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Character Chats Are Fun

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sat May 28, 2011 11:14 pm

condog wrote:Dan:
I float around behind Ezra and reappear slamming my fist into the back of his head.

condog wrote:Dan:
I solidify right behind Ezra, my palm slams into his back and electric pulse surges through his spinal chord paralyzing him until I choose to allow him to move again.

condog wrote:(I WASN'T POWERPLAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


"Wahd du yu wand?" I asked the human suspiciously.
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 pm

(Ok, one punching him is not controlling his character, two the electrical pulse thing can actually work if you get charged with enough electricity it can screw with your spinal chord)
"I want to learn your language"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sat May 28, 2011 11:28 pm

condog wrote:(Ok, one punching him is not controlling his character....)

after Winter Dragon carefully and thoughtfully wrote:((...Powerplaying (pping) is when you control other people's characters. I shall explain through example. Player 1 plays the character Bob and Player 2 plays the character Fred.


Player 1: Bob pulled back his fist, then slammed it into Fred's face with all his might, knocking his teeth in.

NO. This is where the line is really crossed. I mean, it's so crossed that it's almost not over the line again. That is the severity with which this line has been crossed. Player 1 here did not give Player 2 any choices whatsoever. Player 1 could have done that just fine if Bob and Fred both belonged to him, but that's just the thing--Fred isn't his character! He has hijacked Player 2's creation, and he isn't letting go. It's not fair in the slightest. This is what Player 1 should have written:

Player 1: Bob pulled back his fist, then thrusted it forward with all his might, aiming at Fred's face.

You see how that was open-ended? That is how this needs to happen. Player 2 now has choices, and she (what, you thought they'd both be boys?) isn't restricted by what Player 1 wants. She can now decide Fred's fate for herself, which is how it should be! She could respond with something like this:

Player 2: Fred, eyes widening, dodged to the side. As Bob's fist flew by his head, he made an attempt to grab it.

See? Choices. The ball is back in Player 1's court now. Of course, something else could've happened, too.

Player 2: Fred saw stars as Bob's fist collided with his head. He stumbled backwards, landing on his behind and clutching his face.
"The hell?!" he demanded.

So Fred got hit after all. The difference here is that it was Player 2 that made that decision, not Player 1. That's what this is all about, friends.

You understand now, yes? Hurrah! Now let's make this a happy, respectful roleplaying community.


Seriously. What the hell. I didn't write that for my health, you know!))

"So yu're saying dahd yu wand du learn ahn endire language ahnd ahll id's nuances, righd dis momend," I said. "Yu're crazy!"
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sat May 28, 2011 11:41 pm

(If someone were to leave something open ended like that it would go on forever because as humans we are imperfect and have an instinct which says, "HEY! Look a chance to screw with someone elses intentions! SEIZE IT!" that is what free will is and it is constantly used wrongly. Open ended means infinfite possibilities)
"Yeah, may I?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sat May 28, 2011 11:57 pm

*Dan Stella and Alexis all find their way home*

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 12:02 am

((One: No. It would not go on forever, because writers generally know how to write well and be good people and not have to win every single fight they enter. I have roleplayed for several years, and in my many experiences, fights go smoothly, fluidly, excitingly, and end in a timely manner. It's just good roleplaying. It's only when the roleplayers aren't good that stuff happens as you describe.

condog wrote:(...Open ended means infinfite possibilities)

Two: *smacks forehead* EXACTLY! That's the entire point!

Three: Likel is a girl.))

"Wahd are yu duing?" I demanded, jerking my shoulder away. "I don'd know yu!"


Four: Dude. I don't even...whatever.))
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:07 am

(They're gone btw)
New Charries:
Name: David
Species: Human half elf
Age: 14
Abilities: Fast and good at swordplay

Name: Kiera
Species: Dragon
Age: 14
Abilities: Breathes fire, flies, really big and really strong

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 12:12 am

((I know; that's why I wrote "EDIT." I had written my post before you wrote about your characters leaving, so the thing notified me.))
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:12 am

(K my bad)

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:14 am

I walk over to what appear to be the only other people for miles. Kiera follows closely behind.

"Are you sure we should talk to them, David?" I ask. He nods.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 7:57 am

"And he's gone...oh well it's fixable." said Ezra. He began to mutter in a fast unknown language suddenly he pulled him self of the ground. " hurts."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 2:37 pm

"Um... excuse me? Where are we?" I ask. Kiera walks up behind me and looks around trying to determine if anything is a threat.

I scan the faces of the new people trying to determine if any have any magical prowess at all so that they can understand me.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 2:45 pm

"Why does every one ask that?" sighed Ezra. "We're not here or there."

"New Jersey, San Fransisco, or England...take your pick." said Andrew.


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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 4:45 pm

"I was hoping you would know if this is somewhere in Palamon" I say.

I nod in agreement and ask David, "Do any of them have any magical ability at all?"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 4:54 pm

"Yes we do." laughed Ezra. "Probably, we're not exactly here not there. We came form New ;ersey."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 5:03 pm

"Good at least you understand me"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 5:17 pm

"I can do more than that."

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 8:20 pm

"Are you fire proof like David? Watch this" I look down at David open my mouth and let loose a torrent of flame. He doesn't even wince.

After the flames clear I say, "It takes some getting used to but after a while its cool being fire proof, its a good whatever I am touching is fire proof as well or there would be disastrous results meaning I like being clothed in front of people"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 8:27 pm

"No but theres a potion to make you temporaraly fire proof...but I can create fire." Ezra said. He began to mutter quickly and a fire ball appeared in his hand.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 8:42 pm

"Interesting, is that skill teachable? David could use something else other than a sharp piece of metal to protect himself with" I say referring to David's sword.

I shoot Kiera a nasty look.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 8:59 pm

"/It's a dragon!/" I exclaimed in Pedla. "/I mean, not like a dragon, but like a dragon-dragon!/"
"/From the human legends, genius! I thought you grew up on the True Plane!/"
"/I did!/" Na'arsif replied defensively. In English, he said to the humans, "Fire dypes are firepruf."
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 9:09 pm

"What is a 'Fire Dype'?" I ask.

"I would like to know the same thing, and why you have those strange accents"

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 9:16 pm

"Fire type," I carefully anunciated, striking my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I wasn't used to pronouncing the hard T's in English. "One whu cohndrols fire. Ahnd we hahve dese accends because English is nod ahr firsd language."
Duh. But I didn't want to tell her that I spoke a language that didn't come from the human worlds.
Winter Dragon

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 9:22 pm

"I understand, but I have never met a fire type. Are you two fire types?" I ask.

I nod interested.

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Character Chats Are Fun - Page 38 Empty Re: Character Chats Are Fun

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 9:32 pm

"No, neider of ahs," I answered. "I'm a wader dype, ahnd Na'arsif is a wind dype."
Winter Dragon

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