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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:33 pm

"I'm really considering starting again...I think I've found somebody that I can't resist. Even if they do hurt me in the end." She added the second part under her breath.

"I hope so. You have good grades, don't you, Oliver?" Lydia asked. It was weird -- she never seemed to call him Ollie.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:44 pm

Nate raised his eyebrow and smiled. "May I ask what made you consider that?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Oliver nodded. "Relatively good. I'm a straight A student, if that's what you want to know," he said.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:45 pm

Vikki laughed. "I just told you -- I've found someone that I really like." She looked at him for emphasis. "And I think I'm willing to try dating again, because of him."

"Yay, straight A buddies!" Lydia giggled.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:54 pm

Nate's cheeks turned a light pink and he was grateful that it was dim enough so it amost wasn't noticable. "Well, I think he's grateful that you're going to give him a chance." He paused and leaned in, as to tell her a secret. "And I think he might actually like you a lot, too."

Oliver kissed her hair and nodded. "Perfect," he chuckled.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:58 pm

Vikki giggled. "Oh yeah?" She turned her head, and noticed the slight blush in his cheeks. It made her blush, too, and she looked down at her toes, wiggling them slightly in the sand. "I think things might work out with me and him, then."

Lydia smiled, even though there was still that thought at the back of her mind that his mouth could have gotten germs in her hair. Oh no, oh no!


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:23 pm

Oliver sighed, wincing a little as the muscles in his shoulder contracted. "I think I'm going to need to go back to my room and get a few tylenols," he mumbled, the pain warming the area around his arm, now.

Nate chuckled, turning and put his forehead against hers. "Things always find a way of coming through," he said.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Lydia dropped his hand, a worried expression coming over her face. She nodded. "That sounds like a good idea." She could tell he was in pain.

Vikki smiled. "I guess they do." The sun was starting to set, it was one of her favorite sights, but she was more than happy to be staring into Nate's eyes, instead.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:39 pm

Nate pursed his lips. "Want to swim?" He asked, cocking his head. For a moment, the pose seemed like he was going to kiss her, but he didn't want to overstep boundaries.

Oliver nodded and chuckled. "Do you want to come with me."

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:41 pm

Vikki wouldn't have minded if he kissed her, she thought he was going to. She took a step back, away from him and shrugged. "I'm not wearing my bathing suit."

"Um." Lydia paused, thinking about whether she had enough time or not. She decided that she did, and nodded. "Alright."


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jun 05, 2011 3:57 pm

Oliver wasted no time going to his room. When he was out of Lydia's sight, he took the pills. Something about her careful gaze made him self consious. He felt like she might be holding up some standard of him.

Nate shrugged. "I won't look," he grinned. "Much." He pulled off his shirt and ran a rand through his hair roughly.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:00 pm

(what does holding up some standard mean?)

Lydia waited for Oliver to take his pills.

Vikki laughed. She'd just go in her undergarments then. No reason to strip completely, right? She pulled off her shirt. Maybe she didn't have to take of her shorts, but she did, anyway. Vikki wasn't self-conscious, remember? She took off running. "Race you to the water!" She called.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:11 pm

(Like a standard that he has to meet)

Oliver finished with the pills and walked back to Lydia, but didn't put his arm around her. He yawned and smiled. "Better get to class," he said.

Nate sprinted, too, and the both smacked the water at the same time. It was as warm as lukewarm bathwater, but it felt good. He breathed in the briney air and let out a laugh.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 4:15 pm


Lydia felt like something was a little off, but didn't mention it. "Yeah...Bye." She turned and walked off to her next class, the thought of something being wrong nagging at the back of her brain.

Vikki stayed under a moment, relishing the feeling of the water, then popped up with a grin. She smoothed her hair out of her face, the redness of it was turned almost brown from being wet.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:35 pm

Do you need me to add to my post?


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:08 am



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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:14 am

Ollie watched as she left and ran his hand through his hair. He blamed his awkwardness on his stupid arm. He would always blame his awkwardness on an injury if he could, but he couldn't deny he was just a slightly awkward guy.

Nate popped up in front of him, pushing water darkened blonde hair out of his eyes. He chuckled and cupped her face with one hand, kissing her. He had acted as if he was going to earlier, but he just wanted to prolong it for a minute or so.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:18 am

Lydia sighed when she got to her class. She hoped Ollie would be better soon...assuming his arm was going to heal. She liked him so much better when he wasn't injured, for whatever reason.

"Mm." Vikki hadn't been expecting that, but as soon as his lips met hers she melted into them.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:32 am

Nate's other hand rested on her hip, pulling her closer slightly. He chuckled slightly. Everything seemed as close to perfect as possible. The sun was setting, coloring everything in a warm orange color that he loved and the air was warm around them.

Oliver had walked to his next class and then about halfway through class, he got a voicemail from his doctor. He excused himself and listened to it. His arm should be healed. He grinned and then listened a bit longer. If he came in after classes today, he could get checked out and released.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:35 am

And, ya know, they were skinny dipping...but that didn't have anything to do with it (ha). Vikki let her hands wander up his chest, coming to rest at the back of his neck.

Lydia took thorough notes to distract herself from her thought ramblings, the sort of things Lydia always had. She ran out of ink, though, so she missed an entire line of notes. OH MY GOD, THE WORLD WAS GOING TO END. Well, in Lydia's brain it just might. She found a new pen and began scribbling furiously again.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:40 am

Psh, she's wearing panties and he's wearing his boxers.

Nate smiled and buried his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her again and again. Both of his hands came to hold her hips and something made him thankful that the beach was completely empty.

Oliver's mind seemed to buzz excitedly as his class flew by and he stopped by Lydia's locker to wait for her, a smile on his face. It was a mix of no pain and healing that made him so happy.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:44 am


Vikki felt fired up, she loved making out with guys. Especially Nate, he had skill. And in the back of her mind, in the part of her mind she didn't want to admit was right, she did like him. Why was she so afraid of letting him in? Even if she'd said she would earlier, she was afraid. Love was the only thing Vikki was truly afraid of.

Lydia walked to her locker, and forced a smile when she saw Oliver. "Oh, hey, Oliver."


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:55 am

Oliver's smile wavered a little bit. "Hey," he said softly. "I was just letting you know that my arm should be better and I'm getting cleared by a doctor after classes," he said. She didn't seem in the mood to talk to him for some reason, though. Had he done something wrong?

Nate pulled away from her, letting his fingers trail over her hips as his hands fell to his sides. He looked at her with a large smile and the waded further into the water. He glanced back at her and his smile grew. He really liked this girl.

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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 am

Lydia perked up, a beaming coming onto her face. "That's great, Oliver!"

Vikki licked her lips that still tasted like him, then grinned as she waded out into the water, too, letting it roll off of her as she went. Tonight was nearly perfect, she didn't like to think that it wouldn't last much longer.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Avery Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:08 am

Ollie smiled back and heard the bell ring. "Well, I'm glad I could see you before I go," he chuckled, pecking her on the cheek. It was his last class right now and he wasn't going to wait to leave. He wanted to get cleared as soon as possible.

Nate dunked his head under and then came up, shaking the water from his hair. The beach was the perfect plave to bring her, he decided.


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I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist - Page 17 Empty Re: I promised/I'd never sing of love/If it does not exist

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:15 am

"Bye Ollie," Lydia sang out as he walked off, then turned with a grin to go to her own class. Her Oliver was going to be okay.

Vikki did a little flip underwater, relishing the feeling of it through her hair. When she came up she sighed. "Hey Nate, maybe we should head back..." She didn't want to, but they had to go eventually, right?


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