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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Echo Tue May 24, 2011 11:00 pm

Based on a book I'm writing. No stealing. Also, be prepared to read a good bit of words.

Okay, listen up, mortal. Everything you know is wrong.

Take all of your knowledge of angels and demons and throw it out the window. It's lies, perpetuated over the years and spred like a disease. Well, some of it is true. But most of it isn't. We clear on that? Good.

It's time you learned some truth.

There are three Worlds; they are the Upper World, the Middle World, and the Lower World. You probably know them in their respective names of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. You also probably just ranked those three places from best to worst. This is why you are stupid ignorant.

"Heaven," the Upper World: It used to be nice, several centuries ago. It was a bustling community, living happily under the reign of Archangel Michael. However, when Michael went down to the Middle World and never returned, his son took the throne in his absence. And his son...was just a really sucky king. Still is. Nowadays, Heaven is dominated by slums, and poverty runs rampant, with only the highest of the upper class thriving. Everyone else has to struggle to get by, and many do it by morally and/or legally dubious means. On the legal side of things, angels can enlist as sentries and fight demons in the Middle World. Mercenaries and bounty hunters can take contracts to capture demons and bring them back up. Transitioning from here into the legal gray area, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and hitmen can be hired by soldiers and lords to capture demons as well...though when the target is another angel, that's where you ought to keep an eye out for the authorities. Pfff, not really. The authorities are actually pretty weak, and many of them might turn a blind eye if you can find a way to benefit them, too. Finally, there's the clearly illegal--though still widely done--practice of kidnapping mortal ghosts, bringing them up a floor, and selling them as slaves.

"Earth," the Middle World: Do I really need to explain this one? Really? You're good here, aren't you? Oh, by the way, there is no God, and the Bible is mostly fictional. Also, angels and demons walk among the Mundane--a.k.a. the mortals--wearing glamours. Or disguises, for the ignorami.

"Hell," the Lower World: It's actually a really nice place to live. I'm not kidding. The grass is lush and green, the air is wonderful to breathe, the birds are chirping, and the cities are all shiny-clean. Magic spells are in place to replicate the sky of the Middle World, complete with changing weather patterns (if these spells weren't in place, all you would see when you looked up was a swirling mass of dancing shadows). The demons live under a social democracy with a few communist tendencies, and there is only a miniscule amount of scattered civil unrest. Your profession is decided for you at birth based on your markings--never you worry, there'll be more about that later!--and you are apprenticed as soon as you have adequately developed the motor skills your job requires. As long as you do your duty and behave like a good, upstanding citizen, you'll live a comfortable and happy life. Also, remember the Non-Aggression Code! Never attack an angel unless he or she attacks you first. They may want a war, but we certainly don't. However, when an angel threatens a mortal, you are free to use any necessary force to defend said mortal.

Do you understand now? Excellent. Next, I'll describe angels and demons.

Angels: They look pretty much like humans, only their ears are pointed, they emit a faint glow, and--of course--they have large, gleaming, feathery wings. The color of the glow varies, and while angels' wings are often pure white, some have wings that are ever-so-lightly tinted a certain color. Some adolescent angels like to snatch dyes from Middle World stores and dye their feathers fun colors and/or neat patterns. Halos are reserved for angels of high rank, be they nobility or war officers. All angels are, by nature, quite beautiful.

Demons: Their appearances vary more widely than those of angels. Their skintones are all neutral, earth colors, and some are even completely black. Certain colors are more common than others; dark greenish-grayish tones are the most common, followed by brownish tones, reddish tones, and finally, black. There aren't a whole lot of pure black demons. Hair colors are all between light brown and the brightest red, tending more towards the ginger side. Eyes could be amber, green, brown, gray, or (very rarely) blue, though most have amber eyes. Their eyes are catlike, with slit pupils and color everywhere else. They have horns on their heads, though the size, type, and amount vary drastically. Horn colors also stay on the muted side of the spectrum, but they aren't as limited in shade as skintones are. Demons also have long, furry, goat-like ears, small snouts, and barely-there noses. The fur color is the same as the skin color. Demon fingers have short claws, though the sharpness of these claws depends on how often the demon tends to them. From the waist down, demons have the back legs of goats (again, the fur color matches the skin color), complete with cloven hooves. Think faun or satyr if you're having trouble picturing it. Demon tails are thin and whiplike with spade tips, and either match the color of the horns or are simply black. These tails are very agile, and can be used to pick objects up, throw said objects at countrymen, or whack that annoying small child away. ...What? Anyway--and this is it, I promise!--demons have large, feathery, black wings. The wings always have a certain sheen to them, be it one color or many (like black ink).
>>>A word about demon markings: All demons are born with certain markings that augment different abilities. One type curls around the temples, swoops down in front of the ears, and moves from there across the cheekbones and the bridge of the nose; this type augments sight, hearing, and smell. Two more types wrap around either the upper arms or the thighs; respectively, these markings give you either superior upper arm strength or superb speed. A fourth type encircles the shoulderblades at the base of the wings; these give you--yep, you guessed it!--great flying skill and longer flying stamina. The fifth type adorns the backs of the hands and fingers, also surrounding the wrists and the first half of the forearms; this type (the rarest) boosts magical ability. Markings, unlike the other colors, are quite bright. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. You know, your typical rainbow colors. Incidentally, that's also the scale of color rarity from most common to rarest. The markings, as mentioned before, also determine what job you'll have (though you can do other things on the side). Those born with the sense-boosting markings will become Hunters. Those with the strength-boosting markings have more options--anything that involves heavy lifting, really--but will likely become warriors. Demons with the speed markings will take up any job that requires speed (also, don't expect any soccer or track-and-field teams to pick you up unless you have these). Those with flight-boosting markings will probably become messengers. Lastly, demons with magic augmentation will become magi.

This hasn't been too much for your little mortal brain, I hope. Has it? If you dare mention the words, "TL;DR," expect to be swiftly keelhauled. But worry you not! There isn't much more to go, and then you can just fill out your character sheet and wander off, jumping headlong into the chat and completely ignoring anything and everything the OP says. Hahaha NO. Any ignoring of the OP will also result in you being keelhauled.

Now, I'll briefly cover magic and glamours.

Spellbook and scroll magic: This is the type of magic that people usually think of when they hear the word "magic." This type uses either spellbooks or scrolls coupled with incantations to cast spells. Additional materials and/or ingredients may also be necessary to cast certain spells, especially very powerful ones. Those that aren't very adept at crafting magic scrolls can buy them off of those who are. Magic vendors also always carry plenty of small, one-use, ready-made spells at low prices. More permanent spells can be applied to small objects, such as a stone you keep in your pocket that you can use to summon your sword.
>>>Angels are the best at using this type of magic.

Geometric and sigil magic: This type of magic is much different. Rather than using scrolls and incantations to cast, this type uses magic circles, runes, and sigils. This type is very versatile; you can take a base spell and make plenty of variations of it by tweaking the design, adding magic symbols, or inscribing runes. Adding symbols and runes can also make a spell much more potent, provided you do it right. If your job requires you to use a variety of tools and/or weapons, you can even have a magic circle printed onto your palm(s) by a spell designer--you can use this magic circle to create objects out of the surrounding materials, provided that the objects were written into the design (creating objects out of nearby shadows is the most common, and also the cheapest). If you want an idea of what this kind of magic looks like, you can think of Fullmetal Alchemist. If you don't know what that is, look it up. Right now. I'll wait.
>>>Demons are the best at using this type of magic.

Glamours: Glamours are the disguises that angels and demons use when they go to the Middle World. Glamours might change your looks by covering you with a veil of magic, or they might outright change your biology--though they often do a little of both. Wings definitely require a biology change. Glamours are easy to cast and can be easily dropped. However, demon markings and any magic circles/seals/sigils printed on the body will not be hidden by a glamour. Luckily, these markings are only visible to immortals anyway. Well, they're invisible to mortals when the glamour is in place, but once it's dropped, even mortals can see them.

I'm surprised you've been keeping up this far, mortal. You're in the home stretch now! All that's left is for you to make your character(s). I'm not going to demand that you make one boy and one girl, or any of that nonsense. I only ask that you do try to keep the boy/girl ratio even, and that the number of angels, humans, and demons stays relatively balanced. Okay, I think that's everything! Go now, fill sheets to your heart's content.
Before you plunge headlong into the chat, you must wait for me to accept your character. No exceptions.

Angel character sheet:
[b]Name:[/b] (Angel names are often biblical, though not always)
[b]Age:[/b] (The human equivalent, not your actual age)
[b]Glamour Appearance:[/b] (Just your regular appearance without the wings, pointed ears, and glow)
[b]Glow Color:[/b]
[b]Wing Tint/Dyes: (Optional)[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] (You can choose to leave this blank if you'd rather reveal it as the chat goes on)
[b]Background:[/b] (You can also leave this blank if you wish)
[b]Additional Information:[/b] (Optional)

Human character sheet:
[b]Personality:[/b] (You can choose to leave this blank if you'd rather reveal it as the chat goes on)
[b]Background:[/b] (You can also leave this blank if you wish)
[b]Additional Information:[/b] (Optional)

Demon character sheet:
[b]Name:[/b] (Include both your true demon name--a mishmosh of letters that sound nice, mixed with the occasional random apostrophe--and your human alias. Ex: Lezeil'ah, "Leslie")
[b]Age:[/b] (The human equivalent, not your actual age)
[b]Glamour Appearance:[/b] (Drastically different from your real appearance, of course!)
[b]Demon Skin Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Horn Style, Amount, and Color:[/b] (If your tail color matches your horn color, mention that here; we'll assume that it's just plain black otherwise)
[b]Marking Style and Color:[/b]
[b]Wing Sheen:[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] (You can choose to leave this blank if you'd rather reveal it as the chat goes on)
[b]Background:[/b] (You can also leave this blank if you wish)
[b]Additional Information:[/b] (Optional)

Alright, I think we're good here! Happy chatting! Oh, and for the Mundane, a word to the wise: try not to die. If you do die, try not to stick around as a ghost.* If you do stick around as a ghost, try not to get kidnapped by an angel. If you do get kidnapped by an angel...then I pity you.

*All dead humans in this chat will become ghosts.

She claps her hands brusquely.
Off you go!


List of characters:

[Some New Stillettos] Azreal, female angel

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Wed May 25, 2011 9:06 pm; edited 2 times in total
Winter Dragon

Posts : 4627
Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Some New Stillettos Tue May 24, 2011 11:16 pm

Name: Azreal
Gender: female
Age: 17
Glamour Appearance: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Black-wedding-dresses7
Glow Color: Black
Wing Tint/Dyes: (Optional) Gray/white
Personality: Dark, seductive
Background: She is very wealthy, and knows how to get what she wants in the rotting Upper World.
Additional Information: She know the King personally.

Name: Lolita
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance:Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Pink-wedding-dresses
Personality: Kind, loving, sensitive
Background: She feels alone in the world because her alcoholic parents hate her
Additional Information: She wants to find someone to love.

Name: Divah'nay, Divine
Gender: female
Age: 16
Glamour Appearance: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Deep-purple-band-chapel-train-strapless-wedding-dresses-lace-hem-1
Demon Skin Color: gold-ish
Eye Color: purple
Horn Style, Amount, and Color: Silver horn and tail, the are little horns that are in a word, cute
Marking Style and Color: encircles the shoulderblades at the base of the wings in the color green
Personality: Strong, independent
Background: More later
Additional Information: She is really soft after you break through her hard exterior

Name: Era'yee, Erick
Gender: male
Age: 18
Glamour Appearance: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ4dHgZ4IdA9YsrD713_U5_Mojdx7fp6qXLcj1LG3j7tSx9cbKA
Demon Skin Color: slightly red
Eye Color: a goldish
Horn Style, Amount, and Color: Pointy red horns and tail
Marking Style and Color: encircles the shoulderblades at the base of the wings in the color indigo
Wing Sheen: gold
Personality: Possessive, selfish
Background: More Later
Additional Information: n/a

Last edited by Some New Stillettos on Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

Posts : 2879
Join date : 2011-02-09
Age : 28
Location : In the shadow lands <3

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Echo Wed May 25, 2011 9:03 pm

Azreal = Accepted!
Lolita = Accepted! ...But do you really want to call her "Lolita?" I hope you understand that lolitas are little Japanese girls specifically made to be attractive to pedophiles. If you're still cool with the name, then that's fine. I won't add her to the list until you let me know, though.
Divine = Not accepted for now. Take a look at the section on markings and modify, please.
Erick = Not accepted for now. See above.

I know I threw a lot to read at you, and I don't want to feel mean, but those are just the rules :/
Winter Dragon

Posts : 4627
Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Guest Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:43 pm

Name: Zesatra (mostly goes by just Z)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Glamour Appearance: Nearly white-blonde hair, dark blue sort of navy eyes, slightly ridiculously pale, angular face, tall, slender.
Glow Color: Pale blue, almost white.
Wing Tint/Dyes: (Optional) Same as the glow.
Personality: Reserved, but not shy, doesn't hate but has strong feelings of unease towards humans, finds demons fascinating, quick tempered.
Background: Bum bum bum...
Additional Information: Works as a bounty hunter for the government in Heaven.

Name: Peter Brokaw
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Darker sandy hair (short), darker skin color, tall and sort of gangly, has a soft Southern accent.
Personality: Laughs a lot, even at things he doesn't get, generally carefree, doesn't like to upset people, doesn't anger easily.
Additional Information:

Name: To'masnir, Thomas
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Glamour Appearance: Very swarthy looking, Mediterranean/Middle Eastern feel, dusky skin, black hair and eyes, tall, well filled out, broad shouldered and muscular.
Demon Skin Color: Almost black, but not quite.
Eye Color: Black.
Horn Style, Amount, and Color: Curling ram-horn style, so quite large, a dull gold shade, tail matches, but is a little more mottled with the skin color.
Marking Style and Color: Again the dull gold color, large swirls on his back (the wings), his fingers, and his shoulders. (Wasn't sure if we could only have one, if so, he'll have the finger markings)
Wing Sheen: A very faint yellow.
Personality: Hates angels and humans with a passion he doesn't understand (like someone's programmed it into him, could be a plot point), a bit violent, very capricious, completely loyal to his family and the government of Hell.
Additional Information:

*waves to Winter* Hey! Long time no see!


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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Echo Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:52 am

((Hello! I'm actually in the process of rebooting this chat. I'll let you know when that's all done.))
Winter Dragon

Posts : 4627
Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:31 pm

Kk. BTW, it's Silver (SilverOnTheMoon), but this is my C.Cing account.


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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Some New Stillettos Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:15 pm

I fixed my demons' markings.
Some New Stillettos
Some New Stillettos

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Guest Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:24 pm

So... can we start?


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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Stark Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:15 pm

(Can I join? If so here are my charries, hope they are okay)

Name: Dara'iaus, Darius
Gender: male
Age: (The human equivalent, not your actual age) 14
Glamour Appearance: (My stupid computer won't let me post pics so I hope its ok if I just describe) Black hair green eyes, 6' 2"
Demon Skin Color: Red
Eye Color: Amber
Horn Style, Amount, and Color: Curved red horns, 3 two on the typical horn areas and one just above his forehead
Marking Style and Color: Blue hand and finger markings
Wing Sheen: Purple

Name: Ezekiel, Is called Zeke for short
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Glamour Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 feet tall
Glow Color: Blue
Wing Tint/Dyes: Red


Name: David
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: Brown hair brown eyes, 6 foot 2 inches

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:05 pm

((Duuuudes...I said I was rebooting the chat!

Blargh, I have to finish with that. ...Mrrh, unintentional rhyme.))
Winter Dragon

Posts : 4627
Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story Empty Re: Not Your Average "Angels and Demons" Story

Post by Stark Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:26 pm

(Sorry didn't see the post)

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Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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