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we are your new pet or your slave?

fallen rose
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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:05 pm

Vayle: I heard noise, seemingly directed at me, and turned towards it. As usual, i was fairly quiet. The only singns i gave that i had heard the girl was a small smile, exposing my small fangs, although not in an agressive way. That just always happened when i smiled. I lifted a hand slightly and gave a small wave as well.

Kane: I got in the driver's side of the car and turned it on, and soon enough we were back at my house. I brought the cat girl inside before removing the leash and collar and tossing them in the fireplace and burning them. I hated the idea of putting a leash on a person.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:07 pm

Ash growled at the boy. Of course he didn't want to be in this messed up cage.

Brooke smiled and followed Cassie. Happily she stood in the middle of her room, unsure of what to do.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:08 pm

Nikki smiled, "You think you would mind coming home with me?"

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:11 pm

Brb, gotta take a shower. ))

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:11 pm

Vayle: I cocked my head to one side thoughtfully for a second before i shrugged and shook my head. Couldnt be any worse than here.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:13 pm

veronica: i just watch the collar and leash burned before i look up at him. i couldn't believe he done that and because i was shocked i said " why are you so nice to me?" then i cover my mouth with my paws as i realized i spoke human to him i wasn't do that until i know could trust him

tristan:" how about you home with me where theres no cages"

cassie:" this is my room also its your room too and do you want to see the rest of the house?"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:15 pm

Kane: I laughed a little. "I dont believe all that crap about your kind not being people. You're as much a person as i am and i wont treat you any differently. I hate how people treat half-breeds and i felt that i should try and make a difference, y'know?" i said.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:19 pm

veronica: i nodd then i softly smiled at him " thank you for taking me away from that hell hole " i said as i got a bit more comfortable with him
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fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:22 pm

Kane: I smiled. "No problem. I hate how those places treat people. Its the least i can do." i said. "Are you hungry or anything?" i asked.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:23 pm

veronica:" i'm hungry i haven't been feed in almost two days"
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fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:41 pm

Nikki smiled and went over to pay for her. They put Soda on a leash and handed her over. Smiling Nikki walked out to the car.

Ash narrowed his eyes, was this some kinda trick?

Brooke smiled and nodded, not trusting enough to speak just yet.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:42 pm

cassie: before i forget i took off the leash on her collar before i show her the rest of house

tristan:" i won't lie to you "
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fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:47 pm

OOC: Bells, was that a typo??? You put Soda but her pet name is Sora

Vayle: I followed the girl, clicking frequently so i could see where i was going and not run into anything or trip and fall. As soon as we were out of the store, i stretched my wings happily, glad to be able to alleviate their stiffness which had been onset by the cramped cage.

Kane: I winced slightly as she mentioned not having been fed in two days. "Well, im not going to starve you here, dont worry. Feel free yo eat whenever you're hungry, just let me know i we run out of something or if you want something in particualr so i can pick it up at the store. What do you feel like eating?" i asked, heading fo the kitchen.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:50 pm

Ash shrugged and stepped up to the edge of the cage before sitting down and nodding his agreement tl leave. Couldn't be worse than here right?

Brooke followed excitedly, she finally had a real home. Her tail wrapped up around her waist and and she purred.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:52 pm

((Oops yeah, I'm on my phone and t9 hates me. ))

Nikki opened the car door for Sora and helped her in before shutting it and walking to get in the other side. "I think you'll like my house."

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:55 pm

Vayle: I nodded absently, clicking a bit louder at the car a few times, having to click quite rapidly as i got in so i didnt trip and hurt myself. It was awkward trying to fold my wings into the space of the car. Id never been in a car before but could safely say i didnt like them much. I would be glad when i was out of this thing.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:02 pm

Nikki turned the radio up and drove home chatting quietly about nothing.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:09 pm

Vayle: It was hard for me to focus on my echolocation with all the other noises interfering, so eventually i gave up, half listening to whatever the girl was saying, sentenced to total blindness for the moment.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:12 pm

She finally pulled into the drive and walked over to help Sora from the car. Her parents weren't home so she just unlocked the door and walked up to her room leading Sora carefully.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:22 pm

Vayle: I was infinitely glad when it was quiet enough to echolocate again, and began clicking rapidly as i was led through my strange surroundings so as not to trip or run into anything.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Bells Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:25 pm

Nikki opened the door and lead her into the room. "This is my bedroom, there is a room off of this one for you. Here I'll show you." Sh led her to a door on the right.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:32 pm

Vayle: I clicked rapidly, unseeing eyes glancing around reflexively, despite the fact that the action was futile. I began clicking my way over to the door, although i bumped into a wall and got very startled. It took me a few seconds of clicking at close range and wondering why i wasnt getting a clear picture that i realised it was a wall and found my way again. I would remember my surroundings soon enough, but i didnt adjust well to new situations and even with echolocation, it was very hard to find my way around new places. I still had to feel my way around a bit. I finally made it over to the door (and i didnt even knock anything over! Win!).

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:34 pm

cassie: i smiled as i heard callie purred " want play with me in our room until my brother gets home?"

veronica:" i'm not sure i never be really given a choice at food at pound "

tristan: after i signed the paper and gave the money to pound i was able to take half breed wolf home
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fallen rose

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by Ravyn Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:38 pm

Kane: "Hmmmm, well, that makes things tricky. I think i have a leftover steak somewhere...." i muttered, rummaging through the fridge. "There's usually a lot of leftovers and such in here and its useful if you want something quick and dont feel like cooking something." i said. "I ahd a barbeque with a few friends yesterday but someone didnt show up so ive got an entire steak leftover." i said, pulling it out. It wasnt an enormous steak or anything but it was a good size for one person. "Will this do?" i asked.

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we are your new pet or your slave? - Page 2 Empty Re: we are your new pet or your slave?

Post by fallen rose Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:40 pm

veronica: i just nodd as i look at the steak i haven't had a acutal piece of meat in a long and because haven't ate in two days i start to lick my lips
fallen rose
fallen rose

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