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C. D. - character development

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sat May 28, 2011 11:56 pm

*Dan, Stella, and Alexis all find their way back home*

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 29, 2011 12:07 am

*le sigh* Alright, but just're missing out...CCs are a million times more effective if you listen to critisism and let go of your charries. Don't be afraid to let them fall and have their own experiences, rather than equipting them with all sorts of gadgets and powers to keep them in the air. Just ask Cricket. Hey, Cricket, remember when you were a Marty-Stu?

Cricket: "...I kinda liked being a Marty-Stu...ah, yes, th' days where I could kick anybody's ass, even when th' best of th' best couldn't."

Oh, I don't care. I enjoy you a lot more now. *ruffles hair* You're not perfect, but you're definately a million times improved since I stopped defending you.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 12:17 am

((I agree with Jacky one-hundred percent.

Peter: *to Cricket* "Man, you're lucky. I was never a perfect character."

Ah, but that's the point!

Peter: "But can't you go just a little bit easier on me? I mean, come on! I hardly get a break!"

That's because I'm a sadist. Oh, condog, that's another thing! You may find, when you let your characters get defeated, that you (like me) actually take a serious enjoyment in causing them horrible pain. And you, Peter, I give you breaks all the time!

Peter: "I wasn't talking about my bones."

*devilish smile*))

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Sun May 29, 2011 12:19 am; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:19 am

(Can we drop it?!?! I said I would stop ok?)

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 29, 2011 12:24 am

I'm just saying, truly and honestly, I used to be in the same boat you were. And I hated it. Every 'bad' comment about a character stung like I'd just got stabbed in the gut, and then I finally threw my hands up and said, 'fine, I'll take your advise! I'll let him lose a battle! T.T" And y'know what? I don't regret it. Do what you want to do. But if you at least try to let your characters lose once in a while, limit their power, and give them weaknesses, you'll love them even more. (It stings at first, but it pays off. Trust me.)
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:29 am

(They lose battles all the time -_- also, I am taking your advice!)

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 29, 2011 12:32 am

Did you give them significant flaws or disadvantages? *shrugs* Also, did I mention I strongly recomend the 'alter to fit the chat' option? If you don't like what you get out of it, you can always change your charries back. That's the beautiful thing about it. But if you don't try new things, you might be missing out on something amazing.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 12:36 am

(FINE! Dan comes back but because of recent attacks on his character he is no longer a god and he is no longer able to use magic!)

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 29, 2011 12:40 am

Correction: Not attacks! Honest critisism! I'm not here to tear anybody down. I know it feels like it, I know the feeling. PLEASE don't take anything personally. Like I said, if you don't like it you can always change him back Smile

Cricket: *holds up hand to high-five Dan* "Congrats on...uh...demotion!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 12:41 am

((*nods in agreement*

Not attacks. You have no need to take it personally.

And you know? Having a flawed character is much more enjoyable than having a perfect character. Why? Because other people find it much more enjoyable to read about a flawed character than a perfect character. Perfect characters just make readers scratch their heads and go, "WTF???"

And then they don't buy the book.))
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Jacky K. Sun May 29, 2011 12:45 am

Hmm...*remembers cliche phases in my writing* Ah, good times...

...unfortunately I'm still Mary-Sueing on a couple of my charries...*looks to Crooks* Grr...get a personality! Gosh! *looks to Annaleah* Meh...borderline...*looks to Warden* Mmm...could use a lot more demension. Into the development box you go! *throws them into chats*
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 8:01 am

"Who's the new guy?" asked Andrew looking at Cricket.

"Again sorry," said Evan, gently patting Leslie on the head with one finger.

Last edited by gh3325 on Sun May 29, 2011 1:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Sun May 29, 2011 8:22 am

((I only introduced Mirochai-Neptuna to combat the otherwise insanely awkward power balance. Now that we're done, she will now go back to the sea. She's actually only an omega-plus sub-minor character, anyway.))

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 9:03 am

(so who r u bringing in now?)

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Regret Sun May 29, 2011 3:35 pm

((I have no idea. Possibly Tony.))

Name: Tony Hart. (Surname subject to change)
Age: 22.
Personality: Patient and reasonable, but a little cold. He hears all sorts of weird things, most of which come from inside his head. He regards silence as an actual creature attempting to prey on him, and he has considered suicide many times.
Appearance: Average height, with dusty black hair. He has a short, close-cropped beard, and wear jeans and a t-shirt. He is covered in ash and dust.
Bio: His world is dead, or possibly still dying. It was consumed in nuclear war, and now the only things left are a few scattered survivors, the deadly automati deployed by the warring nations, and the restless dead. However, in the countryside, there is still some life. Grass grows in the most secluded valleys, and there are wild cows and sheep.
He now looks after a dog known only as Carrot.

Tony stumbles into the town, pausing to lean against a wall and cough up claggy lumps of ash. He sees the group ahead in the street and forces his feet to carry him forwards. Carrot trots after him, his ribs visible through his fur.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 4:04 pm

"Someone's coming," noted Evan.

"I can't see anyone," said Ezra.

"Just trust me. Someone's coming." Evan said, watching the stranger.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 4:43 pm

Yawns bored.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 5:01 pm

"Shouldn't you be trying to fix me?" Evan asked Ezra.

"Oh yeah....right. Hey Dan, wanna come with me?" said Ezra.

"Do have any bob?" Andrew asked Ezra.


"Cash," replied Andrew, looking bored.


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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 5:04 pm

"Where to?"

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 5:10 pm

"To the store and to raid people's gardens," grinned Ezra.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 8:18 pm

I am puzzled but I say, "Yeah sure"

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 8:29 pm

"I'll come, too!" I volunteered, raising my hand.
Winter Dragon

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Banshee Sun May 29, 2011 8:32 pm

"You can help me prepare it...I kinda need you to watch him." said Ezra, looking up at Evan.

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Stark Sun May 29, 2011 8:40 pm

"So, where to first?"

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C. D. - character development - Page 14 Empty Re: C. D. - character development

Post by Echo Sun May 29, 2011 8:51 pm

"Darn it! Why do I have to babysit a mortal? Ugh, fine..."
Winter Dragon

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