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Things are better left unsaid

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:41 pm

"Risa. Risa Marks, and I promise you dear sir, I was not ignoring you. Liar she thought to herself. you so were ignorning him.

Landon gave a small smile. "I'm not sure I've been invited miss."


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:43 pm

Megan: I smiled and blushed. "You should attend. You could meet me there." I said slowly.

Nole: I nodded "Your a terrible liar miss Marks."

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:45 pm

Risa turned on her heel, and noticed she was standing right infront of him, her breath mingling with his. "I have no idea what you are talking about, sir." Her voice faltering slightly at how close he was to her.

"Meet you there?" Landonn asked, his eyes brightening, then his face fell again. "I don't think my kind would be welcome miss."


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:47 pm

Megan: I smiled. "Please come? I would like it if you were there." I said

Nole: I smiled and moved closer to her. "Oh really miss?" I could smell her purfume.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:01 pm

"yes," risa said, her voice barely a controlled whisper now. He was so close to her it wasn't even funny. It took her a minute before she could get her barings and she turned and kept walking. that was so close.

Landon smiled and chuckled. "I'll do my best Miss Blackwood."


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:17 pm

Nole: I smiled and watched her go. "Wait Miss... are you going to the party tonight?" I asked.

Megan: I smiled and said "Good bye Mr.Landon. I shall see you at the party." I turned to leave the store.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:26 pm

Risa turned and looked at him. "Maybe." She said then continued towards home. The farther away from him she got, the reder her cheeks turned.

Landon smiled and watched her leave, his heart sinking. He'd most likely not make it. There was to much to do, besides, smithies don't go to parties.


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:31 pm

Megan: I had a skip in my step as I went into th edress shop and picked up my aburn dress that my dad ordered for me. I frowned but thanked the woman and left.

Nole: I chuckled and walked home. I had to get ready.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:36 pm

The night day wore on and Risa was stuck in her room not able to decide what to where. "I can't do this Lucky!" she cried out and fell onto her bed. "I just won't go. That's what I'll do." Lucky, Risa's maid, bustled about putting back the dresses Risa had scattered everywhere. "Don't say that Miss. You'll find somethin' I'm sure of it."

Landon douse the fire and looked over at the drunken smithy that was now asleep. Maybe he could go...


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:39 pm

Megan: I got dressed with the help of her favortie maid. My hair was down and its flowed along my back. I liked the way it felt.

Nole: I came up and saw Megan and smiled "You look beautiful Meg." She turned and blushed. "Thanks Nole... Get ready before Father comes home.." She said as she pushed me out. I chuckled and got ready.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:54 pm

Risa sighed and decided on a pale purple and Lucky helped her get it on. "Father, are you ready yet?"
"I will be soon child. Don't rush me."

Landon's jaw set and he went to his room, and cleaned up, pulling on the best he had and started off towards the party.


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:57 pm

Megan: I came down and my father did not make eye contact. He just nodded and I got into the my own carriage and it drove off. I felt alone. I got there and they annoced my name and the Mayor bowed to me.

Nole: I watched Megan go and I felt sorry for her. I got into my carriage and I got there the same old rutine. Go in be annouced bow to the Mayor and kiss the wife's hand. Same old same old. I came in and did my rutien.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:04 pm

Risa arrived slightly late, not at all happy with her father for taking so long. She did the same old thing and went through the general ritual of courtsying to the mayor and his wife and then went and stood there doing nothing. Why she had been so excited to go was beyond her. And then she remembered. That man from the store. That was why.

Landon walked in and gave a slight bow and he came into the party and walked around, taken back by the grand spelndour of it all.


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:08 pm

Nole: I turned and saw Miss.Risa and I smiled and bowed to her. "Good evening." I said kissing her hand.

Megan: I looked around for the smith boy but I couldnt find him and I sighed. Of course no body wants the unloved daughter of General Balckwood. I walked outside to the court yard.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:12 pm

Landon was sitting in the courtyard, everything inside being to much for him and his simple ways.

Risa blushed and gave a slight courtsey. "goodevening, sir."


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:14 pm

Megan: I walked around and I herd my favortie song. I couldnt help but sway to the music. My dress was lose and it moved. I danced around.

Nole: I smiled and chuckled. "Your adorible when you blush. Would you like to dance?" I asked like a gentleman.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:42 pm

Risa shrugged, blushing even more. "Alright." she said and took his hand as he led her to the dance floor.

Landon clapped as he watched her, smiling,


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:44 pm

Megan: I turned blushing. "You made it." I said laughing.

Nole: I lead her and pulled her close to me. She danced smoothly and I couldnt help but smile at her.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:01 pm

Risa blushed, but let the music take control and danced with him. "I don't believe I caught your name, sir."

Landon chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I made it."


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:03 pm

Megan: I walked up to him and smiled "Im glad that you did."

Nole: "I am Nole Blackwood Miss. Risa"

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:30 am

Landon blushed slightly and chuckled. "I only came because you asked me to..parties aren't exactly my cup of tea."

Risa smiled at him. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Nole"


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:33 pm

Megan: I laughed softly. "I am glad you came though." I said looking into his warm eyes.

Nole: I bowed and we kept dancing. I twirled her aound.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:44 pm

Landon smiled as he watched her and took a few steps closer until he was standing right infront of her. He held out his hand to her and gave a slight bow. "Would you care to dance?"

Risa followed his lead, her mind wandering, going on adventures far away from this menial party and it's everyday bland-ness.


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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:43 pm

Megan: I laughed and took his hand. "Yes I would."

Nole: We danced for along time and I was laughing and smiling at her beautiful face.

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Things are better left unsaid - Page 2 Empty Re: Things are better left unsaid

Post by Ale J. Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:12 am

Name: Heather Night
Age: 16
Looks: Tall, Dirty blonde, Green eyes.
Personallity: Friendly, but can get jealous easily. Loves to make clothes.
Job: Wants to be a tailor
Secret: She was walking in the woods one day and found a dead body. She hid the body and kept it a secret because she knew the murderer...
Bio: Her dad works in the big city, almost two days away. Her mom is never around so she is always alone.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Age : 26
Location : Halfway across the moon

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