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Mr. K Rebooted

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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:28 pm


"Youre welcome". I said with a sigh. "Need help getting back to your side of town?"


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:38 pm


❚ Julia ❚
I tilted my head to the side a second, trying to decide why he was asking. Probably just to be polite. "No, thank you. I don't want to make you go out of your way. I'm sure you Or something."


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:24 pm

"Or... something. It's my day off, actually" I was going to spend it drinking, sleeping, and drinking, but I guess this works to... I gave an inward sigh. Didn't want her to get mugged on the way home, or something.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:31 pm

❚ Julia ❚
I nodded slowly as I pulled on my coat and headed towards the door. "Well, alright then. What's your job, anyway?"


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:34 pm

"You heard of the Rebels?" I asked, standing up and stretching with a yawn. Then I stuffed my hands in my pockets and followed her


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:40 pm

❚ Julia ❚
I stiffened as I walked out of the apartment, starting down the ladder. I didn't look at him. After a moment I answered. "Yes, actually I have...."

A chill ran up my spine. My father talked about the rebels a lot, he said that they were the biggest obstacle for him taking over the area right now. The rebels may also be fighting the Cirque, but they wouldn't want another man trying to monopolize the area.

He'd mentioned a few of them, the rebels, by name even.
There was someone named Jonas...Tyler...Reese...Some other people I couldn't remember. And then I vividly remember him mentioning a Jude.

Was the guy whose apartment I'd just slept in /that/ Jude? No. It couldn't be.

"Why do you ask?"


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:02 pm

I caught her moment of hesitation. Right. Not everybody liked the rebels. Or... you know... even tolerated them. In the slightest. I chuckled slightly, but without any trace of humor. The rumors that were floating around...
I followed her down the ladder, letting my silence speak for me.
Some of the people that hated us should just spend twenty seconds with an actual Rebel, they'd change their minds. Well... probably any Rebel but Tyler. Or me.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:06 pm

❚ Julia ❚
I gulped and glanced over at Jude, crossing my arms over my chest, now uncomfortable. Not really with him, but with the idea of him. The idea of walking with a rebel. My head was telling me that I shouldn't want to spend time with him, but another part of me was telling me that I wanted to. Either way:

"You probably shouldn't walk me back then."

If he couldn't guess from that, I couldn't be seen with him.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:36 pm

I stopped, flashing her a glare "Of course not." I muttered "That's what I figured..." Not only was I a streetrat, I was a streetrat fighting the CIRQUE. Nobody wanted anything to do with me, outside of the other Rebels. Let alone /her/.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:11 pm

❚ Julia ❚
I was a little taken aback by his sudden hostility -- we'd been getting along just fine for a little while. My mouth worked up and down a little, trying to think of how to respond to that. To explain that wasn't /exactly/ what I meant.

"It's not that I don't want you to," I said, but then realized that sounded weird, too. "Er...I mean. I don't want you to, but I don't care if you do...I'm neutral. But my parents care."


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:26 pm

Jude is a hostile person, Julia. But that's okay, you make babies anyway
Oh, and as a side note, you did stumble upon one of his multiple bazerk buttons. So... that's why...

I have my hands deep in my pockets, not quite meeting her gaze. "I understand" I said, my voice colder than it had been before. I wasn't mad at her, really... well, actually, yes I was. But it was mainly the /concept/. We work for the /people/. And the people /hate/ us.
It wasn't fair. But I had learned long ago that nothing in life was, so why dwell on it now? Just accept it and move on, roll with the punches. It was just the latest punch that kept her from seeing me as anything other than a Rebel, a taboo of some sort...


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:28 pm

❚ Julia ❚
My face fell completely, the composure sort of crumbling for a moment, but then I regained it. "Well, why should you care? I'm just some rich girl that's being a nuisance, aren't I? You should be glad that I'm letting you get me off your hands as soon as possible."


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:40 pm

/If/ I had been looking at her, I would have caught the look on her face, and wondered, even just for a second, what that meant. But I didn't, my gaze was still trailing lazily across the gritty streets of DC, over the run down apartments and scum covered allies, trying to feign indifference.
"I /don't/ care. Your... type is a dime a dozen, in the circles you hang with. Of course, couldn't find somebody with a fifth of you wealth out here in the real world..." a sight humorless smile played across my face "You're just a rich girl that just saw me as an opportunity to get a couple of cheap laughs off bad keyboard playing, and a place to stay for a night." I knew I was hardly human to people like her, and that made me feel bitter.
"Goodbye, Julia" I met her eyes for a quarter of a second, then started to head back to my apartment, ready to get back with my regularly scheduled program of drinking and knife juggling.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:57 pm

❚ Julia ❚
"Would it make you feel better if I said that was true? Even if it isn't? Because it isn't, it really, really isn't...If all I wanted was cheap entertainment and somewhere to stay, then I wouldn't have saved you from that gang. I would have found my way home in the dark...."
I sighed to myself, seeing he already seemed to be far gone (mentally, at least), and turned to begin trudging back to the hotel my family was staying at. He didn't know me, how could he say such completely awful things? He thought he could see right through me, but I wasn't that transparent, was I? Was I really 'a dime a dozen'?


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:02 am

That /did/ give me a few moments of pause. I didn't turn, or even stop, just slow down. "Why DID you save me?" I asked, sounding as if I didn't care, though truly, I did... it made no sense. Didn't follow what I knew about people at all.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Guest Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:40 am

❚ Julia ❚
"Because maybe I'm not as shallow of a person as you think I am," I answered, though my back was still to him and I kept walking, a slight scowl on my face.


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Mr. K Rebooted - Page 19 Empty Re: Mr. K Rebooted

Post by Sponsored content

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