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What Is Left After?

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What Is Left After? Empty What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:10 pm

After the world ends? After there are only small pockets of humans left to carry on? Would we revert back to what we were, what we used to be, or would we become something new altogether?

We are one of those few pockets left in the US, an industrial paradise before the Apocalypse. That was why we were hit so hard. Billions of people crammed into small spaces just begs for disease. A nation so dependent on one thing just screams for a total collapse of that thing. And so few individual humans who actually know how to support themself in the wild just killed us all off.

So only a few survived after.

  • So this is kind of like, an experiment to see how you, as a normal person living right now, would react After. One charrie for you, and then a fictional one of the opposite gender.

  • No one-liners.

  • No falling in love instantly.


Equipment: (Like, what you(r) are/is carrying around on their backs.)

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:22 pm

Name: Peter (this is actually going to be me, by the way).
Gender: Male.
Age: 18.
Equipment: Goggles and thick coat, axe. Two flint knives, a scalpel, a saw, a wood-carving knife. Magnifying glass.
Appearance: big, about 6'3"/6'4". Slightly overweight. Muscular but nowhere near toned. Need a shave.
Extra info: I have cystic fibrosis, so I will have to survive on the medication I have on me, and what I can scavenge. Also, I'm English, so we'll have to assume that I was on holiday in America or something.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:17 pm

You're supposed to make one fictional charrie, too. XD

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:24 pm

Erm... OK.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:31 pm

Name: Aimery
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Equipment: I always carry around a water bottle...thank god. I suppose pure water would get a little rare. Hmm...there's chapstick in my purse, along with *coughs* a tiny pocketknife and a blade. And...*goes to look in purse* Oh, right. My PSP. Music. That's about it.
Appearance: Shoulder length black hair and brown eyes. I suppose you could say I look Asian... Um...I'm always wearing these worn jeans that I won't let my mom scrap and I don't suppose I could go home and grab a I'd be wearing this insanely uncomfortable checkershirt that looks amazing. XD Oh. And my flats. That'll hurt.

Hmm...Imma make someone actually prepared for this kind of crap.

Name: Joseph
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Equipment: Flashlight, waterbottle, leather jacket, jeans, pocketknife, climbing rope (he was climbing, then, when it happened).
Appearance: Buzzed blond hair and grey eyes.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:34 pm

Just how fictional do you want them to be?
I've got some great off-the-peg characters, but they might be a bit TOO outlandish.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:36 pm

*shrugs* Doesn't matter to me. Do you mean like, fantasy charries? Cause I don't think they exist in the real world. XD

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:39 pm

Sweet wrote:*shrugs* Doesn't matter to me. Do you mean like, fantasy charries? Cause I don't think they exist in the real world. XD

I'm aware of that, and yes I do mean fantasy characters. Well, sci-fi, anyway. Do you mind if I stick to one character? I feel a little awkward character chatting from my own point of view anyway, and I'm reluctant to have that compounded by also taking the part of a fictional character with whom I will be interacting.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:42 pm

*laughs at you* Sure, go ahead. Are we starting in a group (meaning the people already know eachother) or are we randomly running into eachother?


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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:47 pm

Randomly running into one another, I reckon.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:53 pm

Hehe, you said reckon. XD

Aimery: I hoisted the purse further on my shoulder. I should've found a new one by now, but I didn't want to go home now -- I felt too guilty for leaving my family behind. But I wanted to survive, and that didn't mean taing care of a big family. I'd seen enough apocolypse movies -- they were all loners.

Joseph: I leaned against the wall, looking out the stained glass of the grocery store's window. Every once in a while, I'd see some stray passing by, but they never came inside. Probably too dumb or figured the place was already raided. Lucky me.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:59 pm

I stop in the middle of the street and take off my top hat (I'm not fabricating, my top hat really would come with me in the event of the apocalypse). Placing one hand inside it, I use it to smash through the window of a greengrocer's shop without getting the glass in my hands. I bat the rest of the glass out of the frame and freeze as a shape comes closer. i realise now that the axe would've been a better option for breaking the window.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:02 pm

Joseph: I jump, and then raise an eyebrow. "You do know the door was only a few feet away, right?"

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:03 pm

Aimery: I glanced up, hearing glass break. Hm. Maybe someone found some food. I quicken my pace, imaging some kind of criminal that I couldn't overcome. Maybe I'd be a little careful.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:04 pm

"I, er..." the back of my neck suddenly feels hot and prickly with mild shame. "Yeah. About that. I thought it was locked. Is it?"

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:06 pm

Joseph: I grin at him. "How do you think I got in?"

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:07 pm

"Well, on the plus side, at least you have two ways in now.And i didn't know you were in there, so how would I know whether someone had used it to get in, anyway?" I stop for a moment, thinking I can hear footsteps. I'm not sure. I might just be going crazy. "Do you hear someone?" I ask.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:09 pm

By the way, just to let you get a reasonable view of what's happening here, my profile picture is an accurate picture of me, and I sound almost like a stereotypical posh Englishman, only with a deeper voice. The stereotypes are normally wrong, but I'm an exception when it comes to the voice.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:11 pm

*mouth drops open* You're awesome. Just saying. XD

Aimery: I freeze for a moment. If I could hear their voices, they could probably hear me. I look down, making sure I didn't step on any of the glass. I'd learned from movies crunching glass made a lot of noise.

Joseph: I listen closely, and then shake my head. "Your imagination. But if someone jumps us, I'm going to blame you for breaking the window."

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:13 pm

"It's not my fault I'm illogical," I argue. "Teapots."
I hold up my hand to indicate silence for a moment. "I'm sure I can... Oh, wait. Nope. Sorry, I thought I heard someone."

((I'm sure you're awesome as well!))

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:17 pm

*flips hair* Well, I *know* that. XD

Joseph: I roll my eyes. "Teapots aren't necessary, but I'm sure there's a few for sale in the corner somewhere." I glance behind him, towards the street, looking for shadows.

Aimery: I turn the corner, staying a little out of range. They didn't look too threatening. At least, not in the way that they might take all of my things.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:19 pm

"It was a joke. You see, I'm talking about being illogical, and... You know what? Forget it. Do you have any food? I can pay for it." I reach into my pocket and pull out some kfc wet wipes. I remember seeing them being used as currency in the film The Book Of Eli.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:23 pm

Joseph: I smirk at him and throw a few granola bars towards him. "When I got here the place was full of food. I'm sure a few missing granola bars will slip under the radar."

Aimery: My mouth watered. How long was it since I had food? I tapped my waterbottle lightly. Half full. Did I need to stop here? He'd given away food so easily.

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Regret Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:24 pm

"Brilliant! Please accept these as a token of my gratitude anyway." I scoff two of the granola bars immediately. "Odd weather we're having, eh?"

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What Is Left After? Empty Re: What Is Left After?

Post by Sweet Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:27 pm

Joseph: I raise an eyebrow. "Which part? The end of the world or the blazing heat?"

Aimery: After a moment of thought I step in front of the window. When they don't notice me, I bite my lip and purposefully grind some glass into the ground. I cringed at the sound it makes.

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