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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Thu Jun 14, 2012 1:50 pm

Now, Taylow and I have been in this chat for a long while. I kinda went MIA and it got forgotten =( Sorry, Tay! But we're gunna try to revive it =) Anyone is welcome to join if you can find a place, but remember, this story goes back quite a ways.

The History:
The GWC is a company that once sent out angels to help people. They used to protect them. That's how Lorrick met Kylia. She was once tortured by a horrible man and called on Lorrick for help. Angels are said to be emotionless, but Lorrick fell for Kylia. After a while, they ran away together and had children.
That's where Jarred and Skylur came into the picture. Jarred had no emotions, or isn't supposed to have them anyway. He has wings though and is a lot like his father. Skylur on the other hand does not have wings. But she has the ability to connect to peoples emotions. She's more like her mother. These two are the first of their kind given the fact that angels aren't ment to fall for their charge. They're hybrids.
Now, Jarred hasn't been with the GWC for nearly two decades. When Skylur and Jarred fall into chaos though, he quickly finds out it isn't what it used to be. It's now a company used to aid the evil do their dirty work.
Lily is a part of a group whose main goal is to kill the angels. When they find her with Jarred though, guess what. All hell breaks loose.
Welcome to the Second Generation of Angels Wink

We left this poor family in some pretty crazy situations....
Jarred and Lillith: Lily was taken by Mathew--a guy who is going to kill her for siding with the angels--and Jarred followed them. He's weak at the moment, but is determinded to protect this girl who was going to kill him when they first met. Right now, Lily is at gunpoint, and Jarred is standing in front of her, sheilding her with his wings.

Cass and Skylur: Skylur's mother, Kylia, just called her and told her to get to the safe place. An old enemy, Carson, is coming after her to "get back what belongs to him". Cass is helping Skylur open the big door to the safe house which is under their house so that they can wait for rescue.

Kylia and James: They are going back to the hotel where Carson shot Lorrick. This is the first time in a very long time that James has seen Kylia and old feelings for her are coming back from where he hid them long ago.

Lorrick: Currently trying to fight away death on the floor of a hotel room.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14, 2012 2:09 pm

Did we just want to make a starting post from where our characters are?


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:22 pm

Sure, that's probably all we can really do other than post the last few posts from Part One.... I'll start though.

The pain was starting to ebb away. It wasn't good. Once you lost hold of the excrusiating pain, you lose the last strands holding you to this world. Lorrick closed his eyes, taking a slow, shallow breath, as the darkness began to become all that he could see.

James found the hotel that Kylia had described and landed lightly in the parking lot. His jaw was set as he let her drop from his arms. Refusing to look at her, he stretched his wings and scanned the windows. "Which one is your room?" he asked, his voice tight.

Skylur closed the door behind them, the sound of it hitting the concrete around them echoing in the large room. There were beds on one side of the room, and nonperishable food on the other. Besides that and a small hole in the floor that was meant to be a toilet, the room was empty. After sliding a large bar through the door and into the wall, she turned to Cass, her eyes sad. "I'm so sorry you got pulled into this," she murmured.

Mathew laughed as he moved the gun from Lily to the hybrid. "You're clever, you know that? Acting like you care for her. We both know that isn't the case, don't we?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:17 pm

Cass gave a small smile and pulled her into his arms, holding her gently. "Hey, it's alright, I don't mind. It's not like I had anything better to do anyway," he tried to joke, attempting to lighten the mood. "It's gonna be alright, Sky."

Jarred stared at Mathew, his gaze never wavering, not even shrinking away as the gun was turned on him. His wing still seared with pain, but he didn't show it. He kept his wings spread to shield Lily, his jaw set tight. He didn't say anything, neither confirming nor denying. Either way, they were still in trouble.

"215," Kylia said as she wrapped her arms around herself, her hands shaking. "Please hurry, James," she begged softly, her tears cried out, but her voice still shaking as if they were still there.

(you know, I almost want to make a deviation in which Lorrick never came back while Kylia was pregnant..just to see the development between James and Kylia)


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:53 pm

(Hm....that would be interesting. Should we do it?)

Skylur burried her face in the softness of his shirt, breathing in deeply. Hearing his heart beat in his chest was enough to calm her down. "Thank you", she whispered, holding onto him tightly.

Carson took out his gun and shot at the lock to the house. In seconds he was inside, his eyes scanning the room. He didn't care about anything in the house besides /her/. She was the one he wanted, the one he deserved. "Oh, Skylur!" he called. "Come out, come out where ever you are."

Mathew laughed softly, his amusment in the hybrid evident. "You're an annoying little bugger, you know that?" Without hesitation he pulled the trigger, the bullet meant for Jarred's shoulder.

James nodded and flew into the air. After finding the right window, he kicked at the glass, shards flying every which way. When he saw his former friend lying in a pool of blood, his stomach flipped. Lorrick wasn't moving. He was lying on his back, his wings spread out beneath him. His face was chalk white, the scarlett of his blood contrasting drastically. Cursing beneath his breath, he hurried over to him and checked his pulse. It was weak, but by God it was there.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:32 am

Kylia sat in the shadows, watching the building as she waited for James to come back or fly away with Lorrick, or something. Anything to let her know they were both still alive. She hugged herself tighter, her hair falling into her face as she waited.

Jarred dodged it as best he could, the bullet only grazing him. He held back a wince, his eyes tightening just slightly, but still he held his stance. He hoped Lily would get up soon...this would be so much easier.

Cass held her tightly, rubbing her back gently. "Of course...whatever happens...I want you to stay behind me. Alright? No matter what, you stay behind me."

(Can we?! I'd really like too)


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:58 pm

Ever so gently, James picked Lorrick up, trying not to jostle him too much. There was only one way for him to survive....Only one way for Kylia to get her husband back. Flying back out the window, he landed next to her, Lorrick still unconcious in his arms. "We have to go to the GWC," he told her, watching her face closely to see her reaction.

When the gun shot rang through the air, it was like it woke Lilith up. She pushed through the blackness that wanted to take her under. Jarred needed help.... He couldn't take on everyone of these guys at once. "Mathew," she growled, pushing herself up off the ground. "You son of a bitch." He grinned at her, but the gun didn't move from Jarred. She looked toward her supposed family for help, but they were all staring at her with pure hatred. "You don't want Jarred. You couldn't give a shit less about him. It's me you're pissed at. Leave him the hell alone."
Mathew merely laughed and shook his head. "You're wrong, Lil. You've both pissed me off." He glanced back at the men behind him. "Grab her. Take her inside and put her in her room."

After finding the house empty, Carson went to the basment. Everything was quiet, but it was obvious they had been down there. Dust was everywhere, and in some spots, it was unsettled, footprints showing here and there. Grinning like the cheshire cat, he followed them to a large shelf. ''I'm not as stupid as I seem," he muttered, pushing the shelf to the ground.

Skylur froze at the sound of something crashing. She turned her head and stared at the door, horror flooding through her. There were other emotions at the edge of her mind, emotions that weren't hers. Hatred, greed, hunger...."He's coming," she whispered.

(Do you wanna make a new thingy or just do it in here?)

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Age : 29
Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:08 pm

(probably a new thing in the deviations section, unless you wanted to just kill off Lorrick or something but that's your call)

Kylia stared at James, face paling. But if he went back...he wouldn't ever come back..."There's got to be another way," her voice was quiet, lips trembling. "H-he won't come back if he goes back to the GWC I'll loose him again and that would be worse than him dying...There's got to be another way.."

Cass adjusted her so she was behind him, glancing around for something he could fight with. He took a deep breath, giving a small nod. "It's going to be ok, Sky...I promise...get under the bed..and don't come out."

Jarred's arm wrapped tight around Lily, keeping her pinned to his side. He wasn't going to let her go. He watched them carefully for a moment before he leaped into the air with her, holding her tightly to his chest. He grimaced, his wing straining to keep them high enough that bullets couldn't reach them, and flew towards the house Skylur and Cass were in. He glanced down at Lily, his shoulder bleeding freely while his wings screamed in pain. "Are you alright?"


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 15, 2012 4:46 pm

(Hm....I can't kill him....He's one of three characters that are close to my heart. But. He will go away for a long time. And when he comes back, he'll be completely different.)

James studied her, knowing that she knew there was no other way. "It's your choice," he said softly. Lorrick's blood was seeping through his black shirt, making it a darker color than it was supposed to be. "He doesn't have a lot of time left."

Skylur shook her head. "There's no way I'm letting you stay out here alone,"she murmured. She kissed him lightly on the cheek before running to the bed. She climbed underneath one of them on her back. Slidding back a trick door on the bottom of the bed springs revealed a whole collection of knives and guns. She took several down and threw them out on the floor.

Carson followed the footsteps through the tunnels until he came to a large steal door. "I know you're in there," he taunted, knocking the but of his gun against the door. "I'll give you till the count of three. One....two.....three...." With one solid kick, Carson had the door nearly off its hinges. "I've undergone some....genetic surgery," he called.

Lily's eye was dark blue and she had an ugly cut on the side of her face, but the pain she felt was nothing to her. "God damn, Jarred," she whispered. She tried to ignore the fact that she was high in the air with nothing beneath her feet as she tore a strip from her shirt and began tying it around his shoulder.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:50 pm

(Would James stay with Kylia though?)

Kylia stared at Lorrick, her eyes wide. She couldn't just let him die..but she couldn't loose him either. "Alright," she whispered, giving a small nod. "H-hurry." She felt her heart breaking, as if she was condemning him to death and herself to a life of loneliness...which in essence she was. He would most likely not remember her, or love her. And she'd be left with no one but her children who were already grown, not that she was old herself, but the thought still hit home for her.

Cass quickly picked up one of the guns and shot through one of the few openings, aiming for his shoulder. His jaw was set in determination. "You stay behind me," he murmured to her again.

Jarred raised a brow, curious as to her reaction. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, trying to ignore her working on his shoulder and the pain that it brought.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:20 pm

(I'm not sure...I'd have to see how things pan out. He might, given the fact that he loves her and all lol but remember: He's apart of the new GWC right now.... I'm not exactly sure how he'll react to this. Wanna try it though and find out?)

James nodded and kicked off from the ground. He flew straight to the GWC, knowing full and well what their reaction will be. Lorrick has been a wanted angel for the past two decades. He's made so many angel's rethink their lives. He's part of the reason for the change of the direction in the GWC. They'll change him without a doubt....but he'd be alive. After another couple minutes, he was at the headquarters. And he had been right. Lorrick was taken from him and James was congragulated on bringing the "fellon" in. But all he could think about was Kylia.

Carson looked down at the side of his stomach where the bullet had hit him. He laughed as the blood flow stopped as quickly as it began and the wound disappeared. "When I said I had genetic surgery," he called, "I wasn't kidding. I'm not like the other angels." With one last kick, the door flew off its hinges and into the room, nearly crushing Skylur. "I'm one of a kind." With the flick of his wrist, he had his gun back in his hand and aimed at Cass. "You first." Three shots rang out as he pulled the trigger.

Lily just glared at him as she pulled tight on the makeshift bandage for good measure. Her abdomen was still screaming at her from when Mathew had cut her, but that was another thing she could ignore. What she couldn't ignore though was her reactions. Why the hell was she so worried about this hybrid? The exact thing that she's set her whole life to killing? "Just get your ass to your sister," she muttered, still not daring to look down.

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Location : Everywhere at once O.O I just blew your mind.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:59 am

Jarred sighed and continued through the air. He set Lilly down in the living room just as he heard the three shots. His heart sped up and he quickly ran for the basement safe room. He saw Cass shoot Carson until his bullets ran out, dropping to the ground with red staining his shirt. He saw his sister, the fear in her eyes. In that moment, his angel instincts kicked in, and almost immediately he was on Carson, throwing him into the concrete basement wall away from the safe room. His eyes were narrowed, anger raging like an unkempt fire that had turned wild.

Kylia collapsed to the ground as she watched James fly away with her Lorrick, the Lorrick she'd never see again. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her chest, and was as hallow as the first time he'd left her and come back remade. She cried her eyes out, her hands still blood stained from Carson's earlier raid. The thought of him made herself get up from the ground and start running towards her home, hoping she would get there and have her worries be all for not.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:10 am

Lily rushed down the stairs after Jarred. She didn't even stop when he started on Carson. Instead, she went straight into the safe room, seeing the blood on the boy, he instincts kicking in. "Quick," she said to Skylur. "Give me your shirt." Without question, Skylur peeled off her shirt and gave it to Lily, so that she was left in her sports bra. Her eyes were on Cass, fear gripping her heart. She watched as Lily tore her shirt into peices to make makeshift bandages until they could get Cass to the nearest hospital.

Carson's head hit the concrete wall with enough force to blind him for a few seconds, but after the blackness faded away, he was laughing. He reached out and grabbed for Jarreds throat. "You're in my way, hybrid," he growled before throwing him against the furthest wall. He quickly went into the safe room then and grabbed Skylur by the arm, hulling her to her feet. When Lilith dove for the gun, Carson kicked her in the face, creating a loud crack that sounded throughout the room.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:29 am

Cass's breathing was hitched, his insides burning from the hot lead. He attempted to get up and take Skylur back from Carson though, his heart racing, forcing more blood through wounds. He couldn't let her go. Not Sky.

Jarred winced when he hit the wall, but the instincts to protect were to strong to let the pain mar him. He shoved himself off the wall and quickly went back to Carson, flicking on the open table saw that had lost its cover ages ago. Had Skylur tapped into his emotions about now, she would find none, as if he turned them off. He broke Carson's arm, forcing him to let go of Skylur, then with quick reflexes he backed him up with multiple blows until they'd reached the saw. The then kicked his legs out from under him and forced his neck down on the turning blade, not even seeming phased as it tore into him, severing his head from his body.

(I hope that's alright that Jarred did that)


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:56 am

I'm getting tired of this laptop already. It keeps spazzing out. I had a shit load written, but it all just disappeared. kajdkljdfadj
Anyway. No i don't care. I was going to kill him anyway. Skylur is still going to be taken to the GWC though. Probably by Lorrick....make the betrayle that much more horrific.

Skylur gave out a small scream as Carson's head rolled to the floor, blood freely flowing from the place it used to sit on his shoulders. She stared at her brother, feeling....nothing from him. He had no anger, no hate, no love, no mercy....He was like he used to be before he met Lilith, only this time, it was worse....This was a scary darkness. She studied Jarred for a moment more before turning back to Cass. Lily was finished with the bandage, but blood was still seeping through the cloth. "Cass," she whispered, fear coating her voice. "Cass, please."

Lily moved away from the couple and turned to Jarred, her eyes blank. Emotions ravaged through her, leaving her unable to act. The body of the dead angel lay at their feet, muscles still slightly twitching. The image was grusome in the least. "Jarred?" she asked, her voice strong but empty.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:10 pm

Jarred looked from Carson to Lily, a slight life coming back to them. "Yes?" He asked, turning off the saw blade. He kept his eyes from the corpse, knowing it would only upset him like it would any other human since his emotions were back. He hid his blood covered hands in his pockets, looking slightly ashamed of what he'd done, but he also had conviction that it had been the right thing to do. The only thing to do.

Cass looked up at Skylur, eyes searching her face. "Are y-you alright?" He asked, worry and concern washing off him in waves along with something what felt


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:43 pm

Lily only stared at him, her heart beating loudly in her chest. She knew that he had no other choice, that that was the only way to kill that monster. But that wasn't what was bothering her. What was bothering her was the fact that his emotions turned off with the flick of a switch...What if that happened when he was with her...? What would he do? Shaking her head, she stepped over the pool of blood gathering and started out the tunnel.

Skylur rolled her eyes, relief flooding her. "I'm not the one who was shot." Her hands fluttered uselessly over him. "Can you walk? You need a hospital."

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:57 pm

Cass shifted, attempting to stand. "Maybe," he said with a groan, wincing as he fell back slightly. He coughed, a bit of blood coming from his mouth. "If I get a little help."

Jarred frowned slightly and followed after her, his brow furrowed. "Lily?" He asked carefully, catching her hand. "Are you alright?" He looked her over, searching for wounds outside the ones he already knew where there.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:13 pm

Skylur's heart skipped a beat when she saw the blood. Quickly but gently she put his arm over her shoulder. "Come on. You need the hospital. Now."

Lily pulled her hand away from his, not turning toward him. "I'm fine," she murmured. She turned her head slightly to see Skylur and Cass struggling. "Go help your sister, would you?"

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:25 pm

Jarred watched her, frowning slightly. Confusion was on his face, obviously understanding something was not right, but not knowing what. He turned and went to Cass and Sky as he was told and looked down at them. He looked over at Lily just as his mother came through the door.

Kylia's eyes were wide as she saw the blood and Cass's injuries and Lily's. "J-Jarred take Skylur and Cassanova to the hospital," she said with a slight nod, trying to not panic. Her face was still wet with tears as she looked to Lily. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Jarred lifted both Skylur and Cass up and took off towards the hospital.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:42 pm

Lily nodded and followed Mrs. Bennett back up the stairs and into the kitchen. "My injuries aren't all that bad," she said, sitting in the chair. "They'll heal on their own."

Once they got to the hospital, Cass was whisked away to surgery. Skylur turned around and burried her face in her brother's shirt, breathing in the familiar scent of their laundry soap. She could feel his emotions again. That simple fact made relief flood through her. "Are you alright?" she asked him softly.

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:59 pm

Kylia gave a small smile. "It's best to get it taken care of now," she said with a small nod. She began to clean her up, her hands slightly shaky. "I..apologize if we've gotten you in trouble," she said quietly.

Jarred held her and gave a small nod. "I...have found I can...relieve myself of emotions when they become troublesome.. .such as fear..." He watched her carefully, his brow furrowing. "I did not like the emotions that came with killing that angel..."


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:50 pm

Lily shook her head, watching as she expertly cleaned her wounds. It was obvious that she was used to binding up injuries. "I would have been in the dog house with those guys eventually. Better sooner rather than later." She gave a small smile, her mind not really in the conversation. She was thinking about Jarred....about the blankness of his eyes....the coldness in his gaze.....

Skylur looked up at him, tears threatening to form in her eyes. "I know," she whispered. "I could feel it." She took him by the hand and drug him into the waiting room where she poured him a mug of strong, black coffee. "You needed to explain that to Lilith though, not me...." Skylur watched her big brother for his reaction. She knew how he felt about Lily felt about him.... They were both just too pig headed to get together.

(I can't remember....Did Lily and Jarred kiss yet....?)

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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:05 pm

(no they haven't yet)

Kylia gave just a slight smile and sniffled slightly. "Crazy world we live in," she said softly. She fell silent, not forcing the conversation. She couldn't find it in herself to. Her mind was stuck on Lorrick and what she had to tell the kids..that they weren't allowed to see their father and if they did see him, they had to run as fast as possible...

Jarred stared at Skylur with his brow furrowed. He was still trying to get an understanding on his emotions. It was all so new to him. "She will not look at me.." he said with a slight frown.


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Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two Empty Re: Angels of Darkness; the Second Generation--Part two

Post by Kara Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:30 pm

(Alrighty, wasn't sure)

Lily looked up at Jarred's mother, seeing him in her. It was obvious that they were mother and son. "You seem distracted," she said suddenly, realizing what she said was true even before she said it. "Is everything alright?"

Skylur nodded. "I know. You scared her." She thought back to the emotions she felt rolling off Lilith. Fear....horror....understanding....confusion. "She loves you, you know." Skylur gave her brother a small smile, her mind moving to Cassanova. She wasn't stupid... She felt everything he did when he saw her after he got shot. Could it be possible that he actually loved her?

James flew to the house. He hasn't been there since the day he left, the day that Lorrick came back for his family. He landed on the front porch and stared at the door, daring himself to knock, telling himself that she wouldn't turn him away. He laughed without humor and turned on his heel, heading back the way he came.

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