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The Justice League

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The Justice League Empty The Justice League

Post by Black&White Sat May 26, 2012 12:40 am

Yes, I've already done a Young Justice....and a future-world-DC... Well, this is the past world of both, twenty years ago from YJ to be exact, twenty seven from DC. Endellion and I will be keeping the mentors we had there, here. Open to everyone if you care to join and are a comic fan as well!

Bruce Wayne/Batman, Lawrence "Crusher" Crock/Sportsmaster, Brook Nguyen/Huntress, Dinah Laurel Lance/Black Canary, Holly Robinson...

Cynthia Reynolds/Gypsy, J'onn/Martian Manhunter, Selina Kyle/Catwoman...


Name: the real name of your character
Supername: the hero name of your character

- Your characters can either be existing charries, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, etc - or your own.
- Please know your character if you want to impersonate them. Their personality and lives to this point basically.
- Superman is forty seven miles underground in a lead and kryptonite lined box. ...Yeah.
- Preexisting relationships between characters is most likely and encouraged.
- HAVE FUN~ No post length limit, Timmi and I barely/never ask for PPing permission... No Godmodding, though. I.E. why Superman is in that box forty seven miles underground.

Last edited by Black&White on Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:43 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:22 pm

Name:Cynthia Reynolds
Supername: Gypsy
Powers/Skills: **Ima just copypaste from Comicvine**

Gypsy has the meta-human ability of illusion casting, allowing her to blend into her background and effectively becoming invisible. Her abilities are telepathic in nature and thereby are only effective on other living beings. Her control over this power also allows her to adapt to rapidly changing backgrounds without betraying the illusion or needing her to concentrate on the continuation of this trait. She can also camouflage both herself and someone standing in relatively close proximity to her. Gypsy has also learned to use her illusion casting to project frightening illusions into the minds of other people and these illusions usually show what the affected person fears most. This ability can only affect other living things, and Gypsy can use this ability to great effect in combat situations.

It has been stated that Gypsy's powers reached their last stage of development, and she can now use her chameleon powers to cloak not only herself, but a moving vehicle and its passengers. It has also been revealed that Gypsy has limited precognitive abilities. She also has appeared to be able to project her astral self from her body, an incorporeal manifestation of her persona. Gypsy has shown the ability to project an illusion over herself in order to appear as another person, but that person needs to be her approximate height and weight for it to appear authentic. She has demonstrated a regenerative ability - but only against a mental based attack.

Aside from her powers, Gypsy is an expert in hand-to-hand combat stealth. As she normally goes around barefoot, she can tread quietly and walk unheard with ease. She's also an accomplished acrobat, able to leap high, run fast, swim, and execute unexpectedly quick martial tactics with relative ease. Gypsy also has a strong aptitude in electronics and computers, and has become skilled in the use of firearms.

Appearance: The Justice League 157557-112025-gypsy_large
Personality: She's rather sneaky it seems and refuses to be left behind when things are going on. It shows her as also being really independent because of living years on the streets on her own.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Alice Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:50 pm

I AM JOINGING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST SAYING X3 so give me a few to get my charries together *nodnod*

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:28 pm

The Justice League Tumblr10
(Black Canary I'm picturing)

Underground fighting was my kind of fighting. Fighting for But I love the ring, and the opponents just keep on coming...
I crack my fingers, looking around the rest of them that were smart enough not to rush in. "Who's next?" I ask, tilting my head. They attempt to get smart, attack in a group. At least they were learning from mistakes... Not exactly geniuses when it came to me, however.
I inhale, fisting my hands let out a Canary Cry to send much of the group sprawling in pain. There's the group behind me who didn't receive much of the sound blast, who either rush forward or run away at the sight of their continued dwindling odds.
There's suddenly the sound of a small pop before the room is flooded with smoke. Grunts of pain come from the cloud, and as it fades I find the responsible party of the show.
Beside me, someone groans as they try to get up. I scowl before kicking him down again for good. "If I knew this party would be crashed I would've finished up earlier," I tell him, climbing beneath the ropes to strut down the three stairs, hands on my hips. The girls are gone, previously on display chained to the walls. I suppose that was the Bat's fault.
"Police are outside. Caught the runners; wanted to make sure -"
"I can handle myself, Detective. I'm no stupid blonde. You're little invite proves that," I interject, eying him. The legendary Batman... Looked ordinary enough, for a crazy man in a batsuit. Didn't get why people were so scared of him.
"No, you're naturally black haired," he says. Maybe an attempted humor, but he doesn't crack at all from his stoic bringer-of-death glare.
...Oh. That's why. "Do you and the word 'secret' have a problem? I believe it's involved in 'secret identity'..."
"We never received an answer to the invitation," he says, completely ignoring the issue.
"Maybe I don't see the benefit of having big brutes upstaging a little dame like me..."
Again, ignore the issue. "If we might convince you otherwise?"
"Really. I insist that -" There's a flash of light, I stop and squeeze my eyes shut. When I open them, I find myself in some high tech room. My eyebrows knit, Batman already walking off. I follow. "...This isn't exactly what I meant." Silence. "You really need to work on some social skills..." Silence. I sigh exasperated. "Where exactly, are we?"
He glances back at me, pausing before a door. Again silence as he types in a code, the doors sliding apart. But I guess...words weren't really needed... We stand upon a staircase landing, a higher level circling the round room with other doors leading out. Open to the lower level, with other doors leading elsewhere, crowded with various heroes going about their business in this place, multiple staircases led down to it. And before me, having to be at least one hundred feet tall, was a large glass window...viewing the Earth.
"...Your legendary Watchtower then?" ...What fun.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:59 am


"Come on, lemme come."
Before J'onn had the chance to reply I quickly moved ahead of him, attempting to block his path down the hallway. He paused, making no motion to make me move aside, only raising a single eyebrow.
"This is not helping your attempt to convince me you're ready to accompany me to the watchtower."
Wincing a little I spread my hands, attempting a convincing smile. "Just this once. If I misbehave never take me again. Do some freaky alien thing and confine me to my room. Take away something, disown me. I promise I will do exactly as you say."
J'onn was silent for a long time, his eyes flickering past are I stood, absolutely no indication of what he was thinking on his face. Thinking quickly I focused, producing an illusion that would make it look as if my skin were the same shade as his, facial features similar as well, although not as masculine.
"Look! You can claim I'm some lost relative of yours...or...or...a poor orphan who has come to live with you so that I have a proper up- "
"Stop, Gypsy."
Wisely I shut my mouth, folding my hands infront of me. Normally I might not have asked, following him and revealing myself once we'd already arrived wherever he was going. But the Watchtower... it wasn't exactly a sneakable place.
"If I allow you to come, then you will have to follow my orders exactly. No wondering off. "
Slipping my hands behind my back I crossed my fingers, giving him a small nod. "I promise."
"....very well."
Doing my best not to squeal I gave a short nod, allowing a grin to cross my face instead.
"Please, Gypsy..." J'onn cut in, gesturing for me to allow him to continue down the hall.
It wasn't long later that we transported to the tower, J'onn left me after only a minute with strict orders to stay where he'd sat me. As soon as he was gone though, I camouflaged myself and began to explore the tower, careful not to bump into anyone. Surely I couldn't get into too much trouble...

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:17 am

Name: J'onn J'onzz
Supername: Martian Manhunter
Powers/Skills: telekinesis, shape shifting, intangibility, and mind reading... those are the ones I'm going to go with.
Appearance: :The Justice League 1796320-jla_01_jonn_in_apartment1
Personality: Um... get back to me on that.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:53 pm


So this was the renewed JL. As if my mom disapproved of me simply taking up her Black Canary mantle, I had been invited to this.
And then Batman was gone. ...'Kay, I guess I'd take my own tour of the place. I didn't really care; I was used to solo work. After a moment's hesitation, I grip the handrail before descending the stairs to the open floor, heels clicking as I walk along.


I walk along the gangway to an elevator, going up to the overlook. The glass dome observed all directions of space contained the controls for the Watchtower and communications with the Hall of Justice and other bases. J'onn was usually here, as he was the overseer of the Watchtower and the assignments given.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:12 am


I couldn't put off the nagging feeling that leaving Gypsy alone had been a mistake. No. Bringing her at all was most likely a mistake. Hadn't I decided to keep her away from all of this?
Even with the thoughts I noticed the moment Batman joined the room. Turning I gave him a slight nod, eyes flickering around. We were alone, which was well enough.
"Hello, Batman. I expect all is well?"


Okay, so I was pretty familiar with quite a few of the Justice League's members. After all, if I wanted to come here one day I should know who I'd be with, right?
That said it caught my attention when some girl I didn't know was walking around. Swiftly I changed courses from where I'd been going to trail her. This was the Watchtower after all. If I did end up getting caught it wouldn't result in say... what getting caught in some mob members house would be. There's were the good guys.. right?
So I didn't bother to put some distance between us, trailing right behind her.

Last edited by Bells on Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Momo13 Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:11 pm

Can i toss in a kidflash?

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:22 pm

Timmi and I have this set before any sidekicks... you can certainly be Barry Allen though, if you wanted.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:47 pm

"Black Canary has been brought in, yes," I say, going to the computers to check the police report of the gang she and I had busted back in Gotham. Then the cameras, to see where she was wandering.
"There is a log of you and an unknown being transported to the Tower," I state bluntly, not looking up from the screens.

This was all fun and games...for Batman. Where the hell was that creep hiding? Random door again, I enter. A gym, fighting ring, sand bags, various work out gear and practice weapons. Now this felt like home, training with WildCat against my mom's wishes to follow her place as Black Canary. What else was I going to do with a supersonic scream that nearly deafened my entire third grade class...

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:10 pm

J'onn --

"Good," I said in response to Black Canary's attendance.
And he'd noticed Gypsy's presences. Then there was no use in pretending I hadn't brought her along with me.
"Ah, that." I began, turning to look out one side of the dome. "I have had a... special young girl in my care for some time. She insisted on coming along today. Her name she hasn't yet given me, but instead told me to call her Gypsy. She's waiting for me, ordered not to go anywhere without permission, I have reason to believe she'll follow the order."
Hopefully this would be the one time she took an order, the girl did promise...

Gypsy --

Eyes huge I followed the girl inside the gym. Okay, this was amazing. It reminded me kind of the boxing gym that had been down the street when I'd still lived at home.
"Wow..." I muttered softly, eyes going from here to there. "They're probably never bored...."
Oh, wait, crud. ... This is probably what J'onn meant when he said I wasn't exactly ready to go out with him on things yet. Honestly, where's the point in camouflage when you just talk?

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:20 pm


Immediately and instinctively, I whip around in a roundhouse. Disembodied voices weren't something I just readily ignored. Sounded close enough to hit. I wasn't so far away from the door for there to be much space to dodge backwards.


"Then read her mind. If her intensions for insisting to come here are hostile, J'onn..." Everyone here I had researched extensively. I had created failsafes for everyone if they were to turn. "The League discusses bringing in new members..." I look up at him from the screens.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:39 pm


"There is nothing to fear from the girl," I said, voice remaining passive. "She has been with me for some time now. I have respected her wishes to keep her mind to herself. Left alone Gypsy tends to get herself into trouble, its better to keep an eye on her as I have done. Leaving her behind when she asked would result in more trouble than bringing her along has, she promised to listen to my orders. As for discussing new members, I do not wish for her to join the team. "
That was the best response I could come up with to Batman's words. I knew that I should not have allowed her to come with me but she had a way of convincing me of things. Just as she had managed to convince me not to read her mind when she and I first met.

Gypsy --

I instinctively jerked back, but there wasn't very far for me to go. Her foot connected with my chest sending me skidding back a little and onto my butt. Squeaking when I fell I felt the camouflage fall away as I glared up at her.
"Wh-what was that f-for?!" I managed to sputter. "I d-didn't do anything t-to you!

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 3:57 pm

"And yet you said yourself, when left alone she tends to get into trouble..." I point out. I glance back at the computer to find a mystery girl with Dinah. "Such as now."

Girls just appearing out of thin air. I remember why I didn't like powered people. I default to a fighting stance, not trusting her. "You were following me. That's reason enough for me to be suspicious usually..."

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:05 pm

J'onn --

I blinked, glancing at the computer. Sighing I nodded, giving into that point.
"Yes, I did say that and that is her, Gypsy. Perhaps we should intervene..."
I wouldn't like to see the girl get herself injured even if I'd given her orders not to wonder.


"I was curious," I scoffed, pulling myself back up. "I haven't heard about you before, or at least I don't believe I've heard of a Justice League member who looks like you. That doesn't mean I was going to hurt you or anything." I rolled my eyes, not moving once I was all the way up. "I mean, I could have when you had no clue I was here. I didn't."

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:24 pm

After a pause, I relax slightly. "I haven't accepted the offer to join yet..." If ever, I still didn't know. "Normal people tend to ask when they want a name..." I cross my arms, dying her.

"...Do what you wish. We didn't decide to extend an invitation to Canary for no reason, and if you trust...Gypsy enough like this, then she is your responsibility," I state bluntly. I study the girl a moment before turning and walking back to the elevator.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:32 pm

J'onn --

I watched him leave then turned my eyes back to the monitor. For once it would have been nice if Gypsy had listened and stayed where I'd placed her. I had enough troubles in my mind with bringing her without her going wherever she felt like. Running into Canary was just that girl's sort of luck, yet... perhaps it would be best to wait. If things got bad then I could simply walk down there and interrupt it. Until then, I would watch. This could prove interesting about both of the girls.

Gypsy --

"Yeah, well, I'm not normal." I said, then sighed a little and offered my hand. "But if you insist... I'm Gypsy, who are you?"
They'd offered her a place on the league? I couldn't help my sudden interest at that. If she had a place then maybe someday I could. I mean, not now obviously... but some day...

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:44 pm

I look at her hand before glancing back up at her. Might as well let someone other than Batman know I'm here... Sighing, I shake her hand. "Black Canary, from Star City."

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:49 pm

Gypsy --

"The Black Canary," I echoed, then grinned, dropping my hand after we shook. "Cool name. It's nice to meet you." I paused for a moment considering. "You said you hadn't joined up yet? That means they asked you right? Who'd you get to meet?"
I knew I must have had a huge grin on my face but oh well, I'd already made a fool of myself by getting caught.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:11 pm

Black Canary
"Green Arrow the first time..." I'm sure the notes of disdain expresses how wonderful that went... "And today Batman dragged me along on a little field trip, though it's lacking it's guided tour..." I rest my hands on my hips, blowing a stray hair out of my face.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:16 pm

Gypsy --

"That is so cool," I said, bouncing back on my heels slightly. "And for the not guided tour, I don't have a guide, if you want we could explore together."
I suppose I should have been getting back to where J'onn had left me, but I didn't exactly remember where I'd been anymore. And I'd come here to see the place, not just a room, might as well explore with someone else.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:25 pm

I hesitate a second before shrugging, giving a slight smile and nodding. "Sure, why not." Rather have her than another brute ignoring me...or flirting... Something about being a blond... Most of this crap didn't happen when I was out of uniform, but the innocent blonde routine did give a handy one-up on gangsters.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Bells Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:53 pm

Gypsy --

"Great," I said with a grin, glancing back towards the door. "Do you have anywhere certain in mind or just wondering?"
I myself had no clue of what to be looking for to explore while here.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

Post by Black&White Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:32 pm

"I have no idea what is inside of this space...building?" What the heck would you even title this thing? Seemed big enough to be a small city condensed into a space station.

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The Justice League Empty Re: The Justice League

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