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Young Justice!

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:54 pm

dangit, I'll be back tomorrow maybe :/ school's starting up though. Bye!


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:39 pm

Jack: "I wouldn't say that," I say frankly. "You're only today's distraction." After a moment, I rip out a page and pocket it, ignoring her earlier question. Unlike the other books I'd read before, this one was black.

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Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:24 pm

"Hey, is that going to give me a memory lapse if you take that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Just today's distraction. That bothered me more than it should


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:44 pm

Jack: "This has nothing to do with you or your memories," I say, but leave it at that. After a moment, I close it and put it on the table, letting it dissolve into black wisps of smoke. It it's place is a chess board. "Care to play?"

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:48 pm

Hm, interesting. Card games were my choice, but I knew my way around a chess board as well. I sit down on the chair across the table, staring intently at the pieces. Interesting.


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:53 pm

Jack: "Your move," I say as I look down at my black chess pieces. The pawn. the bishop. The knight. The king and queen. Everyone's in place.

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:53 pm

(do I have to dictate her every move, because I could, but that might take a while...)


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:04 pm

(No, they're gonna have a convo anyway. Just doing moves would be boring."

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:07 pm

I move a piece, then glance up at Jack "So tell me more about you. Let me pick your brain a while, this relationship seems awfully one sides" I murmur with a slight smirk


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:11 pm

Jack: "You said before that you didn't want to meet my life's story," I say matter of factly as I move a pawn. "But to start with, I came from a Mormon settlement in Pennsylvania. But no matter what they did, I was still a "heathen." Especially when the magician came to visit."

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:13 pm

I move a bishop, "...Magician?" I didn't know much about Mormons, but that sounded pretty weird. They were a branch of Christianity, right?


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:21 pm

Jack: When I see the confusion on her face, I look back down at the board. "Mirmons are very strict people with a strange way of looking at Christianity.They basically believed that a man was garunteed a spot in heaven while the woman had to work very hard all her life and hope that her husband would pull her in when it was her turn. Living there was like functioning without a soul. But I won't go too much into that." I move a piece. "Point blank, they weren't too happy when a magician got lost on his way back home and turned into our side of town. He thought that he could do tricks to brighten up such a dour community. We shunned him all the more an didn't bother to give him directions. It wasn't long before he was forced to take refuge in his broken down car."

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:24 pm

"So what, he cursed the entire down in an act of revenge? That's why you have your powers or something?" I asked, quickly moving a piece


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:34 pm

Jack: I nod no. "The gene shows up randomly in our family, the people being cursed with it normally coming to a terrible fate. My parents were skipped and no one knew it was us yet. But the magician did and one day after prayers, curiosity got the better part of me and I wen up the his car. I started sneaking food for him later on, getting beaten for supposedly being a glutton. He taught me a lot of things in that time, asked me if I was really seein or if I was caught in the illusion. But then one day, ge wasn't there. Turned out some teenagers from our part of town decided to jump him." I knock one of her chessmen down after jumping over it. "And no one even cared except for me. But the damage was already done and I could feel my powers starting to come alive. And one day, four year old me just decided to unleash everything on my parents, scrabbling up their brains until they were nothing at all but mutilated corpses."

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Join date : 2010-11-19
Age : 29
Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:37 pm

One of my pawns took the piece he had taken mine with, a swift act of revenge. "Hmm..." That's about all I could think to say. My mind was slowly processing what he had told me


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:41 pm

Jack: "After that, there isn't really much left to say," I say with a shrug. "We left, I went to the orphanage thinking they could help, and we broke put. Nothing you didn't already know."

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:45 pm

I nod indifferently, my eyes flashing with something for a brief moment "Check"


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:49 pm

Jack: I look down at the board. "Gues it is, isn't it." Suddenly I start to stand up. Everything around us begins to dissolve like the book. "Well, this is goodbye then," I say as the world start to fall apart.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:51 pm

I grabbed the edge of the table, locking eyes with Jack before falling into the now familiar oblivion


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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:03 pm

Athene: "Hey, Cissie? Cissie?" I call as I walk into the living room. "What's that disgusting smell? It's like someone started cooking and forgot the meat."

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:06 pm

Cissie blinked up as she set the dishes on the table. How many people were in this place now..? eight...ten...? Whatever... "That's BB, but don't worry, i made a carnivore version."

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:22 pm

Athene: "You better," I say as I look over this "tofu" stuff he'd been making. "I'm an anti vegan and I think this goes against my beliefs."

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:35 pm

Cissie laughed. "Hey, help me and you'll get dinner faster," she bribes. She runs over to the PA system's button and hears her voice echo through the mountain. "Hey people! DINNER IN FIVE"

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by PavoLights Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:48 pm

Athene: "Hell yea!" I say with a grin. I run up and grab the plates before ploping them down on the table. When Cissie comes by with the food, I clasp my hands together and close my eyes. "Thank you gracious goddess of the hunt, the one for whom Selene's moon waxes and wanes. I feast in your name and shall use this nourishment to aide me in my servitude. It is in your name that I shall feast." I hop up into a chair and wait. "Hungry, hungry, hungry," I sing song.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

Post by Black&White Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:57 pm

"You know, it's rude to start eating without everyone at the table..." Cissie places the large bowl of her stir fry as Kim, Emily, and Robin step in.

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Young Justice! - Page 30 Empty Re: Young Justice!

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