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The Average Underestimated Psychics

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:12 pm

The background:::
Somewhere beneath Texas, there's this little place known as the Complex. It's where children (and I do mean children. As in 6 year olds) with psychic abilities are taken after the Locaters kidnap them from their families. They are never allowed to leave the Complex, although if they ask for something, they are given it. (Not counting cell phones and internet of course). The main thing that the scientists there want to do is strengthen their abilities, so they are treated correctly. They are well fed, have dorm-like rooms, etc. But, to strengthen their abilities, the scientists put them through tests and examinations usually once a day.
Now, the kids there quickly come to realize that once one of their peers reach twenty-one, they disappear. What happens to them? No one knows.

Your character has escaped the Complex. They are driving around somewhere in Georgia in a yellow school bus with the rest of the escapees. What are they doing you may ask? Well, they're killing off Locaters of course. Obviously, the Complex does not like this one bit. It's common sense to say that they will take action. You're just gunna have to wait and find out what that action is Razz

I'll give ya a list of psychic abilities and descriptions, but of course you can choose something totally different. haha Smile

Clairaudience---This is an ability where you can 'hear' things that others cannot. It's like a mind reader, except you pick up on what someone's thinking and the thought kinda forms as your own.
Dowsing---This is an ability where your intuition is very strong and almost never wrong.
Empathy---You are able to feel someone elses emotions.
Precognition---This is where you are able to 'see the future'. Whether it involves visions, hunches, or pictures that form in your mind .
Psychokinesis---Moving an object with your mind.
Psychometry---When you touch something, you not only leave fingerprints, but you leave imprints of yourself on the object in question. This ability allows you to touch something and pick up on that imprint, gaining a general idea on who they are, where they've been, etc.
Retrocognition---This is sorta like 'seeing' the future, except you're 'seeing' the past.
Telepathy---You can read someone else's mind.
Automatic Writing---THis is an ability where you write something subconciously. Usually, what you write is some sort of warning, or prophocey(sp?).
Death Warning---This is an ability where you 'see' the death of someone before it happens. The specifics might not be clear though.

Finally, the thing-a-ma-bob to fill out for your character. haha

Psychic Ability:
Other (if wanted):


Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:21 pm

Here's mine =)

Name: Landon
Age: 18
Psychic Ability: Pyrokenesis (can start fires with his mind)
Appearance: Brown hair that's always covering his deep green eyes. On the skinny side, but has muscles. Average height.
Other (if wanted): When he was kidnapped, he was already ten-years-old, so the memories of his family are still there.

Name: Parker
Age: 17
Psychic Ability: Automatic Writing
Appearance: She has long, blonde, curly hair that's usually up in a ponytail. She has faded blue eyes. Parker is on the taller side at five foot nine, and is skinny as well (being on the run can do that to a person)

Name: Noellie
Age: 18
Psychic Ability: Psychokinesis
Appearance: Grey eyes that are always hidden behind her chopped-short black hair. And when I say 'chopped-short', I do mean chopped. She's about five foot three, and doesn't eat guess what. She's skinny. Haha

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Avery Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:35 pm

Name: Quincy Mendelson
Age: 19
Psychic Ability: Psychometry
Appearance: Black hair that hangs in his light blue eyes, tall, lean muscles, lightly tanned, wears black, square glasses.

Name: Gemma Rice
Age: 16
Psychic Ability: Death Warning
Appearance: Curly orange hair and brown eyes. She is short and petite with a ton of freckles and she is extremely pale.

Name: Kaite Bell
Age: 17
Psychic Ability: Dowsing
Appearance: Long, caramel brown hair, grey eyes, pale-ish, 5'8", hourglass figure, slim.

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:37 pm

Yay! Someone joined. Lol. I usually just wait until one more person joins before I start =)

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:44 pm

May I join? Hey... I could put Jay into this with Dowsing >.>


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:46 pm

Haha And I can bring Ashley in with Telepathy x3 Of course you can join, chicadee!

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:47 pm

Ahhh I wanna join! Dang, someone took my favorite power. >.> But I still wanna join!


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:51 pm

Name: Jay (a girl)
Age: 14
Psychic Ability: Dowsing
Appearance: Long, slightly curly brown hair. Green/brown eyes that change color in different lighting. Medium height
Other (if wanted): Parents died in a fire, haunted ever sence by... well, you'll just have to see (yes Kara, I'm bringing him into this to >.> if that's okay with you, of course. But not all that dreamweaver crap, just him) Best friend is Ashley


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:51 pm

Haha of course you can join! And you can have the same ability as someone else lol

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:54 pm

Oh, boy Ende xD Haha, I think he is the only character in CCing that gives me the creeps. Julian didn't even gimme the shivers as much as he does. When Julian was all power crazy that is...not in love and future-daddy

Name: Ashley
Age: 16
Psychic ability: Telepathy
Appearance: Short, blonde hair with blue tips. She's about 5 foot 5.
Other: Jay's best friend. Knows about he-who-must-not-be-named. Unfortunately >.>

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:54 pm

hey... can I have another person to?


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:55 pm

So, shall we begin?

No, Ende. You only get one. *rolls eyes* Of course, chica!!

Posts : 1510
Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Feb 09, 2011 5:58 pm

Name: Annabella Mays
Age: 16
Psychic Ability: Death Warning
Appearance: The Average Underestimated Psychics Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSU0yyoAGHAPAPYChvHkV6fRyJVIrx-N8pmaJD__sL4SipSLEPTAg

Name: Drake Jones
Age: 18
Psychic Ability: Automatic Writing
Appearance: black shaggy hair, bright blue eyes, tall, handsome
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:00 pm

Name: Serena
Age: 17
Psychic Ability: Pusher (can push her own thoughts into other peoples' minds, as well as read their thoughts)
Appearance: Pitch black hair, and green eyes, with pale skin. Wears thick eyeliner to disguise the ugly rings beneath her eyes she gets from lack of sleep. She can't sleep at all due to her power, because she constantly has headaches.
Other (if wanted):

Name: Tobey
Age: 15
Psychic Ability: Empathy
Appearance: He has short, blonde hair, and big brown eyes. Tall, and clumsy, because he hasn't quite gotten use to it yet.
Other (if wanted):

Last edited by !nspired on Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:02 pm

XD oh Kara. It's not an actual power, (it may exist in real life even, but probably not this strongly) but I think it would be /really/ cool to have. I loosely based dreamweavers off of it

Name: Andrew Kase
Age: 17
Psychic Ability: Can lucid dream on will (exists in real life) astral project (doesn't exist) share dreams (doesn't exist) and some other cool stuff. Okay, doesn't make sense yet, but it will I swear. I'm just a lucid dreaming nerd
Appearance: Dirty blond hair, very light silver eyes
Other (if wanted):


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:02 pm

One more...

Name: Aubree
Age: 16
Psychic Ability: Pyschometry
Appearance: Chocolate brown hair, with side bangs and golden-brown eyes.
Other (if wanted):


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:05 pm

One more for me to:
Name: Hunter Reeves
Age: 18
Psychic Ability: Precognition
Appearance: messy blond hair, green eyes, strong, looks unapproachable
Other: hates talking to anyone except Annabella
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:06 pm

Haha, okay, since this has so many people, I don't think they can all fit on one school bus and be comfortable x) Let's say there's a school bus and another an RV?

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:06 pm

that sounds good Smile
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:08 pm

but how do we split them up? We each have multiple charries so maybe we could have one in each? Or two in each and one in the other, depending on how many we have?


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:08 pm

Hm, how about Jay hasn't escaped yet? Would that be okay?


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:08 pm

It would cut down in space, plus it might make things interesting


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:09 pm

I think they could all fit on one bus, if it's a school bus. We fit forty kids or more on a school bus...


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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Some New Stillettos Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:10 pm

there are 15 so we could have 7 in the rv and 8 in the bus?
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

Post by Kara Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:12 pm

Yeah, they all might fit in one bus, but these are kids that've been locked up in the Complex their whole life. They'd be really restless, you know? They'd need more space =)
And that's good, Ende =) I'll have Ashley there with her. lol

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Join date : 2010-12-21
Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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The Average Underestimated Psychics Empty Re: The Average Underestimated Psychics

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