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C. D. - character development

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sat May 21, 2011 6:05 pm

((Maybe you should take everybody back to Earth first. Skipper herself doesn't have to do it, but she can set it up (would that work in your 'Verse?). And yeah, I'll miss Skipper Sad))
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Sun May 22, 2011 9:06 am

"You know what?" says Skipper. "There's only one way to keep you lot out of trouble."
She speaks into the glove on her left hand.
"Come in Actual 1, this is Actual 3. Please send Actual Glider."
Skipper's transport rises into the air and comes to a halt hovering above them. "Deploy the lift."

((This is probably the easiest way to get everyone back to earth.))

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 22, 2011 9:21 am

(Ok let'so ay they go back to the house and the trio hasn't come yet)

"Bye Skipper!" Cassie shouted and soon they were back on earth.

Ezra, Liz, and Andrew are blinded by a bright flash of light as the spaceship landed next to them.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Sun May 22, 2011 12:02 pm

Skipper waves cheerfully as the ship disappears into the clouds.

Name: Mirochai-Neptuna.
Age: Thousands of years.
Looks: A very curvy and elegant woman of about twenty-three. However, her hair consists of a mass of writhing tentacles, and her eyes are a baleful yellowy-green with black slit slit pupils. She would be extremely beautiful (tentacles and eyes notwithstanding), but there is always something wrong with the way she stands. It is impossible to place, but it always looks as though her joints are wrong.
Personality: Capricious and arrogant, she considers humanity to be a blight upon the earth.
Powers: Life, death, disease, weather, and the sea.
Other: She is a dispossessed goddess, now worshipped only by the amphibious Homo Lacertus, and hell-bent on revenge. However, the technology level of her subjects is such that any massive war against humanity would not go her way. Her subjects are approaching the bronze age, as they have to use deep-sea smokers to smelt metal.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 22, 2011 12:33 pm

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Ezra hollered at the newcommers.

"Shouldn't we ask that of you?" said Evan.

"What...How did you?" asked Liz.

"Don't ask. I don't really know..." trailed off Cassie.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Sun May 22, 2011 2:35 pm

Mirochai-Neptuna, compressed to a hundredth of her usual size, climbs out of the river. She is still tall compared to the hated humans. She wears a garment comprised entirely of dripping weeds. Crabs scuttle through the tentacles of her hair. She staggers down the road, still coming to terms with being human-sized. Wondering how much of her usual strength she retains, Mirochai grasps the bumper of a car and lifts it into the air. Enough is the answer to that question. She spots some fleshy humans staring at her, and attempts to communicate. At first though, she can only articulate hisses and croaks, before finally talking in an almost human fashion.
"Who are you?"

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 22, 2011 4:10 pm

"I could say the same to you, Medusa," I answered crossly. "And by the way, you might wanna wear a glamour around the Mundane, unless scaring them shitless is actually your intent."
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 22, 2011 6:23 pm

"I've seen worse," said Ezra.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 22, 2011 10:11 pm

"Maybe you have," I started with a shrug, "but that doesn't mean that the general populace has. And I can tell you, they haven't. If Miss Amphibian over here--" I jerked my thumb at the wet, tentacle lady "--were to hit the town, the mortals would be driven out of their minds."
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 4:50 am

"Like those two?" said Ezra, jerking his thumb at Evan and Cassie.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Mon May 23, 2011 4:41 pm

Winter Dragon wrote:"Maybe you have," I started with a shrug, "but that doesn't mean that the general populace has. And I can tell you, they haven't. If Miss Amphibian over here--" I jerked my thumb at the wet, tentacle lady "--were to hit the town, the mortals would be driven out of their minds."

"They would be now if they could see me as I truly am," says Mirochai-Neptuna. "And I am not Medusa. I am not one of the mewling milksops of your pathetic legends."

((Basically, Mirochai-Neptuna in her usual form is so much more powerful than humans that she sees no valid difference between humans, ants, and superman. The only difference she can see is that ants don't watch television and superman gets dressed in the wrong order.))

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 5:34 pm

"I know you're not Medusa," I said, rolling my eyes. "I was just joking around. And my legends? Ha! I don't perpetuate the silly tales that the Mundane like to come up with. I mean, really. Show them some wings on a person, and they'll bow down so hard their spines will snap! I remember this one time during the Inquisition... Well, that's a story for another day."

Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Mon May 23, 2011 5:37 pm

I look at (Insert WD's character's name here) an eyebrow raised, "I am supposed to be myth but I am here so is she" I say gesturing at stella.

I wave at (Insert WD's character's name here)

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 5:45 pm

((Her name--well, alias--is Leslie.))

I spun on my heel to face the Mundane that spoke.
"One: who the Hell are you, and what the Hell are you supposed to be? Two: just who in the Hell do you think I am? Three: I was talking about the stupid stories legends that the Mundane come up with because they have difficulty understanding...well, a lot. Not so much nowadays, I suppose, but loads back then." I laughed as I thought of something. "I mean, come on! They think that God, Allah, what-have-you actually exists."

((EDIT: Le gasp! This post brought my post count to "1234" Very Happy

...What? Stuff like that makes me happy! ...Shut up.))
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Mon May 23, 2011 5:48 pm

I roll my eyes, "Quite to the contrary, almost all of it is real" I say. "And before I introduce myself I'll ask you yours"

"I'm Stella hes Dan" I say.

"What the h*** Stella?" I say annoyed.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 6:06 pm

"Fine," I retorted, rolling my eyes again. "My name is Lezeil'ah Ajikan Nuovra'hai Ket'lon-Yeizu'toh, but in the world of humans, I go by Leslie." I crossed my arms. "Now again, just what makes you so special?"

((Pronunciation: "leh-zayl-ah ah-zjih-kan noo-oh-vrah-high ket-lohn ee-ay-zoo-toh"

The apostrophes denote a slight space between the syllables, and often--though not always--precede the syllable on which you place the emphasis. Leslie's last name is hyphenated for the simple reason that her parents divorced and married other spouses.))
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 6:12 pm

"Well I'm not supposed to be real," said Andrew.

"We're pretty real..sorta.." said Ezra.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Mon May 23, 2011 6:13 pm

"I think it would be easier to show you" I say and I nod to Stella.

I grow from my normal hieght of 5 foot 10 inches to six feet seven inches changing into my humanoid wolf form as I go. "Im a werewolf" I say.

"Im a werewolf too but if I changed I would try to kill you all" I say chuckling, "but I am also partly Koleospteron, and I am also called Strike" my body starts to crackle with electricity, my eyes glow white, and I grin at Leslie my body surging with the power of electricity granted to me by the Koleospteron.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 6:16 pm

"I've seen it all now," muttered Andrew.

"Cool," nodded Ezra, at the werewolves.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 6:56 pm

I gave a theatrical yawn, regarding Stella and Dan with an unamused expression.
"This supposed to wow me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You should see your face! You totally had this whole smug, I'm-just-so-damn-amazing expression--it was laughable! You thought you were going to scare my pants off, weren't you? You thought that I would just go, 'Oh my gosh, you have shattered the grounds of my reality! Allow me to now kiss your ass and worship you like a god!' Foolish human." I crossed over to the werewolf and poked her in the chest. "Werewolves are simply the remnants of a cloudy spell gone wrong. Lingering magic, that's all, passing around through the shadows of the Middle World. You think you're so special, don't you?"
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 6:58 pm

"Does everyone think we're special? no. What's wrong with them being proud of who they are?!" Ezra said angerly.

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 7:16 pm

"It wasn't that they're proud of who they are," I told him, my arms crossed. "I don't have a problem with being proud of your species. No, what bugs me is that they were acting stuck-up about it. You saw that look, didn't you? Him especially!" I pointed at Dan in a Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney "Objection!" manner. "He thought I would just tremble before his 'awesome might' and bow down like a little human. Well, too bad! I'm not."

Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 7:20 pm

"First off," said Ezra, "let him be "stuck up" about it. Liz over here it's called a freak every day becaus eof what she can do."

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Post by Echo Mon May 23, 2011 7:38 pm

"Well whose fault was it for showing them what she can do?" I snapped. Actually, I didn't really know what her deal was. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. When I continued again, my voice was much softer. "When you've been around as long as I have, you get pretty jaded. And you know what? I think Liz is lucky. Yeah, that's right. I'd much rather be called a freak every day than have to change my identity and move across the country every time some frigging cloudy comes by and exposes me for what I am. I'd rather have the whole school laughing at me than be forced to watch all my friends grow old and die. Or worse, have them die because of me.
"I'm assuming you're familiar with the Salem Witch Trials? One of my friends was hanged because she was just associated with me. Granted, I was hanged too, but that's beside the point. She died because I was stupid and left some of my magic stuff lying around for the Mundane to find. Honestly, the only one in that town who was truly using 'witchcraft' was me. But do you know how horrible that made me feel?" I gave him a sorrowful look, then stared at my hands. At the magic circles on my hands, invisible to mortal eyes. "Why do you mortals have to be so damn fragile? You break so's not fair."
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 6 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Mon May 23, 2011 7:44 pm

"I understand how you feel," said Andrew softly, meeting Leslie's eyes.

"She didn't show them what she could do..." Ezra sighed. "I don't want people to die because of me either."

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