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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:19 am

Yeah. One of those.

01. No powerplaying or godmoding. Unless you want to be annihilated.
02. Write at least three sentences per post.
03. For the love of all that is good and holy, try to use a spellchecker.
04. Ask before joining.
05. I reserve the right to add and/or change rules as I see fit.

ATTENTION: There is no character sheet. Don't make one yourself. Be descriptive in your intro post!

Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Regret Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:47 am

I'm going to introduce my characters by showing them getting ready for a seriously epic chat.

UBT-M3-7994 pushes himself up from the floor and drifts up towards the ceiling. He stops himself with a quick burst from the inbuilt thrusters on his suit, then pushes himself towards the waiting exoskeleton. Once inside, he grins behind his visor and hisses through his teeth. The suit couples with the exo-skeleton, giving him full control of the vast, four-legged machine. He rolls his shoulders and the machine rolls its shoulders with him. With a thought and a motion of his legs, he sends it stomping forwards.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Stark Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:55 pm

(Can I join?)

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Invisimort Mon Oct 24, 2011 9:46 pm


I opened my eyes. That... That in itself was... weird. I mean... The fact that I had been sleeping...was...unusual. The fact that I had been a place where there was not a bed...was even...more...unusual-er.

"MY BRICCCCCKKKKK!!!!!" Riddle flew across my field of vision landing somewhere off to my left. I groggily sat up and found her rolling around on the grass holding a brick to herself and squealing happily about it's presence.

Dear Internet, not this again. Not this brick. "Riddle...just... just let it... be?" I muttered still kind of... I didn't quite know. Kind I was half dead. It weird.


That wore off fast. Sleep...really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Oh well. I just kind of sat there and listened to Riddle rant bricks.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:31 am

((Condog: Sure.))

I looked around.

Oh. Well.


That...hadn't worked.

I spotted a stone on the ground and gave it a good, hard kick, cursing under my breath. Okay...ow... Probably shouldn't have done that. Just like I probably shouldn't have ignored Leslie and gone ahead to use magic that I was unfamiliar with. She'd warned me that it would be harder for me to do because I had nothing to help guide my magic--no runes, no somatic components, nothing but concentration...and I'd let my thoughts slip. This wouldn't be so bad if it had only been a freak accident, arcane failure, but no...this was all on me.


And now I was stranded in some random place with no clue where I was or how to get back.

I muttered another curse, my breath rising into the air in a wispy cloud that quickly vanished. Great. Stranded in some random place that was cold... Add that to the list of Things That are Just Freaking Fantastic. I pulled my hands inside the sleeves of my gray sweatshirt and hugged myself for warmth, fully regretting the moment I'd thought, "Hey, let's try to use some transportation magic!"
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Banshee Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:39 am

Could I join? Sorry I'm late...

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Stark Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:26 am

I wake up... in a tree. I am a little surprised by this considering I'm hanging from the tree by my clothing. I swallow hard and pull my robes out of the trees branches. I fall eight feet to the ground and land on my back. After I get my breath back I mutter, "Gods be good that hurt". I then look around trying to assess my surroundings.


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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Regret Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:42 am

UBT-M3-7994 looks around himself in puzzlement. There are plants EVERYWHERE. Little green ones all over the floor, and some much larger ones that appear to be mainly made of brown. Where did these come from? They don't look much like any bio-domes he's ever been in, and the air-conditionin feels so constant and warm. Also the edge of the dome is blue-tinted, perhaps to make it look like an Earth sky. That's impossible though, and doesn't explain the occasional grey bits on it, unless the whole thing is a projection, and they are clusters of dead pixels. And there are... people around?

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:35 am

((Gh: Go right ahead.

My post will come as soon as I know who to meet up with))
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Stark Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:28 am

I look over and see someone kick a stone. I watch their reaction. "Well, you shouldn't have done that" I say shrugging. My hand moves to my sword hilt, just in case. I flex my right and left arm making sure my palm daggers are there. My boot blades never leave me and I have two throwing knives left.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Sun Nov 06, 2011 12:16 am

"I'm aware," I told the guy with a wholeheartedly unamused expression. "Pretty sure I didn't ask for your input."

Why did I just say that to a total stranger? I decided to chalk it up to the general frustration. Oh well, it's not like I'd ever see the guy again. And hey, he talked to me first.

Then I noticed the sword, and his attire in general. Well, I'd already seen them, but they hadn't really sunk in until just then.

"Going to a Renaissance fair?" I asked with an arched eyebrow.
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:50 pm

Can I join as well?

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Stark Mon Nov 07, 2011 4:22 pm

I looked at her blankly. She was being unnecessarily rude and speaking in a strange accent. "Pardon me, a what? I don't understand your meaning, what is this Rennaisance Fair?" My hand still on my sword, she could still be a threat.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:35 pm

((Sure, Beautiful! ^.^))

"Har har," I said, rolling my eyes and growing more annoyed than I already was. "You sure get into character, don't you? Look, I don't have time to mess around. It's been swell! See ya."

I turned and started to leave. What a weird dude...
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:34 pm

Rain turned black with soot slid down the supple planes of Dulce's face, her own clear tears running in with the mix. Her pitch black hair whipped around and stuck to her face as she shook her head violently. No they deserved it. Every. Single. Last. One of them. With one last glance at the smoking remainders of Foxys Gentlemans Club she slammed her guns into their holsters and turned her back on the only life she had ever known.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:55 pm

((Different character from before))

I lowered my arm as the lights vanished, blinking the water out of my eyes and breathing heavily. Exhausted, I crumpled to my knees.

I wanted to vomit.

They...they had to have made it... They had to. They couldn't...

The last image stayed in my mind, that wide-eyed, fearful look as he gave the signal. He hated water. Had...had he been able to think clearly enough

Yes. He had to have been. I couldn't let myself think that way. He had...had to have been alright...

My brother couldn't have been dead.

After a few moments, I became vaguely aware that the building next to me was burning.
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Toxic Miracle Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:00 pm

May I join sil vous plait? Very Happy
Toxic Miracle
Toxic Miracle

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:06 pm

May I join as well?


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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:08 pm

The girl pulled her worn leather jacket closer to herself, wincing at the way it tugged against her battered body. He was gone, Emilio. He was dead. Right? Bile rose up in her throat along with the sharp lacerations of hysteria. Dead, dead, dead. Suddenly her foot slammed into something soft. A scream faught its way up out of her mouth and poured out of her lungs. She had her gun out and cocked in the things general direction in a heatbeat.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:15 pm

I... needed... air... I... couldn't... breath... I... was... doomed...
You're not going anyway, my dear, did you really believe I would let you go that easily? his voice echoed through my mind as I popped out of the water in shock. Kelan was never going to let me die it seemed. I took long heavy breaths that helped me calm down, "Kelan, where ever you are, I hope you know how much I hate you." I whispered. I was tired of living life the way I was. I didn't want to be this anymore. I wanted to be free, free of Kelan and all that came with being indentured to him.
I sighed, getting up from the water and getting dressed. I went outside and shivered at the cold. Where was I now?


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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:32 pm

((ToxicMiracle and prettygirlrock: Sure! ^.^))

I was jerked out of my thoughts by a scream and a kick. I snapped my head at the source in an instant, causing several wet, blonde locks to hit me in the face. I paid them no mind.

"I don't mean any 'ahrm," I said, raising my hands up by my head. Inside, my heart was pounding. I stared down the barrel of the gun, numbly wondering if this was it.
Winter Dragon

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:39 pm

Dulce's chest moved rapidly up and down beneath her soaked sweat-shirt, her hand shook and she lowered her gun a fraction. "Who are you? One of Emilios?" Say no. Say no, please say no. She couldn't bring herself to kill anyone else tonight, she would sooner flick the gun around and shoot herself.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Echo Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:48 pm

"I don't know 'oo zat ees," I answered.

Would she shoot? She didn't seem like a killer...her rapid breath and shaking hand told me that much. Hopefully. I'd also hopefully saved myself with that response...unless she planned to just shoot me anyway. This...this couldn't be the end... I still had to find my teammates, my brother...
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by Guest Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:49 pm

I heard screaming and made my way towards the sound. I should have known through past experiences that when I hear screaming I should go the other way but my instincts propelled me forward towards the scene. I hid effectively, watching with interest. The girl with the gun was shaking nervously as she asked a question I couldn't hear.


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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

Post by BeautifulOutcast4212 Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:52 pm

With a flash of her hand Dulce popped her gun back into its place and brushed her hair back behind her ear. "You still didn't answer me. Who are you?" she remained over top of him, water gathered at the tips of her hair and fell onto the boys face. He didn't look the same as the others, with their dark faces and guant cheeks.

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One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens Empty Re: One of Those Huge Chats Where Lots of Epic Stuff Happens

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