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Character Chats Are Fun

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Mon May 09, 2011 3:58 pm

"I thought you'd say that. I'd never give up the good moments to stave off the bad."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Mon May 09, 2011 4:20 pm

"Yeah," said Liz.

(Funny thing is Ezra can "erase" memories before Andrew crossed over he told Ezra to erase Liz''s memories of him. Ezra can't exactly erase memories but keeps them hidden...Liz doesn't relize this and when Andrew comes back to sneak a peek at her, the memories resurface)

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Mon May 09, 2011 4:30 pm

((That's really sweet... Kinda.))

"Well... There are some memories I wouldn't mind losing."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Mon May 09, 2011 4:39 pm

(She gets really mad at Andrew and Ezra...luckly her year old cousin who adores Andrew comes to the rescue...saying he wants to play with Andrew...)

"I think we all have something we would like to change." said Liz.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Mon May 09, 2011 4:50 pm

"I think it's a universal truth."

((This conversation is going nowhere slowly. I could change characters, if you want.))

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Mon May 09, 2011 4:59 pm

(Whatever u feel is right.)

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Mon May 09, 2011 5:14 pm

"I should go," says Skipper. "Teacup, let's go."
Teacup grunts, and they leave the castle fo the ship.

Name: Sarah Noble
Physical Description: Shoulder-length red hair, and a thin, delicate face. She is not particularly tall or curvy, but she is definitely not ugly.
Abilitys: Ace detective. A bit of knowledge of Mirrorworld.
Personality: Introverted and unconfident. She used to be more confident until the Shield of Perseus affair, which shook her up considerably.
Bio or Extra info: Mirrors creep her out something awful. She spends the rest of her life paranoid.

Name: Dylan Frank
Physical Description: Thick black hair in a mop. Average height with a funny grin.
Abilitys: He's a dependable detective, and a great joker.
Personality: Slightly wild, but a good man at heart. he was less affected by the Shield of Perseus debacle, because he never quite fully understood what was going on, despite being the vital lynchpin in the investigation.
Bio or Extra info: He doesn't quite realise how paranoid Noble is, and occasionally gets annoyed with her weird tendencies.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Mon May 09, 2011 5:19 pm

The Ford bounces over the ruts and lumps, its headlights swooping over the castle walls. It stops, and the doors open. Detectives Noble and Frank get out, their long coats flapping about their ankles.
"It was somewhere around here, wasn't it?" asks DC Frank.
"I think so." DS Noble casts nervous glances around her.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Mon May 09, 2011 5:20 pm

"Bye..." said the trio to the leaving pair.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Mon May 09, 2011 5:22 pm

"What was that?!" said Liz, noticing the approching headlights.

"Don't worry about it...whatever it is won't get past the encha, Enchantments." said Ezra, growing bored.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 11:14 am

Frank lights a cigarette, and takes a puff. Noble glares at him, but she has given up reprimanding him for the filthy habit. Their coats flap in the breeze, and the ember glows in the half-light. they turn to face the ruins and pace towards them, moving quietly, but not especially stealthily.
"It's quiet," growls Frank. "Too q-"
"Don't say it." Noble cuts him off mid-sentence.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 3:15 pm

"Someone is here." said Ezra.

"She just said that." said Andrew, rolling his eyes.


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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 3:34 pm

"Hey!" Frank gives a sotto voce cry, and points up ahead. "I think I saw someone," he whispers.
"You're right," murmurs Noble. "What're they doing here?"
"Probably bloody kids," he growls. "We should go and sort them out."
"That's a bit violent," remarks Noble.
"Nah, we just tell 'em to bugger off."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 3:36 pm

"Sort them out...huh.." Ezra smirked. "I wouldn't doubt us."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 3:39 pm

"Well," says Noble. "As I'm the sergeant, I delegate that job to you. Got it?"
"Sure," replies Frank. "Oi! What're you bloody kids doing here?"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 3:41 pm

"We are not "bloody kids" and we belong here." said Ezra

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 3:44 pm

((be warned! These two detectives cuss a bit.))

"The hell you do!" barks Frank.
"Shit." Noble whirls on the spot and grabs his arm. "What if it's them?"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 3:45 pm

"What are you doing here?" said Ezra, with a wicked smile.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 3:50 pm

Noble opens her badge holder, and shows her badge to the kid who just spoke. "Detective Sergeant Sarah Noble. I think I should be asking you that question."
"Detective Constable Dylan Frank..." Frank tails off as he realises that no one cares.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 3:51 pm

"Like I said we belong here."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 3:59 pm

"Oh yeah? Do you have the land deeds?" Frank starts squaring up for a fight.
"Easy," warns Noble.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 4:00 pm

"Magick doesn't need land deads." Ezra smirked.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 4:03 pm

"Magick. It's always bloody magick," growls Frank. "I bet it is this lot. We should book them right now."
"I didn't think you believed in magic?" asks Noble. "You need deeds for all land. No one is above the law."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Tue May 10, 2011 4:07 pm

" First off...this place isn't always here...secondly I wouldn't test me."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 21 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Regret Tue May 10, 2011 4:13 pm

"I don't care whether this castle magically flies to the moon every thursday. I want to know what you're doing here."
"We were told that we would find our contact here," explains Noble. "And we find no contact, but you. What is that supposed to make us think?"

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