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we are your new pet or your slave?

fallen rose
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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:37 pm

what those scinceist created is now our present and future. its the year 2666 and thers not only just humans that live on the plant earth but their new pets the half breeds, half breeds are half animal and half human the scinceist made us for the humans new slaves and pets. so now we are everywhere in pet store, zoos , there even a pound for us half breeds when we runaway from our owners. because we hate the fact at we are not free so much we runaway from our owners often so the pounds secertly beat us and torture us until our owners come for us. theres are a few lucky halfbreed that do get good owner live a life of happiness. so now the halfbreed will do anything to be free specially there a rumor that there far away land where all the half breeds are free. so now theres a choice for us halfbreed runaway try to find this free land or stay with our owners

secret fact about half breeds:

halfbreed: can talk and act like human but because they are scared something might happpen to us so they just act like their animal until a human gain their trust.

character info:

do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one:

half breeds:

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike):
half animal:
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner:


fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:38 pm

pet name:velvet
age: 17
half animal: siamese cat
looks: hand and feet are fur brown cover paws, has a tail ,beautiful blues eye, cat ears, long brownish hair ,rest of her body is human so she wears a white dress that pound gave her to wear
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: pound her owners didn't want her anymore so she waiting for someone to be her new owner or for a moment to escape

name: tristian scott
gender: male
looks: black hair , tall, brown eyes, pale skin
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: his family used to owned a half breed but it die from getting sick so his family had to put it down now he looking for one to replace his old half breed.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:35 pm

age: 17
gender: female
looks: has light blonde hair that runs to her shoulders in tight curls. She has light blue eyes with a ring of light green around the edges. Small and delicate looking, kinda pale.
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: looking to get one

half breeds:

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike):
name: Brooke
age: 15
gender: female
half animal: Calico cat
looks: Small with amber eyes. Her hair is different strands of copper, blonde, brown, and black. Has a tail that is about two feet long, usually keeps it tucked against her back. The tail has the same color of fur as her hair. Her eyes have a cat-like look to them.
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: Store

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike): Wolfe
name: Ash
age: 18
gender: Male
half animal: Blake wolf
looks: Black, shaggy, hair. Yellow eyes and sharp teeth. really tan, has wolf ears, and almost wolf shaped eyes. Has a dangerous air about him, makes most want to leave him alone.
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: Pound

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:34 pm

OOC: Interesting.... reminds me of a paper i did on human-animal chimeras. I had to read a 25 page report from the scottish council on human bioethics D: soooooo dry. A lot of legal junk that wasnt useful at all -.-


name: Kane
age: 18
gender: Male
looks: Tall, has some muscular definition, pale skinned, shaggy emo-cut black hair, bright green eyes.
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: Looking to get one - he hated how they are treated, views them as people not pets and hopes to help one into a better life.

half breeds:

pet name( its the name that human gave them like fluffy or spike): Sora
name: Vayle
age: 17
gender: Female
half animal: Vampire bat
looks: Average height, slender, feminine build, nice figure. Pale skin, cloudy gray eyes (she is blind, but that has nothing to do with her bat DNA. She DOES use echolocation to 'see' though), long black hair with long-ish straight bangs that she sometimes hides behind. She has large black bat wings and small barely-visible fangs.
are they owed or in the store/pound waiting for a owner: In the store


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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:44 pm

name: cassie scott
age:11 1/2 but she said she is 12
gender: female
looks: long black hair, light browns eyes,
do they already own a half breed or looking for getting one: she making her older brother get her a half breed because she thinks it unfair that he only gets one

( do you gusy want to start?)
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:56 pm

Yeah, totally!

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:04 pm

Sounds good, I may be slow on replying cause I got kicked off the computer and now I'm on my phone.))

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:07 pm

Tristan: I took Cassie to the pet store with me to get a new half breed for the family

Cassie: I follow big brother to pet store I can't wait get a new half breed to play with

Veronica: I was sitting down on the floor of my cage at pound my tail curled around me

(that's okay)
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:12 pm

Nikki walked into the pet store after a boy and girl smiling happily. She would finally get her own half-breed and stop playing with her brother's.

Brooke laid down in the corner of her cage watching each person as they came in.

Ash growled pacing his cage. He hated this stupid pound. Stupid humans. Stupid guards.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:15 pm

cassie: i look at all the cage in the pet store quickly and i saw this half breed cat laid down in the corner of cage and i look at her cage it said that her name was callie " your pretty callie" i said to the half breed cat

tristan: i just smiled at cassie already took a liking to one of the halfbreed but i took my time looking at all the halfbreed
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:18 pm

Vayle: I shifted uncomfortably in the tight confines of my cage, wings cramped in the small space. There were voices everywhere, voices from people that, as i was blind, i could not see. Not technically, anyways. But every so often when i uttered a small click, i got images. Not in colour of course. Colour was foreign to me. But i could still see my surroundings. It was daytime. Sunlight irritated me and made me sleepy, but it was hard to sleep in my cage. I preferred to sleep hanging upside down from somewhere, kept in the darkness by my wings. But i could not even shield myself from the painful light with my wings - the cage was too small.

Kane: Today, my first stop was the local pound. Id heard rumors that half-breeds here were treated exceptionally poorly. My goal was to liberate one of them today. I entered the pound and began peering in various cages. I was angry at how they were treated and i wished i could help all of them, but unfortunately i couldnt. I could only bring one.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:21 pm

tristan: while cassie look at half breed cat i notice another half breed it was part bat and i felt bad for the her it was in a too small cage

veronica: i notice someone was here at the pound a guy i just look at him as he walk down my row
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:23 pm

Callie lifted her head silently and lookked at the girl. Not willing to speak she gave a small purr of thanks.

Nikki walked around the store pausing before a cage with a simeese(sp) half-breed. It was kinda cute.

Ash growled again smelling a new human in the room.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:25 pm

(bells i hope you know that veronica is at the pound not at the store)

cassie:" i like you and i want you to come home with me "
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:29 pm

Vayle: I let out a small click. There was someone in front of my cage, a boy. I wondered if i was finally going to get a chance to leave this tiny cage. But would anywhere anyone took me be any better?

Kane: I paused outside of one cage, the half-breed inside catching my eye. She was half cat, and looked like she may've been here a while, although it was hard to tell. I studied her for a minute before coming to a decision. I spoke with one of the pound workers, handed over the necessary money and filled out the necessary papers, and was allowed to take the half-breedaway from this wretched place.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:33 pm

Oops sry lolz I read it wrong. )))

Brooke blinked, then stood and placed a hand on the bars of her cage.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:34 pm

tristan:"you don't like it in there you should be somewhere that is dark " i said then my sister went to me pull me to show me the half breed she wanted

veronica: when the pound workers came from i just hiss at before they pull me out put a collar and a leash on me then handed me over to my new owner
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:39 pm

Brooke watched the boy carefully. Older humans weren't as easy for her to be around as the little ones. She smiled sweetly at the little girl.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:41 pm

Vayle: I sighed and nodded calmly, hearing the boy's comment. He was far smarter than most humans who came in here.

Kane: I took the leash reluctantly and led the upset half-breed out of the pound and out to where my car was. "Sorry about the leash and all. I hate stuff like this but im going to have to wait to take it off until we get back to my house." i said, quiet enough so that noone else would hear except her.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:43 pm

cassie:" can we get her brother please" i begged as i look at my brother

tristan: i just smiled at cassie i just nodd to cassie

cassie:" yeah you heard that callie you coming home with me and my brother"

veronica: i just nodd to my owner i could tell he was different
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:44 pm

Brooke nodded with a smile. This could be nice.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:45 pm

Kane: We finally reached the car and i opened to passenger door fo her, allowing her to get in before i went around to hop in teh driver's side.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:52 pm

veronica: i look out the window after i got in his car

tristan: i went to pay for the half breed cat for cassie i told the store workers that they should get a better cage for the half breed bat i would have brought her but my parents would freak out and make me get rid so i don't put her through i decide not to buy once i pay for half breed and the workers got a collar and leash on her i handed the leash to cassie and then we headed home i could drop cassie and her new pet at home before i headed for the pound
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:57 pm

Nikki walked over to look at the bat, that boy was right. The cage was too small. "Hello."" She said.

Callie purred happily as she sat next to the girl, Cassie she thought she heard the boy call her.

Ash continued to angrily pace his cage.

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we are your new pet or your slave? Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:02 pm

tristan: i told cassie as we head home with her new pet" i will be i'm going to the pound to get mysellf a half breed so i want you to stay home with your new pet you understand"

cassie: i just nodd then i went to callie " once we home i will you my room which will your room too and we going to have fun too " i said all excited and we follow tristan home and once home i lead callie up to my room

tristan: after i watch cassie got up to her room i left for the pound and once i look around at the half breed and i saw this half breed wolf who looks angry in his cage " you don't want to be here anymore "
fallen rose
fallen rose

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