my lip again as I took the few steps to close the distance between us, testing the sensitivity left behind by the kiss with my teeth, then reached to take her hands in my own. I gave them a brief squeeze before lifting my fingers to curl around her wrists instead, loosely at first but tightening my grip to try keep them in place. They felt very small in my hands.

Very breakable. 

I studied Kinley's face, trying to gauge if she understood just how easily I could accidentally hurt her. Nothing was worth that, and apologies would never truly make up for it if it happened. Quietly, I said, "A whole load of furniture in here might get broke if I end up trying to make you do anythin', Kinley Marie Jones. You sure you know what you're signin' up for?"


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The Soldier and The Dreamtalker - Page 5 Empty Re: The Soldier and The Dreamtalker

Post by Amari O'C Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:44 pm

(( Dude, it's totally okay! You've had a busy little while - totes understandable. ))


I grin teased on my lips as I watched Jake's reaction to my moving away. He was completely vulnerable to anything I could do to him, and I knew that I would definitely get my way.


There was this messy attractiveness to him; his hair, his skin, his reactions were all out of sorts, and my heart did excited flips as I traced my eyes down over his features. How had I not recognized how gorgeous he was before? I'd known him for long enough - he was probably one of the first friends I made in the clearing. Had I really...not noticed?

I snapped out of my trance when I heard him get up from where he was sitting. Grin still playing on my lips, I took a step backwards for each step he took forward, until I felt myself back into the desk. Then, I felt his hands on mine, and then gripping my wrists. I regarded his hands for a few moments before looking up at him, eyes wide and mouth upturned with anticipation and vague surprise.

"Do what you want with me, Jake." I told him, "But make it good."

This was going to be great.
Amari O'C
Amari O'C

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Join date : 2014-09-21
Age : 25
Location : Canada

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